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Extremely refreshing
2 August 2005
Every now and again I'll switch onto a Sky Movies channel expecting to be presented with more over-hyped trash and teen-comedy garbage (even though I'm a sociable 18 year old myself I don't tend to go for that kind of film).

But alas, one day I read a listing on a Sky website about a film called 'Black Cadillac'. The synopsis seemed fairly intriguing but I still wasn't expecting much. Anyway, it came to 9pm and it started...one of the most exciting films I have ever witnessed. The plot is simply amazing and despite Rnady Quaid being the only real recognisable face (I recognised Josh Hammond because I saw him in Time Cop: The Berlin Decision) the acting is totally believable.

Apparently based on a true story the film begin with 3 teenagers (2 brothers and their friend) at a party in a bar out in the middle of the woods. The older brother is in his car with a young girl he's met whilst the other two are inside, the younger brother being shown just exactly what sex is and the other telling amusing fake stories about how he got the grisly scar on his face. They end up getting into a bar brawl in which they prevail (thanks to the older brother's intervention) and promptly leave. Driving along the dead woods in the middle of the night whilst it is snowing, they spot that they are being followed by a mysterious black Cadillac. It eventually drives ahead into the distance but re-appears again, then disappears then re-appears. The trio are quite confused. Then when they stop to pick a cop up who's car has broken down they seem to relax a little knowing they've got someone from the authorities riding with them. But the Cadillac continues to hound them, somewhat trying to race them down a 2-lane forest road. The cop reminds them he's off duty and encourages the driver (the older brother) to show the Cadillac what he's made of. They end up being ran off the road. They come to realise the Cadillac mean them harm. But why? Someone from the bar fight maybe? Who could it be? And what do they want? Buy this amazing film to find out, the twists and turns in the plot are amazing and will have you on the edge of your seat until the very end. The eeriness of the dark, snow-covered forest roads are what makes this film so exciting to watch. There is absolutely nobody around except for them, the cop and the Cadillac. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Take the time to see this film, you won't regret it.
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Truly amazing...
14 July 2005
Steve Coogan's comedy in general is difficult to put into words if you're explaining it to somebody who has never experienced it before. He is not an everyday comedian, nor does he do live shows or TV series that have one big laugh and nothing much in between. Throughout his whole career he has produced amazing, side-splitting comedy which never lets up.

Throughout this show he takes comedy to another level. The Alan Partridge act at the end is obviously magnificent but with Coogan there rarely is a highlight to anything he does. It's all one big, bright shining light that's in your face! The whole comical package stuffed into this show will make you laugh until you think you can't laugh anymore. A lot of people who watch stand-up comedy alone may chuckle to themselves or simply find it amusing but not express it by laughing, however this show will bring your laughter out. It will make you laugh out loud when you're the only one sat in your living room watching it. It will show you a completely different approach to stand-up comedy and make you think twice about comedy in general.

The Kate Bush Medley at the end of the show by Partridge tops it off very nicely because Coogan is so good at singing badly! It's totally hilarious! I am a massive Steve Coogan fan and always have been. This man is quite simply a showbusiness phenomenon and is the sole reason why I myself am now pursuing a career in alternative comedy acting and script writing. I am also due to attend the exact same university as he went to in Manchester where he grew up just like me.

Thankyou Steve for yet another fantastic piece of alternative comedy and thank-you for being the main inspiration behind me pursuing a career in this field. I simply would not be able to produce the work I do if it wasn't for seeing all of your work and appreciating it with a vast amount of enthusiasm. You are a true legend.
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Alan Partridge's Country Ramble
20 April 2005
Excellent short spoof documentary of Norwich. Classic Coogan. Classic Partridge.

All-round excellent writing was involved in the production of this short-film and I am now looking forward to the Alan Partridge movie.

Steve Coogan is quite simply a show-business and comedy phenomenon and his glittering radio and TV series along with legendary stand-up performances such as his fantastic The Man Who Thinks He's It which I gladly attended back in 1998 when I was 11 years old and I loved it!

Well done Mr. Coogan, Mr. Iannuci, Mr. Marber and everyone else involved with the writing and production of this short film. Coogan has encouraged me to enter the world of alternative comedy writing and just looking back at his career makes me confident in succeeding in this career area.
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