2 Reviews
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Alex's War (2022)
30 July 2022
Consortium of video clips, with a heavy focus on Jan. 6th. Some exclusive, most easy-to-find.

If you're hoping to find Alex in his secret place of the most high, continue your search.
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Westworld: The Riddle of the Sphinx (2018)
Season 2, Episode 4
First Weak Episode of Season 2
29 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While it isn't astonishing to witness the tireless praise for this submission from fledgling director Lisa Joy, "Sphinx" is clearly the weak link in Season 2 -- the first time I stopped to think "I am watching a show. Unconvincing scene." Opposite the bombastic Peter Mullan, Jimmi Simpson's flat, listless performance left me gasping for air. Maybe replace him with a host who can act. Also, you were too cute with the choice of music playing in Delos' pod. And the berzerk Delos scene seems perfect for a daytime soap, shame none of it really "works". Oh man, he's nuts for whatever reason, beat it to death after 2 minutes.

So Lisa, if you're scanning this, good start girly. Keep trying, and drop the cute.
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