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The Terminal List: Reclamation (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
The Ben twist wasn't necessary...at all!
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes 1-7 are 10/10, outstanding! And I would if given this final episode a 10/10 if not for this ridiculous Ben twist. My heart sank when they made him one of the bad guys at the very end. Bull!

Without that this would have been the perfect series! There is hope in my mind since we didn't actually see Reece shot Ben, maybe he didn't. I hold out hope that maybe Ben was still in the boat alive. That would be a GREAT beginning to a season 2 opener. The show would redeem itself in a matter of seconds. I hold out hope for that. Please!

Overall it was a good series. I gave it a 10/10 but this last episode I couldn't only because of the Ben thing. That really sucked. We want to see Ben in season 2. Please.
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When Calls the Heart: Starry Nights (2023)
Season 10, Episode 12
Nathen & Elizabeth... FINALLY !
18 October 2023
I wasn't sure I wanted them together after the way they had destroyed the character of Elizabeth these last 2 seasons. I felt Nathen deserved better, but I cannot deny these two have a chemistry that is off the charts. Their chemistry is undeniable. There was none with Lucas. He's a great guy but it just wasn't there with him and Elizabeth. A majority of the fans felt this which made it all the more frustrating. I admit I skipped quite a few episodes for season 10 but when I read that Elizabeth had broken it off with Lucas, I decided to watch the last 2 episodes... and it didn't disappoint. Elizabeth belongs with her Mountie Nathen. They sizzle together. I'm excited for season 11 and I am back as a WCTH viewer.

I am hoping and wishing for an Abigail return! I want to see Henry and Abigail together. We need Laurie Laughlin back, it's been long enough. I'm excited for the next season. And I pray we get a Christmas special this year!!! Thank you the powers that be for righting the wrongs between Elizabeth & Nathen and I'm looking forward to a love story for the ages.
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When Calls the Heart: Carpe Diem (2023)
Season 10, Episode 1
Oh dear the WCTH ship is heading for the rocks
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is bad. Very bad. The only bright spot in the show is Rosie & Lee. Bill is good but his refusal to seek help when he started coughing up blood was irritating and irresponsible. We can't lose that guy! But I did like his Hope Spring scenes and his bathing suit. He's another bright spot in the show.

Henry's story is getting very old. This suffering act that has lasted years has worn us viewers down to the nub. Enough... it's time to let it him be happy already! Let him start his own business that is successful this time. For all that is holy in this world ..let the guy be happy already jeeze.

Nathen and Faith are all wrong. No chemistry there whatsoever. None. I don't understand how the powers that be cannot see this. Nathen fans are still reeling from him getting the shaft and now to try and pair him with Faith?! Yuk. It was a disaster with Mei and it will be the same with wooden boring Faith. Why couldn't she had exited with Carson?! ARGG! Nathen needs someone new brought in with no show baggage.

I couldn't give two nickels about Elizabeth and Lucas. There is absolutely no chemistry or connection there with them. He has actually changed her to someone we don't love anymore. Elizabeth used to be my favorite, I can't stand her or Lucas and I still fast forward through their scenes. At this point I don't want her anywhere near Nathen, he deserves so much better.

It's time to bring back Abigail. This show needs a jolt and Lori is the one that could give it. I say put her with Henry, they have a real connection. We know Henry has always loved her. Big possibilities here.

This show has taken a big nosedive. The powers that be are making wrong decisions but it's not too late to right the ship. Start with getting rid of Lucas. Maybe even Elizabeth but if Lucas is gone then maybe we can have the Elizabeth we fell in love with from the beginning. And bring in a new fresh woman for Nathen. He deserves someone good that will knock his socks off and steal his heart. I'm hanging in there by a few fibers. Come WCTH... those rocks are approaching fast! Do something before it's too late.
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When Calls the Heart: The Kiss (2021)
Season 8, Episode 12
Characters ranked from Worst to Best for season 8
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Elizabeth - Worst. She is a shell of what she used to be and what we loved about her. Mean girl this season. The way she treated her best friend Rosie was gross. And the way she treated Nathen was disgusting. This is not the Elizabeth we fell in love with.

