
13 Reviews
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
I thought this would be a clever show using science
13 January 2023
The acting is good and it's OK humour-wise, but the stories and situations are just a bit lacking. I'm a big HIMYM fan because of the way the writers use time and perspective in the storytelling, so I thought that this would be a clever show using various elements of science to explain and explore love and relationships.. But no... They never really do anything interesting as a group which could have raised the interest a bit more, and the"science" is the occasional Sheldon quandry and "geek references" to satisfy the "geeks" and keep them thinking "oh this is for me!". I liked how the women didn't try to change the "nerds" and liked them as they are. It's just a comforting OK rom com with scientists, which disappointed me, it could've been so much more - I did watch it all though so it can't be all bad.
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Midsommar (2019)
I just don't find other culture's rituals scary...
20 January 2020
There were a couple of tense moments earlier in the movie where I thought "oh there's quite a bit of tension here." But after the rock incident it just felt like hours of random (possibly pseudo-religious, apologies if not) rituals and some obviously gross situations. Why are unfamiliar rituals scary? I usually find made-up rituals a bit boring. Drawn out shots aren't scary solely because they're long either.. perhaps it would be scarier for people who relate to these kinds of religious rituals more? Or to people generally more religious? I've not enjoyed a particularly religious life, so don't feel particularly scared by possession films either, unless there are other elements to it. So perhaps as always with horror it comes down to what you find scary? That said, these rituals seemed like nothing really until the end, and simply not relating to something doesn't scare me. Yes if I was in that situation I would be scared. Yes it all looked very nice and the acting was fine. No I don't like The Conjuring or jump scares..
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Fracture (2007)
One guy asks another guy repeatedly "Where's the gun? Where's the gun?" for two hours. And that's it.
23 November 2007
You will like this film if: You're not bored easily and don't mind wasting time without getting much out of it. Seriously, BORROW this movie, DO NOT spend any money as it will most likely annoy most of you when you probably hate it. Really, just in case.

You will hate this film if: You like progression and a rich story.

I'm amazed at people using such words to describe this film like "Tense and effective." "A cut above your average courtroom thriller thanks to a smart script and electrifying performances." Electrified to death by the scart lead, as it flies out, refusing to continue perhaps? I expect this film's rating to decrease a lot over time.

It doesn't take much to grip me with intensity, but I was bored within half an hour, and soooo angry when nothing had actually happened by the end. The gist is that someone wants to find a murder weapon. He looks for it a lot. Here and there. And there. He asks about it. He looks some more. He asks someone else about it, and even has one long, boring conversation about it twice in the film. Tedium soon set in.. There's too much concentration on the individual characters and a story with potential is ruined by a lack of ability to follow through. You can't JUST have rich characters who only say "Where's the gun????!". If there was a twist or mind blowing ending, maybe it would be better, but there isn't, you don't find out anything new.

By the end, little is accomplished and I even laughed aloud. All of us agreed we felt an underlying anger and boredom. My friend even apologised for putting it on at her house after she'd rented it. I don't watch many courtroom dramas. Some are OK but seriously here, nothing happens. It says "mind games" as a plot link on the IMDb page, there weren't enough games for me to make this an interesting psychological thriller. Besides evading police prosecution is supposed to be harder than that these days isn't it?!

The performances aren't electrifying... they're average, verging on vacuous. The script isn't smart, it's boring. And ugh, I just remembered Gosling's projection of character, I hated it, he was fake and too big for his tiny boots. I wanted to punch the screen whenever he was on. Just soooo annoying!

I know a lot of people love Hopkins even still when he can't seem to move on from you know what, and I know a lot of people perceive slow and boring as epic, tense and moving, but this one's too much of a risk. If you usually like this sort of thing and still want to watch it after reading all this, please, borrow it.
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Next (2007)
"If you don't expect anything you won't be disappointed"
14 November 2007
(spoilers later)

You'll like this film if:

-You don't mind a bit of fantasy mixed in with your sci-fi. -You don't mind Cage, he's slow and cheesy at times but you'll get over it. -You don't over analyse every second of films, don't give up after 10mins and just try to enjoy it. -You don't mind that the main story-line is really love-based, with a chase and quite a of action, though the actual story doesn't focus on the action part (you'll see what I mean.)

