
206 Reviews
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Dr. Stone (2019– )
Lacks a real plot and becomes repetitve
20 June 2024
Season 1 was interesting. Season 2 was decent, Season 3 was nonsense.

The show starts out with a decent plot idea but clashes when it tries to mix scientific reality with fiction. A world where a man can defeat a pack of lions barehanded. People that can leap 20 feet in the air. Super human strength etc. It makes you not take it so seriously when at the same time the show is supposed to revolve around principles of science. It's sort of contradictory even if it's an anime. There are many plot holes and things that don't make sense in this series but you have to overlook it in order to enjoy the show.

The thing is there isn't much of a plot. Mainly the characters just follow around one person blindly and go along with all his ideas. Theres never any questioning or criticism. There is no drama. It's just listen to the main character. That gets very boring. Especially when the main. Character is one dimensional. The main character is a highschool student but he has the knowledge of a google ai computer. He knows everything and I mean everything. Since he's so smart everyone else to him is as he calls a gorilla or a brute.

Honestly the main character is obnoxious and smug but this gets overlooked because pretty much the other major characters are also obnoxious and smug. There's not really any character that's exactly charming. They don't have much character development on this show. Each episode is mainly the main character telling science and using everyone around him to build things for him in order to accomplish a goal.

No one ever adds their own input or ideas. They just do as he says episode after episode. Season 3 is the worst when there basically is no plot anymore. It's just"science! Build this! 10 Billion percent that." The show becomes very lackluster and repetitive. Collecting materials and building things but the "science" part is dulled down so it's not really a science show either. For example they need steel beams. They find some iron ore and the Next thing you know they have a whole rail system. No real scientific explanation or anything. The show tends to carry on just like that episode after episode.

I honestly can't say much else. There is zero character development on this show. Mainly everyone other than the main character and main villains is just a lemming. We never learn anything about them if at all it will be a 2 sec flash back that tells little to nothing much about them as a person.

The show could be better. As it is I think it's for children ages 4 -10. Who don't require characters to have development or dialogue. The show is just very shallow with equally shallow characters who are entirely forgetful.
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A so so horror film
8 June 2024
I've never been a fan of the Omen but I am fan of horror and consider myself somewhat of a horror connoisseur. I think this film is great for people that don't spend their time watching too many horror movies. It has plenty of spooky elements and a story that would be interesting to horror movie novices. For the seasoned horror fanatics the movie has good visuals and is well shot. The sound track and mood of the film is great but it relies on things you've seen done in plenty of other horror films. I found the movie more interesting than scary. I felt that way about the first Omen also which is why I wasn't a fan of it. I believe for me and a lot of others The Exorcists was the winner of scary religious horror films. So Omen always seemed boring in comparison.

Anyway fast forward decades later and they make this rendition of the omen which just seems to be missing that thing called suspense. There some great scenes but I never found them scary.

For me this is a good novice horror flick. The average person will enjoy it. For the seasoned horror watcher you'll most likely be bored for a majority of the film.
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The Tank (2023)
Typical made for tv type horror movie
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't expect much from movies like this so I went into this not expecting anything aside from killing time. The movie starts out pretty typical with the loving family complete with corny cliche lines. They're in need of money and by chance the husband inherits some old family land and that's where the story begins.

As soon as they reach this abandoned land they find a house that's been abandoned for 30+ years I believe. It happens to be the old home of the husbands parents. They move into the house and surprisingly it's in pretty good shape for something abandoned in the wilds for three decades and covered in vines.

I'm not sure after this point what really is the purpose of them being in the home. It's been abandoned for decades, it's covered with mold and dust inside and the mother is just unpacking dishes like they just moved in while the father is running around the house doing I don't even know what or why.

He's climbing down an old water tank one moment, next he's in the shed playing with a generator but he has no tools to fix anything and he disappears for chunks of time. I think they forgot to add in something like showing him trying to renovate the house but they're there for about a week and they show him doing things that would only take an hour to accomplish. Meanwhile the mom is walking around the house alone most of the time discovering random things like old diaries.

The story then starts to slowly unveil as the father finds a small strange creature in his water supply tank (which they still continue to drink and use afterwards) and the mother a vet student examines it. Next the story takes on sightings of a creature and the family starting to realize that they probably shouldn't stay in a 30yo abandoned home in the middle of nowhere. I won't bother to further detail the movie.

First off this movie requires you not to take it seriously as the characters do idiotic things that make no sense just to keep the story moving forward. That is if you can allow yourself to believe in the story to begin with.

The main problem started for me with the casting btw none of these actors sell you on the script. First the mother is pretty, the father looks like the average Joe and the daughter looks like some kind of child model that came from neither of their genetics. The family casting is all the way off.

Next we have the acting. The acting is bad and cheesy and on par with the special effects that weren't that great but equal to the story.

Then we have the plot. As I said before I have no idea why this family is staying at this house for so long. It's as though they forgot to give them a purpose to stay there instead of them just viewing the property and leaving. Why would a family choose to stay in a 30yo rundown home they know nothing about including if it's even safe to even inhabit?

