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Truly a buried treasure
12 July 2022
It has an amazing cast, it's incredible that it's so obscure. It's basically a one joke movie but it is a funny one joke, for the most part. It does start wearing thin near the end. But a great cast, a unique liar revealed rom-com. At the time of this review it's hard to find but look for it on free streaming channels, it's worth searching for.
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I know what you did last Easter
3 May 2022
This is so bad. Might as well call it "I Know What You Did Last Easter". Plus the way they kept cutting back to the party feels like a bad "Murder, She Wrote" mystery. Plus if they were blacked out stoned, how can they keep remembering things that happened? The blood was obvious cherry syrup. Lastly, the bunny suit was pre-blood covered at the first movie. I guess dry cleaning between takes wasn't in the budget. In fact I think it had a budget so low that even the Asylum would be ashamed of it. It's cheap, it's dumb and it's boring.
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Reign of the Superwomen (2021 TV Movie)
A one sided look at Women in comics
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's somewhat informative. But for some reason it only had French writers and cosplayers, it doesn't really show the impact on the women of the world, just women of France and so much needless padding with cosplayers doing nothing but posing. But dubbing or subtitling the narrator makes more sense than having the original narrator speak while the English narrator speaking at the same time. Plus, if I didn't know this was directed by a man, I swear it was some WOKE version of women in comic books as the negative history of the males in comic books is hammered pretty hard. The sexism, the misogyny but nothing on how male creators help elevate women in comics. Lastly, and I pretty much blame HBO Max for this. Why was it rated TV-MA? Because heaven forbid they show LGBTQ community in a positive light or that they mention gay comic book heroes at all? Either way, this is amazingly one sided for a man directing, bad audio and needless padding.
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Cheap and Lazy
11 April 2022
A US Marshall is wounded while tracking down murderous thieves. Because who needs a posse while in pursuit of 7 heavily armed sociopaths? When a elderly marshal with one six-shooter will do? Makes perfect sense to me, NOT! Also, the movie picks a character at random and haves them narrating things happening on the screen. Apparently that what passes as character building in this, just voice over exposition dumps. Now, "The Halloween Tree" had the same issue but I forgave it, because it was only the narrator, not every main character and it had actual acting, not dime store acting. I'm not the biggest fan of westerns, but this fails as a movie. It's cheap, it's lazy and all the gun shots are off camera, because blanks are expensive. No blood either, I guess corn syrup and red dye is also out of the budget. Weak cliché villains and story.
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This movie is stupid supid STUPID! Stupid is not scary
26 January 2020
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This franchise is pretty cookie cutter in story, you've seen one you've seen them all. That formula, teens to young adults (who are complete d-bags) get infected somehow, the virus kills them in overly gory ways, throw in needless nudity and drugs to sweeten it and bad ending as sequel bait. But as tired a formula was, this thankfully last installment ups the stupid factor. Porter is patient zero and even though the doctor explains why he's been contained, he doesn't care about possibly killing his wife like he killed his child. The doctor said his kid's dead and he looks like, "oh that's a shame." He openly threatens to kill himself, but instead of restraining him in anyway, they allow him to keep a bed with sharp bed springs which he uses to containment a guy wearing a hazmat suit by going around the mask, if that wasn't insanely stupid enough they NEVER treat the gigantic still bleeding cut on his hand and allow him to make a little fort! What the heck were they thinking! Was it, "He's a dangerous sociopath who threatened our lives and his own life maybe we should, I don't know. WATCH him and not allow a hiding area?" which the reply must have been, "Nah, he needs his privacy!" It looks like an air tight quarantine area during the end credits somehow a mouse got in which he contaminates with his still open wound! And the mouse follows the crew into the panic room as if on command, like this jerk has the power to command animals like Aquaman or the Beastmaster! Lastly, the only one who treated like a human being frees to take him to the center of disease control (I'm guessing) which would be the smart thing, but what this giant a hole do? He injects his blood into bottle water and kills them just to go, kill his wife and mankind. But wait, there's still more stupid to digest, it turns out containing him was all for nothing because one of the party gets contaminated by scuba diving in the lagoon! It wasn't even contained. Lastly, after the first two movies how and why did they keep this secret? If it was a bioweapon, they never said! So keeping him locked up without telling ANYONE is beyond stupid! And knowing he could KILL his wife seems no matter to his guy. If he loved his wife like he acted then why would he not care if the virus he's carrying would kill her, why didn't show emotion when he learn his ONLY child was dead. Scary can stupid, Friday the 13th is stupid goofy fun. And about at least a seed of plausibility. They know nothing of medicine, how animals actor or how to write a human being! I hope the creators of this trash never sold another script after this!