You'll hate this film if: -You hate Cage. -You get a bit confused easily. -You over analyse every second of films, give up after 10mins and can't just try to enjoy it. -You think it will be like The Golden Man. -You mind that the main story-line is really love-based, with smidgens of fantasy. There's a chase and quite a of action, but the story doesn't focus on the action part (you'll see what I mean. Or not.) -I quite liked De Ja Vu for recent similar films, more of an action based story foremost. -The ending tips you into insanity, it was a bit annoying but they had to stop somewhere.

It's a shame for "intelligent film goers" who never enjoy anything unless it meets impeccable requirements. It's a 7 or 8 out of 10, not I dunno, Pulp Fiction or whatever it was that broke your ground! It's a shame when people stoop to "Have you ever wondered whether you are classed as clinically stupid? Here's an easy test, watch this movie and if you liked it or just thought is was OK then I'm afraid you may have to consult an intelligence doctor." Who even claims to be really intelligent in that way?! It's sickening. I read that someone wrote "I see 5 movies at the theater a month." So that's around $720 a year on blockbuster movies. Movies that I bet most people who are genuinely looking for content and originality hated 90% of, or didn't go and watch at the cinema in case, but you did, that's not the guy at Blockbuster's fault.


I haven't read The Golden Man, but from what I've read this is not a closely based film. Less "complicated" but probably less interesting. I don't think the concept is cheesy but I will think of it as a separate story. It started off well and intrigued me. But what's all this people say about about "duuuh destiny err yeah it's like destiny so why'd he do that"? And protest "It (The director/screenplay/writer) sets up pre-determined rules, and goes ahead to break them all." I don't think this happens. I found the continuity confusing at times but realise there's elements of fantasy so it doesn't matter anyway. One of the first things Cris says is "The thing about the future is once you look at it, you change it." So it's clearly not a rigid specific destiny, but one more simple, like that we are destined to live until we're 80 or whenever. Plus he can change his own destiny so if others are involved with him, theirs can be to. It makes me think more of mind-painting than psychic time-travel. Knowing the facts beforehand and creating the rest around it in his head to discover the best outcome unlike fixed ones like in Heroes or something. I thought that was a unique plot point. I thought it was cool when you realise some of his thoughts haven't even happened yet, all those possibilities yet he can change it all. I even noticed little cool things like the fact that he doesn't even meet Moore till the end, yet in the "reality" they meet in the garage at the start and she tells him of the 8million, and he knows for ages before they've even spoken. When in question of Biel's character's mental health when she offers Cris a lift, maybe she's trusting her instincts and she was right to, so what's the problem? Never done that before? He doesn't sleep at her house, he sleeps in the car at a hotel. Someone else said that he didn't do anything to gain her trust blah blah b**ch, he was an interesting and nice guy for Christ's sake!!! All this, her trust, the destiny thing, points to the fact that they have a, you may say other-worldly connection. He dreamt of her for seemingly no reason and sought her. Together he can see further to the future, what's wrong with that?! Come ooooon! I agree that more attention COULD have been played to the terrorist part of the film, but I just think they wanted to concentrate on other things, after all sometimes terrorists=yawn. That's something we don't usually see, all that action and none of it real. You gotta remember it's his "dream" we're seeing, he doesn't know everything about the terrorists so neither can we, It wasn't about them, but about him! And her! It does seem odd that he should pursue what he sees as destiny with Biel before saving 8 million people, but again it IS destiny a powerful thing, I think they wanted to concentrate on the build up and conflict of being scared of lifelong experiments rather than getting caught up in the action. All this was explained in the movie! I completely agree it's a shame it ended there. I'm sure we could all see the possibility for a pretty cool continuance and some closure in many areas, but I guess there wasn't time, though they could've petered it out less poorly.. It was like Bam Bam, done... If you hated it surely that's good anyway? This isn't going to ruin it for me though; I took parts of it that were cool into my long term memory. What can I say, I like to enjoy stuff, like my boyfriend. He's not perfect either.
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Another "good" film. Not very scary though, more upsetting.
24 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*very minor spoilers*

Do watch it if:

-You've wanted to for ages and can't wait any longer.