There's no reason to put themselves in danger. They could had easily driven up to the property, looked around and went back that very same day but instead they all decide to move in and stay for a week in a moldy dilapidated house with a drinking tank filled with dead creatures and rodents.

That's how little sense this movie makes. My favorite part was the father being a dunce for the entirely of the film. For instance he botched his bomb making plan and gets attacked by a creature and then watches his model daughter get taken.

The mother a 90lb woman comes up with a plan to rescue her child using household cleaner and dumping it into an entire pool of gallons of water like it's going to effect them. Then she somehow manages to kill two or 3 of these things and rescue her daughter.

Then she brings her entire family to safety after fighting off the last monster while saying some cheesy catch phrase and drives off. A 90lb woman does all this. Fights off these giant creatures that have chewed several people to bits. At what point did they stop trying to make their movie believable? Even as a horror movie?

That's just what you get with this film. Honestly I thought the movie had okay elements but the wrong plot. It would have been a better film if they focused on the daughter and her dog and her experiencing the strange happenings and creatures while her parents remained oblivious...and then them finding out the creatures where real for themselves after witnessing what their daughter said was true.

I've seen that child/parent/supernatural plot done in other movies and it worked better. The plot of this movie just doesn't work as well because everyone sees the creature. There's no suspense. No moment of disbelief. No buildup. They just show up and start attacking full force. It just becomes a typical made for tv monster movie.
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Into the Dark: My Valentine (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Cute girls bad movie
18 March 2024
Typical cute girl falls in love with bad guy that she never leaves story. Except this time it's 2 cute girls in bad blue wigs.

The movie itself I think would have been better as a series because this felt like I was watching the last episode of a series I missed with previous episodes being shown in short flashbacks.

The music in the movie was cool ironically the better part of the movie. The rest of the movie is a lot of over the top acting. I think there could have been a good movie in here but I swear the characters are extremely 1 dimensional.

There's not much more else to add to the movie. It's most like someone heard some good demo songs some girl made and some director decided to make a whole movie around it. I heard this movie was similar to a real life case about two pop youtubers one named Poppy and the other Mars Argo.

Personally there's so many clones and style stealers in the music industry it's hardly a phenomenon. I think this movie would have been better focused on YouTube or social media personalities being copied as that's the new norm.
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The Menu (2022)
Felt like it was missing something
18 March 2024
This movie had a good cast and a good plot but I feel like it seemed to rush in too quickly and should have developed more before jumping right into the horror element of it.

I don't know when the angry obsessed chef became such a thing in the culinary world. Maybe after Gordon Ramsay appeared but before that Chefs were seen as jolly people eager to serve up a good meal.

Somehow it just turned into some angry jerk obsessing over overpriced dishes they create because that made good tv.

This movie aims to strike at the later by focusing on why the chef is so angry and obsessive and the movie is sort of a presentation on that with a simple but valued message at the end.

I sort of enjoyed the concept because I like shows like kitchen nightmares and blizzard horrors like this but at the end of the day I'm just going to remember Anna Lovejoy eating a giant cheeseburger and holding it like it was a handbag.

That's my takeaway from this movie.
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Poor Things (2023)
A sci fi porn
17 March 2024
This movie has no point or purpose it's just a sci fi porn. You could watch actual cheesy sci fi porn with more depth than this film has. Actually it's just a porno with a big budget and well known actors. There is no genuine purpose to this film other than to be some Hollywood porno where I'm sure someone will try to seek some deep meaning out of it when there isn't any. I'd rate this a 1 but seeing Emma Stone naked was something I could never rate down. This film reminds me of Nympho which was also another weird Hollywood porn movie with well known actors. I'd say the only charming factor is Emma stone is a good actor but wow in this film some x rated rubbish. She must really have a kinky side to agree to do a film like this when she doesn't have too.
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More sci fi than horror but it's a slow moving film
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're not into sci fi or horror and expect everything to be a Hollywood masterpiece with ground breaking effects,scripts and budgets you probably aren't a sci fi or horror fan.

Most of the time you over look those things to enjoy the movie for the idea of it. This movie is a solid 5/10. It has an interesting theme about love,marriage and commitment and an emotionally damaged main character.

The interesting part of the movie is an alien that becomes an obsessive stalker. Which was different.

This wasn't the greatest horror sci fi movie but it was a decent Sunday night watch for me. The pacing of the movie is a bit too slow and lacks suspense in areas to keep it interesting. So you feel like the first half of it is boring dialogue.

The second part of the film is done better where you are left guessing as to what happened to the main character only to realize she's suffering from legit trauma.

I thought that small twist was a nice touch. You didn't get a hero in this film. Just a damaged young woman that probably responded in the most realistic way of mentally shutting down to the point you didn't think she was even human.

This was a 5/10 flick. Good plot idea,so so execution. Bad pacing and a lack of suspense at times seems to drag it down a bit for me.
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What is the audience for this movie?
28 August 2023
This movie is just as boring and whitebread as the first one. Uninteresting characters making stupid decisions after stupid decision.

Seems like they tried to silence the criticism the first film got by throwing in a few throwaway diverse characters to get killed off in the beginning.