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The sound of Stupid
12 January 2020
First all, they aren't archeologists they're treasure hunters and a slab of cement blocking their path to the treasure, CEMENT! Not much cement in Ancient Greece! Lastly, not only is an invisible monster one of the cheapest laziest monsters ever in a monster movie but they can't even do that right. Just because your monster is invisible doesn't mean you just point a camera in an empty room pretty saying, "here it is, take our word for it!" Another reviewer compared this positively to Forbidden Planet. Yes Forbidden Planet had an invisible monster but they did what do with invisible monsters to indicate where the monster is, footprints in the dirt, and at least the monster in Forbidden Planet appeared twice, and because so many Dinosaurs were invisible. This is all kinds of dumb in a time period that loved dumb.
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Too much medevil melodrama, not enough dragonslaying.
6 January 2020
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First, I don't want to sound sexiest but this dragon slaying movie isn't much of a dragon slaying movie. The world is very inconsistent. One minute dragons are unkillable, then the lord of the so called castle says dragons don't exist, then dragons are killable but only by Paladins, then they're only animals who we can kill by standing in an open area looking like idiots. But to the movie's credit the dragon is impressive, the CG is cool, the blending is excellent and the design is pretty scary but the main villain is sidelined and gets VERY little screentime compared to the stupid secondary characters like the other farm hands even though we see no farm and see 1 goat and 1 chicken through the whole movie in the land where Sterling lives, earlier we saw 3 goats to the farmland where our hero comes from. Also, our hero is always getting his butt kicked, he pouts , he broods but does he train to kill a dragon, no. Besides that the characters are so flat unlikable jerks with no redeeming qualities that you don't care. This movie has so much promise but is ruined by daytime drama nonsense which is stereotypical of a woman director who knows nothing of fantasy or fantasy realms.
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Light! In a movie! Who needs that?
20 December 2019
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Here is a rare thing, the critics love this horror movie from A24 and all I have to say is... WHY?! For a movie called "The Witch" or the "VVitch", the witches get little to know screentime and no dialog. We never find out why the family was banished and was it part of the coven's plot? The pacing is terrible, there are long stretches of nothing happening. The cinematography is horrible. It's so dark, even during the day. There is a scene where we see the coven dancing naked but the camera is like a football field away and the only light is a bloody campfire. It's boring, having a black goat the devil was so obvious they didn't even bother trying to hide it. He's on the cover. I've seen several movies from A24 and so far they have Brain Damage failure record. But somehow A24 gets praised when they're the same crap as Brain Damage. Lastly: SPOILER ALERT! FOR THOSE WHO DON'T WANT IT SPOILED, THEN STOP READING.: Everyone is dead and Thomasin, the eldest daughter joins the coven. Which makes no sense, that came out of nowhere and they butchered her family, so why?
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Dead House (2014)
Movie is stupid for stupid sake
21 October 2019
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We see a scene where one of the goons say that the dead house has weak security which is the reason they pick it and that is the most unbelievable part of the house. Not the zombies but that an illegal government paid research project on reanimating corpses most likely as bioweapons wasn't guarded to the hilt. Plus, who are we to root for? The murderous home invaders or the mad scientist feeding innocents to zombies? Neither, so a fail on characters. Also, motive. These three risk death to break into a place which people who might have weak security systems but might have guns, knives, swords to what? Force them to have sex? What profit is in that? Grant you insanity has no logic but three having the same insane fetish is astronomical. Also, rich homes like this normally have tight neighbors, it is unlikely that gun shots would not get the police coming considering how much time they took at the crime scene. Also, how about all the fingerprints and DNA, I somehow doubt these three haven't been arrested or put in a mental institution at least once. The acting is hammy at best but the least of this turd's problems. Lastly, SPOILER WARNING!!!! IF YOU DON'T WANT IT SPOILED STOP READING: Random killers and bad security equals... SURPRISE a zombie apocalypse. The child of the survives without being bit but the government takes him off camera and shoots him anyway. WHY? It's the end of the world? No covering it up and if there is time to investigate they'll find where it starts and learn it was the government, but again. IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! NO BODY WILL BE INVESTIGATING! THEY'LL BE TOO BUSY TRYING NOT BE EATEN OR TURN INTO A ZOMBIE! God, this movie is just stupid for stupid sake.
