
110 Reviews
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Don't expect anything approaching the 1976 Omen. The look, the pacing, and some important omissions
1 June 2024
Since Omen was a great film. This fails badly. Wasted efforts.

Very disappointed. Very dull. Not the fault of the actors.

I can't stand the brownish sepia low budget digital look--- it's murky and terrible. Five minutes of story and 95 minutes of glacial story advancement.

So many reviews gave too much hope of feeling like it's really in The Omen tradition. Forget that hope.

The ending feels tagged on. Just another crazy nun movie. Everything that made The Omen so interesting is non-existent here. Instead, it's just a routine mad nun movie that feels like it added Omen references, rather the forging it's own creativity. Boo.
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Is there any Academy rules this cannot win all the major awards?
14 December 2023
Yes this film in truth beats out Barbie and Oppenheimer as the BEST MOVIE of the year, Best Performance, Best Music, best Cinematography, Sound, editing. You name it.

It's heavy drama, comedy, musical and all around best Movie going experience.

So what if Oppenheimer is a masterpiece--this is better.

I couldn't even name more then a couple Taylor Swift songs a few months ago--and they aren't just "songs" they are magical, smashing performances, with real Nuclear fission. Meltdowns. Jubilations and Quarks galore.

Barbie compared to this, is just a trite and stupid story---with the exception of the Kubrickesque beginning,
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Shockingly Good! Bring on the Trilogy. This film shakes things up!
6 October 2023
I am not going to say anything. Those who remember the impact of the Original, "The Exorcist," and were disappointed in the sequels and prequels, are going to think this film isn't complete and may be disappointed until they realize this a first film in a Trilogy. Those who watch this with the expectations for the Trilogy, will think it's excellent. .This has to be understood as the first film in a Trilogy.

Some people might by repelled because it tackles more than just shallow storytelling, it's more of a real wake-up call about the centrality of Religious belief and faith and the reality of suffering.

On a deep level, it is a mirror of parental and marital hardships in everyone's world and the reality of good and evil.

I really hope the negative reviewers take another look. Encourage the Trilogy. Viewers need to know there is a Trilogy on the way.

Honestly, I too expected just another disappointing sequel. Boy, was I wrong!

I should add, See it in IMAX if possible. It was mindblowing.
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Best Indiana Jones since the first one. (IMAX)
1 July 2023
With all the negative reviews I read I expected it to be terrible! Instead I was totally surprised. It was a masterpiece. Anyone who experienced the excitement of seeing the first, original Indiana Jones and later, all the good, but less exciting sequels, this one captured the real inital excitement. The acting and FX are fantastic. Non-stop action and humor. True Indiana Jones spirit, made with movie reverence and true to the whole series. Best one since the original. At 2 and a half hours, it can be sonewhat draining, but pure enjoyment.

All the characters are terrific. I was totally impressed by the de-aged Harrison Ford scenes. Brilliant! So perfect.

I conclude that the negative reviews posted are from latecomers to Indiana Jones movies or some later fans who are projecting tbeir own expectations and fanboy ideas into this new and "final" Indiana Jones, which needs a sequal if it's own, but for those who were there at the beginning will love it.
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27 March 2023
This movie is mind-blowing.

This movie is the most technically perfect and amazing "action" movie ever made. I haven't seen any IMAX film in years, but this is revolutionary. Glad I made the trip to the Chinese Theater.

Best film of the decade and truly magical in the most inconceivable way.

Of course NO SPOILERS. The less said, the better, but the "required characters" on IMDB review means repeating myself.

So, did I already say it's mind-blowing. The action choreography is ridiculously over the top. The sound is ear-splitting perfectionism.. some people might run out of the IMAX theater, their hair on fire.

Keanu Reeves's performance steps beyond understated, greatness, into acting immortality.
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I hated it. How could they deface the Original Movie? How?
12 March 2023
I will never like this. I know many like it but I would guess they weren't indelibly imprinted with the original film.

I cringe at this move, because I loved the original so much . This one seems hastily slapped together and sterile.

If you haven't already seen the original a hundred times, do so and then this will be forgotten.

I recognize the talent of the stars and am not criticizing the cast itself. Steven Spielberg never should have made this film.

I can't imagine what he was thinking to come up with this hollow non-musical slap in the face to the original film and make it so sloppily.

SO I will never watch this film again.
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George & Tammy (2022–2023)
This better get every best acting award. incredible performances.
6 January 2023
I finished watching the last episode last night. It's just an amazing story of what love is or could be.

It will be shameful if Jessica Chastain and Michael Shannon don't win the highest awards. Everyone needs to see this. It is a timeless story of a particular time.

The movie epitomizes the glimpse of real life story that is imbedded in the fabric of American life, with the good and the bad. Human weaknesses and inspiration take center stage.

Music, sets, make-up, direction, writing, is all a standout compared to the meaningless rubbish, being thrown at viewers.

The fact they sing it themselves is incredible and awe inspiring.
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The Sinner: Part VIII (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
I had the same difficulty liking S3, but then watched it again a year later
13 November 2022
Disturbing movies can put me to sleep, because it's so heavy. Watching it anew, made all the difference for me to appreciate it. Really helped understand Ambrose better.

The series is already very thick, dark and abstract. Season 3 automatically has to be seen at least twice, to follow it at all. Seeing it again makes Season 4 make more sense.

Each character is enmeshed in a nightmare of human mental sickness, the bad guy serial killer in this season is very diabolical but seriously ill in his mind. And Ambrose has to channel him to understand and try to catch him.

