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Everything is great except the movie!
5 February 2024
A visually stunning film with exceptional cinematography, acting, costume design, music, details, story, and twists - everything is great! However, there's something missing that usually hooks viewers, compelling them to revisit and watch their favorite scenes or the entire movie repeatedly. I'm not sure what this element is called, but its absence is felt. Moreover, this story doesn't warrant a 3-hour and 30-minute runtime; it lacks a vast timeline or an extensive cast of characters. Despite some flaws, I found 'The Irishman' more captivating due to its engaging storytelling. This element seems absent here. If this film weren't a Scorsese project, I would happily rate it an 8 because everything else is great! Yet, I yearn for Scorsese's magical storytelling, which has always made him stand out. Unfortunately, I didn't find it in this film. Additionally, the suited gangster motifs and headshots from behind are becoming clichéd. Scorsese, please create a few more movies and imbue them with your unforgettable magic!
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Surongo (2023)
3/10, that's it!
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was too weak and full of flaws.

One major flaw is the inconsistency in accents. In the midst of conversations, Toma Mirza switches between accents of Jessore and Khulna. On the other hand, Nisho occasionally shifts to Tangail's dialect. Ordinary villagers speak like the parrot from a cartoon. Shahidujjaman Selim's Chittagong accent was unrealistically exaggerated. While acting can cover up such inconsistencies to some extent, it's essential to maintain a consistent accent.

For good acting in a film, alongside expressions, displaying a range of emotions, maintaining an accent is crucial. Without skill, it's difficult to grasp. Main actors in Sylhet left their mark. Director Rafi's Chittagong accent was consistent.

Regarding another flaw, I was surprised no one mentioned it! After Nisho goes to Malaysia, she talks on the phone with Toma Mirza against the backdrop of Malaysia's green screen. Was it absolutely necessary to show that? It could have been managed differently. Looked so fake.

When Nisho first appears, the way she falls from the electric pole is unrealistic. But if someone falls like she did, even if they don't die, they would still get hurt. But she seemed okay after a few days at the hospital. However, I noticed her hand was slightly injured.

The crowd actors were a big flop. Watching them shout and gesture reminds me of a sports stadium audience in an E-sports game.

Starting from this spoiler section (although everyone probably knows all this): Nisho plans bank robbery and starts with a tunnel heist. Later, she realizes that the vault in the bank actually contains the money. So, what was her initial plan by digging that tunnel??

He used a fake name. That's okt. But opening an account at a bank requires an NID (National Identity Card). And online verification is done. Based on the timeline, you can't open a bank account with just a fake name. As shown, the money is hidden in the vault (or strong room). But the details are not explained.

And the stolen money, 34 crore 20 lakh - how much money is that? Rafi Saheb has done the calculations. Various amounts are shown at different times. When we see inside the vault (which is actually a strong room), there is only money, money, and more money. However, even if there are only 1000 Taka notes, it would still require 3,420,000 notes. Now think about how many bags it would take to hold that much money. When the money was thrown in tunnel , it looked like a mountain of money!

Humor, dialogue, and comic relief are only enjoyable in two places. It doesn't feel right without them, especially until the intermission. The pace picks up in the second half. There are some good scenes with Raihan Rafi's signature. The music is good. The twist isn't bad. However, what was the point of the item dance by Nusraat Faria ? Wouldn't the movie have been a hit without imitating Hindi movie attire and style? Would people not have come? Was this vulgar dance necessary for the story? All of this unnecessary stuff isn't enjoyable.

Raihan Rafi's 'Damal' was good, despite some flaws, I've praised it. It had an emotional connection. I preferred that over the blend of genre cinema. I would have been happier if the Damal was a box office hit like this.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Why no one is telling this?
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let me address something which no one is telling about this movie. It's a decent film with good twists and an engaging storyline, despite having some flaws that can be overlooked. However, there is an underlying issue in this movie that nobody seems to be discussing or may be afraid to bring up.

In the story, June's father is portrayed as the victim. He is not depicted as the worst of all bad men. June's mother handed him over to the police, claiming he was abusive. However, we, as the audience, did not witness him engaging in any abusive behavior. So, how can we pass judgment on him? Yes, it's true that he used recreational drugs, but is a 12-year sentence justified for that? He loved his daughter, and yet you took her away from him and stole 12 years of his life. Is it fair to say that he doesn't deserve some form of revenge?

