
40 Reviews
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John Carpenter at his best
23 October 2022
I think i have liked every movoe he has done with Body Bags, Village of the Damned and this one as my favorites, Scared the crap out of me when I was a young child but would recommend it highly. It is definately worth watching.

Most of his movies are including The Fog, They Live, The Thing and Christine to name a few.

This one can be very scary to people under the age of 14 but it a great one for Halloween time. Good one for movie parties when you want a frightening flick.

Am surprised it was so overlooked as the 80's and 90's were full of good horror movies, but this one really stands out, especually the super creepy looking Alice Cooper who is a street whacko.
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As B movies go
25 September 2022
I had bo expectations for this movie ne summer when it was chosen at a Sleepover. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Angela reminded me of a girl I went to school with who was dark and shy and looked like a litttle boy more than a gitl. There were two sequels which i also watched but have to say I was pretty impressed by ths movie. I have not yet seem a story similar to this and wonder if it might wind up with the curse of a remake as seceral of my favorite 80's horror did, such as Nightmare on Elm street, My Bloody Vaalentine annd Friday the 13th. (They remade it too and have tosay did not like it as much as the 1990 version)
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As horror movies go....
5 August 2022
I was disappointed hat the ovie was given such a low rating. Yes, there were seriously cheesy moments but i thought the overall movie was pretty good. OI originally wanted to see it as one of the actors had been in the series "Tour of Duty", but also because I had seen Ryan Bollman as a child in an 80's tv show called "Mama's Family". He did not disappoint ,as bad boy Micah he was awesome.
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Caligula (1979)
9 July 2022
I was allowed to see this movie when I was 18 and have to say I was disgusted by it. It might really be what Ancient Rome was like, but clearly this guy was crazy. I seem to remember hearing that anyone who mentioned "goats" in his presence was executed.
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17 June 2022
All the hatd stories about lying and child abuse and scamming and all the events other talk shows wouldn't touch can me found here. Kudos to Steve for fighting for victims and giving them a voice. Enjoyable show a staple of my weekdays, up early just to watch it, or record it on my PVR.

Thanks Steve!
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Class of 1984 (1982)
Weird as it gets
31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have hear a lot od stories of Inner city violence is scool ans saw Te Principal, which also touches on it, The first time i saw this, I was very young. Recently seeing it, it frightened me more than i had expected and several scenes were too disturbing for me to watch (especially the rape scene). I would not recommend anyone with violence issues to watch it. Enoyable, I guess so, but will most likely not watch it again.
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X (II) (2022)
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was intereste in seeing this mvie and it was a huge shock. Half the movie is like sft coe porn an the rest is judt bad acting and sme total ridiculus deaths, Ever sigle one I crrect predcted withut seeing even a trailer of the mvie. The ending was absymal and the entire movie was a waste f time. I will never watch it again and wuldn"t recommebd it.
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The Shining (1980)
9 May 2021
I think ne thing that is open secret about this movie... Stanlet Kubrick never read the book. It's good though, because it gave him to make an awsome movie twenty times scarier than the book.

When it was on tv, I had someone wake at 530 am just so I could watch it.

I understand why Stephen King didn't like it, He thought Jack already looked freaky, Jessica Lange had been his choice for Wendy, and like Staley he didn't wasnt to scar seven year old Danny Lloyd by telling it was a horror movie.

Seeing it he was appalled by the changes butit is till a gihhly refarded and well liked cult classic, Even Stephan King understands that.
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Hereditary (2018)
17 April 2021
Usually nights are spent watching movies with friends but I was left to my own decices last night so pulled a mvie that had beeb recombded to me. For arters, I couldbelieve how good looking Peter was, those beautidul eyes, perfectly shaped mouth and his voice threw me, but thw faxt that he was such a good actor completely thrw me, I almost be;ieve itwas based ona true stry the way it played out until the weak andi ntentionaly confusing end.

