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Prequel to Farpoint?
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
646. Flight That Disappeared (1961). See, right from the start the movie lies to you, it didn't disappear, it was just delayed... We find ourselves aboard Trans-Coast Airways Flight 60, headed to Washington D. C. Among the regular everyday passengers, sit three scientists on their way to a classified meeting at the Pentagon concerning a weapon they're working on the 'beta bomb'!

Everything about the flight seems normal, except that they are smoking cigarettes, eating a provided meal, there also appears to be plenty of legroom, and enough space to put your bags in the overhead compartment, but other than that, normal.

Until the pilots get to cruising altitude but the plane keeps climbing all on its own! Eventually they go up high enough where everyone loses consciousness, except for our three scientists!

Dr. Morris (Dayton Lummis), Marcia (Paula Raymond) and Tom (Craig Hill) become aware that they seem to have landed and exit the plane and they are quickly confronted by The Examiner (Gregory Morton), I say quickly because by the time they get to the point of the film, there's less than 15 minutes left... The Examiner informs them that they are stuck between a moment in time and have been brought to this place to be placed on trial. That bomb these three are working on, may or may not cause the destruction of the Earth's atmosphere, whoops!!

Spolier Alert!!!

The verdict comes down as guilty!!! They are sentenced to live in this limbo... forever!!!

Spoiler Alert 2!!!

As soon as their sentences are handed down, this guy, The Sage (Addison Richards), walks around the corner and says they can't be judged by a future society, for something they haven't done. And they are sent back home.

Spoiler Alert 3!!!

The plane lands perfectly fine, all aboard are completely unaware of the heavenly two-minute trial and exoneration of the 3 scientists! But holy moly the plane is exactly 24 hours late!!!

But the 3 scientists know! The question is, will they change their ways and not go ahead with the 'beta bomb' Spolier Alert 4!!!

No, Dr. Morris throws a notebook away, and it appears that Tom and Marcia will be hooking up sometime in the near future, therefore the world is safe from thermonuclear destruction! Whew!

I was amused, mostly because it reminded me of the pilot episode for Star Trek: The Next Generation, Encounter at Farpoint, where they meet Q and the crew of the Enterprise are put on trial for all of mankind's misdeeds, or something like that... To cement this idea futher, remember when Q introduces the crew to a group of cybernetic organisms linked to a hive mind called 'The Collective'?? Check out the director's name... Have fun kids!