Now, onto a positive aspect of the movie: he managed to kill his ex-wife's karen friend. Personally, I wished he could have also eliminated the lady too!
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
This is great cinema!
17 June 2023
This is a great piece of cinema. The best episodes of Black Mirror are the ones that delve into the depths of the human mind and leave a profound impact, going beyond mere warnings about future technology. The episode "Beyond the Sea" tackles numerous complex psychological issues that force us to ponder and leaves us with a sense of melancholy. In addition to the human aspect of the story, the science fiction elements are also remarkable. The vast emptiness of space perfectly mirrors the hollowness and tragedy of rural suburbia. It is well-directed, well-acted, and deserves to be regarded as exceptional cinema rather than just a Black Mirror episode. The only flaw lies in the pacing, which could be a bit slow. However, after experiencing the entire journey, I was genuinely moved.
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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
Just no!
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Is this a werewolf episode in Black Mirror? Why? What led to its creation? What ideas does it explore? What is new about it? Why was money, resources, and time invested in it? Undoubtedly, this episode stands out as the weakest in this season, as well as the entire Black Mirror series. What were they really thinking?

These questions arise when encountering an episode that seemingly deviates from the established Black Mirror style and themes. The inclusion of a werewolf narrative, a trope often associated with traditional horror, may puzzle devoted fans. Black Mirror has always been known for its thought-provoking and dystopian tales, examining the dark side of technology and society. So, why did they choose to venture into the territory of supernatural creatures?

I am totally fed up with this!
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
Good, but...
17 June 2023
This is an utterly formulaic, generic horror thriller with a predictable twist. It bears little resemblance to Black Mirror, leaving fans questioning its association with the renowned series. However, it incorporates some social commentary and shocking content towards the end, slightly differentiating itself from run-of-the-mill horror fare. While attempting to capture the thought-provoking essence of Black Mirror, it falls short of delivering the show's distinctive flavor. Nonetheless, if viewed independently, it's not entirely without merit. Another problem is, this is too similar with the first episode of the season.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
And they decided not to be great!
17 June 2023
This episode had everything, and it should have been a kick-ass start! I thought Black Mirror would have a hard time generating new, unique ideas. However, in this case, it was really a good idea. But... yes, there's a "but." They decided to execute it in a cliché Hollywood-ish way that would please teenagers. Black Mirror is all about provoking thought, not offering solutions. The challenge presented here with the deepfake technology was truly alarming, providing ample food for thought. Sadly, it was all undermined by the actions and plot twists. It ended up being disappointingly mediocre and catering to the crowd. What a tremendous waste of opportunity! I did enjoy it, but as a Black Mirror fan, it didn't live up to the mark.
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The Fool (II) (2014)
It happened in Bangladesh!
26 April 2023
In the wake of the tragic Rana Plaza accident ten years ago, where hundreds lost their lives due to the authorities' negligence, a surprising film has emerged from Russia that tells a similar story. "Durak" in Russian and "The Fool" in English, is a hyperrealistic depiction of disenfranchised people living in squalid buildings. Plumber Nikitin discovers a crack in a water pipe leak in a building where 820 people reside, and realizes that the building could collapse at any moment. He rushes to alert the city's administrative officials, who are drunk and dancing at a party. With great difficulty, he convinces them of the impending danger, but soon realizes the complexity of the situation. Where will 820 people be moved, and how will the allocation of 120 million rubles for building renovation be spent? Corruption runs deep in every vein of the city, and saving the lives of 820 people would mean exposing the truth and risking jail time.

The film offers nerve-wracking dialogues and incredible portrayals of characters. The music and acting were top-notch, and the story's complexity kept the tension in check. The connection to the Rana Plaza incident was uncanny, but even without that bias, "Durak" is a classic. It highlights the struggles of disenfranchised people and the corruption that runs deep in our society. Watching this movie reminded me of Himu, another 'fool' who fought for his life during the Rana Plaza incident and took part in the rescue operation like a madman. Unable to recover from the trauma of the incident, he eventually committed suicide by setting himself on fire out of anger and resentment towards the system. "Durak" leaves a powerful message that we need more idiots like Nikitin to fight the corrupt system and create a better world.
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Myself Allen Swapan (2023– )
Allen Swapan is a Maal!
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the series features the talented Nasiruddin Khan, who has captivated audiences with his powerful on-screen presence, the script does not live up to his potential.

