
11 Reviews
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utter trash movie...super lame acting
17 November 2019
Please save yourself from this utter trash movie. Apart from Jackson there is literally a bunch of see today forget tomorrow actors you've never heard of. The acting is some of the worst I've ever seen in my life, this film literally must of cost about $500 and that's being generous. You wont care what happens not a single bit.

Avoid this super turkey by all costs and anyone giving this a high rating is either friends of the movie crew involved or crew members themselves.

100% Xmas Turkey
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Child's Play (2019)
Chucky it straight in the bin.....
11 September 2019
Wow, where to start with this Turkey. Its that bad im surprised I watched it till the end but I had to to see if it was really worth the hype and positive 10/10 reviews it has....well those reviewers are either kids or they are high because its the worst remake of all time. There are a few bad Chucky films and this one tops them all.They have steered away from the original plot and started a new one with chip technology being reprogrammed badly to cause chucky to be a killer doll. Now Chucky looks absolutely awful with his new look, it looks cheap and nasty and not in the least bit threatening, he comes across as a clingy boyfriend or something and the whinny voice he has now is enough to want to burn it the minute he opens his mouth.

The whole plot line has gone off the rails here, the killings and lets just say there isn't many are censored and you see the after effect not the actual kills, the gore is tame and the Doll looks so obviously fake and yes its a doll but at least make it look real enough, it was as menacing as a tin of beans.

All the high reviews are just plain bonkers, this is a tame letdown in so many ways, Mark Hamill voices Chucky but hes no Brad Dourif and the Chucky isn't no real Chucky that we know to love, the original is safe for now definitely with this turkey. Do yourself a favor and watch the original and enjoy that more, don't waste 90mins of your life watching this garbage..its too nice...AVOID
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The Kid (II) (2019)
Billy the Bore.....
25 May 2019
Wow, you see this film, you see the A List actors that are involved in this film and instantly you become interested in it especially as the film title and topic sells itself. Everyone loves the tale of Billy the Kid right.......WELL not this one!!

This has to be the most boring movie to have graced the screen about the legendary Kid, its slow, badly acted even by the A list Actors, they all seem like they are being paid chocolate buttons as the don,t even try to perform not even Chris Pratt hes awful also.. The Kid himself is beyond dull and could of been any cowboy if you didn't know his role or joined half way in you would have no clue, there is zero character building and you literally couldn't care if he died or not which wasn't the case with the Young Guns version of Billy the Kid where you didn't want him to die. The film is just so blandly dull and the action what there is any of it is forced and looks fake just like some bad Western play acting at a Theme park.

Avoid this film with all costs and save yourself nearly 2 hours and go watch Young Guns again instead, trust me you'll have more fun doing so. This film directed by such a good actor is a absolute mess you would find on a TV late at night when no one is up to watch it or care...Avoid it its total crapfest...may it die in peace.

Labowski69 obviously has no taste
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Escape plan 2..Stallone does a bunk
15 June 2018
OMG....where to start with this god awful film.. anyone giving this above 6 out of 10 is reviewing this for the company or sponsored as they are lying through their teeth and the guy who said it was better than the first is lying to himself...

this movie was so bad and the actors couldn't talk properly, the acting was so wooden and forced, the movie CGI was cheap and nasty and its been done before a 1000 times better too. the first film was a good movie with a convincing villain and the story worked, this one there is no story and to really take the p*** Stallone is in this film for about 10 mins tops and even 50 Cent looked bored.

i cant express how bad this film really is and Stallone should be ashamed of such a poor sequel, this mess is hitting cinemas soon and i feel sorry for those who go watch this utter mess.

avoid this garbage like the plague
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I've never seen anything that SUCKS and BLOWS at the same time....AWFUL
8 December 2017
I have watched some drivel in my time and I've even sat through Sharknado just for s***s and giggles and i thought id seen it all..but then i see they are making this movie about my iconic legend Bruce Lee.. i love anything BL related and the trailer kind of pulled me i get this film ( HAH film that,s a laugh ) and watch about an hour and by that time i can no longer sit through a pile of s*** like that making BL look like a scumbag basically.

this movie should be banned form all countries, deleted form stores and memory and the director flogged in the street for producing this pile of lies hes made here..director i hope BL family sues you so hard you cant afford a BL pen let alone anything suck...your movie sucks and you know it does.

any trace of this drivel should be burned into ashes, the guy playing BL doesn't fit the bill, the look, the overall BL in any shape or form...if you want to watch a film about his life stick with Dragon: The Bruce Lee story, it wasn't perfect either but 100 times better than this turkey

RIP Bruce Lee, we shall remember your greatness, not this steaming turd

AVOID if you have any feeling for BL
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Bangkok Rush (2016)
garbage....positive reviews are fake
29 April 2016
This film stinks pure and simple. the positive reviews are fake and obviously from family,production crew or friends. the action is so lame and been done so much better, this is on the laughing scale, the acting is some of the worst ever witnessed and anyone who says otherwise is lying pure and simple.if i could give this turkey -10 i would of its really that bad..go watch it if you like for s**ts and giggles with mates and some beers and laugh at how bad it is. if anyone says this was good then they wouldn't know a good film if it slapped them round the head.

this film is beyond awful...its pure garbage of the highest order.

hopefully they wont make anymore or if they do firstly get a clue how to act,direct and give it some budget.

super pants pants
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Bermuda Tentacles (2014 TV Movie)
Bermuda Testicles
14 September 2014
only really need to say..

absolute garbage of the highest order and like the Ebola virus it should be avoided at all costs even for free or bored to death do not attempt to watch this drivel its truly shocking..