Anyway that's not why I dislike this movie as much as I do. It's a really boring survival horror movie where the only people that survive are stupid. This tries to be like the Last of Us and even the Walking dead but it doesn't work.

You can't have me watch a boring family I don't care about for almost 2 hours while escaping aliens. No one has any personality to carry the series. Emily blunts strong independent white woman act is tiring in this film.

She's like "Ma" From little house on the prairie but thrice as boring.

The aliens and the plot holes they have enough. This show should have been scrapped. Good idea in the hands of someone that can write but bad in the hands of whoever made this mess of a film. Why does this sequel even exists?

Who is going to theaters and watching this boring film?
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The Idol (2023)
If this was a an lgbt show every would be giving it 10's
17 June 2023
And you know thats the truth. Everytime there's some show blasting lgbt relationships with raunchy sex scenes or the usual sexual bizarreness of the lgbt people rally in support behind it no matter how bad the show is.

Here is a raunchy show about heterosexuality with plenty of fantasies played out to boot and it gets attacked. "Misogynistic" that's the new attack word for sex involving men and women or women being sexualize in any way to arouse and please a man.

Meanwhile the same audience spouting that would give a standing ovation to a show about men humping other men or lesbians that look like Ellen and Rosie chasing after each other.

That's how far society is lost right now. Heterosexuality is bad homosexuality is good. If the star of this show was a man instead and everything else remained the same you folks would be 10/10 all day and that's the pc truth.

I gave this series a 3/10 Because The Weeknd can't act and he's not convincing. He's too soft and uncharismatic for a role of a cult leader. They should have hired an actual actor and just had him do the soundtrack for the show.

Lilly rose depp is beautiful but not a strong actor. You can't have 2 bad actors on a show. One has to at least be good to sell the plot to you. Maybe being around Amber Heard caused bad acting to wear off on her.

The show also seems too psychedelic at times like it's one of The Weeknd's music videos. The sexual theme of the show come on with TikTok and onlyfans and the things women do these days for attention it was anything shocking or what critics hype it up as. I've seen worse sexual things taking place in my YouTube suggestions. That's just where society is right now. Morals are off the table.

But again just replace every sexual role in this film with the same sex and this show would be getting Oscar's and academy awards.

In my unbiased opinion 3/10

It's boring,slow and has bad acting.

I like The Weeknd got all his albums, I like lily rose she's quite pretty This show though is super boring.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
A Quirky Super Hero Series featuring A lot of Frat Boy humor.
7 June 2023
And my title pretty much sums up the series. You will like it if you're into those things are hate it if you're looking for something more in depth.

I can't complain much about the show because it's exactly what it advertises itself to be and sometimes it is fun to watch and sometimes it just becomes a bit annoying. There's an excessive amount of cursing, penis jokes, and Frat boy types of humor and language that honestly makes you wonder who wrote this and who was their target audience? 17-21 yo white males? Has to be.

To me the series has a "Jay and Silent Bob" type of vibe going on throughout it. The humor and everything is right up that type of alley.

It's not bad at times but they over do it a lot.

The story is interesting and the characters are interesting (some of them) but they're also the usual cookie cutter stereo types. You have the nerdy overweight computer guy, the hard boiled chief, the hot girl with a bad attitude, and the comic relief big girl.

I'd be more interested in the little team lineup had it not been the staple team lineup in every tv show and movie in hollywood's history.

They all play their roles and Jennifer Holland isn't hard to look at. She's the Sierra Mist to Marvels Scarlett Johansson's Sprite in this series.

John Cena plays a character that is fitting for him. When John Cena plays serious roles I can never buy it but these quirky roles yeah they're funny.

You have the T-1000 Robert Patrick himself in this series. Who plays racist Iron Man aka White Dragon. I thought his segments were funny.

The plot is your typical super hero save the world plot but actually fitting for a series like this.

I thought the series was a solid 6/10. Rough around the edges and some fat that should be cut off. The excessive frat boy humor and a lesbian relationship that added nothing what so ever to the story except me fast forwarding my remote to get back to the story.
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Old (2021)
This movie isn't anywhere near close to the disaster people make it out to be.
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhere along the line I'd say around 2013 or so M. Night Shyamalan because the Director to hate just because it was trendy. That was around the time people were starting to realize the "influence" of the internet and how they could use that influence to make mass groups of people think a certain way about something without any real valid reason to do so. M. Night Shyamalan was one of those victims of that. For a while it seemed no matter what movie he put out it would get bashed.

It seemed for me to start with "After Earth" that was getting bombed by people before anyone had even seen the film. The film wasn't even out yet an already people were disliking it. Then that sort of attitude carried towards pretty much anything M. Night Shyamalan directed.

Personally I have always enjoyed his movies as he seems to try approaching movies with a completely different angle and when you start breaking the story down there is quite a lesson to be found in it. I appreciate directors who are innovative vs. Someone like a Tarintino that just makes the same movie over and over again while stealing themes and ideas from old movies.

