3 Reviews
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Obviously fake positive reviews
3 September 2021
I don't know how I stumbled upon this pile of garbage. What a waste of Michael Madsen. I can't believe he agreed to do this turd. Sad for him. I've never seen a movie with two directors and you still can't get it right? Just absolute trash script, acting all around and cinematography. I hope the two "directors" didn't go to school for this because what a waste of money that degree would have been. Yikes. 0/10.
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What the f#ck?
19 February 2015
Man I don't really know what to say. THis movie is so bad. I believe the worst two things about it are 1. The acting. Kennedy was never good in his career but in this he obviously was doing it for a paycheck. All the no name actors were just atrocious. Its really hard to watch without feeling embarrassed. 2. The sound design. Watch for yourself. Jamie kennedy has a blazing guitar solo at one part while playing one note???? The footsteps don't match the video or the proper sound they should be making which makes it really hard to watch as well. And who color graded the thing? The color grade changes mid shot in some scenes!!!! And there is an awful haze over a lot of it. I guess the only real purpose of the movie is to show a film class on what not to do when making and editing a film. 0/10
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Unbelievably bad! UGH
2 March 2014
This is a serious "how not to make a movie". Basically if you're a new director or producer, do the opposite of what this movie did. This is the typical movie on the shelf at a gas station for 2.99. First off the Cinematography was poor. It looked like a 7th grade student handed in his first project. The best acting came from Tony Todd but was severely weak compared to his other outings. They billed it like he was the main star but he was in it for maybe 5 whole minutes. Judging by this and the previous "Self Storage" the director and producers have no idea what they are doing. Shooting on a weak DSLR really makes it hard to watch and the poor sound quality and non stop Godsmack songs really kills any horror vibe that they tried to make. I was truly hoping for a decent horror experience but what I found was a lack of experience from the film makers. 1/10
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