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It Was Perfect
4 July 2023
Perfect. Everything. Down to the last minute detail. Compared to previous sequels/remake/reboots of classic movies and characters over the last decade or so Afterlife set the standard for how it should be done. The new cast was great. They made sense with their actions. They weren't over the top snarky or annoying. No one outshined the other. The original team showed up and had their moment in the sun in a respectful manner and had a heartwarming moment in the final battle. And you even had a character, played by Paul Rudd, who bridged both generations together. This was well worth the wait with all the starts and stops this movie went through in production.
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So What's The Issue?
20 May 2023
Did I watch the same movie as everyone else? I do not get the hate for this movie. Sure it has its problems. Like how is Cassie so smart all of a sudden that she can build a quantum realm mapping thing and the M. O. D. O. K. Character was wasted. But the story is good, characters are good and the wokeness that's infecting Hollywood is at a minimum (male and female characters both shine). This is a good installment to the Ant Man/Scott Lang story. Kang is an intimidating villain who I hope doesn't get recasted. For once don't listen to the YouTube and podcast reviewers. Go and see this however you can.
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Black Adam (2022)
Standards Are Too High
18 December 2022
I'm not understanding all the hate for this movie. It's not perfect. But it's a fun action and adventure movie. It would have had potential for sequels and the cast of hero's was good enough for possible spin offs. The problem is that like the Simpson's Marvel has already done everything under the sun in the super hero genre. This movie reuses a lot of those. Anti hero, check. Ancient race of people with unfathomable power, check. Team that doesn't always gel together but still manages to get the job done, check. Et cetera. Our standards are way too high for anything Marvel or DC on the big screen anymore. Everything has been done. Nothing is new under the sun. And people want to hate on The Rock for his portrayal of Black Adam. Dwayne was just collecting a pay check like any other actor in Hollywood. The best thing this genre can do is go away for a few years. We have been bombarded with world ending super human romps that even a good movie like Black Adam is seen as a flop when it doesn't make 18 billion dollars in its run.
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Good Movie
2 July 2022
A good solid movie. Andrew and Jessica gave as great of performances as anyone could give when portraying the Baker's. They were a pretty eccentric couple to be begin with. Great cast of characters all around. The story itself of the rise and fall of the Baker's could've easily been a four or five part miniseries. For a two hour movie they really squeezed in a lot and you didn't have much time to process what was happening before the next stage of their lives were starting. All around though it was a good two hours that didn't feel like a waste.
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This Is Us: Us (2022)
Season 6, Episode 18
Well Done
25 May 2022
The second to last episode felt like the finale and this felt like more of an epilogue. A nice way to wrap up a great season and great show. It was fun seeing the new old scenes that were filmed a few years ago.
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29 January 2022
Definitely the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 of the Ice Age franchise. Ice Age kept improving with each installment in every way but this is a huge step back. Different studio so awkward choppy animation. None of the big three voice actors are back. Writing. Oh God. The writing. Oh. Dear. Loving. Merciful. God. The writing. The only upside is that Simon Pegg got a pay check out of this. So good for him.
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26 December 2021
Not great. Definitely not the greatest Christmas movie of all time as some have said. Not even close. But it is worth a watch at least once a year. My biggest complaint is that none of the characters are likable. Even Eddie.
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A Great Film
24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A great addition to any Christmas watch list. One of the best adaptations of Dickens' classic. It is very true to the source material with a few extras thrown in (Scrooge shrinking towards the end). It's a great introduction for anyone that has never watched or read A Christmas Carol.
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Hawkeye (2021)
13 December 2021
How did we go from such killer group names like Avengers, SHIELD, Hydra, Ravagers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Children of Thanos, even the Revengers to such vomit inducing "names" like The Flag Smashers and now Tracksuit Mafia? For cryin out loud have the writers given up? I remember just a few years ago when an MCU movie or show was cause for celebration. Now it's a chore to sit through.
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The Office: Dinner Party (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Awesome Episode Babe
8 October 2021
So funny. So awkward. So cringy. This episode is the best episode of The Office.