Lucas - Worst. Dull boring saloon owner who has no chemistry with anyone, specially Elizabeth. I find nothing charming or fascinating about this guy. Shame on the showrunner for making the disastrous mistake of pairing him with Elizabeth. 70% of the audience hates it.

Faith - Worst. I have never liked her since the beginning of the show and still don't. Like Lucas she has no chemistry with anyone. Put her and Lucas together and you have a 1/2 of a dull boring person. Wish she would of left with Carson.

Clara - Ughh. So annoying! The new marriage between her and Jesse is hard to watch. They are the most immature husband & wife we've ever seen.

Jesse - Ughh. So annoying! See above, ugghhh.

Molly - Meh. Her only duty in town is to try and capture Bills attention. The bit is getting old.

Hickam - Meh. That's it. Meh.

Fiona - Meh. Not a huge fan of her although the show tries to put on what a trail blazer she is. Not sure I'm buying into it just yet.

Minnie - Stoic. She seems a bit hard but I'm sure she has reason to be. Maybe we'll see more warmth and openness from her down the road.

Florence - Likable. She's actually had one of the biggest and best transformations on the show. I like her and Ned very much.

Ned - Lovable. His marriage to Florence has made him more lovable and endearing.

Joseph - Lovable. He loves God and I love that. Excellent husband and father.

Rosie - Sweet. We all love Rosie! Her and Lee are the best couple in town hands down.

Lee - Sweet. We all love Lee! See above.

Henry - Good. I love Henry. Good man stuck in a suffering man's body. I wish the writers would do him more justice. He deserves better already. I loved the potential of him getting with Abigail someday, you never know. Either way, I hope they let Henry be truly happy.

Bill - Best. One of my favorites. He's funny and uplifts the show. We LOVE Bill, always have ... always will!

Nathen - BEST. Poor guy got the shaft from that new showrunner. He should have been paired with Elizabeth, their chemistry was off the charts! Now I hear that they will try and put him with Faith... dear God NO!!! At this point I'd like to see him with someone new. Elizabeth no longer deserves him.

Season 8 was the worse season so far. I disliked most of the episodes. Elizabeth was awful and Lucas made my skin crawl. I'll see how season 9 pans out but with the solidification of an Elizabeth and Lucas pairing, it doesn't look good. If they end up putting Nathen with Faith... I'm guaranteed OUTTA here!!!
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When Calls the Heart: Rock, A Bye, Baby (2022)
Season 9, Episode 12
I fast forward through the Elizabeth and Lucas scenes
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I also roll my eyes because those two have zero chemistry. Zero as in zilch, nada, niet... nil. They have relegated Nathen, who has obvious chemistry with Elizabeth, to the background wallpaper. They are trying to pair him with Mei or Faith... yuk on both. Faith didn't have chemistry with Carson and she has even less with Nathen. I really wish Faith would of left with Carson, she is my least favorite in this show. At this point they should just have Nathen transfer to another place. Poor slob has to watch Elizabeth with Lucas fawn all over each other and it's tremendously hard not to feel bad for the guy. Then they try pairing him with the rejects of Hope Valley and it gets even more sad. Just send the guy to the nearest fort already. Put him out of his misery.

I think I'm finally done with this show which has been one of my favorite shows for years. I just can't hang in there with this obvious mismatch on the lead character of Elizabeth. I cringe now when I see her with Lucas. And Lee & Rosemary don't do it for me to hang in there. I do like Bill, Allie & Henry but they have also been getting the shaft from the writers. I think the show is on its descent into the pits ...so I bid adieu.
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Another great Ramsay show!
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hells Kitchen, Master Chef, Kitchen Nightmares, Uncharted, Next Level Chef and now Food Stars?!? Gordon Ramsey has that golden touch, because this show is really good. It's a show out of the box for Ramsay and it works.