So with all that in mind I'm always interested in seeing just what his films are going to be about. One thing about his movies is that the characters always seem to have quirky dialogue, stiff almost autistic like interactions and clashing of expectations.

Old takes much of those elements and you either end up enjoying or disliking the movie based off that. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and in Old it's a mixed bag. The dialogue of the characters seems very stiff and awkward and it makes you feel like you're watching a movie rather than being captivated by a movie but the story is very interesting and that's what sells you on it.

I've read quite a few of the negative reviews and positive reviews and most of the negative reviews for this movie seem to have people complaining about things that were actually explained in the movie. A thing about M. Night Shyamalan's movies is that you might need to see it more than once or really just pay attention because there's a lot of non obvious details that you might not catch.

In Old families are being selectively targeted for vacations to a tropical resort island. Once there they find themselves in a situation they would rather not be in. The resort is not a resort but instead a pharmaceutical company that has found a naturally occurring phenomenon that causes cellular activity to expedite in living creatures. They use this phenomenon which is isolated to a beach front as a way to test drugs on people who have illness. All of the adults brought to the beach have an illness or condition but the Children do not and aren't given any medication. The medication that the adults are given seems to effect them in difference ways but mainly their bodies don't seem to age as fast while the children who aren't given anything seem to age faster. The purpose of these drug test are to find various cures and treatments for the conditions that the various adults invited to the island have. Instead of their bodies aging as rapidly their conditions they suffer from age rapidly instead but they look relatively the same as they're aging but only slower than the island would normally allow them too because the scientist need them to live long enough to study the results of the medications they're testing.

The Dog, The Old Lady, The Baby all died because the time increase affected them normally. The goal of the project was to kill off any witnesses part of the project by trapping them in the time phenomenon zone but to study the test subjects who their medications had been given to for as long as they could before they eventually died from the time increase as well.

In the time area organic materials were effected by the time phenomenon. Even decomposing bodies would be turned to dust but things like utensils, books, toys, sunglasses etc. Weren't disturbed by the time phenomenon.

There is one hint in the movie about how the group could have avoided being effected by the time...well actually there is two. There is a scene where the pregnant girl (right before we find out she is pregnant) opens a cooler filled with food that is insulated in foil. The food has not spoiled as it is basically shielded from the time effect phenomenon.

Later on the boy and his sister discover a book where someone had written in notes and theories about the island. Where one of those theories is to use metal to shield themselves from the time effect.

The boy decides that if they can find metal that they can use that as a shield but that idea never goes anywhere.

In the end of the movie the Boy and girl escape through Coral tunnel which has become a natural shield against the time effect.

These types of solutions in a M. Night Shyamalan movie are what you're supposed to be wondering about. Why did the dead coral protect them? Just like why did the water hurt the aliens in Signs and why did "grass" and "plant life" make people go crazy in that one movie of his I can't remember right now.

There's always some sort of ecological lesson in M. Knight Shayamalan's movies. I think in this one it was supposed to be that the Coral was helping to protect people from this cellar aging phenomenon and since the coral was dead it in some ways represents the current state of Coral reefs in jeopardy at a lot of these tropical resorts and places and that's supposed to be the real "make you think" shocker.

It just didn't work out that way because the movie wasn't written that well.
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Barbarian (2022)
Feels like 3 different writers wrote 3 different segments bunched them together.
5 June 2023
...and the result was so so.

It's hard to describe this movie without spoiling any value the twist in it have so bare with me.

One thing about this movie is that when I first watched it I felt very bored. It took me about 4 days or so to sit down and commit to watching through the first 20 minutes. The story starts out really slow and uninteresting. Slow horror building up is fine except in this movie is made to provide misdirection and nothing else.

By the time you get to the decent part of the film the movie is practically over and you sort of wonder as to why they didn't put more time developing the better parts of the story.

The movie starts out with a young woman who is renting an Air B&B for some sort of interview she's going on. She meets a guy who is somehow also staying there in a fluke at the same time. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? He acts creepy as the two get to know each other.

Then the story switches into darker territory and you realize things aren't what they seem. Then it switches again into a light hearted comedy almost and then back into a horror film.

I also feel like there's some sort of moral story going on in the background but it just seems to be a horror movie around men that prey on vulnerable women and it unfolds in various ways.

Now is it entertaining? I guess but it's also forgettable. As you watch the movie you realize that there are more interesting aspects of the horror portion of the story that should have gotten more screentime and instead it had the fat trimmed from it and just didn't seem as flavorful afterwards.

This movie also has one of those non conclusive endings which is extremely annoying as you're left to wonder how things resolved themselves.

I would recommend this movie as a warm up to watch if your 2nd movie is a better choice. This movie is too discombobulated to be satisfying as a horror movie. It has so many different directions it's told in and none of them fit well together or should I say the constant shifting and mode changing doesn't fit well together.

It ends up not being scary or a horror movie and something more like "The Goonies" in the end.
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Not that great
23 May 2023
This is a cult classic but I'm not sure way. There are better films in this genre that predate this by 20 years. Who ami kidding I've seen so many kung fu revenge flicks that this was just sub par. Sub par story,cheesy death scenes, too many closeups of lady snow bloods angry face. I heard this film referenced to kill bill (I hated that film too btw) I don't see much reference. I can point out about a dozen Kung Fu films that movie ripped off practically verbatim. Of course snow blood is a Japanese samurai type of movie and kill bill mixes Chinese martial arts culture and Japanese samurai culture together.