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I, Tonya (2017)
The Motion Picture Academy got it right for once.
15 March 2019
For once the Motion Picture Academy got it right, this deserve the best picture win but it didn't actually win which means the people picking has more brains over the people voting. Is it perfect, no. It has pacing issues, mild pacing issues. It's funny, heart breaking and interesting.
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Singularity (I) (2017)
I'm not surprised this movie is from Switzerland, it's cheesy and full of holes.
14 March 2019
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Let's start with what this movies does right, the CG is amazing. Next, this movie came out in 2017 but says robotics will have this kind of leap in what 3 years? I don't think so, movie should have been like 2145 or something. Second, movie pretty much rips off way better sci-fi stories from Terminator, Cleopatra 2525 to the Matrix. Let's talk about Van Dorne's plan. Because one man used his robots to murder innocents making him take the blame for unknown reasons. So the answer is killing all people, so the spilling of some innocent blood is so bad the answer is spilling more innocent blood? That makes perfectly no sense, but any excuse for humans to fight robots I guess. Thirdly, if Elias Van Dorne was determined to wipe out mankind because we don't deserve to live, logically speaking he should have stuck his main computer to automatic before blowing his brains out. Instead, he turns himself and his best friends into cyborgs, the problem is humans killing not being made of flesh. So that makes no sense other the filmmakers paid star John Cusack too much money to kill him off early even though that would make sense. Fourth, why Singularity? There is nothing about space, black holes or time travel, title makes no sense, like everything in this movie. Lastly, speaking of John Cusack. What a waste of a good actor. All he does is look either pissed off or bored through the whole movie, I'm guessing he was to lose human emotion now being some kind of cyborg but it doesn't explain him pretty much doing nothing except saying bad stilted dialog to Carmen Argenziano which has nothing to do with the other part of the movie. Switzerland should stick to cheese and clocks, the film industry is trash. I don't know how much this movie cost but since it got back less then five grand I'm guess there won't be a sequel and this spell the end of Swiss film. Because like Swiss cheese, it was cheesy and full of holes.
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The only thing that lies "Beyond this gate" is failure and a painfully bad movie
11 March 2019
Strong premise because in the not to distant past near the end of VHS reign, VHS games were the rage. But with a micro budget of 300,000 gives this movie very poor pacing. The video rental store looks like it's mostly home made tapes which equals bootlegging, Gordon's dad would have been in jail long before he was sucked into the game ala "Jumanji: welcome to the Jungle" style. Maybe if they got product placement from other studios for the video rental segment they might have had a passing budget to make a decent. Hell, even 300,000 and the right friends they could have used a green screen and make a better movie. I don't know what they spent the money on but it clearly wasn't on trying to make a watchable movie.
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Antihuman (2017)
Movie trailer is bait and switch, fraud is the name of the trailer
11 March 2019
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First of all the score doesn't work for the movie, it has scary music when the scene doesn't call for it. The premise of a dying woman, who could die any day going into the woods but the actors read their lines with the passion and emotion of ordering from a dollar menu. Lastly, when it comes to low budget no nothing movies like this I like to check out the trailer to see what kind of a pain fest I'm in for. Will it be okay or will it be horrible. You watch the trailer for this and they talk of an old asylum ran by her father, there's a massive fire and a demon looking thing. None of which is in the movie. The house is way too small to ever be an asylum, the line is never uttered, the fire, the final confrontation nor the demon is ever seen. It's like they say the finished product, say what a boring turd they made and said screw it, let's fake a trailer to get people in seats. We'll use two snippets from the real movie and fake the rest. Someone should sue to the blatant fraud that trailer is. I'm not even kidding, the trailer is an entirely different movie,and what is up with the nuclear attack thing in the beginning and the end which has nothing to do with anything? I mean with the poster and that trailer, you'd think it's some exciting horror movie but it's bad even by the worst weepy drama standards.