The show is about some potential up and coming business people who are building their own brands. In the end Gordon will pick one as a winner and invest his own money in their company. It's a big get for these guys. They compete in teams to see who does better and who brings in the most money in the competitions. Someone from the listing team gets sent home. The different strong personalities are sure to clash and they already have in the first episode.

Overall... I love the show. Gordon Ramsay has done it again.
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Time to up your prize to 50,000!
9 May 2023
I know these contestants are there for a few weeks, seems like 25,000 is on the low side of a prize. Especially in these days when the price of everything has gone up by 200%. Come on Food Network, we know you can dig deeper into this pockets. These guys deserve a way bigger prize.

I do love this show. The hosts are terrific, Duff is my favorite of course., he's so funny. Nancy is like our mom which I love and Kardea is a very nice edition. And I love Jesse Palmer! I love this combination, it's winning!

But seriously Food Network, up your prize money already. After taxes I'm sure these guys only get half of that. It seems they have to deal with a lot of stress... they deserve at least 50K.
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Stargate SG-1: Avalon: Part 1 (2005)
Season 9, Episode 1
I liked Claudia Black better in Pitch Black when the alien creatures carried her off for nutritional value
10 April 2023
What a terrible character. Claudia Black's Vala is a cross between Nellie from The Office and Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars. Vala Nellie Binks. You just want to scratch your eyeballs out and drive nails through your ears. Whose idea was it to bring one of the most annoying character to this show? Please don't tell me it was Peter DeLuise (I love that guy). Maybe it was Wood or Mallozzi. Could have been Glassner or Wright. Regardless it was boneheaded... Vala is annoying AF!!!

I know some people think the show should have ended after season 8 but I love the show and I love the main characters. Farscape guy is okay with me, it's not his fault Richard Dean Anderson decided to leave so he could spend time with his daughter. I think Ben Browder is a good addition considering he has gigantic massive shoes to fill. But if I had it my way I would of made Samantha Carter the leader of the team and brought back Jonas Quinn, I really missed and liked Corin Nemec. I am a forever SG-1 fan so I give them kudos for keeping it going though.

It's Vala that was the big mistake here. She's not cute, sexy, funny or entertaining in anyway. And there is ZeRo chemistry with Daniel Jackson. The constant bickering between them is very hard to watch, it's not attractive although the show tries to push that. Again... ZeRoOoo chemistry here. And what's with the s/m outfit... it's atrocious.

I also like Beau Bridges, what a nice addition to the show. But my gosh... it's going to be hard to stomach Vala for the next 40 episodes, bleh. I would of easily given this episode an 8 or 9 if it weren't for the overload screen presence of the insufferable Vala character.
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Stargate SG-1: Enemy Mine (2003)
Season 7, Episode 7
Unas Uman Skanat Ka Nay
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Translation...Unas and Human preserve friendship. I love it! This is so far my favorite episode in the series. I can watch it over and over and never tire if it. The Unas are seen in a new light here, free of the goul and in their natural surroundings and it's very satisfying. #TeamUnas

Kor Asek Zo aka Ironshirt turns out to be a pretty fantastic Unas leader. He turns out to be smarter and more patient than most. And what a treat to see Chaka again, who helped broker a deal between the Unas and humans. I absolutely loved it.

I also liked seeing Daniel have to deal with Lt. Colonel Edwards rather than our resident Lt. Jack O'Niell. It was nice interaction from both men. Big treat to see Michael Rooker in this episode too, he was great.

The only problem I had was a plot hole that didn't make sense with the Stargate mission statement. When Stargate teams go to other planets they don't get involved with the established civilization, but here they are ready to round up the Unas to get the naquida they wanted. Seemed out of character for the organization. But in the end it worked out great for everyone so all turned out well.

Overall... this is one of the BEST episodes. I guarantee you'll want to watch it a few times.
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Stargate SG-1: Window of Opportunity (2000)
Season 4, Episode 6
Jack kisses Sam on Groundhog Day
26 March 2023
This is definitely one of Stargates best episode hands down! It's funny and the best part is we get to see Jack kiss Sam, oooh lalaa.

