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I laughed...I cried...I became a better person...
19 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If I could rate this film a 100 out of 10 I would. If I could rate this film 100000 out of 100 I would. Midnight Cowboy is possibly the most beautiful and most touching film I've ever seen. It's possibly the greatest movie ever. Actually, it IS the greatest movie ever. In fact, it's so great, that on first seeing it you must wear protecting eye wear so they don't explode from their sockets from pure greatness. Here are some movies it's better than:

Citizen Kane, The Godfather (1 & 2), Gone with the Wind, The Shashank Redempetion, Casablanca, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, Chinatown, Birth of a Nation, A Clockwork Orange, On the Waterfront, Lawerence of Arabia, Singing in the Rain, Sunset Boulvard, Psycho, 2001: A Space Oddessy, One Flew over the Cuckcoo's Nest, The Jazz Singer, Goodfellas,

And so many others that this list would exceed the letter requirements for this submission thing.

Dustin Hoffman in the movie is a genius and Jon Voight is even a bigger one. Their characters are so real and so original. The dialog is memorable and beautiful. The music is heartwarming and heartbreaking. The scenery adds to the movies mood at every moment, whether it be depressing or energetic. This is possibly the only movie that doesn't shove inspiration down your throats. Symbolism either. Go see it. Now. Like, RIGHT NOW. Your life will change forever.
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6 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's sad that these days animations films seem to have no story or purpose and seems to be made with little effort... This movie, based on the book, does not have a lot of that though. An old 1982 movie does bring up some stir, seeing as you do see things you normal don't see in animation films these days, such as blood and cursing. That is why this film stands out above the rest though and why this shocking new animation movie SHOULD be seen. Behind all that, there is a story that holds wonderful realistic animation, dialog that sounds like pure poetry, and not another cheesy kid's movie. This movie proves that any animation film can be geared towards PR-adults, adult and teens if you just give the movie a try. It proves just how bad things are and opens your eyes to what the world really is and doesn't just hide it like those Disney "happy" films, where the princess marries the prince, the wicked witch gets defeated and they live happily ever after. There are scenes, I myself, was surprised was even added, such as a part where you watch a dog actually urinate, see a man get shot in the face, and situations that seem to much for even a kid's movie. But never the less the movie is interesting....and the lines are more than beautiful...they're perfect.
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Good movie!
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you like movies with lots of drama then this is it. It's a very good movie that holds a very good story. If you've heard about somewhat scary sick parts don't worry. A dog gets burned alive in the movie but you do NOT see it happen. A little girl gets a hold of a dynamite and (Obviously) dies but you do NOT see it happen. You see a kid get stabbed but it's not like it's gory. A couple of kids stick a dynamite in a women's mail box while she's opening it and has her baby in her arms and you hear a explosion but you see NOTHING. Just happens like that, one, two, three and then it's done. Also, you see a man taking photographs of his daughter and her friend naked but it'a not sick. You see no private parts and they're just standing there, not doing it, not doing ANY sick things. Nothing bad at all. These scenarios do seem sick but it entertains you at least. It gives you great drama. Worried about Kutcher? He's fine. He doesn't ruin the movie and doesn't act like a dork. He takes the work seriously and does a fine job in the movie. Now the movie itself as I said has one of the best plots. There's never a boring moment, something big is happening every moment and it's not that age old, "Amy is cheating on Toby!" drama.... Drama as in murder, past family issues being resolves, past kid memories that ended up wrong, etc.

