
1 Review
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I accuse (1941)
Bad film that *should* be banned
14 April 2005
As the first comment writer explained, this film was Nazi propaganda that helped lead to the Euthanasia movement of the Reich. Over 70,000 men, women, and children were killed as a result of this movement. If you have any ounce of a conviction to follow a moral standard, the purpose of this film should outweigh intellectual recognition, that is, the fact that this film furthered darkest era of the 20th century should *alone* ban it from viewers. If anything, it should be kept in storage as a reminder of the kind of propaganda that manifests itself during similar movements. To conclude, one should pay close attention to more recent cinematic developments, particularly movies like Million Dollar Baby, The Sea Inside, Sin City, and many other movies released recently praised as "good" movies. If you're not frightened, you should be.
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