The episode starts when the SG-1 team gets caught up in a time loop. But it only affects Jack and Tealc. As each loop starts over we always see Jack eating his fruit loops which is pretty fantastic. Every day is pretty funny but it's when Daniel tells Jack that it must be nice to relive every day knowing that there are no consequences at the start of the next day. A light bulb pops up over Jacks head as he realizes he can now do whatever he wants. One of these desires... kissing Sam! For me it's the highlight of the episode. I love these two together and their chemistry has always been off the charts since day 1. A nice treat to give the fans what they fantasize about. I know I'm not alone here.

A 10+ episode, I can watch this all day long and never tire of it.
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Stargate SG-1: Homecoming (2003)
Season 7, Episode 2
Goodbye Jonas ...you will be missed.
22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Jonas Quinn. I thought he was a great fit and did a great job. And just as we all were getting used to the new SG-1 member... they take him away from us. Bummer. Don't get me wrong I like Daniel Jackson and Michael Shanks who plays him but I though that door was shut and I was getting attached to Jonas. Only to get him yanked out a year later. Double bummer. I guess there wasn't enough room for both men. Triple bummer.

As for the story itself, this is one heck of a good episode though. Anubis is still a pain in the you know what. And Bal comes in to scare Anubis off from Jonas's home planet and the very last minute. Pretty good suspenseful episode. And I thought the way Jonas exited from the show was good. Going back to help his planet rebuild was a good exit for him. I thought it was respectful for Jonas and Corin Nemec, the actor who plays him.

I'm sorry to see Jonas go but I'm grateful we had the one season with him. He was great and he will always be a part of the history of Stargate SG-1. Thank you Corin Nemec.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: Singularity (2002)
Season 2, Episode 9
The Captains chair, Reeds' alert, Hoshis' recipe and Archers' preface
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was like coming home after being gone for weeks. Sitting down to a homemade meal made by your significant other then taking a hot soothing bath afterwards. That's exactly how I would describe this episode. So far this is my favorite episode after binge watching Star Trek Enterprise a few weeks ago. This is not a sit on the edge of your seat big action episode, just the opposite. It focuses on the characters giving us a deeper connection to them through comedic gold.

The starship Enterprise is close to a singularity and it somehow creates a problem for the crews thinking and brain function to where they obsess over a specified thing. Captain Archer obsesses over writing a preface for his fathers book. Trip can only think about fixing and optimizing the captain's chair. Doctor Phlox almost lobotomizes Mayweather. Hoshi tries to perfect her family's recipe to feed the crew while the cook is out sick. But it's Malcolm obsession over the ships security that had me in stitches. From mocking Trip's idea for a cup holder in the captains chair to bashing the captains friendship with the crew and his love of water polo that makes Malcolm shine in this episode. I enjoyed this Malcolm and wish his character was more like this all the time instead of the pessimistic unsure Malcom we usually get. The red alert is born in this episode and I was honored to be a part of it.

I could watch this episode over and over and I actually did. The simplicity and hilarity of this episode is absolutely genius. A rare perfect 10 for me so far on a singular episode of Star Trek Enterprise.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Drive (2000)
Season 7, Episode 3
French fries and ketchup have more chemistry than Tom and B'llana
25 October 2022
Riker and Troi ..these two are not. I've never cared for either one as characters but put them together and it's even worse. B'llana and Neelix are my least favorites, but B'llana takes top prize as her character is irritating, annoying, brash and angry. You put that with Tom who is not exactly a stellar character either and you have a forced pairing that we must endure. They simply have no chemistry together, it's just not there.

The race story was good that's why I'll give it a 5 .. but way too much of B'Tom. I don't care for their romance so when they are given this much screen time the episode drags.

