
7 Reviews
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Love story?
24 June 2014
This film was overall unsatisfying for me. The story was exciting at first, but the end was not quite what I expected. Three magazine employees head out for an interview they had seen in the newspaper. It was about a man who is seeking a partner to travel back in time. Darius is a young intern in Seattle and as she works with Jeff and another intern, she is deeply interested in Kenneth's plan to go back in time. Even though it was for their newspaper, as the interview becomes closer to the truth, the three find out the real truth about Kenneth. Darius and Kenneth become very close but are they really going to be able to travel back in time? The truth can be seen once you watch this film. However, I did not like how it ended.
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Man Wanting Family
17 June 2014
This film is set in Kamakura where the sounds of the ocean and sea birds can be heard. David, an English teacher, and his wife Keiko's marriage is under strain. Due to serious reason, they do not have a child. However, one day, fate conspires to bring them a small blonde boy, Jay. He is one of David's students, half-Japanese, half-Western. Nobody will doubt that Jay is not David and Keiko's child. Jay ends up taken home with David due to Jay's mother not appearing to pick him up after school. David's feeling of emptiness leads to wanting to keep Jay. Keiko realizes David's desire, but knew it is wrong and so she tries to persuade David. The audience start to question what has happened to Jay's mother, and what will David and Keiko do with this little boy. This film illustrates a man's desire to have a family, and his emotional conflict to do the right thing.
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Watch out! Terry Tate's coming!
17 June 2014
Do you always recycle your cans? Because if you don't 'Terrible' Terry will come charging at you to make sure you do so. Terry Tate is a retired NFL football player and his position is Linebacker. Linebacker is one of the positions in American Football and their duty is to tackle their opponents and stop their move. Terry, working for Felchers & Sons, has his eyes on office workers that are breaking the rules. The powerful and muscular Linebacker is in the office to enforce the rules and tackle any of those who break them. Since Terry joined this company, their productivity has gone up. This short movie makes us laugh with some violent moves and words. But on the other-hand, it teaches us to always do the right thing. With Terry in the office, you will never be late for you meetings! If you don't want to end up in the hospital with a broken bone, make sure to always follow the rules.
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The Birthday (I) (2002)
17 June 2014
This film is a short film that was made by starting off by receiving only lines of dialogue. The director and screenwriter start off from scratch and create their own story using only those words. They are only allowed to use the words given, and other film makers competed to make the best film using the same lines. The setting of this film is assumed to be during World War II at the time of the Holocaust. Three little boys dressed in uniforms step into a house. They notice someone is behind the rack. One boy follows the shadow while the others runaway in fear. There he meets a Jewish girl and they talk like there is nothing between them to dislike. The story turns out to be a very heart warming one. I enjoyed watching this film, and I can understand why this film was awarded first place!
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Sad but warming
17 June 2014
This 2000 Academy Awarded short film is very heart warming but at the same time gives a sense of loneliness. As you can tell from the title, the main character is a father and daughter. The story starts off with them riding a bicycle together. After stopping together by a boat, only the father hops in and rows the boat away. The daughter just watches him get smaller and smaller until soon he is nowhere in sight. From childhood to adulthood, the little girl soon becomes a lady. Seeing the girl getting on with her life, it seems like she is happy but as the accordion in the background plays, we can sense that there is always sadness somewhere inside her. Since there is no dialogue throughout the film, it made viewers think and feel the emotion of the daughter. This film gives a sorrowful but loving tough to those who watch it.
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Commute by rowing!
17 June 2014
This film starts off with a big traffic jam, and people's finger tapping on the handle, getting irritated. They are late to work. Then the scene changes to a calm and relaxing ocean. A man rows a boat through the water and gets to work on time, without any disruption. This is how he commutes and it is his time of peace and comfort. However his time of luxury is disrupted one day. How is it disrupted? The answer can be seen once you watch this film. Viewers can see how kind the man is, but at the same time the man that does not have the nerve to tell his feelings. Things get worse and one day he shakes himself free from the disruption and finds another way to commute. What other way does he find? Watch and find out. This film was comical and fun to watch the character overcome his obstacle.
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Whacked (1997)
Fearful but comical.
5 May 2014
This short film was made in 1998 and is a black and white film. At first this film makes viewers ask, "What is going on?" It starts with the mystery of people suddenly dropping to the ground in the middle of New York City. Then the story focuses on a man, who looks tired, depressed and irritated. He works at a golf club and it seems like his stress comes from where he works. Each time a ball hits his golf cart, the more irritation builds up inside him. As the story goes on the more questions come up. What does this man have to do with the strange thing going on in the city? The film overall is silent and has a tense atmosphere, however it ends with a very surprising result. It's only a five-minute film, but at the end it reveals the truth to the mystery of collapsing bodies!
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