-Your girlfriend can't handle seeing much more than the odd school girl at the end of corridors and a few hangings.

-You're scared easily or more scared by subtlety.

Don't if:

-You can't tell one Asian girl from another. Maybe this makes the film better, I don't usually have a problem with it but did here!

-You hate happiness and love in horror films.

-You don't respond well to subtlety.

-You really want to be terrified by the film you watch tonight. IE I recommend it, just remember it was made 9 years ago, and if you're looking for terror today, stay away.

Unlike usual, after watching this film tonight and then reading some love and hate reviews, I'm somewhere in the middle, agreeing with points from both sides. The social aspect of Korean schools in this film is interesting and done well, and it is creepy, but I watched it alone and it didn't really scare me at all. I'm not a snob and I don't think I have bad taste, and it doesn't mean its a bad film, it just didn't scare me. There just wasn't enough ghost action. I know everyone's sick of CGI in Asian cinema, but it can be done well and a useful tool when dealing with the supernatural.. just not so much yet.. I've loved (been fascinated by) horror since I saw Child's Play when I was 7, and for some reason feel I have been waiting all my life so far for "the one" in terms of a ghost horror film. I enjoy subtlety and slow moving pace for effect, but in my opinion you should back it up with more in the way of storyline and twists (I liked A Tale of Two Sisters for these reasons, It's incredibly long, yet I'm never bored.) I mostly prefer ghost-horror to slasher-horror because of what is potentially possible. There's a wide scope. I like films about psychos because there's a wide spectrum of neuroses to explore there. I loved The Devils Rejects and House of 1000 Corpses and alike, their graphically depicted tales of insanity made my heart ache, much better than a film packed with jumps with some random guy who never gets much of a back story and you never meet, running around with an axe. But with ghosts... there's no way out... I haven't written off their existence and therefore these films disturb me.

I don't usually "spoil" but I wanna talk a bit about the end "twist". I felt like there were a few girls who would manifest as something "more" but who seemed later obsolete. Throughout I was thinking "Who's gonna end up being a ghost?" Maybe two of them? Maybe one cant be seen, maybe the teacher's a ghost, I didn't know, but thought more would happen than did after some of the scenes were so drawn out, I expected a bigger rush of information toward the end.. In ATOTS, its just so raw, the acting, the scraping of the bag on the floor, the looks of terror, and then an ending which almost makes you doubt yourself.. Nothing much happens here ghosts wise, but as a social commentary it's good. I can relate to the friend aspect but it all seemed rather shallow from what had actually happened and what was said.. I was expecting more from the ending, It would have put more meaning into the needless mild violence.

In summary, It again depends what you're looking for, see top.

Right I'm off to watch Shutter now, hopefully that'll be good and I expect I will write about it.
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The Eye 3 (2005)
A good film.
23 September 2007
I read some of these reviews last night before I watched this film, and now I find it hard to believe that some people were actually unsure as to whether this is a comedy or a horror. Firstly, does it have to be one or the other? It is clearly both. And more importantly, who cares? It is what it is to you, it shouldn't matter what others classify it as, you either like it or you don't. I hate it when reviewers say things like "it's probably supposed to be funny but it just fails." YOU might find it funny, it's one of those things, like some people hate ben stiller, some don't. I was unsure about whether it would be any good after reading some of the negative reviews, but ended up disagreeing with them. It's a mostly horror-comedy, there's not that many bits meant to be funny, but if you like that kind of thing, you'll probably like it. It's about teens which might put some people off, but I didn't see anything wrong with the acting and the story line left room for some mick-taking of this kind of film, Asian and elsewhere (mostly America). I dunno what everyone's problem is about girls with long black hair now, I expect there are many stories of female ghosts in Asia and most Asian women have black hair, just don't watch them if they bore you, at least they're better at telling ghost stories than the Americans! Anyway this film has all kinds of ghosts. And is much more psych than gore like the others.