Not Rated Directed by Reginald Le Borg Written by Ralph Hart, Judith Hart, Orville H. Hampton Available on Prime Tim: The Shtty Movie Reviewer on FB.
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its Saw... for teens
28 July 2021
528. Escape Room: Tournament of Champions. Went into this one with really low expectations, and that worked because I kind of liked it. In other words, I'll probably never watch it again, but if someone else was watching it, I'd say, yeah, that wasn't too bad. I can't really say that I remember the first one all to well, or if I even watched it, but lucky for me this one is pretty short and spends a good amount of that short runtime recapping the first movie, and doing a montage leading up to the main characters getting 'trapped' in the new escape room? But it's not an escape room. This is a Saw movie for 13- to 16-year-olds who don't have cool parents that let them watch R-rated movies. It even has a previous survivor named Amanda, hmmm. Instead of mastermind Jigsaw running the show, it felt more like the wealthy people behind the events of Hostel. In this the main characters Zoey and Ben, part 1's survivors, are investigating the company behind the escape rooms, and find themselves on a subway after being mugged. After what seems like an accident, they discover that they are trapped in another escape room, oh no! What about the other passengers, well, it just so happens that the handful of people in this subway car, are survivors of other escape rooms as well! One even exclaims this must be a tournament of champions, no joke there... And like the Saw movies, they must work together to figure out the elaborate traps to survive each room. My guess, this was a Saw script at one time, and someone passed, someone else picked it up, changed a few things and boom Escape Room franchise born. Like I said going into it with low expectations of watching a horror movie made for younger teens, helps a lot. For what it was, it was decent. Short enough with a decent pace so boredom doesn't set it. The acting, well it's like any other teen horror movie acting, meh... Filmbufftim on FB.
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Tame Serial Killer Flick.
15 June 2021
522. The Clovehitch Killer. It was a decent PG rated, maybe Lifetime serial killer movie of the week. I really liked Dylan McDermott's performance as dad, Don, pulls off the 'I am old and my back hurts' dad bit really well, and well, other things... Like being creepy! This is pretty much telling the tale of the BTK Killer, Dennis Rader, just with a different outcome. Takes place is a close-knit religious town, that used to have a serial killer problem, but 10 years ago the killer went silent. And then one night Don's horny son, Tyler sneaks out in the middle of the night stealing dad's truck to make out with a girl. And while all that is going on, Tyler's date finds a dirty picture, of a girl in bondage type situation, and given their upbringing this stuff is pretty close to the devil's work. Tyler of course knows it must be dear old dads, this leads him to explore dads private shed and finds some more dirty dirty things, including a polaroid picture of someone tied up with one of the Clovehitch Killer's victims name on it!! Is dad a serial killer? Who can I talk to about this? Well, that's super easy, the outsider goth girl, Kassi, who lives with not her mom, not mom worked for the police, who just happened to have all the Clovehitch Killer files in the living room. And off the teenage detectives go to find out if Tyler's dad is a serial killer or not. What do you think? Huh? Spoiler Alert! I personally hated the ending, I could possibly see Tyler wanting things to end the way they do, however, not Kassi. When we find out the things we find out about her, I just don't see that ending happening. Also on a final note, the guy who plays Tyler, Charlie Plummer, is it me or does he look a lot like Hailee Steinfeld of Bumblebee? On a second final note, the girl that plays Kassi, Madisen Baily, looks like a hybrid of Isla Fisher and Anna Paquin. Hmmm... Filmbufftim on FB.
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Dream Horse (2020)
Toni Collette is Great, Again!
25 May 2021
519. Dream Horse. So, I'll start by saying Toni Collette is an awesome actress! Horror, Drama, Comedy, Science Fiction she does it all, and always becomes whatever character she plays, and this one is no different! In this one she plays Jan, she lies awake all night listening to her husband snore, gets up at the crack of dawn to go to her job at the grocery store, stops by to take care of her aging parents, sees her husband Brian for a few minutes then head down to the local pub to work a shift there too! Yikes. One night she overhears Howard, a guy who is also suffering from the day in, day out blues, talking about horse racing, raising, and owning horses, and she's like that sounds interesting and I'm bored as hell with the day in, day out. Back at home she stares at her trophies, for various things, but mainly raising animals. And just like that she gets the idea to raise and race a thoroughbred horse. Sure, she's broke like everyone else in town. But what if she convinces everyone in town to chip in? She does quite a bit of research, enlists Howard's help, and does exactly what she sets out to do! Filled with great performances and a story that touches you in the feels, it's worth the watch! Also, it's based on a true story, which made it just that much more inspiring. Filmbufftim on FB.
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Profile (I) (2018)
Brought to you by Skype
18 May 2021
516. Profile. The whole movie takes place looking at a laptop screen, I thought I was going to be bored out of my mind, but I was wrong, it was well done. Again though, the trailer is most of the movie. But that is just the way things are these days, no surprises in cinema released movies. The story is about a journalist, Amy, posing as another younger girl, Miranda, and how she comes in contact with, Bilel who's part of a terrorist organization, and how that organization recruits young women from foreign countries, promising them love, then sell them into slavery. What a world!! It shows Amy's relationship with Bilel and how his words may be working on her, shows her work life and social life spiraling out of control! So basically, it's a public service announcement brought to you by Skype, Facebook, and Microsoft on watching who you talk to over the internet! Builds up to a pretty scary ending, that's apparently based on a true story, swell. Filmbufftim on FB.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Ocean's 11 meets Fast and Furious