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A Christmas Treasure
7 October 2021
With classic Muppet characters and Michael Caine's unflinching stoic portrayal of Scrooge (see trivia) this is one of the best versions of A Christmas Carol. This needs to be watched and enjoyed every holiday season with the whole family.
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What If...? (2021– )
What If... A Bunch Of Unimaginative Writers Got Together And Wrote A Show??
6 October 2021
Hey Disney I have an idea. Let's take all the scripts from all the most successful MCU movies and race swap and gender swap all the best characters and make them all better, smarter, stronger, better liked and more beloved than the original. The writers of this show should be ran out of Hollywood. The alternate universe trope that seems to be the "in thing" now is just an excuse to make crap and then give the excuse "well this is only one thing that could happen..." It's lazy writing at its laziest.
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2 September 2021
Hoping this show got all the gender and race swapping out of its system in the first two episodes. This is what happens when a show concentrates on story and not agendas. If this is any indication of what Multiverse of Madness will be like then Marvel still have at least one more hit on its hands.
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Only 12 Minutes In...
26 August 2021
...and I've never cussed so many times while watching Disney Plus. Basically episode 2 is like episode 1. The _____ swapped main character is oh so much more competent than the original.
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Save Yourself the Trouble
12 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't seen this episode here's the basics. Everything that Steve did in The First Avenger Peggy did stronger, faster and better because she's a woman.
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Loki: For All Time. Always. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First 20th Century Fox Pietro was a boner joke. Then Captain F....n America's answer to the world problems is for leaders to "Do better." Wow that was Aristotle level philosophy there. Now the man behind the curtain in Loki and all the MCU is...I don't know. Some guy. Who was he? (Oh yeah girl Loki kills him because.) Have to wait until season 2. Moving onto the next property until the Disney Diversity Patrol buys it and runs it into the ground.
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Manifest: Mayday: Part 2 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
What the Heck?
12 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is officially crazier than LOST. And that's saying a lot.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Fool Me Thrice?
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This started out good. But so did WandaVision and Falcon and Winter Soldier. But already there's head scratching moments. Like why was Loki D. B. Cooper? Don't know. The Infinity Stones are basically trash? Apparently. But is there a strong diverse woman? You betcha.
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Rugrats (2021– )
So Sad
27 May 2021
It's so sad to see a show from the 90s remade with today's technology and views. The babies sounds the same but the adults sound just wrong. Grandpa sounds like he's 25.
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
Cannot Stop Laughing
12 May 2021
I'm only 6 minutes into episode one and I've laughed more than I have at anything new and original in the last ten years. I have to keep rewinding because I'm laughing constantly and I keep missing other jokes.
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Marvel Phase 4 God's Sake
23 April 2021
It's Marvel. It's 2021. So that means we all need to learn a lesson when we watch. Whether we want to or not. Including "scary" villains and shocking reveals.
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Last Man Standing: Lost and Found (2021)
Season 9, Episode 8
Not the End of the World
22 April 2021
Nine seasons in and this is the first "woke" episode. It wasn't a terrible episode but it did make you go "Really?"
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Truth (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Thank God There's Only One More
17 April 2021
Let's take 12 years of character development in Captain America and crap all over it with 2021 politics. So glad there's just one more. This series is getting insufferable. From the one emotion "villain" (Is she at a funeral or blowing up a building? No one knows.) to taking a beloved character everyone from all walks of life looked up to and "There Was Another Man Who Was Just Like Him But We Never Knew About Him And Oh Yeah He Was Tortured" it.
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The Grandaddy Of Them All
20 March 2021
10 out of 10 just for the fact that it was the film that started it all.
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Chronological Order
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To really appreciate this movie you need to watch the MCU in chronological order. Captain America The First Avenger first followed by this one and so on. The biggest disadvantage this movie has going against it when it was released was that it was released in the eleventh hour right before the final chapter of the Infinity Saga. Making it chapter two you get introduced to Carol Danvers early and then she goes away for almost twenty years. You know she's there. Fury has connections to her. It makes her character more intriguing this way. It's like "how bad does the situation have to be before Fury calls her?" Try to forget the politics that went into the making of the movie and try to sit back and enjoy.
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