Any way Lady Snow Blood is considered a classic. This is just another Asian fighting exploitation movie to me. The plot is shallow, the characters are boring. There's a child nudity scene in it that was weird to say the least and it ended just as terribly as it started.

I don't think this film would get as much recognition of if wasn't linked to kill bill which again steals so much from the classic Shaolin Kung Fu films.
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This is hard to watch
13 May 2023
If you're making a dark humor flick at least make the humor funny. It's hard to sit through this and I would have turned it off if not for Margot Robbie being in it. This movie is just plain bad. The first suicide squad movie lacked charm but again it had Margot Robbie so I stomached it. This is just a truly bad super hero comedy. DC wonders why it's movies don't do as well it's because they're movies are terrible. Hire some actual comedic writers to help with the script. It's like bad joke after bad joke after bad joke.

I'm short some words here so I'll just say if it wasn't for Margot Robbie no one would have watched this film and since they replaced her the new Joker films good luck getting me to watch them. Lady Gaga? Yuck! No body is fantasizing about her or ever called her hot.
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Dune (2021)
Incredibly Boring
11 May 2023
This a 2 hour + long white savior movie and it's unbelievably boring. Lets see... Colonialist come to planet to take resources from brown and black inhabitants. In the process of doing so they bring the enemies of the colonialist with them. The colonialist realize the only way they can survive is to be the white savior of the brown and black people and use their power to conquer their enemies and free them from his fellow kind that want to raid their homeland for resources.

Some might try to argue this isn't a white savior movie but it is. Of course it masked itself in science fiction but it's the same story that has played out throughout history minus the "white savior part".

This entire movie is pretty much like Game of Thrones when Deanery's went to save the black and brown slaves and became leader of the Dothraki. They even have Jason Momoa there to reprise his role as Khal Drogo....well almost.

I imagine Zendaya is going to play the role of Pocahontas in the film as the native girl that falls in love with the colonizer.

This is a bad film. Only certain types of people who have never graduated a history class will enjoy it. To others this film is hardly science fiction. It's just real life history and present day in some places with a "Sci Fi" themed skin placed over it.

Mainly I found this movie long,boring and depressing to watch. Those that think this some sort of masterpiece I have no idea what filmed they were watching. There's barely any science fiction in here. You watch some dragonfly like helicopter most of the time and guys with space suits and people with blue eyes. I mean this is not star wars level of cinematic science fiction it's very boring.

It takes 39 Minutes before anything happens and it only gets somewhat interesting 2 hours into the film. So the last 15 minutes is the only interesting part.

I'm sure this movie will win all types of awards and have many sequels that's how Hollywood and the elbow bumpers work. White savior movies and series always seem to do better than they should.

As far as a movie for scifi fans this is trash. I don't know if dune was honestly ever popular. It gets referenced at times but really as a film it's never been that good and this movie didn't have the star wars effect of being something people are fanatical about. I think it's just one of those things where you're in middleschool and you read Dune for a book report or something and it becomes part of your child hood.

This is just a really boring movie with a bad hollywood cliche that gets recycled way too much. It's like space game of thrones basically.

I'm sure the people you'd expect to lap it up will lap it up. As far as people like me go I'll be sure to avoid any sequels from this trash.

Oh yeah there is also Jessica Ferguson who plays the invincible white woman who can defeat a well trained battle hardened warrior twice her size with ease. I guess those skills only come active when she's fighting someone "ethnic" because she spent the majority of the film running,crying and being scared. I forgot to add that part in there but that was also just further proof of what kind of nonsensical garbage this film is.
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First 2 of this Trilogy were okay this one is a let down.
1 May 2023
I really wanted to go into low power mode like R2D2 and avoid this trilogy. I could just sit there waiting to come back to life once a good movie was actually made.

There was a good chemistry going between all the main characters. Finn and Rey. Finn and Rey had a romance blooming, they spent the first 2 movies searching for each other and trying to protect each other. Their relationship was literally the most interesting part of the movies. A run away storm trooper and a Jedi. Two people who didn't know their past and were both discovering just how big the world was together. It was a pretty nice start and then it just turned left. You throw in discount Darth Vader, and a plot that could have been left on the table and you get a watered down star wars movie with no charm.

I'm pretty upset that the producers of this movie just decided to throw Finn's role aside and make him basically irrelevant and then take Rey and push her in a new romantic direction. I had my suspicions back in the 2nd movie when they tried to pair Finn with Rose who kissed him without having earned it and then the scene of Rey staring at Finn as he tended to Rose.

I'll just say it to be honest it was pretty clear the producers felt safer pairing the black character with an Asian character (another so called minority group) than pairing him with a white character because that would cause too much backlash apparently.