10 May 2021
510. Wrath of Man. The one-man army, Jason Statham, is here to take on the armored truck business, and I thought it was pretty weird!! When I saw the trailer for it, I heard directed by Guy Ritchie, starring Statham, revenge, I was like, I'm in, unfortunately I also heard 'death of my son', which ruins the first twist of the movie, because the whole first act is Statham's character 'H' and his first day on the job at the armored truck facility and setting up a situation that we as the audience already know why. That is all I heard from the trailer; I am sure it gives more away. I won't though, going off that, we know H infiltrates the company to figure out who committed a robbery on one of the trucks that resulted in the death of an innocent by-stander... H's son! And as he investigates, man the plot just thickens! Think of the older Guy Ritchie movies, mixed with a bit of Ocean's Eleven, take away the humor, now throw in a dash of Fast and Furious. Why did I find it weird, mainly the first act and H's first day on the job, his new co-workers are over the top openly hostile towards him, and there's so much 12 year old boy locker room humor, and macho man stuff happening it was strange, and the fact that the workers seem to treat this job like they're going into war, and they might not see each other at 5pm clock out time, maybe they were shooting some metaphors at us, nahhhhh. It is a revenge flick, that gives us a larger story than most of the movies in the same genre, I just found a lot of it a little too convenient and easily spotted some plot holes, but who cares, explosions! Am I right? Filmbufftim on FB.
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Here Today (2021)
90's cable movie
9 May 2021
509. Here Today. Directed by, written by and starring Billy Crystal, tells the coming-of-old age story of Charlie Burns, a famous writer, who is now suffering from dementia and all the fun that seems to entail. It feels like this was probably a labor of love or a passion project for Billy Crystal, however, to me it felt like a 1990's cable movie, with Crystal in old man make-up and more than likely Queen Latifah co-starring, maybe even Woody Allen doing the Charlie role. Main story is this, Charlie is meeting someone for dinner, a fan, who won the chance to meet Charlie at a charity. Instead, the fan's ex-girlfriend Emma, played by Tiffany Haddish shows up, cause well she's getting even. She's loud, over the top and funny compared to Charlie's quiet and subdued manner, remember that 90's vibe I was talking about? Well, there it is. At dinner, Emma orders enough seafood to feed a small nation, seafood that she is also allergic too, which results in face swelling hijinks and a trip to the hospital. And this incident locks the two in a close, kind of unbelievable friendship that only really happens in movies. First half of the movie is decent, has some laughs. Second half, kind of fell apart for me. Felt it rushed in all the family drama stuff to fast and all at once, and it just lacked believability, I honestly thought at one point Emma was a figment of Charlie's imagination and he probably did something awful to her in the past, it just had that vibe to it. Well, that's just my opinion. Tiffany Haddish is really funny in it and performs some great songs in it. Although her flirting with 70+ year old's while singing Janis Joplin's 'Piece of my Heart' at Charlie's nieces bar mitzvah was a little odd, but oh well. It wasn't awful, it just wasn't anywhere near great either. It'll be on Lifetime soon...
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
If you know what you're getting into, it's not bad
23 April 2021
505. Stowaway. So, this one popped up on Netflix, and I was like 'oooo space movie, me watch now.' Going in blind seemed to work out last time, well, the name alone kind of tells you the most important thing, and once it gets going you can see it is trying to be a more realistic space travel movie, so instantly you can see the issue with an extra person on board. As the opening logos popped up, I did peek at ratings for it, and they were not good, stayed away from the actual crappy reviews, like this one, so I braced for impact. And all I can say is, it kept me entertained for 2 hours. Story is simple, three astronauts on a two-year mission to Mars. After launch, they discover an injured man, almost like hidden away in the ceiling, hmmm. As they are rescuing him, there is some damage, loss of oxygen, oh no! Once things get settled they question the stowaway, Michael, (played by Shamier Anderson) how he got there, no clue, bump on the head and all that. The ship commander, Marina (played by Toni Collette, speaking in her natural Aussie accent for a change) calls headquarters, called Hyperion, (which is also the title of the sci fi book I'm reading, hmmm) and they inform her, well, sorry to say you don't have enough fuel to turn around, so you'll die in space. Also, the mission was for 3 people, not 4, that means there's not enough oxygen and other space survival stuff, so you'll die in space. What to do, what to do?? There are some smart people on board that can maybe figure it out, the ship's biologist (played by Jin-Soo Kwon, who was Lost on an island for years, now marooned in space, guy can't catch a break!) or the medical researcher (played by Anna Kendrick, who resembles Adam Scott to me in this, think it was the lighting and those sharp facial features, I dunno...). So, the clock is ticking. It definitely has a Gravity, or The Martian feel to it, that being said, if you do not like that genre of movie, you won't like this one either. It looked good, the acting was decent and believable, and it kept my attention, so, there is that!