But to even give you a better tip, do NOT see the sequel. Now, that was just horrible.....
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Scary as hell.....
27 December 2006
I was around maybe about 12 or 13 when I saw the Blair Witch project and I didn't hear too much from it. But gosh, this movie was just a knock in the head or something. This movie is really different, it's not your Freddy or Jason or your leather face, it's not your Final Destination films or your Saw films. What made it so freaky was because it was just so different from other movies. You start to wonder during the film, "What, this isn't real is it???" As you might already know, the film is more of a documentary then it really is a movie. You don't know of the actors in the movie, nor the people and they seem so real. But also if you're planning to see this with your friends, don't. See it alone. Some movies are much more scarier seen alone, the Blair Witch Project it one of them. Not everyone is afraid of movies like these because they simply don't understand this type of horror. If you wanna be afraid of this movie be prepared to have scary things happen one step at a time. It's not all at once that is for sure. This movie will keep you watching. Again, see it alone. Or renting the movie will be a waste in my opinion.
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One of the few GOOD Christmas movies out there!
20 December 2006
I think the main reason I liked this movie is because it delivered what I asked for. It not to be dull, sort of boring, and kind of cheesy too like most Christmas movies are. And thank goodness it kept up it's end of the bargain. This is about what really happens if you wait to the last minute to get your kid a toy he's always been wanting. What happens when all Christmas Eve all you do it try to go looking for that one toy, only to find it's not so easy to please your kid as you thought it was and the true meaning between the love of a father and son. This is a wonderful movie with those classic characters we've all met in our life one time or another. It is also funny and there are points were your heart does start beating really fast just because of the suspense. It is wickedly entertaining and there is never, I repeat, NEVER a dull moment during the movie. And if you're worried about Arnold .S...don't worry. His acting is decent enough and he sure as hell won't ruin the movie for you. At least not that much if you really hate him. This is a very underrated Christmas movie, up there with Home Alone. Rent if you the holidays. I don't think you'll regret it.
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Silver Fang (1986)
One of the best
8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After watching re-runs of Inyusha, Wolf's rain, and Dragon Ball Z you start to get bored...the sad thing is these series only premier in Japan and mostly all Scandianvian counties. I myself had to download episodes off of Youtube and was taken back by how brilliant and great the show was. It is a very underrated show. Silver Fang (GNG) is about a bear dog by the name of Gin and his journey, along with some other dogs from across Japan, to take down an evil big ass bear that has been killing innocent people and animals. Though this may seem like a bore storyline it is not. It has heart and is unlike a lot of other Animes. It is exciting and will make you want to watch a lot more. Though I most get out of my system the only thing that I disliked about the show was the very poor animation. But none the less, it was not the art that mattered, it was the story and the animation is SOMEWHAT decent enough. Not very though. If you love Wolf's rain you will love this show, definitely. And after you finish this series you will be even more happy to find out there is a squeal to the series entitled, "Silver Fang Legend Weed," or something like that. (GDW) Also very good, I liked it more actually. Even though the characters from the original one somewhat get ruined..... When you spot it on...just sit and watch the tube.
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An American classic!
6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To sum up this story is about a bank robbery that goes horribly wrong. For two hours it's all about what happens inside the bank where Al Pacion and his companion are keeping citizens hostage until they can get a way out without getting caught. Believe me, the plot might seem like a bit of a bore but it surely is not. I'm not into drama movies at all. In fact I don't even like them too much but this is an exception. The writing is brilliant and the characters are complex and so real. Mind you, this was based on a true story. And of course you won't find a comment where it DOESN'T talk about how brilliant Al Pacion was in this. :) True, this is probably his best role out there and one of the best in history. He didn't play it too over the top or too under it, making it an ordinary flat out boring performance. So, if you don't see this movie for the plot please...see it for Al Pacion. The man is a genius in his work and I promise you will not regret renting this brilliant movie!
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A Bug's Life (1998)
Overall good
6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Of course this movie doesn't really fit into the category of a Disney classic, but which Disney films are these days? I'm Still. The plot was well, thought based on others, and the characters are very unique. I only gave it a "8" though, feeling it would somewhat bore people at parts but I found kids that still found it entertaining if they are aware of what's going on. The animation in the film is just brilliant. This movie is a movie to talk about how great 3D animation is. The story is set on the ground in a somewhat vacant part or something, and from their level you can see all the details to the single rocks on the ground. And if I'm going to talk about this movie I would like to bring up the character Hopper. I just watched this movie recently and it just dawned on me this character is a very underrated villain. He is smart, powerful and scary. He is also very serious but what got to me was how clever he was. I think people forget this about him and the actor who plays him (Lord help me, I don't know the actors name) is very well at playing him. He is now one of my favorite Disney villains.