I love the show though, but they can't all be winners of course. But ultimately I'm disappointed they forced these two characters together when they simply don't mesh well and had no business being put together romantically.
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Return to Halloweentown (2006 TV Movie)
Whoever made the decision to recast Marnie should be
19 October 2022
Made to wear a paper bag over their head for the rest of their life. No parole. Ever. What a bonehead decision. Whoever this person was, they killed the Halloweentown franchise. You CANNOT replace Kimberly J. Brown, it just CANNOT be done. It felt like I was watching a completely different movie. No spark, no warmth no familiarity... zero connection. Nothing against Sarah Paxton but she simply was not Marnie, it just didn't work. The plot of this movie is actually not bad, but it's the recast of Marnie that doomed it. I sometimes imagine what it would of been like if Kimberly J. Brown did return and I think we can all agree that would of been a great successful movie. And let's not forget that Kimberly J. Brown was very interested and ready to reprise her role but again this paper bag headed num skull passed on bringing her back which adds insult to our injury.

So to the person who made this mind blowing movie making disastrous call, whoever you are... thanks for ruining a great franchise. I really dislike you.
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Gutfeld! (2021–2024)
Gutfeld becomes #1 late night show!
12 July 2022
There is a reason Greg Gutfeld is fast becoming the King of late night... because he's actually fireakin funny!!! He routinely beats out Kimmel & Fallon and is now starting to take over Colbert. All those stale late night hosts are as funny as wet soggy bread. I tried watching Fallon but I never laughed once. It's so serious and somber and actually depresses me. Greg on the other hand is fresh, quick, witty and always delivers that funny line. He is never afraid to poke fun at anyone, unlike his counterparts who have one agenda only... to protect the democrats and beat up conservatives. His guest are great, and I always look forward to who he has on other than his main staples Kat Timfp & Tyrus, who are both amazing. Gutfeld is fast becoming the #1 late night show because most people want comedy not lectures from woke zombie hosts. And kudos to FOX for knowing a good thing when they see it. Thank you for giving us hilarious comedy at nighttime again.
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Impractical Jokers: Rob Riggle (2022)
Season 9, Episode 21
Murr's exposed rear in our faces again... sigh.
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At this point I think Murr likes being totally and completely denigrated on national television. He loves it. The two challenges prior to the final punishment with the taste testing & gym weren't even funny. But it was the final punishment on this episode that was such a turnoff and is everything opposite of being funny. Murr is bent over and his rear is blurred throughout this entire punishment and frankly it's just gross. He then gets his rear whipped by Q and at one point they have that prostate doctor come out and inspect Murr again. Stupid, gross and completely embarrassing. I'm hanging up my Jokers hat for now, i just can't hang in there anymore. This show has gone desperado.
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Autopsy: The Last Hours of: Eddie Van Halen (2022)
Season 13, Episode 8
Eddie Van Halen
6 June 2022
I don't understand why Eddie's son Wolfgang & ex-wife Valerie Bertenelli would be so opposed to this episode of Autopsy. There was nothing terrible or insulting that I could see. It was a good episode. Most of these shows are always sad especially when it's drug, alcohol & cigarette related because their lives are cut short due to some of these dependencies. But I always think it's a good thing when people might be able to learn from these tragedies as they watch some of these episodes. I find them informative and I think Dr. Michael Hunter is a phenomenal forensic doctor. I'm not the sharpest tool on the rack when it comes to understanding medical lingo but Dr. Hunter always explains things to where even I can understand. Very good show.
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YES! a PERFECT 10!!! ... finally a movie without all the lecturing.
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The sequel revolves around Pete "Maverick" Mitchell being brought back to Top Gun flight school to teach pilots on flying a secret mission to take out a soon to be nuclear base somewhere in a rocky moutainess terrain. The flight scenes are truly amazing, there were moments I was on the edge of my seat. Tom Cruise is pure perfection, he is Maverick personified. That smile, those rugged good looks and that natural talent is electrifying. This man is pushing 60 and is clearly at the top of his game. Bringing in Miles Teller as the son of Goose was genius. The relationship between them is contentious at first but the end result is well worth it. It was awesome to see Val Kilmer again, so touching to see him. That was one of the top moments in the movie. I also loved Jennifer Connlley as Penny, she is always wonderful and her chemistry with Tom Cruise is a great match.