Fact check: the biologist was played by Daniel Dae Kim the actor, not the fictional character of Jin-Soo Kwon.

Filmbufftim on FB.
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Hidden (I) (2015)
End of the world as we know it...
20 April 2021
504. Hidden. I really dug this one! Came across it, watching a movie review show that I enjoy, Half in the Bag, and they briefly mentioned this one in passing, that it was good, so why not? I went in knowing nothing about it, and seeing that it is a pretty short movie, I'm sure the trailer gives it away. So I'll say very little myself, it's a tension builder. We meet a mom and dad and their young daughter Zoe, living in a bomb shelter, we learn quickly they've been down there for 301 days, rationing their food, and hoping the rusty pipes keep delivering them fresh water. And things seem to be going well. Why are they down there? That is told through a series of dream sequences, and they keep it pretty vague... a virus... stay inside... sound familiar? When an incident, involving a pesky rat, forces them to go outside to the surface, terror immediately grips Zoe, and she let's us know about The Breathers, the things that go bump in the night, and the ones they've been hiding from for the past 301 days! And when you first see them, it's creepy man! Like I said it's a short one, under 90 minutes, and they don't waste time, felt like every minute was building towards the climax, and it didn't disappoint. Stars Alexander Skarsgard as the daddy, Andrea Riseborough as the mommy and Emily Alyn Lind as Zoe, a decent child actor! Directed by The Duffer Brothers who brought us Stranger Things and another cool movie with 'you know nothing Jon Snow' chick in it, Honeymoon! So if you're into the claustrophobic thriller, I'd say check it out! Filmbufftim on FB.
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The Congress (2013)
Dug it!
2 March 2021
The Congress. Enter Bizarreville USA where Robin Wright stars as Robin Wright as an aging actress whose career has taken a nose dive and she's given the opportunity to have her body, mind and soul scanned into a computer so she can pretty much stay forever young and star in movies for eternity, but the real Robin Wright must pretty much just disappear into the background... So here's what I got from this movie: Actors are products not real human beings, which is true from a certain point of view, and they live in this land of make believe where they are worshiped like gods, and live a life of total privilege, and if they reject that life, they are forced to live in filth with the rest of us scumbags. I dug it, thought it was a bold statement, some of the acting was a bit stiff, I'm talking to you Harvey K... but al in all it was pretty sweet! Check it out, if you dare!
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The Lost Fright Night Boys in the Bronx
29 December 2020
486. Vampires vs. the Bronx. Throw in quite a bit of the Lost Boys in with quite a bit of Fright Night, why not add a dash of Buffy in with it, throw some Wes Craven type direction and humor to it slap a PG13 rating on it, and you get this. I'm not saying it's bad by the way, I rather liked it for what it was, a family friendly horror movie. We meet Miguel, a teen who wants to save his neighborhood corner store, Primo, from being bought out by a real estate company called Murnau, their logo by the way is the image of Vlad the Impaler by the way, so if the title doesn't give it away... so Miguel is throwing a block party to raise funds for it, what a guy! And its out one night hanging flyers for the party that he bumps into one of the local ruffians of the neighborhood, and a chase begins, and just when Miguel thinks he's caught, someone else steps in, and no, its not Viserys Targaryen, it's a freaking vampire, the fangs, the neck biting and the drinking of the blood gives it away. Now it's up to Miguel to enlist the help of his friends, Luis, who is reading Salem's Lot by Stephen King the whole time, Bobby who is fighting the temptation of joining the local thugs, and Coco, the cute 'older' girl that happens to know a bit about vampires to rid their neighborhood of these blood sucking bastards! Like I said, it is a family friendly horror/comedy flick, fun and worth the time, if you're in the mood for such a treat.
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Troll Hunter (2010)
Aww Yea!
15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Troll Hunter. One of those 'found footage' all the kids are taking about these days, or was it yesterdays? Hmm we'll never know. Anyways its about a college film crew who set off to interview this guy, Hans, oh its Norwegian by the way, which means you have to read, and yes its Hans from Norway, weird... But he's this renegade bear hunter that all the other bear hunters in Norway don't like because, hmm I guess he's better at it than them? I dunno. There's a whole bunch of random bear attacks and the A/V club catch up to Hans to ask him some questions, but for some reason this Mountain Monkey doesn't want to talk with them, so they do the next best thing and follow him into the woods to see exactly what this guy is up too. Trolls man, he's hunting freaking trolls... More like giant trolls, but what've. So its revealed that Norway has a slight Troll problem, but relax the gov't is on it, in the form of the Troll Security Service, which Hans is an employee of. He of course saves the crew from being eaten by the giant troll and lets them tag along, because he's sick of his job anyways, and the TSS needs some changing. So they do indeed go along with him. And they go on some crazy adventures learning the different kinds of trolls and of course learning how to kill said trolls, which is by UV rays man, its explained in the movie, its all very scientific. It was a pretty decent flick, the troll effects were cool looking. Its worth checking out... Don't go hunting trolls if you're a Christian though, they can smell your blood, Muslims, you're ok! Filmbufftim on FB