The things I like most about this film are that its more realistic than most. You know the times when you feel cold towards the characters because they don't act human, especially when they're too brave, and in real life, comedy is a massive element. There'd be scary moments if you and some mates went to an abandoned hospital, but there'd be funny ones too. And I don't know what you think but I reckon duvets are definitely monster-proof. That's not to say I want to watch this kind of horror all the time, but someone's gotta make one, and I'm glad they did it well. Also, it's still pretty scary in parts but in a more lighthearted way when comedy arises, and it still looks great. I thought it was scarier than the first 2 which I thought were quite heart warming. I thought the report card kid bit and the breakdance bit were ace, and I didn't notice any annoying techno.
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Loch Ness (1996)
Disappointing. Only really good for really young children.
22 September 2007
I understand that person's comment about it being a kids film and questioning why Aaron Fleming would say such things, but this film is just boring. I was waiting for something to happen throughout and it never did, I expect the 1 award was won for the most money (12 MILLION DOLLARS) spent on travel for one film crew from the US to the UK. I'm not being a snob or saying I hate kids films or fantasy, I love that stuff, but nothing happens and the love story is a bit lame and empty. Ted Danson's alright sometimes in his career but he was wrong for the part and the weak storyline is not there to fill in for the poor acting here. I even watched this when I was younger and I didn't like it. I'm sure stories of things like the Loch Ness interest most people, so I was looking for it to be more about this, you'd think so from the name, but I was just let down. You'd think the whole point of spending so much money on a film called Loch Ness would be to concentrate on this.
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The Haunted (1984)
Hmmm I think I've seen it too...
13 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think I saw this film as a child. Must've been good to stick in my head.. Maybe you could say it's because I was a child and it scared me, but I saw Halloween when I was and that didn't scare me lol. Neither did Childsplay.. Anyway, It's the only one here that looks likely, but all I remember of the name was something like "Haunted" "The Haunting", in that ilk. Not much info here though :/ I can't find it either and no one I know knows of it... Other comment person or anyone, is it about a family, kind of like the others, but maybe with just two kids and an occasional mother figure, maybe a nanny? Something about a lake or pond nearby as well? Maybe they find out they're actually dead at the end or something but it ends really open and kind of weirdly?! Sorry it's not really a proper comment... Any info is much appreciated though :)
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Braindead (1992)
Very enjoyable
1 November 2005
I am very realistic about my votes/10. I've not yet given a 10 and I'm not sure I ever will. I only give 9's to truly artistic pieces... Anyway, my point.. I'm surprised at so any 10's, but I loved this film the first time I saw it and find it amusing that someone said it was a waste of a rental when I just bought it for £2 on the market today, knowing I had bagged a great deal :P Contrary to what a few people have said here, when I first saw it I thought the special effects were great. I think the effects vary from crappy and stupid (laughable, enjoyably) to incredibly real and slick looking, that in some odd way remind me of The Frightners. Maybe its something to do with Jackson's obvious eye for effects and movement. I didn't really get Bad Taste, but here I thought the story was really fun and interesting and moved at the right pace. I especially love the bit near the end with Lionel and the lawnmower. I think it's the acting and shooting style that make it funny, Uncle Les and the baby are genius and the whole feel is just really lighthearted and slapstick, with a bit of weird thrown in. I think maybe people who don't like it are taking it too seriously, or should go and watch What lies Beneath or something... I guess the style is similar to Evil Dead, but I don't really like makings comparisons. I don't even do it subconsciously, every film is new story to me. Maybe that's why I don't usually prefer the mainstream features, too much smash hits and not enough effort, with too many comparisons. Austrailian/NZ accents are always funnier than American anyway let's be honest :P I reckon Americans think Aus actors are corny and bad, but its just the way they talk! The setting for the film I thought was pretty creepy as I do most films set in ye olden times. Well I don't want to go on too much, but if you like horror/comedies and aren't too picky about affects and embrace any cheese with a smile then you'll love it.
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A good idea
1 October 2005
Although I feel a little sad writing a review for this programme, never mind even looking it up, I just wanted to say how glad I am that it was made. People who say this kind of programme is stupid obviously haven't seen it or think it makes them uncool if they do. This is ridiculous. Even "Wife Swap", a similar programme, has lifestyle benefits. Seeing a middle aged woman who obsessively cleans and nags non-stop, or who is prejudiced towards people who don't have a big house, 3 cars and white sofas do a complete u-turn to become a woman who is more open minded and craves more from life, produces quite a pleasing feeling. In "Honey..." the parents of children who are overweight or have potentially damaging dietary habits, see a picture of their children progress from their age now to age 40 based on tests done on them by the show's people. The visual results are more often than not shockingly hideous for a parent to behold (yet ironically usually almost a mirror of the parents) They are then spurred on to change their kid's futures for the better. They are usually successful. I think this programme is a good idea because its a public way of making the masses think more about their children and the damaging and beneficial effects of food. I don't think we should go over the top with making lots of programmes in this area, the best things would be for parents to actually do it themselves and pass those skills and knowledge on through the generations, without shock tactics. But hey, its a start.
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Cruel Intentions 2 (2000 Video)
If you aren't a teenager with bad taste, or simply don't have bad taste you will absolutely hate this film.
17 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually write a comment when there are so many others but this time I feel I have to. I have spoken of taste in another review, saying it's all in the eye of the beholder but when it comes to this film, if you like it, it simply means you have bad taste.