So the only interesting dynamic in this series of Rey and Finn fighting the First Order together as a couple was destroyed like the Death Star. Instead you get Rey and Kylo (who is just plain weird with zero charm or charisma) and a bunch of old characters returning to finish their stories they started years ago.

This series was terrible. Granted I only recognize the original first 3 star wars movies as being authentic and everything else just a cash grab. This movie was even more so made to be just that. It dismantles whatever little interesting character development that had been building since the first movie of this new Trilogy.

I hate to sound crude but I didn't care for seeing the old cast make an appearance because it wasn't their movie. The movie wasn't about all of them meeting up and going on one last adventure together (which by all means would have been an amazing movie) it was just about them all being old and letting a bunch of new characters that people had no reason to care much about take the spotlight. It just felt like a bunch of bad cameos which hurt to see because they felt so underused and these are the people that made star wars legendary.

I don't know what else to add about this film really. Just poor writing decisions and character deconstruction. Next time leave the prejudice at home and focus on sticking to a good movie. This series should have been about Finn and Rey defeating the first order together and founding a new way for the Jedi to live while working alongside the old original cast to see all that get done.
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X (II) (2022)
It's missing something
26 March 2023
This was a decent horror flick but it wasn't perfect or legendary. It's entertaining enough but it felt like something was missing from the film. I think it was a motive and character development. As soon as the characters started to become interesting they got killed off rather quickly. So they remained rather forgettable and disconnected from the viewer. The killers you never really learn their motive or why they do what they do. While this is an ode to 70's horror films I recall 70's horror films having some pretty good plots and story telling.

It's not a bad film just one that seemed like it could have used 30 more minutes of plot/character development before getting into the heart of it.
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Another baffling movie that makes you wonder why it won anything
17 March 2023
To think this rubbish film won an Oscar is crazy. I felt like the movie couldn't have ended soon enough and to make it worse its 2 hours + long and broken into 3 parts. Like many "Hollywood hype" movies they are rightfully forgotten over time. This movie will be known for "Hot dog fingers". There is nothing else in this movie that is worthy of even remembering beyond that. I can't imagine anyone wanting to see this movie more than once I sitting down to talk about their favorite scene. This movie is all over the place. The plot goes off into too many directions. It doesn't seem to know what it wants to be or what the message is because it has several and none of them are enough to keep you awake and watching.

This could have been a much better movie just like "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" a movie that no one liked and only remember because it wasn't a Kung Fu film but was marketed as one. Instead it was a love story people who wanted to see a Kung Fu film got tricked into watching.

We'll that about it on my thoughts for this film. I can't wait to forget it and mostly I already did after watching it. It was boring.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Confusing with lots of babbling
12 March 2023
I used to enjoy anime same as how I used to enjoy games but the follow the herd social media hype mentality ruined those things for a lot of people who enjoyed what they enjoyed or hated what they hated for their own reasons and opinions.

It's hard to know what's good or criticize anything that is popular based on heard mentality. This is a mediocre anime but it has almost a 10 rating.

Why? Nothing bout this anime is a 10. Not even Neon Genesis or Dragonballz or bleach is a 10 and those are legendarily good anime. So how is it that this mediocre anime got so much hype?

Because people are afraid to dislike it because people more popular than then liked it so it grew and grew steadily avoiding the criticism it deserved.

But I don't mind dating the truth. This anime is bad. It has good animation but it's bad. The characters are as generic as you can get. Every last one of them is forgettable. I've seen all seasons can't even tell you who was memorable because I forgot most of them. They're the same character personalities you see in every anime. If you've seen Bleach which this anime seems to steal a lot of its ideas from than you probably dislike this anime as much as I do for the same reasons.

The plot is all over the place. Babbling about this and that and all the characters have long German names. I had enough of that in full metal alchemist (another over hyped anime). They can really talk on this series and boy do they talk. Yap Yap yap yap yap. I don't know what they're talking about it's just gibberish and nonsense.

And the story jumps around a lot so be prepared to be forever confused. Season 4 is the worst. They just jump around in time to the point you have no idea what's going on at all. Are the future? The past? Present day? One characters dead then She's alive? It's a headache to follow.

This is on my top 10 of worst anime's I've watched. "The von stauker honz snitzel titan has to eat the doberglobersteinbergzzhemer titan that the becklesteimer von germanberger family owns." That's how they talk on this show. It's 40+ episodes a season of that "You devils blah blah blah" just make this show end. This is not a 9 worthy show. Seriously it's a 5 at best. It has Zero likes me characters, a plot that makes no sense what so ever, predictable story line and it suffers from "we almost had him" syndrome.

This animie will make you truly ignore all review ratings from now and forever on. You can't hide how bad this is. This has good animie gore and so did Tokyo ghoul and both those animie suck.
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Episodes just end
6 February 2023
It's Rather annoying that most episodes don't finish and just end abruptly at the climax of things when they could have concluded. After a few of those the episodes just go down hill. Some of the stories are written well and some are just pointless. No matter how well an episode is written and animated it all goes in the trash when it just ends and fells unfinished. This anime had a cool concept but lousy execution. I would have loved it if the stories would actually be full on stories with complete endings but this isn't it.

