
4 Reviews
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Brass Eye (1997–2001)
Silence the man with the truth!
26 April 2006
I've just become a fan of Brass Eye after seeing the DVD at a friends house, I have to say it is brilliant and there is no doubt in my mind as to why so many people were against the show. Brass eye shows how the media manipulates and exploits situations to tell you the viewer just what to think about everything. It is a satire on Panarama type shows where all the facts are laid out straight for everyone to see, that way everyone can agree that something is wrong, let's say "drugs" for example. The most controversial, maybe the funniest episode is the episode on Paedophelia. If only people realised that not only do the media promote and fuel paedophelia (just look through the papers, counting down the days that Mary Kate and Ashley became legal, Britney Spears first video, definite exploitation of Paedophelia). The media also speaks out against it, in around 2001 they used the subject spread hatred and fear, everyone was a suspected Paedophile. This is where I believe the humour lies in the show, it is not making fun of the serious issues but it is making fun of the way the Media uses these issues and will exploit them to their own advantage. A very clever and a very funny satire.
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The Same joke, over more than 30 episodes
5 January 2006
The cute (but awkwardly annoying) happy tree friends animals die in a variety of different ways. It may have worked if it had even a dose of intelligence, but unfortunately it doesn't. The deaths are predictable rather than surprising and edgy, the results are always the same. It's probably funny once or twice, or if you have a sick sense of humour you will probably like it (especially if your under 18) but otherwise give this a miss and search for some more worthwhile animated shows.

Such as: The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Ren and Stimpy (for gross and lewd), Beavis and Butthead (immature fun), Daria etc........

Anyway the next few lines are superfluous as my review is not long enough but if torturing fluffy animals is your bag then buy this. It'll fill the time between waiting for the hamster to finish cooking in the microwave and the minute your parents arrive home to find a bloody mess that they now have to clean up.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
The appeal of Taxi Driver
30 November 2005
Why does taxi driver have so much appeal? Well simply because there are so many Travis Bickle's in the world. I have to ask you a question, have you ever felt alone? Walked down a street full of strangers, realising there is no-one around that you know? I'm sure most people have felt that sometime, but Travis Bickle takes that to the most extreme degree, he feels like that all the time. The man who bring this character to life happens to be the rather obsessive, meticulous, method actor, that is Robert Deniro. Travis is such a complex character, miles away from most two dimensional Hollywood blockbuster heroes, for Robert Deniro to bring him to life, well to me makes him one of the greatest movie actors. He doesn't have a "catchphrase", he doesn't have friends, basically all he has is his job and his own loneliness. So basically I would say that Travis is the ultimate anti-hero.

I feel that anyone who has ever had a time in their life where they've spent a lot of alone time, maybe people who have simply seen a friend be like that, can relate. I think this is where the mass appeal lies. Another aspect is that Taxi Driver follows a real life murderer, he isn't portrayed as a monster though, just a misfit, who is a very real person.

Finally, the film just has a certain touch of class. Just the intro scenes made enough of an impact on me. That music and the visuals of the taxi. The speech at the beginning already confirming that Taxi Driver is going to be one of the darkest films you've ever seen (all the animals come out at night). It's brutally honest about New York (at the time), it doesn't paint some sort of false picture about it. It's all there, the drugs, the prostitutes, the porno theatre. How many other films dare talk about these things? Even now? But guess what, though I've never been to New York, I could show you all of these things if I went down to London. Most places have this side to them.

People understand this film. Whether they relate it to themselves or to someone they know, or simply find it interesting to watch Travis' descent until he finally cracks. The surroundings of a big city like New York, with a dirty underside, still relevant. All of these aspects, which I've discussed, make sure that the film is still watched and still relevant today. Sure it will be lost on some people who demand a much faster pace, people who are wondering when the killing will begin and even take joy in it when it does, but Taxi Driver is not supposed to be that film. It's a portrayal of emptiness, loneliness and alienation. People don't watch films like this, they become immersed in them.

So in short; Great acting, great music, great visuals, great script. Really, what else are you looking for in a film? Tell me, what?
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White Chicks (2004)
Piece of sh*t!
17 August 2005
Basically this is an overlong, unfunny, action/comedy. First of all I'd like to say that I did enjoy the Wayans brother Scary Movie (1) and the sequel had it's moments. Unfortunately white chicks doesn't even deliver HALF the laughs.

The humour in it is absolutely crude. If you like burping, farting, stupid catchphrases you should probably look at this. When it isn't crude it's idiotic. The first 10 minutes of the film gave everything away to me, totally unfunny, simply idiotic.

However I watched the whole thing since I was with a friend (otherwise I wouldn't have bothered). The story is undeniably thin, it was in scary movie too but there at least the laughs were quick and constant. I think this is probably one of the main problems too with this film, the laughs don't come quick enough. Some jokes are dragged out too long when they're more disgusting than funny in the first place. If you prefer your comedy with a few brain cells then just avoid this. If you want a silly comedy with more laughs then look at scary movie, airplane, hotshots 1 + 2.

1/10 Completely unfunny, Thin storyline, A film that seems to be based on one idea (i.e. what if we dressed up as white chicks for a film?) but simply didn't have enough material.
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