This movie was amazing... totally worth the wait. I was 16 years old when I saw the original on the big screen and I have forever been a hard core Tom Cruise fan. The original takes you back to a time where patriotism was celebrated and you knew we loved our country. Ahhh nostalgic good times. Well this film takes you back there too even though it is +35 later, the film takes us to a good place and it felt good to watch. For those 2 hours it was pure goodness. A sigh of relief that I didn't feel lectured about what I should feel or do, I wish every movie could be this refreshing. This is a movie I plan to watch in the theaters a few times. Thank you Top Gun Maverick... for giving us Americans what we have been hungering for!
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Father Stu (2022)
"We are spiritual beings in a human body"
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That was my favorite line from the movie... 100% completely hit the Bullseye!

The movie starts out with Mark Wahlberg as a boxer who has a hard life. We see him get a job in a supermarket to try and get noticed in show business. He falls for the Catholic girl and decides to join the church for her. After a horrific motorcycle accident he sees a vision of Mary and is committed to becoming a priest and serving the church. He later finds out he has a desease similar to ALS. But his resolve in working for God is undeterred, which is the greatest message here. This indeed has it's tissue box moments, but Father Stu is absolutely moving because redemption is a true powerful thing. I was grateful to be able to see Father Stu's story and his faith, even in the worse of times was and is truly inspiring.

Mark Wahlberg is amazing in this role. Mel Gibson is brilliant as well, both solid roles for these giants. These two meshed perfectly as father and son. I think it's one of Mel and Marks best performances.
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Sometimes I want to throw Picard out a space window.
30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Picard is my 2nd favorite, Data being my #1... but on this episode I couldn't stand Picard. You want to try to communicate with a mass murdering entity because you feel it has a right to live? What a crock. My eyes literally rolled out of my head on this one. I loved Ellen Geer as the scientific doctor, she was magnificent and I totally agreed with her. I felt her pain as well, she was so moving. That is why I'm giving this episode a 9 rating solely because of Ellen Geer. Bravo doctor (clap clap) for doing what Picard couldn't do. She just saved millions of lives. Sometimes Picard has his head so far up in the space clouds he can't see reason. Kill that damn thing man!!! No discussions... just kill it Picard!!!
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Poor John Krasanski to be associated with this despicable movie
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cheaters all the way around. Anyone who gives this movie anything above a 1 must have no morals. All the characters were repulsive, except for Krasanski's character Ethan. I was hoping he would end up with Genifer Goodwin's character... but she ended up with her fellow cheater Dex, disgusting.

I know John had to build his resume, but what a total stinker for him, poor guy.

If you love watching cheaters cheat and love backstabbing between childhood friends... then you'll love this movie!
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History strikes gold with Abraham Lincoln!
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As usual the History Channel creates a magnificent portrayal of our most beloved President.

The first of the three part mini series we see a young Abraham growing up in the frontier land of Indiana. His mother dies while he is young and his father leaves Abraham and his sister temporarily to find a new wife. It was heartwarming to see his new step mother be good to him and they form a strong loving bond. His father doesn't approve of his love of books and reading while his step mother encourages him to read and become educated. He starts off as a riverboat builder and operator, carrying cargo up and down rivers to New Orleans. He then yearns to become more and eventually becomes a successful attorney and then wades himself into politics. It was interesting to see he had very low points in his life, after all he was human just like us. But he overcome them and went to even further heights to become the face of the newly formed Republican Party. He marries Mary Todd and shortly afterwards becomes the President of the United States.

In part two of the mini series we see Abraham deal with the immense pressure of war in trying to keep the union together at whatever costs. I never knew the intimacy of his family and the loss of his son Willie had devastated both Abraham and Mary. He had to endure so much death with so many people he loved and admired. Abraham Lincoln was indeed intuitive and very smart when it came to battle plans. His patience with McClellan was head scratching at times, but he always had a reason for it. And the battle of Gettysburg was intense. But what surprised me was his fearlessness and courage. He would visit the union camps regardless of the danger to visit and talk with the soldiers. His heart was compassionate and true.

