
3 Reviews
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One Bedroom (2018)
Good script - A fun well written movie
12 July 2020
Channel surfing and look what I found.. I watched this Brooklyn themed movie and enjoyed it. First, let me begin with the characters,,, The main actor Nate was a selfish but entertaining man. He loves his girl but think of himself most of the time... He has debates with his barbershop co- workers. The dialogue is Brooklyn flavor --like Spike Lee. movies. It was great to see the older gentleman who brings flavor and wisdom to the conversation. The elder man is young at heart. His girl ( Meliisa ) is a schoolteacher who loves him but had enough of him and decides to move out. She does well with the script and it seems these two have worked together on stage or film

I love the flashbacks and narration. I would love to tell more but I don't want to spoil the film.

Overall , an excellent job by the producer, writer and director. I read the credits and see that Mr. Evans (actor, producer) has been around for along time. Now I understand why the movie was well made and entertaining..... Hope to meet the production team one day.....
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A great movie
22 October 2016
One of the best movies, I seen in two years. The story of Nat Turner brought to the screen by producer and actor Nat Parker gives the us a new look at the preacher and slave. Those who may have heard little or nothing of Mr. Turner, will indeed see him as hero to slaves and the antislavery movement. The movie tells the story of his rebellion on several plantations in Virginia.In the movie, Nat learned to read at an early age which was forbidden by the majority of slaveholders or perhaps by law. He witnesses the brutality and dehumanization of slaves but keep his faith in God. He travels with his master to several plantations to preach the word to keep the slaves under "control". After baptizing a white man, he is brutally whipped by his master. He meets organize several slaves to rebel against slave owners.The amazing cinematographer, art directions, music, and screenplay convinced me to see the movie a second time. This movie deserves at least 5 Oscar nominations.
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Great ... Fun... Movie...
26 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A unique title..... A great, fun, and enjoyable movie.... You can tell from the script and cinematography that the filmmakers were highly train. It look lie it was fun to make this movie and the characters displayed that one the screen. Every character had an unique quality... from supporting actor to the beautiful Ms. Wise... In street lingo.. " Yo, this movie was hot ".... The main character , Ray , was cast perfectly.. The chemistry with Rochelle was magnetic... This was the first time I've seen any of the characters.. I hope other directors can see this wonderful movie. It is about a relationships from a single man's point of view. As crazy and selfish as Ray was in the film, that expresses the feeling of a lot of men both single and married. The director and writer need to be applauded for an good story and entertaining film...
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