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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
The most abysmal episode I've ever seen
15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't even describe what I just watched. Every shot felt disconnected from eachother. It's just characters saying random new lines in every shot, with constant music blaring where you don't even know what's happening. Nothing flows at all. The entire 45 minutes is people running from A to B with random shots of these creatures spliced in between. Each character gets maybe 1 minute of backstory and then they either die or just disappear for no reason.

The pacing is absolutely awful - this is the only show I've watched were there are 5 new scenes in the space of 2 minutes. Before you try and get comfortable with a scene, it cuts to the next scene, then the next scene, then the next scene. It's like I'm just watching a montage on YouTube of best clips.

How are you meant to care about the character or story if it lasts 30 seconds before we cut to more running and monster screeches.
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Doctor Who: Deep Breath (2014)
Season 8, Episode 1
A slow start that improves later on.
23 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode proves to be a more darker story as capaldi is introduced. Once again we meet Strax, Vastra and that other woman who start off the episode quite slowly with unnecessary and long scenes ( e.g. when strax examines Clara). The first 30 minutes turn out to be pretty boring with nothing really leading anywhere, apart from capaldi trying to come to turns with his new appearance. As the episode progresses, things pick up pace and we get introduced to a new villain, who wants to get human skin for his ship (not sure why). It's interesting how the scenes develop, especially the underground confrontation, as Jenna Louise Coleman (Clara) tries to vent the confusion and anger she has about the doctor on the cyborgs. Her acting has definitely improved - giving emotive performances during intense scenes - however I still feel some of the lines she says feel unnatural, especially during scenes where they are in danger. The best way to describe it is you wouldn't talk in a slightly cheerful tone when you are being pointed at with a sword.

Capaldi however certainly feels different to previous doctors. I really enjoyed his darker scenes, as we can see the tone at which then series will progress with. His facial expressions and overall reactions to situations feels a lot more natural and believable.

To the technical side, I think some things need to improve as this has been happening for a while. Story wise, it was okay. That's probably my best description for it. No real plot apart from some cyborgs trying go reach some promised land. I didn't really connect with the villain and his plans, meaning I didn't care for him at all. The setting in Victorian times has been done so many times before in doctor who, I was hoping for something more exciting for an opener. E.g the opening episode for series 6 and 7. Victorian London felt bland and done before. In terms of CGI, I understand the budget issues with the show, but some of the scenes felt off And unnatural. I always see this with doctor who - when there is a CGI heavy scene, they tend to have the scene motionless - ie camera on a tripod. Even adding some camera shake in post production would have made the scene feel natural and I wouldn't have noticed the off CGI. The lighting was also off with the CGI, giving it a 'soft' unusual look. Obviously, with the budget they have, it still looks acceptable and not a major problem - however a bit more refinement with the CGI and the overall feel of the episode would have been more positive.

In terms of the music and the score, I'm still pretty disappointed they still use orchestra music in many of the scenes. I understand this is to make the doctor look ' magical ' and amazing, but with capaldi we are transitioning to a darker doctor, meaning this type of music doesn't really work in most of the scenes. I constantly felt annoyed by the fact that almost cheerful string music was being played during scenes with a different tone. Something a bit more ambient and 'sci-fi' ish would have suited better in my opinion - something that better suited the events happening in scenes. However, I did notice some different music during capaldi scenes, definitely more mysterious, which I enjoyed.

Overall, the first episode proves to be a decent episode, despite the usual comedic side that doesn't fit during darker scenes. It interrupts the flow and makes me wonder what tone the show is trying to establish. A slightly boring story which doesn't lead anywhere and a villain who you don't really care for in the end. A mixed bag of acting - capaldi and Clara doing well to show their emotions about this change, but characters like strax who don't really add anything to the episode apart from adding a bit of unnecessary comedy ( well I guess its the writing not the actors themselves).

I hope the next episode will be better (but seeing as they spoiled the villain during the next time preview I probably won't be that excited).

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