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The Northman (2022)
Watch film first without reading
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers

(jobb meg nezni es utana el olvasni a nezok velemenyet a film tartalom-rol)

I cried for the truthful brutal reproduction of everyday pointless life in human history where following tradition to fit in to society and get into valhala heaven at end of life is above all other concerns. Including comfort, philosophy, or any general improvements or advances in anything helpless humans spend a life time executing revenge (killing each other) for prepetual wrong doings. Ultimately modern life "problems" do not even compare to the hopelessness of everyday normal existence just 1k years previous in the human condition ...

no winners ...

( I was very surprised when both die at the ending of the film and this really really sends the message that there were no winners at all, just relief of suffering when death comes )

only suffering and relief in death ...
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Last Days on Earth (2006 TV Movie)
Nicely put together!
4 December 2021
Covers all the important points, true and good forecast of events, well done!

Just a bit more on space radiation harms...

Double super massive dark star merging at center of 890 light year distant galaxy

if they completed merge 850 years ago


40 more years before gama ray bursts & gravity shock waves both propegate with speed of C reach earth

under water neutral bouyency survival city sphere would be best strategy because avoids major earth movements that cave built shelters are not protecting from.


2029 apr 13

will have asteroid arrive to earth bellow com sat orbit so it will be a close shave if not a collision ...
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Ancient Aliens (2009– )
2 November 2021
Aincient aliens


i would only add

'pangea' the one continent was result of collision during late heavy bombardment of earth history with object having water and life that "mingled" with earth and part of it became the moon (see zacharia sitchin) this object likely have been a very important moon containing botanical garden food pantry of planet-x at that time captured by solar system and was on 3600 year orbit at least until colliding with something else later becoming the ort cloud... life from thus moon of planet-x seeds earth in oceans and trough deep time life became what it is today... since then more aliens take interest and visit makeing adjustments (lloyd pye) humans are a dna cross of big foot older relative and some of the extraterrestrials this likely occuring on all other life sustaining planets where very old alien race wants part of it's self to survive or colonize by hybridization likely because they are clones all identical to each other that then degrade over time and dna mixing with locals is their way to at least partially survive an opportunity to sort of pull your self up by your boot straps again and again over long time ...
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Surveillance (I) (2008)
Best FBI film ever made!
12 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Best FBI film ever made!

in modern culture worshiping incompetence, the two FBI agents get killed in the opening credits of the movie then the bad guys asume their identities for the rest of the film, using their clothes, badges and guns as super vilain psychopaths play out their desires... truly the best FBI film ever..

((for the ever so busy liking israel/mosad/aipac blody army boots in the real politicaly correct worldnthat it had to shed some reponsibility 'protecting the home land from world wide freedom fighters' to a newly created agency)) .
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these orgs FBI/CIA/DIA/... much about collecting & threatening to release
4 August 2019
These orgs FBI/CIA/DIA/... much about collecting & threatening to release information on people whom you have invisible power over to get them to do what you want them to do when you want it done... so orgs like thse attract sleazy psychopaths love playing those types of power games...
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The Prisoner (1967–1968)
really good capture of the human struggle, ahead of it's time
2 August 2019
Really good capture of the human struggle, ahead of it's time, nice job(!), very relavant even today and probably for ever, of course in 1960s-1970s there were less modern tech distractions, people were able to hold a train of thought in their heads and in conversations with others for much much longer period of time resulting in better thought out concepts implemented in writings, books, films, radio plays, ...
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The Hot Rock (1972)
hyptnotized the bank manager on a lift between floors....
31 July 2019
Hyptnotized the bank manager on a lift between floors....

so any movie having truth content this daring is going to be awsome, so, be carefull, modern day slavery likely includes victims all over unknown to them-selves and everyone around them that they are trigger word hyptnotized mind control slaves of all those having the keyword or password or trigger word for the minds that they were installed into...
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Top Gun (1986)
Greatest military recruiting tool of 1980s... plus more...
12 July 2019
Greatest military recruiting tool of 1980s... plus more...