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The Wave (2015)
Disaster Movie not with Gerard Butler
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
482. The Wave. Is it wrong to say that a disaster movie is fun? Hell no, that's right! It's a fun disaster flick! And it's really pretty to look at, great scenery of the little Norwegian town where the movie takes place, even when the CGI wave kicks in looks pretty good, even after the wave sends the town into it's own little apocalypse, it's still pleasant to look at. Spoiler alert a giant wave comes and wipes out a small town, not that the cover art gives that away or anything... Story revolves around Science Guy and his last day of work at the Science Station where they monitor mountains along a lakeside town. Apparently, Norway is a giant rock and it falls apart constantly and it's especially dangerous around large bodies of water when the rocks fall and create tsunamis. And wouldn't you know it, on his last day Science Guy finds something that leads him to believe that's about to happen, his co-workers roll their eyeballs and say they'll keep a good watch, now get outta here!! So he relents, maybe it's nothing, goes home to his family, helps them pack the house up, all the while he knows somethings up, taking his time packing, pissing off the rest of em... The next day just as he's about to head out of town on the ferry with the kids... wife has gotta finish up her last shift at the local hotel... Science Guy is like something is wrong and turns around, decides to check things out, drops son off with mom at work, takes daughter to old house, to do some research and wouldn't you know it, in his pull out books and all leads to one conclusion scene, it happens!! Rocks slide, water rises tsunami about to come to town in 10 minutes!! And things get pretty exciting!! Mom and son get trapped in a rapidly flooding hotel. Science Guy and daughter have to race up a mountain road to get to the high ground!! Just like Obi Wan did to Anakin!! Turns out, besides being a great Science Guy and father, he's a freakin' hero too!! Definitely worth the watch for the Disaster Movie genre fan. It is quite predictable (Gerard Butler is not in it!), however it's still a fun and exciting watch! Spoilers: Science Guy returns for the sequel: The Quake. I wonder what happens in that one??? Filmbufftim on FB
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Death Ship (1980)
This is a movie.
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
480. Death Ship. Wow. This is a movie. Like, Titanic, The Poseidon Adventure and The Perfect Storm before it, this movie has a boat in it. We find ourselves on a cruise ship, it's the final voyage under the grumpy Captain Ashland, while he's showing a guy named Trevor around, cause he's gonna be the new captain. They make an appearance at the cruise's party room so the captain can take a bow. Back on the bridge, the crew notice a ship coming towards them on a collision course, and no matter which way they turn, it's still coming!! The crew informs the captain and he's useless... The ship gets rammed, and let me tell you this, it must've been epic, people running for their lives, explosions, people scurrying for the life boats, we don't see it, but just imagine it for a second... wow. Cut to morning, everyone on board is dead, except for new guy Trevor his wife, his 2 kids, another crew member with his special lady friend, the lounge singer and what appears to be an Amish woman. They survived floating in what looks like a large bookcase that's somehow floating and supporting them all. So they're casually drifting along seeing what's left of the ships, when the little girl takes a peek over the edge and a hand comes out of the water, turns out to be the nearly dead Ashland, apparently he's been clinging to the bottom of the raft all night and morning waiting for someone to peek over the side so he can launch himself at her, nice. They get him aboard and just when things calm down again, boom! The death ship sneaks up behind them, the ship that has it's anchor dropped, in the dead calm ocean, with the survivors looking in each direction the ship sneaks up on them. Obviously they go on board, they explore the ship to find it empty. Some rooms look like they were used today others haven't been used in decades. And then things get crazy. The death ship takes an instant dislike to the lounge act guy, and I can't really say the ship comes alive, it's more like through the act of the wind and a few ropes and pulleys he's swept up tortured and drowned at sea, and that's just the beginning of the terror for our survivors. The captain who's been pretty much comatose the entire time is now wide awake and doing fine and has assumed command of the ship. Why? Cause it speaks to him in German? Again why? To the best of our knowledge he doesn't speak German, so there's that going on. But when Trevor and another survivor find a room with apparently brand spanking new Nazi paraphernalia, that explains everything? Yea, yea, sure it does... There's a blood shower, a room that looks like an undisturbed tomb from Indiana Jones filled with rotting corpses, and a walk in freezer filled with frozen soldiers. Who is going to make it off the death ship alive? You know exactly who, it's that kind of movie... The best for me though was when the survivors make it off, the death ship sails off with more stock footage of a cruise ship in it's sights! Quite the gem we have here!! Watch it at your own risk!! Filmbufftim on FB
