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Doctor Who: Deep Breath (2014)
Season 8, Episode 1
Not as good as expected.
25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
-------------Contains Spoilers------------ Let me just say, I can't believe the same person who wrote amazing stories like Blink, Forest of the Death, Day of the Doctor etc wrote this same episode. The pacing was not good it felt like a 40 minutes story dragged to 1 hour 15 minutes. Everyone was wanting to see the Doctor in action but the episode focused more and gave more screen time on Vastra, Jenny and Clara for some reason. As compared to the Eleventh Hour (eleventh doctor's first episode) this wasn't as good as that one because the Eleventh Hour focused on how the doctor is gonna be and 10 minutes after watching Eleventh Hour I was like I love this guy. But here after 10 minutes the Doctor had gotten only 2 minutes of screen time oh and then he fainted. My biggest disappointment from this episode was that THERE WAS NO RUNNING. Since the past 8 years we have been seeing the Doctor run. When he starts running the epic music starts playing you know things are gonna get epic and something awesome is happening. I guess because of Peter Capaldi's age there's no running but usually when you think about the Doctor you think about a very energetic, fun always running around person and Peter Capaldi's Doctor is not that yes he's fun and he tries to act energetic but his face looks worn out and tired like he just wants to go home and finally rest but I guess thats what they are trying to show that The Doctor is tired of running around and just wants to go home and settle in Galafry. Thats something I don't really like. The directing was done brilliantly, the special effects were amazing and the music was good too but I guess it will take us time to get used to the new theme but the writing and the pacing were not very good at all and the opening theme felt like a step backwards. I have a little Doctor Who wish which I really want Steven Moffat to do as this is his last season. Moffat sir you're an amazing writer some of your episodes like The wedding of River Song, Girl in Fireplace, Blink and the day of the Doctor are my all time favorite Doctor Who episodes but Deep Breath wasn't one of your best work. Since this is your last season as show runner you're probably gonna tie up all ends so I guess that means the end of River song. In River Song's first episode she says "You looked different there, and new haircut and a suit we went to see the singing towers the towers sang and you started crying and you gave me your screw driver I guess you knew it was my time to come to the library" please make this happen, i guess by a new haircut and a suit she meant a new doctor it will be the perfect end to River Song so in the end or during this season The Doctor should meet River Song and they should see the singing tower and then the Doctor gives her his old screw driver and says its time for you to go to the library and then we all know that this is the end of River's Run.
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