And that's all I have to say about that.
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Hercules (1997)
Your child won't cry!
19 August 2006
I've been looking at the comments that aren't for this movie (Mind you, there aren't many) and found the main reason why people didn't go for it. It seems the people that disliked this movie are the people who are too uptight about Greek mythology and how this film was wrong in that base. They wrote how this was wrong or how this Greek never did this, never did that, but seriously people....THIS IS A MOVIE!!! Movies aren't real! None the less do they have to make sense! Not to mention this is a children's movie! I also read a comment by a parent on how their little girl cried during this movie or something? Well, do you think it's because of the movie or it's just her? Millions of kids saw this and didn't cry, there's just something wrong with THAT kid. Anyways, this movie is one of the best Disney films out there. It's one of my personal favorites of all time and is a true Disney classic. I guarantee you, your child has a very little chance of actually crying during this movie and wanting to turn it off. The songs are good, the plot of wonderful, it's a great ending, and the bad guy kicks much butt. Seriously, out of all the Disney bad guys Hades takes the cake. That is all. :)
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The Producers (2005)
Good, but the old one is better
17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Being a BIG fan of the original I wondered if the remake would be just as good. Actually, I knew it wouldn't be as good but I wondered how different it was. I was really surprised at the differences, like how this one is a musical. The old one wasn't at all. Also the main characters didn't seem as great as Gene Wilder's or Zero (I think that was the actors name that did the fat guy, I could be very wrong) character. But in the end you've got to know that these actors were given respect to the late characters. Matthew Brodwick was not trying to imitate Gene Wilder's Leo Bloom, he was searching for a different identity and a different personality. And so was Nathan Lane. For that I respect what they did. When you pay lots of attention to it, Matthew Brodwick's Leo Bloom and Gene Wilder's Leo Bloom were very different. Gene Wilder's Leo Bloom was like a cannon that could go off at any second if you weren't careful, one minute he would be calm and the next he'd be hysterical. I think Gene's acting help with that. Also, he would listen to himself less. If Max (Nathan Lanes/Zero's character) told him to go jump off a cliff he'd probably do it. Matthew Brodwick's Leo Bloom on the other hand is much calmer and seems like a little mouse trapped in a big world. You could sense nervousness in every scene it seemed like. He also was a thinker. He'd decided for himself what was right and what was not and he didn't need help. The same goes for Nathan Lane's and Zero's Max too but I won't get into that.

In the end it's which Leo Bloom you prefer. I, for one, like Gene Wilder's more. But that's just me.

There were things in this movie that were cooler though and better. Like Will Farrell and how you got to see him interact with this birds more. I also liked the director and his assistance more in this one. They had more personality to me. They'll be things you might see in the movie and go, "WTF?? That wasn't in the original!" But it gets accepted easily.

The ending is very, very different also. Not to mention Leo Bloom has a crush on that Sewish women and you get to see more of the two interact more.

This was a good movie. Although I slept though some of it. but still, the original always beats the remake.
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Click (2006)
The good and the bad
8 July 2006
I feel the need to give this movie a five just because of the brilliant ending.

First, let's start with the beginning.

The first hour or more is pretty bad.....poor joke after poor joke. Of course there were some moments but manly you could hear embarrassed chuckles around you throughout the movie. It's somewhat interesting but to me, comedy is the hardest to make. You don't only need to entertain people, you have to also make them laugh and if they don't then not only will not like this movie but they will feel embarrassed for it. Before even seeing Click I had the idea that it was going to flop. And it did.

At first.

You see, the ending had a much, much more serious tone. While you watch maybe 30 minutes of the ending not only are there emotional scenes but it also really makes you laugh for real at the funny parts. For people who have even experienced anything emotional in their life they seriously might cry. The ending also made you leave with a happy and warm feeling for Adam Sandlers character and, you know, just made you smile.