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Friday the 13th meets Texas Chainsaw meets X-Files...
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
476. Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight. Well, I loved it! I mean the title is a total lie, everyone sleeps the night this takes place, well, except for two, but we will get back to them later. The main premise is this, a bunch of tech addicted teenagers are sent off to a camp called Adrenaline to detox. We follow a smaller group comprised of: Hot girl, hot guy, gay guy, fat nerd video game guy, the girl that doesn't quite fit in with the rest and in the lead an outdoorsy looking counselor, and off they go for a several days long journey into the woods, tech free. As nighttime falls and they start to set up their tents and stuff things seem to be going rather well... until... light spoilers ahead... Hot guy can't sleep, so he heads down to the lake to, oh no, to use his forbidden cell phone he snuck in, and even worse... a marijuana cigarette!! Suddenly out of the darkness he's startled by Hot girl, she partakes in the marijuana cigarette as well, and through some casual flirting she discovers Hot guy is a virgin! So, she quickly remedies that and heads back off to her tent. Hot guy now with a smile on his face settles down in his sleeping bag, when he's startled once again, only this time it's a local man, a large grotesque local man, who, in a very Jason Voorhees-esque move, picks up the sleeping bag and slams it against a tree and drags the body away. The next morning when the gang discovers Hot guy missing and start freaking out, Hot girl confesses to their deed and they go to check things out. That is when, Girl who doesn't quite fit in with the others notices blood on a tree, and thus begins the race out of the woods to stay alive!! First half of the movie has definite Friday the 13th vibes. But this one adds a little something extra to the backstory of the killer, which I enjoyed as an interesting little twist to a familiar tale. The soundtrack and the cinematography in this one is really great. The Girl who doesn't quite fit in with the others, Zosia, was great. Earlier on, Fat Nerd guy, Jurek, compares her to Sarah Connor at one point and as the movie goes on the comparisons keep growing. Jurek also seems to be a fan of the horror movie genre, much like Randy from Scream, he seems to aware of the rules they are breaking if they were in a horror movie. So if you put Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and a bit of X-Files: 'Home' into a blender, you'd get something like this. A super fun gory slasher flick!! Filmbufftim on FB
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
475. Knock Knock
15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought the origins to this movie was probably Keanu Reeves was telling someone about what he did the previous night, and Eli Roth happened to overhear and said we could turn that into an erotic thriller, but no... it's another remake, of a movie called Death Game in 1977. However it was pretty entertaining on an uncomfortable level. The most uncomfortable was the beginning with Keanu trying to act like a human married male bonding with his family, but luckily the movie is short and it dives right it. There are spoilers ahead, however if you've seen the trailer, well... Starts with a guy named Evan saying goodbye to his wife and kids, they are off to a day at the beach, while Evan stays home to get some work done. Nighttime comes, along with it a rain storm and a knock knock on the front door, Evan opens up to find two very soaked young women asking about an address, he's like, I dunno dude, like wanna come in. Because Evan's a nice guy, and as the night goes on we find that these two girls are very kind too, well, sorta. Over the course of a few minutes while waiting for a new cab ride the girls, Genesis and Bel, seduce married man Evan into doing some very naughty things. Then he passes out. Morning comes and all is quiet until he hears some laughing to discover the girls haven't left yet, and by the look of things don't plan on it either. And when Evan decides to get tough and tell them to leave, they drop quite the bombshell on Evan that's probably going to slightly alter his lifestyle. The actresses playing the houseguests, Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas, were awesomely creepy and disturbing!! And I must say I loved the ending!! Twisted and evil, well, maybe not evil but certainly twisted! I say check it out!!
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#Alive (2020)
Covid 19 Zombie Outbreak
20 September 2020
