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3 June 2024
I am in shock after seeing this documentary.

It's hard to express how I feel, I most definitely want to strangle that disgusting cruel and greedy producer but I also wanna cry with SADNESS....and joy for Nasubi.

I mean, you're better going into this not knowing anything and just let it all unfold for you.

It's insane, deeply sad, comical, touching, makes you angry, but ultimately you'll be emotionally moved by this unique story that will never be repeated in any way shape or form.

What a courageous and humble human being and I hope he never has to worry about money, or anything, for the rest of his life.

My god, the barbarity of Japanese TV is boundless. Please watch and be shocked but I hope the decency of this man will touch your soul like it did for me. What a true hero and inspiration.

This really is a MUST SEE.
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Evacuation (2023– )
Extremely powerful documentary that needs to be seen.... In fact it should be compulsory viewing, especially by our politicians and everyone wanting to become one!!
21 May 2024
This is an incredible piece of filmmaking. I'd say this is an absolute must see and I was in tears by the end.

My emotions switched between sorrow, heartbreak, shock and rage. And I don't mean rage at the Taliban, at a Parliament that sends our soldiers to a futile war and then once it knows it's a war it can't win, then we leave. But when we leave, there are traumatised soldiers coming home after losing friends and knowing it was a waste of time. And hundreds, maybe thousands of Afghan nationals that we promised safe harbour, but instead we left them there and god knows what's happened to them. It's tragic beyond words.

Everyone involved in this documentary deserves so much credit for telling their story and being allowed to express themselves. I hope that being involved in this project helps them deal with their PTSD and guilt some of them feel.

The way it allows the servicemen, ex servicemen, interpreters, families to speak candidly and openly about their experience of those last 18 days leading up to the evacuation of Kabul is something that will touch your very soul.

Congratulations to the filmmakers for being sensitive and yet brutally honest about the whole evacuation.

I sincerely hope that if we ever go through this again, we send all the sitting MPs that voted for whatever war we're fighting to be the last ones out and let them check in the nationals desperate to leave and see the civilians begging for help. And make sure those 'politicians' also are the ones on the very last flight out, if they make it.
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The Fortune Hotel (2024– )
This is a poor man's Traitors...
16 May 2024
I suppose there's nothing wrong with taking a winning formula and then adapting it for a shot at a decent TV show. The problem is, it's so obviously similar in it's traitorishness vibe that unless it has the same the great location, great host, the incredible intensity, and something so new it gets your attention then it falls flat.

This has neither of the above, and so after 2 episodes, if I remember it's on catch up and I've got time, I may watch more, but if I don't, it won't be any loss.

I watched the first episode and thought it was okay and decided to watch the second episode and I saw a fly in my front room and it was annoying, so instead of pausing the TV I carried on following in around until I finally caught the little pest... in another room... and I came back and just carried on watching where I left off because I 'knew' I wouldn't really miss anything in the 5 minutes I was away. That would never happen with the Traitors.

If I watch more episodes and it dramatically improves, then I'll update my rating from it's current 5.

I'm sure plenty will enjoy it, don't let me put you off giving it a go at least.
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Blue Lights (2023– )
Right up there alongside Happy Valley and Line of Duty, although it's still only one season in.
18 March 2024
I realise that to follow the two outstanding police dramas above then it has to be special, and it is....so far.

I binged this series yesterday and I was blown away. The first 2 episodes introduce you to our rookie cops and colleagues but also some of the criminals and the difficulties in policing in certain areas of Belfast.

I loved the writing, sharp script and the obvious attention to detail of how it is working in such a tough environment.

Then, from episode 3 I was completely hooked. The storylines and character development and acting just had me transfixed. This show is so gritty and real but you begin to really root for these newbies and their mentors and care what happens. Character development is fantastic.

I would imagine there's been plenty of research gone into making a show set in Belfast because not only does it have the usual mix of criminality that we see everywhere, but you can sense the lingering pain from the wounds caused by the troubles although it skirts this issue admirably with little references to things rather than it being in your face. But it's there, and you sense from the older generation, they don't forget.

This show is brutal, dark, funny, touching, down to earth with excellent acting throughout carried by a superb script and top notch writing and world building.

Highly recommended and it's been renewed for a second season that will be out very soon so I won't have long to wait, thankfully.

Let's hope they can continue where they left off because that's what made the other shows so memorable and award winning. They got even better.
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It's only like Dexter if you suspend all disbelief and leave any critical thinking out of the room and if you don't mind plot holes the size of volcanic craters!
17 March 2024
I don't know where to start...but the review saying if you like Dexter then you'll like this is stretching the truth... and then some.

The show is about a cleaner that works in a police station but outside office hours he's a serial killer.

And that's where the Dexter similarity ends. Dexter had a likeable protagonist, fantastic writing, great storylines and even though it was far fetched, it almost felt plausible. It also had incredible music.