I love films. I loved "Isle of the Dead" which is pretty much an unknown B&W film. I even liked "Scream" and "Scary Movie" I liked these films because they have, if not a lot, at least something good about them. I appreciate 99.9% of the films I've seen because they tell a story which I haven't heard before, and most directors only make films with a good storyline. Throughout this film I was thinking "Where is this going?" (even near the end) "Where did they get these awful actors from"? "Was that supposed to be a joke?" and suchlike. With the obvious twist looming I was sceptical, but hoped it would perhaps "make" the film and prove I hadn't wasted my time. I was sadly mistaken. The storyline was bad to begin with and the twist actually ruined any glimmer of hope there was. Here's a rundown: Storyline – much like the first film, which was alright, this one is slow and sparse with no audience relation to the characters or the situations. The situations are cringeworthy and shallow and completely boring and predictable. The twist was terrible, it didn't make me feel a thing, like excitement or WOW. Just "My GOD." There was nothing in the bulk of the film that you could look back to and think "Oooo wasn't that clever" because it wasn't. In "Fight Club" there are flashbacks at the end showing bits where Tyler's true identity was cryptically shown, and when you watched it again you saw more, it really was a work of genius, how it was written, laid out and directed. This was a meaningless attempt at an awesome twist. I think it was "wild things" that had like a pretty poor double twist and I still liked the film because the rest was OK and it wasn't trying too hard to be a big twist. Its like the CI2 writer thought it was gonna be the best twist ever. But really, its just a bad story with a bad twist dumped on the end. The film ended almost immediately afterward, with the whole film void by Sebastian's whole story build up meaning nothing and a horrible half forced, paedophilic ending with a particularly young and innocent acting girl. Acting – the actors in this film are appalling. Almost as bad a "Sunset Beach." - Extremely corny and badly performed. It's not even so bad it's good like "Hunk". The worst acting I thought came from Amy Adams who played Kathryn, it was a rigid, pathetic and badly thought out performance by her. Robin Dunne was also poor. I haven't seen "American Psycho II" yet, but no doubt his laid back "cool" style has ruined that film also.

I can't even say it is a good film for teens, as its not. If my son or daughter liked this film I'd be ashamed. But they wouldn't anyway, as they would take into consideration all the things that make a good film, which this film has none of. Really. I'm disappointed that some have said "you might not be in the age bracket for this film, and so dislike it" I like all the films now that I liked as a teen and had very good taste. Also, do you really think that when you reach 20+ you suddenly don't like any teenish story lines? No. I liked "Mean Girls" and other generic teen films, and watch "Beverly Hills 90210" all the time. There's no excuse for poor directing, acting and screenplay I'm afraid. Besides, I was 16/17 when I first watched it. If anything, being older just makes you a better judge of a terrible film. I can't believe anyone can give it 10/10 either, one of my favourite films is "Memento" and I gave it 9 as I know there can be better. It is a shame for this site that people do that, give 10s flippantly, or don't get the films/show, and so give it 2.