460. # Alive. Is this the first covid-19 inspired horror movie? Felt like it... So Joon-woo wakes up to find his apartment empty and a note from mom saying they'd be out for awhile and he should go food shopping, he goes and plays video games instead. Should have listened to mommy. A neighbor starts pounding on his door begging for help, Joon-woo lets him in, and this dude fills him in on what's happening outside: a virus outbreak that is making the infected act like, hmmm, what's the word? Zombies, that's it! And then this neighbor starts to exhibit signs of infection so he gets booted out and eaten by the hordes of walking dead outside his door, no one apparently got the memo to stay at home and lock your doors...which was actually on the TV news...but everyone just ignored it. With the little food he's got left he has to survive who knows how long. And long it is days pass with no help, and just about when he's about to hang it up, he's contacted by another survivor in the next apartment building over, which brings hope to our guy, and luckily for him she's a cutie, Yoo-bin. The two get a plan together to well get together, and when I say the two, I mean Yoo-bin, concocts a plan and executes it, she's kind of a Kevin McCallister over there. And now that they are together, they're plan to get to the roof to signal they're alive in there to the passing military helicopters. All that's standing in the way: a few hundred neighbors that are slightly infected and cannibalistic... It's a fun zombie flick, doesn't really bring anything new to the genre, but it's still fun, especially if you like zombie movies. Filmbufftim on FB.
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Tenet (2020)
Great flick! Rewatchability, way up there!!
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
458. Tenet. Well I loved it! I've seen it twice now, and admittedly the first time around my brainium in my cranium kept thinking about the whole technology of it all. I still thought it was a great action flick, but the time manipulation left me scratching the head for a minute or two. Second watch, however, I noticed one simple line as a 'scientist' character explains the tech to our main character: Don't think about, just react to it. Like most Nolan flicks you're thrown into the thick of things right away, the opera house scene from the trailer, and it never really lets up. Story is this, Spoilers, the protagonist is involved in some form of rescue or kidnapping depending on how you look at it, during which he sees something rather odd, a bullet hole in front of his face, seems to eject the bullet, travel right over his shoulder, through the man that was about to kill him, into the gun of another masked team member who quickly darts away, almost travelling back it time, but in regular time. But this doesn't matter because the mission goes south his cover is blown and he's tortured and commits suicide by swallowing a pill... And then he wakes up to find that being dead doesn't release you from your spy job, and because of the tech he witnessed he gets to hunt down the billionaire madman that created it, and like all billionaire mad men he wants to use the technology to destroy the world, possibly time and space along with it! John David Washington was cool, calm and collected as the Protagonist. Kenneth Branagh was a pretty convincing psychopath, his final scene is definitely brutal, deserved and deserves a golf clap. Future Batman, Robert Pattinson plays a Robin type character, Neil, who knows way too much! Great flick all around! Good movie to actually see on the big screen! Filmbufftim on FB.
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2 August 2020
Dig Two Graves. Another awesome Netflix find!! Takes place in the 70s in a small town, kinda on the hillbilly-ish side... And there is a girl named Jake that loses her brother to a freaky accident, so she is quite devastated. But luckily one night on the way home on a dirt road through the middle of the woods shes confronted by three men, who look like they make love to sheep. However, they say to her that they know how to bring her brother back from the dead, all ya gotta do is bring someone down to take his place. Freaky right... Freakier still is the whole backstory thats played out dating back to the 1940s when her grandpa was a young sheriff and just may or may not have covered up a few crimes back in the day. It really was a cool flick... Grandpa is played by Ted Levine, it rubs the lotion on its skin baby! Great storytelling and nice and dark!! Do it!
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Black Rock (2012)
24 July 2020
53. Black Rock. So three women get together for a few days camping on an deserted island, too mend their friendship, nothing could possibly go wrong. Stars Katie Aselton, from The League, who also directed, and Story credit, also Mark Duplass of The League is writer/producer... What? Are these two sleeping together? (yes, yes they are) Also starring Lake Bell, from Surface fame, if you can remember that far back, and Kate Bosworth, from Blue Crush, and a score of other truly forgettable films. Soooo, guess what? They not alone on the island!! (gasp) A few hunters are there too, they meet, they share drinks, one gets lured into woods by Katie, things go wrong, he dead, friends who are Gulf War vets don't really react well to this and proceed to hunt them, that's all ya get, except one other thing... Naked chicks in the woods... ok. Very simple story, felt the acting on the side of the soldiers wasn't very convincing, but dug the climax scene, so in the end i'd give it an OK to watch when you don't want to get into anything heavy, and you got 79 min to kill...Does that make sense? Does to me... Boom! Filmbufftim on FB
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American Mary (2012)
American Mary, a Canadian Film.
24 July 2020