Part three continues with the tide turning for the union at the battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln appoints Grant head of the union army. He also writes the Emancipation Proclamation, introduces the 13th amendment and easily wins re-election to his surprise. Ending with his assassination, it was truly sad to see him only live out 5 days after the war was over after being shot by Booth. He had done and sacrificed so much for the country he loved and saved.

Graham Sibley who plays Abraham Lincoln is outstanding! He plays Abraham perfectly with compassion and strength. An absolutely magnificent performance!

Everyone should watch this documentary, it was brilliant!
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Next Level Chef (2022– )
Gordon Ramsey does it again!
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really good cooking show. I love all Gordon's shows, Hells Kitchen being my favorite but this one is not far behind.

The concept is different and I like that. This cooking show has 3 different levels of cooking kitchens... the top kitchen which is stacked beyond belief, the middle kitchen which is still pretty good and the bottom kitchen that barely has its bones. What is pretty ingenious is that there is a conveyor platform that starts at the top with all the best items that the top kitchen gets to choose from first within 30 seconds, then it moves down to the middle kitchen and they get to pick what's left, then it stops last at the bottom kitchen where they get whatever is left.

The judges are all pretty good. I've never heard of Nyesha Arrington or Richard Blais but I like them, they all have seem to have good chemistry. All 3 judges pick their teams on the first show where they will be their mentors. In the first heat the teams cook see whoever has the best dish and whoever does their team is safe from the elimination round. The remaining 2 teams are then vulnerable to go head to head in an elimination round. The two losing mentor chefs then pick one person from their team who they feel is the worse cook and those two go into the elimination round.

A very intense elimination round and overall this is a great cooking show concept, I really like it. Gordon Ramsey does it again... this man is a genius!
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I watch for Jesse and Duff
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely the best baking championship out of the bunch. Jesse Palmer is their BEST host hands down. I'm not sure if he'll be back next season because of his new hosting gig at the Bachelor... but I sure hope he does comes back! I can't imagine HBC without Jesse, NO I can't!!! Duff is cool, he's a good dude. I like Nancy and Carla was a nice addition after the disappearance of Loraine Pascale.. but I do miss Loraine.

This was a pretty good season, the top three were definitely all the best bakers. I do wish Marilyn would of stayed longer, she was so entertaining and endearing. But Adam winning was the absolute right thing. He was the best baker there with Jody and Sabrina tying for the second best. Sabrina not covering the the tuxedo cake in black was her undoing and Jody's leaning Christmas tree did him as well. Adams cake was flawless... he was always consistent on his bakes. Very good ending for the holiday season!

But I hope we get a season 9 with Jesse Palmer... he's the BEST and I cannot imagine another host in his place.
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David Chase goes woke
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood can't make anything good anymore without the lens of wokeness. It's tiresome and annoying. I think I speak for 80% of people when I say we're sick the death of the wokeness. When will this woke era be over?!

The injection of so much race politics drags this movie down to the pits. I wanted to see more of Dicky Moltasanti and the story of the old New Jersey crew. But no, we don't get that instead we get hosed down with race riots and a guy named Harold who I had zero interest in. In fact his character was repulsive. Some of these storylines are just too unbelievable especially involving Harold. What was David Chase thinking? Oh that's right ..all these Hollywood rich elitists see is color in everything even when it's not there.

On a better note, I did enjoy Michael Gandolfini. I disagree with those who say he can't act, he most certainly can. He would of made his father proud. The young Anthony Soprano scenes were the best part of the movie. Alessandro Nivola was pretty good, I enjoyed him too. They are the only reasons I'm giving this a rating of 4.

I was so excited for this movie, I am one of the biggest Soprano fans to ever breathe. But unfortunately I was very disappointed. Especially with the revelation that Junior was responsible for Dicky Maltasante's death. Big stinker right there. Junior is one of my favorite characters in the show, this movie made him a bumbling joke which he was not.

David Chase let us down.
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