Graduating from high school in 1987 I also joined the military inspired by this film (Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Colors), but the true mastery of this film was not understood by me until I was in my forties when it dawned on me all of the sudden, likely because I was studying topics like ufos, conspiracy theories, us-uk-empire trespassing in/on other peoples countries and murdering raping the locals installing puppet regimes favorable to their new masters in washington dc, studying all of these facts I realized that this film made everyone believe that at that at the time in 1986 the F18 tomcat and NAVY air craft carrier attacking force was the best that there ever was on earth, no question this confident arrogant dramatization of military power came across loud and clear, this projection was the mind trick when in fact since 1974 the F117 triangle radar resistant skin and shape fighter aircraft was quitely and secretely flying (testing) in Area-51 north of Las Vegas near Indian Springs AFB and slightly east where Red-Flag fighter pilot school and training goes on in Nevada... Moreover there were the SR-71 photo-reconisance Black-bird aircraft that replaced the manned orbital spy telescope (Astro-Spies_PBS), USAF astronaut program probably Vanderburg AFB, of which the civilian version of the telescope later became the Hubble Science mission now pointed at the stars, so there was a lot of high tech that was operational mind tricked out of sight due to Top Gun entertainment and military recruiting film or tool of 1986...
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Norbit (2007)
Great job!
30 June 2019
Very funny, exploring human stereotypes! nice job!
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Payback (I) (1999)
Mr Mel Gibson, great job! complicated and funny film with the good guy wins story!
29 June 2019
... and the bad guys just don't understand ... in this very fun film with the good guy wins played by Mr. Mel Gibson...
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The Shining (1980)
Great film from Mr Kubrick!
29 June 2019
Suprisingly I like this film because of the hidden fake moon landing whistleblower expose I learned about later, only because of those short films explaining the hidden messages Mt Kubrick is credited for in this film, possibly, portraying himself Mt Kubrick as the character of jack nicholson in this film, all the tension, frustrated with work (creating the realistic NASA moon landings) that he can't talk about it to his family or anyone because of the secrecy involved in fooling the entire world, part of a criminal larger than life team work, you know, frustrations... so he makes this movie... and clues are explained later by others in their youtube videos of this film... I like it more now that I understand the frustrations... otherwise a crazy movie... but as a whistleblower of NASA moon landing creator, him self, blowing off steam, hiding the truth in his film, it makes more sense...
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Great One from Mr Kubrick!
29 June 2019
Makes one think, kind of film, puts you the viever into the role of society decision makers exploring just what can they do humanely to people whom are just much to difficult but whould also not be just thrown away behind bars for ever, like later years in america, and then the film also puts you the viever into the role of the purpotrators of crimes and mischief, and shows their thinking and adventures...
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Fastwalkers (2006)
Great truths about Earth's reality...
3 November 2014
Great truths about Earth's reality in it's existence among more advanced civilizations in the universe... Extraterrestrials visiting, interacting, evidence detailed, all encompassing, credible witnesses, up to 70 different extraterrestrial races likely interacting or studying human civilization ...

My opinion:

"US-UK-... are NEVER going to share UFO secrets learned with humanity"

I would NOT be surprised if "UK" dropped out of the "EU" for THIS (UFO secrets are for not to be shared) reason and not other more public excuses (immigration)...
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Great Film! Funny, "proper" ...
12 October 2014
Great Film!

Funny and "proper" ...

people cared about the way they dressed and talked to their fellow man or woman in the time period of the movie (1940s), they were NOT distracted with modern technology, they were NOT in a hurry like modern people, they had time to "LIVE" in the "MOMENT" and enjoy it, the script or conversation of the film shows this very nicely, the whole atmosphere of the film as created in the studio with all the props and the clothes worn by the actors were a great match for the script and dialog of the movie!

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The Company (2007)
Very happy for Cold War studies films!
22 March 2014
Very happy for Cold War studies films like this! This mini series is an accurate tool for introducing the Cold War to new students of history who have not live trough this period of time and it is also a great remembrance and respect for the struggle that is now a part of history, and all the lives lost during this period of time considered "peace- period" just after WWII and up to 1989...

I also very much like films like "The Lives of Others" Stazi East-German documentary and drama film and Ted Turner 10-part series "Cold War" which is pure documentary ...

Thanks for making such films!

---[ this following part added NOV-2016 ]---

A second look at "the Company" CIA mini-series made for television, I can sum it up as a Jewish production showcasing Jewish ladies, and how Jews controlled both sides of the "Cold War" game, trading information to their advantage at the expense of nationals everywhere, also the film could not find a proper Hungarian language speaking actor for the part of the 1956 uprising leader, it used an actor who did not even speak Hungarian what-so-ever and made the freedom fighter civilians look like in-humane UN-compromising murderers for wanting revenge against the AVH secret internal security communist police whose top political leaders were Jewish, then the film minimized the 1956 Hungarian uprising against soviet communism by the Suez Canal distraction that Hebrews engineered as an emergency measure to distract western audiences, ... it is my view that the whole film is about Jews bragging how petty their females are/were and how many non Jewish people died or were sacrificed on both sides of the Cold War that they managed ... this is in line with David Duke's opinions on WWII in his Jewish Supremacism audio-book, just that this film brags this message covertly flying above the intelligence of the general audience >>> more over >>> as Jewish Supremacism and other sources (jewish encyclopedia) highlights Jews using secret societies (Freemasons) took over first Britain and then undermined every other "crown/monarchy" in Europe creating the French revolution and sending Marx-Engels-Lenin to Russia to create Bolshevik revolution (chaos) that undermined ANY economic-empire or technical competition from Russia so that Freemason England-America- France can have UN-molested world domination, Hebrews having successfully undermined and later crashed Soviets with Germans in WWII, >>> more over >>> the film makes no mention of Donivan's OSS which is where the CIA came from, it also makes no mention of the concurrent four-eyes (us-uk- Canada-Au) plus one (New-Zealand) also known as ECHLON total world wide signals intelligence collection and analysis program ongoing since before WWII but in place for the entire Cold War period and working overtime, recording/analyzing every single UN-encrypted voice conversation, the "ENIGMA" film of BlatchleyPark-UK of WWII is a good start where ECHLON took off from, and yes USA broke the Japanese code PURPLE and were fully aware of attack on Pearl Harbor, in fact Freemasons world wide needed USA in WWII ...

((I can see why some of these ideas may be missed by general audiences everywhere))
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