If you watch this movie try watching, just try, watching all of it. The ending is the best part. It's the only reason why I felt the movie wasn't a total and complete flop.
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Sid and Nancy (1986)
Good, twisted and funny!
2 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Before you see this film there is a big important point you must know. Only 50% of this film is fictional. A lot of Sex Pistol fans might as well be outraged if they see this and think that's it's nothing like the real Sex Pistols and a lot were. John Lydon for instance who is The Sex Pistols lead singer said that he thought this film was a piece of crap and a Peter Pan version. All respect to John. He has the right to say this out of anyone. Sid was his best mate. There were a lot of stuff about this film that weren't real. You must know this. If you're going to see this film and expect it to be 100% accurate you should probably stay away and see a movie called, "The Filth and the Fury," a more accurate documentary of The Sex Pistols. Or maybe read a book about The Sex Pistols, like John's book. But, seriously, if you're a Gary Oldman fan you must rent this movie right away! I gave it ten stars because I only liked it and this is coming from a obsessed Gary Oldman fan but still a big fan of the Sex Pistols and Sid Vicious. If you're not a Gary Oldman fan or a Sex Pistols fan I can't honestly know what to say to you. This film is depressing and sometimes had its very low points. It certainly brings out the worst of drugs out of anything. I'm sorry, if I can't really help you on this.
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Saw (2004)
Sick, twister plot...the best!!!!
24 April 2006
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You would expect from a name like, "Saw," that this movie would be terrible. But titles are dis leading and so are the previews. This movie was a new refresh great movie unlike the everyday horror movies in theaters now. It was different and had great plots. It was suspenseful and the ending is the best. Everything made it great. The music, the clips from the flashbacks, you will love the ending and a lot of people I knew loved the ending. You would have never guessed and when you see it you want to jump up and down. It's just so great! This movie isn't really to gory at all! I think you have been informed about the foot sawing off scene. Though one of the characters does it in the movie you barley even see it. It makes you twitch back but at the same time keep you watching and every second of the movie is filled with surprises! This really isn't a horror, though. It's more of a mystery suspense thriller. It makes you jump at some parts but you won't live the theater feeling scared. You'll leave it feeling satisfied and loving it!
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Silent Hill (2006)
God vs. Satan movie
24 April 2006
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My mother and I were thinking this was just going to be another ghost movie. We both loved them. To death. And when we read the description we thought it would be great. But it is nothing like the despriction. It is a very, very bad movie. Very disturbing. This is like this years, "The Exorcist." It's worst than the Exorcist. This movie was more disturbing than the movie, "The Omen," will probably be. It will. I know it. It's more about God and Satan and the Salem Witch trails. People get burned alive and you literally see the skin melting away from their face and you see them on fire. You hear and watch a little child burn and keep on burning. You see the skin literally get ripped off a women and thrown at a door. You see millions of spikes coming and impaling a women and ripping her in half. Many other people too. I have seen a lot of gory movies. This one was the worst. I would rather watch Hostel than this, and that movie looks all gore and torture! This movie seriously made me want to be the best person I could be before I died. Don't see it. Not worth your money.
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Rat Race (2001)
Good movie
16 January 2006
Who in the world would think this was a bad movie in the first place?? "Rat Race" is one of those movies where it's so good that you want to see it again, and again, and again, and then you start to hate because you've seen it too many times like "Shrek 2," or "Finding Nemo," or "Nypolian dynamite." Of course it has it's bad words from time to time but it's a great film even for the nine year old. It has many great actors like Seth Green, Joh Lovit, and especially the guy who played Mr. Bean. You will fall on the floor laughing. You will be too stunned at part so to even laugh since it's so unbelievable. It is definally not fiction that this is a great movie. If you're into movies that do make sense, as this one does (Sometimes), and that have action around every corner this is a movie for you.
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