I'm not sure what else to say without ruining the show so like the stories in the series I'll just cut it short and end it here.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
A show about middle-aged women nagging
15 December 2022
If you're a middle aged woman with childhood, dating and or marital problems than this movie is for you. The only interesting bits of this movie are the flash back scenes that annoying jump back and fourth. I wish they just made the flashbacks into one long clip and turned it into another series. Then take all the non flash back scenes and made it a different series because this show punishes you for watching it. Constantly switching between the good action and house wife drama/middle aged woman drama.

It's clear this show was written for women because every man is a villain or inept. All the women are sympathetic characters even when they're completely in the wrong. There's one couple I truly loathe watching when they appear and that's the lesbian couple and their future serial killer son (where is the boys father?). The most boring banter/side story in the entire series revolves around every scene involving them. I actually gave up and started fast forwarding through all their scenes after episode 6.

The other couple the boring house wife and her inept equally boring husband with their beochy daughter. There's nothing more exciting than somebodies Lifetime drama marital problems.

Each episode is an hour long I think. Feels like every episode is 3 hours long though. It's slow and the dull scenes last way too long. Can't imagine a more boring idea for a show than one that revolves around middle aged women and their problems. It's like being trapped inside Kohls at 4pm on a weekday.


I continued on to finish this show and WOW was I wrong this is a great! Exciting show! Just kidding. It literally made me drop the rating I originally gave it. This show just gets worse and worse. It's like at the production meeting they took everyone's ideas and put them all in a hat and then just decided on using everyone's ideas and not picking a single one to stick with.

You want teen drama? We got that! Want baby drama? We got that! Lesbian drama? We got that! Junkie drama? We got that! Marital drama? We got that! Broken middle aged women? We got that! Crazy religious girl? We got that!, Crazy cat lady? We got that! (we gave her a bird instead to make it new and fresh! Though) but wait there's more! We forgot to make a male character gay! Now we got that! We need to spice it up with the supernatural and have a psychic that sees not only dead people BUT the future too! Now We got that!

What? One person seeing dead people not enough? Well we'll add in someone who sees both ghost AND sleepwalks AND morphs into a crazy person when they do! How do you like that!?

But wait there's more!

Let's also throw in a detective! A murder mystery! And... dunn dunn dunn a cliff hanger season finally! Yaaaaaay!!!!!!!!

This series is a cluster bomb of suck. The ONLY good thing in this entire show is Christina Ricci. She makes it worth watching. All of her scenes make the show tolerable. I have to admit that Juliette Lewis seemed so miscast for her role that it was distracting. She'd be great if this were a standalone movie but playing the older version of a young,beautiful and talented actress just wasn't buying it for me. Unless you have a role with a character that needs to constantly be overly dramatic she's just not a good fit.
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A Banquet (2021)
This is like Saint Maud Part 2.
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
And that's not a good thing. A girl that has holy visions and nothing happens but her rambling and weird behavior throughout the film and then at the end something actually happens but by that time you don't care because you just want the movie to be over.

That's pretty much both the plot to Saint Maud and this movie. I hated Saint Maud with a passion because of that. I didn't hate this movie as much because it at least stayed grounded in reality where the family did think the girl was mentally ill and took her to see doctors and tried to get her help. There wasn't exactly anyone that was on board with the nonsense and they didn't annoy you for an hour and 30 minutes run time trying to make you wonder if what you were seeing was really taking place or a hallucination. The movie isn't like that and that's why this plot execution is more enjoyable than in Saint Maud.

Mostly the movie is about the toll of having to live and take care of someone that is mentally ill till the final scene where you're still left to wonder if she actually was or wasn't crazy. It's an open ender and I also hate those type of endings.

There's moments in the end where the girl seems to be the exact opposite of how she was for the entire film. Asking for an Ambulance and it appears the mother being the one to deny her aid. There's the reveal that the daughter had rigged the scale to show that she wasn't losing weight when in reality she was. So in actuality she died from self starvation and not some sort of divine rapture.

The movie ending is rather contradictory and just seems to derail the story by trying to be both grounded in reality and spiritually supernatural at the same time and the low key reveal that the mother suffered from mental illness as a child and now the daughter is basically acting out in the same way.

This reminds me also of another movie with a similar plot called "The Wonder." Where a young girl is seen as God's chosen one because she doesn't eat. Although that movie was more of a mystery movie than what this type of film was but equally as boring.

At the end of it all I can only say that this movie is great to watch if you have it on in the background. It's good enough just to pay part attention to it because not much really happens of note in the film till the end and even that is a crock of question mark nonsense.

I give this movie a 5/10 though because the acting wasn't bad and I didn't dislike the characters. It was shot nicely and the responses seemed more realistic. Although I have my own theory of this movie and that was that the mother kept the daughter at home instead of sending her off to the mental institution because she couldn't afford the care. She is having financial troubles throughout the movie after her husband passes (which is never brought up again btw) and to me that seemd most likely the reason why her crazy daughter is left to home care rather than a hospital where she could get the right treatment.