This is the polar opposite. Awful writing, a stupid and unbelievable protagonist who's so dumb, but has flashes of genius, so it's silly, and the plot holes are insane. Any sensible human, especially if you're male, would fully get this within 5 minutes of episode 2.

In what universe does an active serial killer investigation give unfettered access to a cleaner seeing all files, crime scene photos, and he gets to hear police openly discussing it while he's in the room??

As for Melissa....are you serious???

The other plot holes would be spoilers so I can't say but if you can get to episode 3 then you deserve a pat on the back because it was during this episode I quit so I'd stop constantly shaking my head and rolling my eyes, and asking myself 'What am I doing watching this?'

Terrible, but they get 2 stars cos the music isn't that bad.
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Caroline Aherne, the soulmate we all wish we had.
17 February 2024
I stumbled across this last night and as I always liked her and had a big soft spot for her I put it on.

Wow! What a wonderful tribute to a remarkable genius (literally). She had an IQ of 156. But a genius comic, writer and a wholly loveable, and well loved northern lass.

This documentary really honours her and has some truly laugh out loud as well as some literal tearjerking moments.

It interviews many of her lifelong friends, colleagues and peers. I ended up feeling like I knew her personally once it was over.

If you can find this on iplayer or wherever you can, I'd urge you to watch it if you enjoyed watching Caroline when she was Mrs Merton or Denise in the Royal Family. I had to burst out laughing when it showed her on the Fast Show doing her bit as a weather presenter and she kept saying "Scorchio" when she was putting the symbols on the map. I still say scorchio to this day. Bless her.

A remarkable documentary, and a fitting tribute to a beautiful soul, who also happened to be comic gold.
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I do not understand anyone who poorly reviews this show, this is Reality TV on steroids! No Actors. It's a game show.
23 November 2023
I've only watched the first 5 episodes but this show is BRUTAL. Just imagine playing a game for almost 5 million dollars. The stress levels go through the roof.

It's hyper intense and has some great things going on. I won't spoil anything but some of the competitors had me in stitches, especially early on.

I think a lot of the competitors would need some serious psychological help after this. Hahaha, I love it.

The only show that comes close to this is The Traitors (British and Australian) so if you enjoy some twists and skulduggery then you'll find this perfect.

My best advice is that if you've never seen the Squid Game Korean acted show, then It's preferable if you did before watching this otherwise some of the nuances and changes will either fall flat or be missed entirely....and you won't get the full effect of some of the surprises.

Saying that you'll still enjoy it for what it is.

Roll on the next tranche of episodes, I'll look forward to another binge.
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Killers of my cinematic joy! Doesn't live up to it's hype, just like Oppenheimer didn't. Decent, but not great.
25 October 2023
This film isn't bad... but it might win the Oscar for 'longest time taken before anything interesting happens'

For a 3 and a half hour movie with an incredible rating on IMDB I was expecting a masterpiece. I got a good move which, if Apple had made into a 4 episode mini series, everyone would have stopped watching after episode 2.

It's a tragic story which deserved to be told with more vigour. The editing didn't do the events justice. I wanted to rewind a couple of scenes because I didn't catch the faces of the perpetrators twice. And in another part I thought we had moved forward in time but then I realised we had to be on the same day. The editing was all over the place. (for me at least).

Saying that it's a decent film but probably not even in my top 10 Scorsese movies.

As far as acting, Dicaprio seemed to put on this frown and down turned mouth expression way too much, and De Niro was what you expect. I actually thought Lily Gladstone was fantastic and so understated as Molly. She carried her scenes and I hope to see more of her in the future.

I'm happy that I got a cut price cinema ticket to see this on the big screen but to be honest I think if you have an Apple TV subscription then you may as well wait for it to come out on that format because as long as you have a decent TV then you won't miss anything... and you'll appreciate a bathroom break, and the rewind button! 6.5/10 rounded up.
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Started off thinking they were all idiots, but ended up wanting to hug them all, including Nik.
22 October 2023
Stuck this on while having a slobby Sunday and wasn't expecting much but I'm so glad I stuck with it.

A group of people seeking fame and fortune end up leaving home, careers, relationships to be on a year long reality TV show and end up having reality bite them instead.

What's great about this show is that it treats everyone with the utmost respect and it really shows. You'll care about them and I love how they recreate the flat while they're interviewing individual 'contestants' now in 2023. And then it cuts to footage from 2012 while they're all in Tim's pad.

The final episode is the best and it's fascinating. You couldn't wish for a sweeter group of people who all have big hearts and it's a joy to see.

Well done to the team that made this, edited it and put it all together in such a kind, heartwarming way.
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Cobweb (2023)
The last 30 minutes are absurd beyond belief! It actually looked promising until it completely derailed!!
12 August 2023
This started off well enough and kept me intrigued. Then it got a bit weirder, but still kept me watching, but please just as soon as the kid gets the keys to the little door.... time to turn off.