Linda Hamiltons career has spun into the bargain bin anyway and this will only falter it further..and i think this goes up there with the other films like Sharknado 2 and Prehistoric Rex which are both equally bum films

Bermuda Testicles this is indeed .. a far better and fitting name for it

utter pap
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Willow Creek (2013)
Willow Hairycrack: Bigfart
13 September 2014
OMD.. where to begin on this utter snooze-fest..whilst actually waiting for Big-fart to turn up in the movie was like waiting in a 50 people long Que for the dentist to pull out all your teeth.. my god i actually wanted Big-fart to drag the entire crew away and me i was that bored.

the interviews are so dull the cameraman i swear is nodding off and only being propped up by his equally bored assistant who's praying to be eaten asap by Big-fart anything to kill the boredom! and everyone in it just walks around blabbing crap about the legend and i don't think anyone is even listening..well i sure as hell wasn't after 30 Min's and it takes 67 Min's to get off the ground and its only 77 Min's long and that seemed like 3 hours. i don't think I've yawned so many times in 77 Min's in my life and I've seen some boring sh!t.

Bobcat you were funny in Police Academy 2 etc but this was no joke this film suck Big-farts legendary balls and maybe you should not make a sequel to this bore-fest EVER!!..pretty please. if you have seen Blair Witch folks then its this all over again with a new hairy skin and without the witch...basically its A$$ and a hairy one at that.

if its hairy big tall things you yearn then go watch King Kong again cause at least you actually see him in the movie for more than 5 Min's unlike this bucket of Ar$e.. pretend you never saw the trailer or the poster and have a better night not being slowly killed with this fart box of a movie.. even Big-fart couldn't be bothered to show up for it!!

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Bieber everyone hates you... exit the building
15 August 2014
Why in the name of god does anyone like this little cretins music or videos? bottom line review..

this film / doc sucks the biggest a** of all time.the guy is rude and quite frankly a disgrace to the music scene and hopefully soon vanish from our lives.

go wash dishes or collect up dust with a straw its far more interesting....

give us back robin williams and take this useless muppet instead i cant even think of one good thing to say about this dooooosh

bieber face DO ONE -10 / 10
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The Deletables
14 August 2014

What in the fark was this this???.. what a complete snooooozefest this was and now i can never get those 2 hours of my life back!. this had the cast to be something special again with the dream class of action characters we all wished would be in the same film one day back in the 80,s.

right, so we get the first and second instalments which i actually enjoyed and had those actors together at last and looked forward to the next one to see who else would be added comes the 3rd one with new characters to boot and simply had to be the best action film ever right , yep , surely hmmm just got more and more boring as the film went on and found myself nodding off on occasions which is rare for me, well this action film left one thing back at the office oh what was it oh yeh the action part!! Lundgren looked bored, Stallone looked tired, Arnie just wanted to go postal, Snipes was OK at best, Statham probably wanted to smack Stallone and the rest well they all gave up from the word " Action " oh yeh because there wasn't any! and if your looking for blood and guts then best go down the butchers as there is none here and no swears and no real adult jokes to laugh

the newbie cast were beyond terrible and nobody gave one ounce of F**k if they all got blown up straight away. this is a farce of a movie and should be renamed The Most Boring Film Ever.

You should all avoid this film like the Plague and Stallone please please don't do this to us again.. utter bollacks that it is.
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In the Blood (I) (2014)
awful..don't know what the rest were watching!!
7 April 2014
After reading the other reviews i can tell they either like crap films or they are something to do with the production or advertisement of this stinker..and to say this is better than Van Damme and Seagal films mate all i an say is your insane and talking utter garbage

the plot is a weak rip-off of Taken and not in anyway as good. the female role should on all accounts being a excellent martial artist should of brought a better display to the table as seeing her fights on Youtube in the cage she is brutal and very skilled, none of this showed in this dire movie.

the plot again even though similar to Taken could not have been any further off, it dwindled and took an age to get to the point. Gina stumbled around aimlessly looking for answers and basically did nothing much about it. Unfortunately she cant act for toffee which doesn't help and with the weak performances all round she didn't stand a chance. this was worse than Haywire which i never thought possible but it is on so many levels and with some good actors on board I'm surprised this was so bland and weak....Avoid this boring truly is boring and the action what there is of it is awful...AVOID AVOID
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