Anyone who liked this film really should vary their taste, and perhaps their lives, and with this realise that this is the worst film EVER made. (worse than "Loch Ness")

If you aren't a teenager with bad taste, or simply don't have bad taste you will absolutely hate this film.
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The Mighty Boosh (2003–2007)
And I once looked at a hedge, what's your point?
14 September 2005
It's good to see so many who appreciate this comedy. I meet few who've seen it, anyone who has loves it and the rest, obviously, haven't seen it. Many here love it which is great, one making ambiguous suggestions to a dislike of it, but with no real depth to the reasons why. Id like to talk about the opposing reasons of what they could have said. I think this is muchly Noel and Julian's personal SOH and I think that that is great because they have really good SOH. I have a similar SOH and so enjoy it. A good alternative comedy should not be written with the masses in mind, and just because you may not understand the humour, that doesn't make it weak. Id never call any comedy weak, especially not because it is the writer's own humour. Do you think all stand up comedians are acting? No. Some do, but most gather information of things they find funny in there daily lives and use them. It is up to the audience as to whether or not their upbringing brought them to this moment in time where they find it funny. I personally think its the best kind of comedy. And if you don't, so be it. I don't like "Bo Selecta" very much, but id never call it weak. I just know that its just not my SOH. I have seen Noel do stand up and think he's great. Fantastical and childlike, with almost infinite energy and ideas.

I am not a big fan of progression either, musical or comical, I think genius can come from anywhere, at any time. The key is originality. We all know that "Friends" being the number one comedy based on the public doesn't make it the funniest or most clever comedy in what I call "The Real World." Something else I've noticed, and I don't mean to sound arrogant, is that the "scally" culture just don't get The Boosh. Probably because it's weird and dark, and the jokes aren't always spelled out for you in brightly coloured letters. It is suited more to "real" music fans, artists, poets and those of an alternative nature.

I think Noel and Julian are very clever, with many other great inputs and inspirations from the likes of Steve Coogan (producer)(Alan Partridge), Matt Berry (Dixon Bainbridge) and Richard Ayoade (Saboo) (Garth Marenghi's Darkplace), Nicholas Burns (The King)(C**t, Nathan Barley) and they have both worked with Chris Morris (Brass Eye, The Day Today, Big Train, Jam) on Nathan Barley.

I believe this comedy, particularly the first series, to be rich in word play and a clever use of language. The use of sets and props is well thought out, artistically, minimally and budget-wise, it's also different and humble. The ideas of such extreme, deep and diverse characters is almost astounding at times, if not for its light heartedness. The jokes vary in style, like "oh yeah the double bluff gag" or "oh yeah they blatantly stupid and weird gag" a lot, and such crammed word wizardry makes it a feast of surreal munchery. The best thing is that they know that some things are funnier if they're said differently. Like everyone knows that "You S**gs" is funnier said in a cockney accent than a Cumbrian one. They also use timing, delivery and camera work to the best they can be. The music. How can you not mention the music… they obviously have good musical ability. They are catchy songs, varying in style with each one, including brilliant lyrics. To do one in every episode is very special.

I would compare it more to the young ones, if I had to, rather than R&M. Mainly because it is a sitcom and although TMB is less slapstick, the central points of the subjects are similar, for example the alternative lifestyle and the thoughts and feelings that come with that, and obviously the characters like animals and weird people are similar too.

I've said a lot, if you've even got this far! That's because I was so impressed and wanted to tell people who are considering watching it. Its now my second favourite comedy, behind "Spaced" and just before "Family Guy" and "Alan Partridge."

I loved this programme as I relate to it and think it is very, very clever. You might too.

A step too far? Maybe, if you're wanting to stay put, if not, Come with us now on a journey through time and space, to the world of the Mighty Boosh. And love it.
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Hunk (1987)
Pretty long... but genius!
17 May 2005
My friends and I however, who stumbled across this film nearly 20years on, believe this to be a genius attempt at spoof "magic comedy". It is more eighties than the eighties itself, and has a wonderful soundtrack which is a symphony of the decade's charm! Everyone knows the styles and mindset, and almost everything else about the eighties are funny, and with these amazing characters what can go wrong! It has a really great feel and dialogue. I loved the humour, a few things verging on weird but only one or two. It was so great to laugh at the stupid way of life a hunk leads! Like bedazzled but really focused on taking the Mick out of people. Ben stiller, Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn would be great in a modern version of this film. pretty cheesy but i love it! They're just trying to have a laugh! A few nice ladies as well :D We liked it so much we went out and bought it the next day! Wicked stuff.
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