This film now goes total WTF??! REALLY??? SERIOUSLY YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT???!!!

It's gets laughably ridiculous with plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon, Kimberley diamond mine and the Mariana trench. Some films border on the ridiculous, this film goes so far over that border you'll think you've witnessed a whole film crew, writers, and some of the cast catch some collective mental illness all at the same time! How else can you explain how they can possibly carry on making the last half hour of this film?! I'm shaking my head and laughing in disbelief. I gave it 4/10 because of the first two thirds. At least you'll have a laugh if you decide to watch it all. And you'll probably have nightmares too... nightmares about the state of the film industry!!

Most of the cast, especially the parents and little boy do a fine job of acting by the way. They're not responsible for awful writing, gaping plot holes and some ridiculous scenes.
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Help (2021 TV Movie)
Incredibly powerful, incredible acting, incredulous government decision making that killed many thousands. A harrowing drama.
7 August 2023
Wow!! This was powerful drama and difficult to watch. It's heartbreaking at times and you are literally with Jody Comer on that last night shift really feeling the sheer sense of panic and futility, frustration and absolute hopelessness.

The most despicable thing about all of this is that we, in the UK, have an inquiry going on right now. And it's going to take years to finish the inquiry and even longer still to get the full report out. In the meantime we could have another pandemic!

And even if we don't, who will be held accountable? And what punishment will they get for scandalous decision making to release hospital patients into unprotected care homes, killing thousands of people?

If I drove my car and accidentally sneezed which forced me to mistakenly veer off the road and hit someone. I'd be sentenced to prison for causing death by dangerous driving. But to kill tens of thousands, when you know beyond doubt that's exactly what your decision will lead to (because top experts are advising you that's what will happen) then you can walk the streets, earn a fortune and carry on life while you've helped end it for so many and destroyed the last moments for children, husbands and wives. Doesn't make our policy makers and government less culpable tho regardless of how they justify it to themselves.

This film puts the spotlight firmly on those that made those choices. And it'll make your blood boil.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Totally shocked... This film will put some people to sleep... seriously!
23 July 2023
I am a HUGE Nolan fan. I love his films so you can imagine my excitement to have seen press reviews and booked to see this movie. I avoided trailers cos I wanted to be blown away.

But... I was hugely disappointed! And I mean CATACLYSMIICALLY!!

Acting is great, no doubt.

The score is great, definitely.

Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey junior deserve oscar nominations, absolutely!

That's it. This film is almost like watching a documentary, that you've committed to (cos you want to learn something, and you like the subject matter) but then get bored halfway through, but still persevere hoping there's a huge payoff for your investment in time.

Sorry folks but there really, really isn't. It's very fragmented, jumps around in time far too much..... but you'll still stay until the end in the hope that this Nolan film will blow your mind with some incredible last hour.... and you'll say '"Masterpiece"... but it doesn't.

I left the cinema, texted my mate (I'd already arranged to see it in IMAX with him in a few days) and cancelled. Luckily he hadn't bought the tickets cos, even if he had, I'd have sent him the money but not gone. Huuuuge disappointement. For me anyway, and the two people I watched it with. They felt the same.

And from what we witnessed, quite a few other people too.

Make up your own mind tho.

If you enjoy watching senate hearings, or study 20th century American history, then go see it. If you want to see an exciting Nolan movie then stay at home and watch any of his other films.

I almost wish I'd have gone and, watched Barbie instead...... almost....
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
I've never watched a show where I've wanted to slap as many characters with a wet fish!! Grrrrrr!!
6 March 2023
Tiny very minor spoilers, nothing that could ruin it, trust me.

Seriously??! What is wrong with these people? A bunch of self-centred, false and pretentious pr***s!

For starters this show is just absurdly unrelateable to any 'normal' adult. So, I've watched, and loved, Succession, Bloodline, Big Little Lies, The White Lotus. This show is a million miles away from those. In what life do your friends/acquaintances think being an esteemed consultant surgeon as a career fail and then to imply ridicule if his children wanted to go into medicine themselves??

What divorced father would have his kids for a long weekend and not think to call the police immediately when their mother fails to pick them up, without one text or phone call? And then he still goes into work the next day?? Seriously?

What children, instead of panicking about their mother's disappearance instead kick up a fuss about being late to go to the Hampton's?

What bang average single man would join a dating app and get dozens and dozens of incredible ladies fawning over him, just in the first weekend??

I could go on and on... These creatures are utterly deplorable. And this all in 2 episodes.

Don't get me started on the incessant, absurd narration. If anyone really actually thinks like the narration then god help them. No wonder they're all in therapy. Its so vacuous.