The story follows Allen Swapan, a drug dealer who travels to his brother's city, kills him, and takes over his family and job. While this is a tried and tested formula, the director takes too much time to establish the character and his motivations, leaving little room for other details and complexities. Even though the series is rated 18+, there is a lack of sufficient "Skintime" of Mithila to fully satisfy viewers' expectations.

The last few episodes try to compensate for this by introducing new characters and twists, but the pacing is too fast, and the mental situations created for the characters are unbearable at times. In the end, the audience is left wondering if all the tension was for naught. Despite these flaws, Nasiruddin Khan's performance is a standout, carrying the series on his shoulders.

Overall, while there is potential for more complex narratives and characters, the director falls short of delivering a satisfying viewing experience.
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Avatar (2009)
May be okay for kids but Why me?
5 January 2023
What is wrong with you guys? I left out the story. But what are people really attracted to? I can't fathom what joy they find in the blue-eyed men and women and the leaping dragons and robots. Unfortunately, I have to see part 2 in the theater tomorrow. In order not to lose money, I watched the first episode at four times the speed while drinking alcohol. Watching a three-hour-long stupid movie in 45 minutes is a little less regretful, I must say!

Where is the director's credit for making such a movie? Filled with clichés. Nothing new. No artistic excellence. Just bare technology. Yeah, it is okay for kids. But grown people going to the theatre and enjoying this is totally beyond my understanding.
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Marian Dora is the master of shock films, and this is his masterpiece.
13 April 2022
I will never forget this night. A horrifying and unique kind of experience. This movie has made me mesmerized. Such an ugly but artistic flick, lot to think about it. I am confused to give a rating. Sometimes I think it will be 1 out of ten, sometimes decide to give 10/10. Watch the movie at your own risk. Don't blame me after watching (well if you can finish this!).
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Carcinoma (2014)
Dora's Best work.
16 August 2020
A man has a stomach problem. But he denies to get cured. Gradually, he become more lonely, more sick, his suffering become unbearable. All this things is said with beautiful imagery, poetry and music. Marian Dora is in extreme films. But gore or shock is not his only weapon to upset people. The way he portrays pain, melancholia and sorrow, that is the things to be warned.
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If you like poetry read poetry, if you like painting, go to art gallery, but this is a cinema!
8 December 2019
Wow! so many artistic people here appreciating the color, the details, the music etc! Ya, everything is good except the film itself. This is boring, pointless, dull and a yawn fest! I did not even care about the characters and their sad foolish moments. The neighbors were super annoying! The dialogues were least appealing. This is the most boring movie I have ever seen!
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The grass was greener!
6 October 2019
This movie is so multidimensional! It started like typical horror, but then went trough so many paths. Sometimes it looked like a time looped sci-fi, sometimes it tried to mix nature and human. This could be a great blend, but the message was mixed up with the horrorsphere. Good thing that it does not has too many jump scares, and have it's own mood and great visual beauty. But it tries to deal with too many things, and sometimes became confusing and repetitive. But it is a good watch for the suspense and visual beauty.
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Lovefucked (2018)
Best anti romantic movie of the year!
28 August 2019
This movie is disturbing, raw, uncomfortable, and deep! This is not only a tale of an abusive relationship, but it is also a dilemma of traditional thinking vs new wave urban feeling. It questions the questions asked by so-called thinkers who calculates everything of life. Is this the proper way to find the desired destiny? It will make you think. The acting is superb, the dialogues are brilliant. This film is not for everyone, but who gets into it, stays with it.
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No fairy tale is harmed here.
30 March 2019
Live from Dhaka is a depressing, sultry, and somewhat abstract Indie movie told in a gothic style. It is a black and white movie, but black is the dominating color here! Like all atmospheric indie film, the number of character is few, but there is a lot of touchy montages. The sound effects played a great role to create the atmosphere of the movie. The news bloopers on TV and radio, the car horn, the train whistle, the mob violence always telling us that there is no life in this city, this city is no fairy tale! The budget for this movie was only 10000 USD! This is the best example of how to make a good movie with low or almost no budget! This is an atmospheric indie film, and the director made the atmosphere properly. Sometimes this movie reminds me the tragedy of Requiem for a dream, sometimes it reminds me the industrial sound of Eraserhead, but at last, it is a very Abdullah Mohammad Saad film, which I will remember for a long time.
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Dhaka Attack (2017)
Would have been a decent thriller, but...
7 October 2017
In Bangladesh movie industry thriller is a very very rare genre. But people love to watch action packed thriller. This movie had promises to be a perfect cop thriller, but then come the traditional romantic melodrama! The 'mighty' Mahia mahi! Dear director, please ask yourself, why there will be a glamour queen for every handsome cop in Bangladeshi films? Why she have to be so dumb, stubborn and gawky? Why she have to express her love in the extreme moment of bomb disposal? Are you serious! There was no need of dancing and singing in beautiful natural scenario. These was just unnecessary and ridiculous.