My interpretation is that the daughter had a breakdown after her father died and coped with her grief by pretending she was chosen by God and the mother eventually cracked towards the end after dealing with the stress of her daughters behavior and her financial problems. It showed where the youngest daughter was also having a personality change from the stress of dealing with her sister and her mother.

So the biggest flaw of this movie is that it has too many paths but the route is not clear as to what's really going on and those types of movies are the most annoying.
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I don't like to give movies 1 star
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But this is truly a 1 star film.

It is extremely boring and I mean fighting to stay awake boring. It's not a horror but instead a drama about a boring middle aged woman with the personality of a boiled lobster that spends her time being a middle aged well to do Caucasian woman with a nice house by the lake in a wonderful resort town where she is about as much fun as wilted lettuce to be around. Her husband gets tired of her personality and goes on a spree cheating with groups of 20 something women who actually have personalities. Eventually he gets so tired of being with his boring wife that he'd rather kill himself than continue to be forced to be her husband and listen to her middle aged nagging.

"all the women look like me" yeah and they're all also half your age and more fun too. At first you watch this movie trying to figure out the story but then as you watch the movie you get so tired of this woman and her "I live big house by the lake and my problems are more important than yours" personality that you too feel like offing yourself to get away from her.

Although that's not what the movie is supposed to be about. The movie is really a study on age 40+ married men who seem to attract copious amounts of single 20 something attractive caucasian women with long black hair to cheat on their wives with. That to me was the most shocking part of this movie. How many attractive 20 something women with long black hair live in this rural resort town of theirs? And why are they so eager to cheat with a guy that has a boring wife? Maybe it's the dream of living by the lake? Who knows.

Well at some point in this movie the boring wife finds out her husband is not only sleeping with these 20 somethings but he's also killing them afterwards and burying them in a club house he made in the woods. You would think the movie would escalate there but after she finds the piles of bodies she goes back to her house, takes a shower and sleeps it off and then the movie basically ends.

I'm sure you thought there be more to this movie but that's pretty much the movie. I saved you all the time wasters of the boring wife stumbling around the house at night chasing noises. I saved you her boring talks with the old guy that lives? Next door? Across the lake? The next town over? It's never clear. He just appears wherever he needs to be.

There's some kind of invisible man theme going that plot has ever made a good film and she has these lifetime chit chat sessions with her one blonde friend. They usually go as you'd expect a conversation between two middle aged women to go in a movie. It's like "sex in the city" without the "sex" or the "city" so it's just talking about nothing...aka "nagging".

Mostly the blonde friend tries to get the boring wife to stop prying into her dead husbands life. I honestly thought it was because she was afraid of her finding out that he was banging her too but the movie isn't that interesting. She's actually just trying to be a good friend which is also the reason why she's a boring and forgettable character.

Lets see what else happens here... she visits a book store with a snarky clerk but then runs into her husbands old bang working there and is more snarky with her than the guy at the counter. It's an awkward exchange but you don't feel bad. You just think to yourself... "I can see why he cheated on her with that girl".

The best part of this movie and where it should have ended is when the boring wife gets snarky with an annoying parent at her job. That is the golden moment of this movie and honestly the movie should have ended there and just been a short film... a very short film but it didn't it continued on into the 1 star mess that it was.

Well that's about it. Decide to watch if you want. I wish I didn't.
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Wednesday (2022– )
It grew on me!
6 December 2022
Tim burton was perfect for this. I feel a lot of Edward scissor hands influence in this series. Wednesday makes the show great but it's hard to top Christina Ricci's version of her which is the version this show is based on. Actually it's hard to top all the actors from the 90's Addams family movies. Those movies were absolutely perfect with perfect casting and completely iconic characters that had good chemistry.

This series focuses on Wednesday of course and not the family as a whole so it's unique to see her interact with other characters who she can't exactly terrorize like on the 90s movies. This has a lot of coming of age moments which are interesting. I find it a true homage to Christina Ricci's talent that her version of Wednesday is the one that became the standard. Before the 90s movies Wednesday was just a little girl with a weird family (yes I watched the black and white show growing up). Christina Ricci's version was more gothically rebellious but charming and creepy at the same time. Jenna Ortega Carried that on in her version of Wednesday.

I'm not going to pretend like the Addams family is that big of a thing or that people gawk at who plays the roles. Their popularity kind of faded off In the late 90s and people forgot about them. But Tim Burton resurrected them with this series and Jenna Ortega breathed new life into the Addams Family leaving an enjoyable experience for most that took the time to catch the series.
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Til Death Do Us Part (II) (2019)
Started good then fell flat
4 December 2022
Starts with a good episode but then gets worse and worse till It ends with not even a sci-fi horror episode but a love story. Just a plain old love story. Can't say I knew what they were going for with this? Was it a cultural thing? It's rather overly artistic and abstract at times. The episodes aren't abysmal but they don't do much to hold your interest after a while.

Then when there are solid episodes they just have weird endings that throw them off the rails. You try to figure out what's going on and why but it doesn't connect so well. There are good episodes too like 3 out of the 7 but they don't redeem the rest of this series for me to give it a better rating. It a a good watch if your bored.
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