With the other shows I mentioned, yes there are many super rich ar**holes in them, but at least I can get their 1st world troubles and their reactions are mostly plausible at least, and if not plausible, then understandable. And their actions make sense when you understand their character. Thats the huge chasm between those shows and this.

In what universe does a divorced man act shocked when his ex-wife has changed her bank account password?! Are you for real?? Who wrote this drivel?

Don't get me wrong, the acting is fine, especially Clare Danes as Rachel. Its just the writing, and the thorougly unlikeable characters, and their neuroses.

Toby, sorry dude, but you are not gonna have horny sex chats, incredible sex, with stunning females, this much. Especially when you never take care of yourself, lack confidence, and can't grow chest hair!! You're gonna be watching porn, on your own, eating pizza. Fact!
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Forget the bad reviews. If you can cope with listening to well crafted dialogue and acting that builds tension, its for you.
6 March 2023
I would love to know the age of people who rate this film as a 1 or 2 and say comments like 'Skip it' or 'boring waste of time.' Maybe these people need to stay off their phones while watching a conversation-led film.

I live in the UK, do not work in the industry, have zilch to do with the film or trying to promote it. However, after giving it a go, regardless of the poor reviews, I thought it was really good, in fact its maybe a 7.5.

You can sort of sense from the early dialogue what path the film might take but what kept me gripped was the mystery of wondering how we were going to get there. I found the dialogue excellent. It was intriguing and the exchanges between the main characters made me drawn into the room with them.

This is not a gorefest from minute one, nor is it a bloodbath but its highly sexually charged, with dark undertones that permeate the film from very early on. The acting is top notch as well.

We're introduced to a couple who have literally just met earlier, in a bar, and the male character Hap has given Mina a lift home. They seem to like each other, and thus the dialogue/wordplay begins.

For me, it was absolutely fascinating to watch, i was riveted. Saying that, I did watch it in the dark, no interruptions, and I had headphones on and it just ramped up the creepy atmosphere.

And this film does build up. Its like a coil thats getting tighter and tighter, and even tho you 'know' whats going to happen, you still need to watch.

My only criticism would be that, after all that tension and impending doom, the end seemed to peter out a little maybe, and it ended too quickly. But, saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed it and providing you're not an impatient child, and you can listen to dialogue , and read between the lines, then hopefully you'll find it as enjoyable as I did.
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9/11 (2017)
See for yourself. I enjoyed it.
25 September 2022
Some of the negative reviews on here are way over the top.

What's enjoyable about this is the fact they're all stuck in a lift and we all know what happens. But you totally empathise with their fear and sense of panic as they get drip-fed information.

I watched this for free on Rakuten TV and I'm glad after reading all the shockingly bad reviews (altho a couple did make me chuckle) that I still went through with it because of one person's very good review. And I fully agree. Just see for yourself, it's not overly long and the action gets going pretty quickly. Don't forget, its a movie based on a theatre play and it has that feel about it. Well worth a watch and a very solid 7/10.
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Moonfall (2022)
I actually cringed !! But if you like Waterworld....and cheese then enjoy!!.
22 August 2022
The premise is worth a movie, but then you need a good screenplay, direction, acting, editing, music ....oh......sorry I almost forgot......SCRIPT...

This film makes you actually believe the moon is made of cheese!!
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Black Bird: The Place I Lie (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Gut wrenching, heart breaking, but absolutely brilliantly directed. Bravoepisode
30 July 2022
This has to be one of the best single episodes i've ever seen of any show.

Compelling and incredibly intense.

If you're not gut punched watching this episode then you need to check your pulse....cos you might not have one!
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Black Bird (2022)
Exceptional drama. Gripping from Episode one.
30 July 2022
I thought this show was phenomenal after just a couple of episodes but I have just watched episode 5 and I was utterly blown away. WOW!! Sensational performances throughout and the dynamic of James and Larry is captivating and intense. Please, just watch it, cos if you don't, you'll be missing something special, and episode 5 has got to be one of the most dramatic, mesmerising, harrowing episodes I've ever seen for any show EVER.
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Men (2022)
Wow!! You'll either 'see' it.... or you wont.
2 July 2022
This is a marmite movie without a doubt. However please pay attention when you watch and gradually the jigsaw starts to become clearer as the movie progresses and the pieces revealed.

Some of the awful reviews on here are undoubtedly from people who didn't 'get' it. Do you remember those Magic Eye pictures that to some you can eventually see a fantastic 3D image with layers of depth, but to others they just see a scrambled mess of swirls on a page that doesn't make any sense? Well, that's this movie in my opinion.

A metaphorical and thought provoking film that might disgust you at the same time. You'll definitely be thinking about it for a while afterwards tho. Loved it, and I'll be seeing it again for all the things I missed on the first viewing.
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