Was a very good movie would recommend it to any horror fans and know i will watch it again.
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Dante's Peak (1997)
As Action movies go.
29 November 2020
I saw this in theatres and enjoyed it so much I talked about it for awhile and got several people to go see it. Now it's on TV often and can watch it over and over and never get tired of it. Today was an afternoon movie day and I suggested this to our rec staff as it was on TV and spent the day upstairs watching it. Still totally love this movie.
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22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing a movie I enjoyed had been shot in my hometown makes it more interesting to me. Like 1990's "IT" that was shot here and in nearby New Westminster. {I did like the story but one thing that made me laugh was a role" reversal. Not everyone made the connection but Chris Sarandon played a vampire in 1985's "Fright Night" and Corey Feldman had played a vampire hunter in 1987's "The Lost Boys". Not the world's greatest movie, but enjoyable nonetheless.
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Transsiberian (2008)
Loved it
22 January 2020
I first saw this when it came in as a New Release at the Blockbuster i was working at. I had never heard of it but took it home anyway. My roommate had some friends over so the six of us sat down to watch it. We all really enjoyed it but damed if I could remember the movie title! It took me two ears of searching before it showed up on TV, so ust saw it again, and again I totally loved the movie. It's a good ride if you don't mind the cold feeling the moxie gives you.
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Hudson Hawk (1991)
Just sayin'
20 January 2020
So many people and critics totally bashed this movie, but I actually loved i!!! When i was living in Victoria, my husband swent to see it when i was working, so we swent together and I totally enjoyed it. It's on TV a lot and I rarely miss a showing. Of course it's a lot older of a movie now but my 2 something niece and nephew and teenage daughter all like it too.
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V.C. Andrews' Heaven: Dark Angel (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Skip it
27 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you were a fan of the books (which I am) the movies are a disappointment Many key parts of the books are missing or changed. One thing I remember was in the 2nd book that she was Leigh all over again but for her dark hair. She was not a rehead but a brunette and when she went back dressed like her Mother she had had her black hair dyed silver blonde not wearing a brunette wig. Keith and Jane showed up the beginning of the 3ts book, but aren't even mentioned, nor do I remember Fanny having more kids, even though I think she may have slept with Logan. Best to skip it.
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The Mummy (1999)
Well, y'know
22 November 2019
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I saw this movie in a theatre on a blind date. My date was upset because i kept laughing, but have to say I liked it enough to catch the next two as well as The Scorpion King in theatres too. One thing I thought odd, was that at no time in the movie does Ardeth Bay say his name, but in the 2nd movie hey know it! I wasn't a big fan of the 3td one with no Oded Fehr and a different actress playing Evelyn.
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American Horror Story: Red Dawn (2019)
Season 9, Episode 5
17 October 2019
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When i first started watching this season's show was reminded of Sleepaway Camp and Friday the 13th As the shows progressed I was more into this than the moies and when Richard Ramirez showed up I knew someone had done their homework as he looks like a twin to Richard. Good job! Excored to continue on with the series and hope it sjows up on Netflix!!
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19 September 2019
I was happy I didn't pay for this, the first one was horrible and almost as far removed from the book as 1980's "The Shining (though i like that one far more than the remake) Well after seeing this 3 hour snore fest and seeing all the goofs and holes, I wholeheartedly favour the original 1990's version. Believe me, I am not alone in thinking it is better.
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Brainscan (1994)
Worth it.
7 May 2019
I was a teenager babysitting the first time i saw this movie. Even though i love horror movies. this movie spooked me, but I did like the way it played out. one of my friends had head of it so renyed it for a pool party I had a bit later on. Most of my friends were freaked out by it and i was always sorry I never had a copy of it, not like Trick or Treat that i was lucky enough to get. Two weeks ago, we ere doing a movie night at my friends place anf her sister brought this movie over. The happiness of seeing it again as amazing. Suffice to say, I don't care what the rating is, I love this movie!
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Christine (1983)
Hello old friend
8 April 2019
When i was eight or nine, I had already read "Carrie" and having enjoyed it, I was given this book to read. I truly enjoyed it though I did not see the movie until i was 17 (1989). I bought the movie in the 2000's when Blockbuster was closing down and have watched it a zillion times since. It was on a "no commercial" channel today so sat down to watch it again. Knowing they re remaking Pet Cemetery soon, I wonder if they will choose to remake this too.
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The Nesting (1981)
Great for Cheesy 1980's movie fans.
25 December 2018
Some million years ago or so, I saw this movie as a child....and never forgot it. It plays a psychological angle and suffering from agoraphobia myself, I wish I knew of a Gothic haunted house in the countryside, I'd pack my bags! Belonging to a group of six other women "The Horror Movie Fan Club"I was surprised when this movie turned out to be one selected by our hostess as i didn't know anyone who had even heard of it, much less seen it. I enjoyed it immensely, as much as the first few times i Would recommend it to anyone who likes psychological thrillers.
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The Nun (2018)
5 December 2018
I have to admit it was under great threats I sat through The two Conjuring movies, and have to admit I didn't like either. But watched "Annabelle" when u was visiting family and dragged a friend off to see "Annabelle-creation" both of which i did enjoy. "The Nun" was a good movie though the story was a little faded and the plot a little stale. The hump scares worked on mt and my friends and went a step further dressing up like the nun for Halloween and winning a prize for his costume.went as Annabelle and also won third place. I couldn't move my head very well and didn't speak the whole night. Wotth seeing, but then again thought that about "Winchester" too
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It (I) (2017)
This movie is awful.
13 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have been reading Stephan King books since i was a child, and i have never been so disappointed in a movie from one of his books. I was an still am, a huge fan of the 1990 original and that being saif, I am curious to know what drugs people on wee when they said this was a good scary movie? It was a yawn-fest with so much detail removed or changed it irritated rather than scared me. Like Bev in the web... never happened, like the bully falling in a well... never happened, like all of Geogie being taken, c'mon people... it was only his arm! This movie tally sucks and am bot even going to bother with chapter 2!!
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Sixth Time's a charm.....
3 November 2018
I would hesitate to say it's my favourite slasher flick, but in the Top 2.As a matter of fact my favourite horror movies are not slasher flicks at all. Being "The Shining" and "Prince of Darkness". But this is second to the movie "Identity" And I watch this every time it's on TV and most of the other Friday the 13th too, which always come near Halloween on AMC's Fear Fest every October. Out of all the Friday movies, it is the most enjoyable and worth watching, while most of the others aren't.
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Rollercoaster (1999)
Pleasant surprise.
23 October 2018
For the past several years, myself and six of my girlfriends have gotten together on alternate Saturday nights to watch horror movies and vote on which ones we think are the best. I had never heard of this one when it showed up on our playlist one weekend and was pleasantly surprised about how good ir was.I have seen a lot of crappy horror movies on these weekends (Evil Dead 2, the remake of Evil Dead and Eden Lake stand out)and was surprised that the performances seemed more natural than forced. I truly enjoyed the movie and though it seems to be lacking actual horror or a building up of tension. It was an enjoyable watch. I would watch it again.
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Passengers (2008)
16 September 2018
Never have been a big fan of Anne Hathaway since her embarrassing performance as an Oscar host, but there was nothing else on TV, so decided to give it a shot. Was in interesting story and a fairly good movie. (I recognised Vancouver) The ending was surprising... I didn't see that coming! Though reminded me of The Sixth Sense. Was a very good movie, but will probably not go out of my way to watch it again.
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