The story has a good pace and climax. The character of ashfak was portrayed well. Shatabdi wadud and Arifin shuvo was fabulous. But ace of spade was the villain Taskeen. What a chilling look and eyes!

Overall it was a good movie but would have been much better. I hope Dipankar Dipan (The director) will make a real thriller some day! I will advice people to watch the movie to feel the change!
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No Mercy (2010)
A Korean gem!
20 April 2014
I have watched many Korean thrillers like chasers, memories of murder, and of course oldboy. I thought I have nothing to expect more from them after watching these great movies. Oh boy! How wrong I was! This movie started with a mysterious murder and the investigation was carried by the detectives very efficiently. Within no times they found the murderer with all evidence. Then I wonder what else to show! And there was a lot to show. The show was just started. A journey through corruption, love, memories, sorrow and most likely VENGEANCE. New stories and twists start to unfold and in every single twist you will be delighted! But the purpose of the movie is not to delight you. It serves you shock, depression and leave you haunted for several of hours, even days! The acting is powerful, directing is good, story is awesome. One of the better things of the movie is the music. I don't know why this movie is so underrated, if it would made in holy wood it could easily placed in the top 250 list of IMDb. Do you a favor and go through the movie, but don't do this if you are not open minded and cannot take shocking things.
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Sir AJ made a legendary move.
9 September 2013
Without any doubt, this is the best romantic - comedy -action -suspense -thriller- surreal-metaphoric- anti-materialistic movie ever made in the history of film. Nobody can come even close to this, if anybody tries to do so Sir Ananta Jalil will be furious and chop their livers out. This extraordinary film deserves Oscar in every section but still more are required. After getting best picture, best visual effect, best actor, actress, screenplay etc... it should be voted as best achievement in surrealism for the scene where Sir Ananta Jalil grabs his heart out from the chest and shows Glamor queen barsha how it is facing bullet, knives and how it is crying, burning... even salvador dali could not come out a better idea of surrealism like this. This film also require more nominations like best 'honest' actor-Sir AJ, best song near to vdo game, honorary achievement for miracle from a parallel world...etc. Though this movie is so unbelievably good, I will recommend you to not watch this. Cause then you will not be able to enjoy other movies. All will seem awfully dull, and you will ask the question "What is movie?".
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A movie which deals with a lot of thing and never been detached.
3 September 2012
Well. what can I say about this movie? Good is not enough.Bizarre, weird, surreal, anti religious, anti capitalistic, anti communist, anti materialistic, surreal, sick, cute, sarcastic. Every single shot means a lot. This movie rules. This is so special. And most of all, it sings the song of humanity and hope and love. If you like to watch some bizarre images, okay go on, you will not be able to get the movie, but you will like that for sure. If you want to understand this movie, and give this movie a proper view you will be amused with so many surreal and symbolic shots. You will get so many messages. The good thing is, there is enough space for you to think these things in your own way. I can differ with you about some things, but there is no absolute theory. This is the beauty of viewing multiplicity of this movie. The movie Starts with a Christ like man with a creep stranger. The journey starts. And revolve around the world and universe in search of immorality. In this journey, they collect people from different planets. The world is like a glass, and through their eyes, everything is so naked. What a sarcastic view! At the end, did they were able to get what they wanted?

Actually, the question is id they need hat they want? The holy mountain is a mind provoking movie. Strongly recommended for every mature people.
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