I understand why it has so many bad reviews--it is depicting true sickness,
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Grease 2 (1982)
A masterpiece---what is wrong with people? Better, funnier, better songs!
2 August 2022
Michelle Pfieffer is incredible singing Cool Rider. Grease 1 is an 8, this is a 10 plus. Maxwell Caulfield was terrific.

The whole cast is superb. To top it off it's totally hilarious.
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13 Minutes (2021)
Not real Good. The cast was fine, the film had a lousy script.
16 July 2022
The effects were good---but that was only a few minutes. Too much simpleton soap opera. The large cast of characters that is self-defeating TV quality script..
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Born Reckless (1958)
Took me by Surprise. Wonderful, Authentic Rodeo movie Mamie Van Doren a real talent
22 June 2022
The mediocre reviews might dissuade others from seeing this little Rodeo film, musical.

It's corny and not deep thinking, but it's real and the musicians are actually playing their instruments. Hank Williams and others sing, and Mamie Van Doren is terrific! Authentic Rodeo movie.

Horse people, Rodeo people, Trick riders, and barn bunnies might see themselves in this classic.
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The Batman (2022)
I'll have try watching this again be I rented it and fell asleep twice and didn't care.
31 May 2022
I am still hoping for this being a good movie, but try as I did I fell asleep twice less then halfway through.

I like them trying to make it a different kind of Batman film, but so far I am not convinced the high ratings are real.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
The Kid is the only bright spot.
4 April 2022
Terrible movie in almost every way. Sick and pointless. Wonderful daughter of the "lovely couple" will be a star.

Totally embarrassing to all concerned Schizoid.
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A persecuted Masterpiece of high-end Idiocy
25 February 2022
This movie requires an altered state to watch and concentrate on. It can be annoying and masterful, Very noisy and hilarious. Very disconnected in time.

I've seen it the theater and on cable. At times its way to overbearing, at other times it seems like pure, creative and technical, brilliance.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
23 February 2022
Topical DR. STRANGELOVE humor. Kubrick would laugh.

When I saw the Netflix premiere pop-up I was worried it would be ridiculing Space Force, the USA and be an extremist, put-down , but it aims it's ridicule right down the middle.

Great and silly writing. Bad reviews must be from elitist, political ideologues angered it was not "woke" enough.
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Incredibly terrible and obnoxious Foreign Film.
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very poor and pointless. It's not even a good western. Some kind of Globalist, anti-movie with depressive features that pretends to be artsy and deep...or "woke"

2 stars only for Kirsten Dunst who is always good. She was slighted anyway.

I think Phil needed dissection, but the rabbit died,

Has potential for Dexter-like sequels. Norman Bates?
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Maid (2021)
It's a Ten Star but incredibly annoying.
6 November 2021
Good Performances. It is more real than a Lifetime Movie, but it is too real in it's portrayal of the painful stupidity and the harsh reality for those overpowered by depressiveness and moodiness (drunkenness of others, etc.) and negativity.

It says "limited series," and even though it is hard to watch the car wreck of reality, I would definitely want to see how it turns out and overcomes the sadness.

The actors are excellent.

For me I see it as a view of how the fallout of failed marriages effecting younger people causing misery to them is more a statement of waning faith and learned helplessness.

The series is somewhat constructive but ends up a bit one sided. But it gets a ten from me anyway.
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7 October 2021
I only heard of her Annie Clarke/St. Vincent a few months ago, seeing a performance on TV then looking at all the St Vincent videos on Youtube.

I was astonished then as I am astonished even more after seeing this film.

I love the way she plays guitar.

(Why is IMDB using the wrong "Annie Clarke" in the credits?)
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Amazingly Trippy and Weird
16 August 2021
Shocked to see mediocre reviews. It's low budget but a spoilers from me.
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Spiral: Episode #8.10 (2020)
Season 8, Episode 10
Is this the end of Spiral?
13 July 2021
Such a great series. I read it is cut, cancelled?

And this episode is NOT a proper ending.

Canal+. Needs to get it back on track!

Production companies are becoming nuts.
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Terrible in every way.
31 May 2021
I loved the 2017 action movie. This thing is pathetic.

I can see why Gal Gadot is mad at Hollywood. More continuity errors than any movie ever made. The "story," is dumb as rocks.
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The Empty Man (2020)
A 10/10 for a weirdo, psycho movie. A trip
16 January 2021
I've already had view this a couple times to try and decipher the twisted storyline.

I read t comes from a novel series. Will it have sequels? It should. The creepy concepts, mixed with nightmare horror and a main character who is overwhelmed.

No spoilers, just splash your face with cold water to be fully awake so you won't stop paying attention and lose the story.
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The Rental (2020)
Did they run out of money making this....??
2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It is annoying I was very much into the film, the characters the actors and actresses and the mystery...really building up....then poof, the good, suspenseful movie stops with a very stupid ending in a very dissatisfactory way and then kills itself off.

They butchered their own movie. Why?

I'm giving it 7 stars, because 7/10th of the movie was good, but the other 3 stars are missing entirely.

Some reviewers mentioned sequels. After thinking about the premise, it is possible ...but those characters are history, that's a stupidi way to deal with the ending.
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Don't waste your time or money. Rehashed stupidity of no value.
22 August 2020
I am not knocking the cast. It's just a terrible movie. A pretty location.

As phony a movie as they come. Not even a mindless diversion. I didn't expect much and got much less.
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Psycho II (1983)
Should have been in Black & White
2 July 2020
I finally figured out 80% of what was wrong with this film--it should have been in black and white like the original. The other 20% were some lackluster scenes that felt fake. But the film is 75% good. The other 25% could have been deeper and not a corny.
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