52. American Mary. A Canadian Film... It's the story of a girl named? Anybody? Anybody? Yes, Mary, played by Katharine Isabelle, of Ginger Snaps fame, and she's a hot surgeon in training, she does odd jobs for cash, like ya know sewing somebody up after getting slashed from head to chest, and from there she obviously goes into body modification, after meeting a real life Betty Boop. But alas, our heroine is doomed after she attends a party hosted by one of her professors and other surgeons, and gets drugged and unwillingly penetrated. So quit school, and do modification full time... In an odd way it reminded me of Crash... no dumbass not the Sandra Bullock movie, the Cronenberg movie, bout folks getting off in car accidents and stuff. But anyways...Its and up and down movie, it's good, then wanes a bit, then good, you know what I mean. I found the ending disappointing, kinda unnecessary, if you will. Directed by the Soska Sisters, pair of Goth Canadian chicks heavily into horror which is cool, but being Canadian, already puts them at a disadvantage HaHa! Kidding. No I am not, actually. And yes I know Cronenberg hails from that strange place to the north, there's always exceptions! So it's a eh, kinda flick, good points bad points, a chick with heart shaped nipples, and yea, the best part... Her professor gets his... Filmbufftim on FB
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Open Grave (2013)
Where's Chappie when you need him? Hanging out in District 9 probably...
24 July 2020
Open Grave. This was a pretty sweet flick. It reminded me a lot of Lost, but instead of scientists dressed as hobos, The Others were zombie-like plague victims. So it goes like this, guy wakes up in a pit full of dead and decaying bodies, with zero memory, played by Sharlto Copley, who is a great actor! Convincing in all his roles as far as I'm concerned! So with the help of a mute woman he gets out of the pit and meets a group of strangers all with the same memory problems. Are they friends, enemies, who knows?? So they all slowly trust each other, and start exploring... I want to say 'the island' but that's just Lost sneaking up on me again... They find abandoned buildings, living quarters, and of course, cells. And as they explore memories start to return and the disturbing truth is exposed! But of course you'll have to watch to find out. Thomas Kretschmann pops in there as one of the memory stricken, and does a pretty sweet job of losing his marbles! Check out Stalingrad sometime, another cool pic with Tommy in it! And seeing that I'm mentioning other random movies, if you haven't seen it, check out Sharlto's Europa Report, pretty sweet! Well there it is... Peace!
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Howl (I) (2015)
Cool Werewold Flick
19 June 2020
431. Howl. A bark at the moon good time! Yes, no? Oh well... Joe, a train guard on a passenger train, just finished his shift, heads to his locker to get changed, there's a note inside, from the boss, Joe didn't get promoted. His rival David quickly comes over to fill him in that he got the job, and his first role as boss is to tell Joe he's gotta do another shift. Joy. So off he goes, his cute co-worker offers her condolences on the job, Joe takes this as flirting, asks her out, gets turned down, now he gets to work with her all night!! And just when the trip gets going good, the train strikes a large animal on the tracks. The conductors and ya know, other train types, go out to look at the damage and don't return leaving Joe in charge. However those pesky passengers convince him that they gotta leave the train, off they go, and they meet what kept the train peeps, a freaking werewolf! A decent werewolf tale, took it's time introducing characters and building tension, good effects, creature looked cool, funny at times and good acting. Worth checking out! If werewolf flicks are in your realm of fancy. Filmbufftim on FB.
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Ares (2016)
Re-Vamped Running Man??
19 June 2020
432. Ares. This flick could have easily been an updated version of The Running Man. It was a cool dystopian tale about a drugged up underground fighter who goes by Ares and the company that buys his soul... Ares is a loser and he knows it, but getting his head beat in earns him rent money. Then one day his sister goes ahead and gets in trouble with the law, Ares lacks the funds to get her out, and that's when a big ol corporation offers Ares a deal, take our new drug, that will basically make him an unstoppable machine, no pain, just kick ass power. Of course the downside is, it only lasts a few minutes, so he's gotta take care of business before the drug wears off. What happens then? He may fall asleep, go into a coma, or ya know die. Do this for them, bang! Heres the cash to get sis out of the joint. But ya know corporations, especially in those dystopian movies, they never keep their word... Like I said, definitely had Running Man vibes. Could have taken place in the Blade Runner universe. Looked cool, interesting characters and a story that flowed well. Check it out!! Filmbufftim on FB.
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Come to Daddy (2019)
Weird and semi Original
19 June 2020
433. Come to Daddy. This tells the tale of Norval, Elijah Wood looking like a serial killer, and the letter he gets from dear old dad to come visit him up in his cabin deep in the woods. Aww, how cute. Last time they were in contact? Probably when Norval left dad's body in a liquid form, so it's been awhile. Without another thought, off he goes on a journey through the woods to daddy's house! And emotions run high when he finally makes it and knocks on that door. Dad answers and the two embrace ready to get to know each other and everything is cool, until time goes by and there's not much left to talk about, and daddy actually starts to treat Norval like a total douche, and he is kinda, but things get very heated very fast and Norval is in the WTF arena! Oddball story, funny, violent and pretty original for these days. Stephen McHattie is great as deal ol Dad! Wood hasn't looked creepier since Lord of the Rings, check it out!! Filmbufftim on FB.
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