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Red Christmas (I) (2016)
horror with an anti-abortion message
15 January 2019
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Twenty year ago an abortion clinic is attacked and a fetus that was freshly aborted somehow was still alive. Twenty years later the child finds the mother that aborted him with nothing but the power of plot convenience. And he's arrives just in time to crash a Christmas party. Seriously, considering how brain-damaged this guy is and I assume Diane had this abortion in another state maybe even under a fake name or her maiden name, how the hell did he find her, that is the biggest plot hole and why not sooner? I wish that the only problem. I mean, why can't the family in this type of home invasion horror movie be likable. Not dysfunctional assholes? These dicks can the BUNDY family from MARRIED WITH CHILDREN a run for their money. What is worse it the bible thumping, the anti-abortion message hits the audience so hard it can cause blunt for trauma. Lastly, SPOILER ALERT!!!! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS THEN STOP READING: The family is dead and the only two left is the newborn baby who was born during the tragic events and the grandmother who had the abortion twenty years ago. She stabs Cletus with a pick axe with a chair around her neck jumping out the window committing suicide. I guess to pay for her abortion "crime". But it's not the police was coming, so Diane is condemning another child do die. There is nothing redeeming about this crap factory.
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Movie says it's a crime to defense against rape.
9 October 2018
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Now there is a thousand different directions this movie could have gone, having the rapist arrested, out on bail going after them for revenge. Louise killing the attempted rapist, not being hunted but being the son of a mob boss who wanted revenge. It was clearly self defense and making them criminals for killing a creep in self defense is wrong on so many levels. Ridley Scott has a hit or miss record in my opinion and Feminist regard this a movie of women empowerment, but in what way is this women empowerment? They flee the law for protecting themselves and considering the climax of the film, the message of the movie that women can't defend themselves against sexual assault or be considered criminals and speaking of the climax, SPOILER WARNING: IF YOU DON'T WANT IT SPOILED THEN STOP READING: When the entire state police force starts chasing them. First of all, they killed one asshole, and robbed a couple of place. I don't remember, was the president's son or something? The Boston Marathon bomber didn't get that many police after them. But I digress, they end up at the Grand Canyon where they chose death over prison, which makes no sense for if incarcerated they ha the whole self defense from rape defense. This movie is terrible and makes no sense.
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Cabin Fever (2016)
A remake worse than a bad original
10 September 2018
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Director Travis Z did sometime I thought wasn't possible. He remade the WORST movie of 2002 and somehow made it WORSE. I know characters in horror movies aren't rocket scientist but how did these incredibly idiotic people get into college? I think Berkley must have lowered standards recently. Again, disrespecting a real serious and deadly medical condition like a cheap horror movie If someone wants to remake a turd like this, here is some advice. Characters are the core of any good movie. At least one or two must be likable or relatable. Not complete assholes you're glad to see die. Being almost shot per shot remake except adding scenes with Bert, a video game nerd. But makes him the biggest jerk of them all. Second, the gender swap the Sheriff from male Stoner moron to evil woman. You can tell she's evil, she has a scar by her eye. That's the true mark of evil, you know. The most unbelievable thing of all is they had a mid credit scene, like this crap storm was going to get a sequel.
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Don't Hold your breath on Assassin's Creed 2
14 November 2017
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First, let's start with the elephant, the story of Eden NEVER called it an apple. It was the forbidden fruit, only modern tellings turned it into a frick'n apple. Second, that thing looks fake as sh**! Nothing remotely like fruit, like something from a factory. I never played the video games but what I know of the games, the Knights Templar an the Church was never the main antagonists. The Di Vinci Code never got to this level of God bashing. Too much time was devoted to the modern parts of the story, the fact that Cal didn't totally refuse to do they're little experiment. Besides, if the fruit gave us free will, then how did we have the free will to defy god to eat to begin with. So, story makes sense, the bad editing in the fight scenes. Lastly, dumbing a game rated M for violence and blood to a PG-13 with a lack of blood for a wider audience to make money only cost them to lose money in the long run. This is a post Deadpool world, what moron can't see staying R would still make money. I was hoping this video game movie would break the streak of bad video game movies. They had built in stories they could have adapted to no gamers but they f***ed it up badly. There is a page saying "Assassin's Creed 2" is in development. But this first movie lost so much money, I can't believe the studio has canceled it.
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The Carrier (2015)
Total waste of time.
6 August 2016
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This movie starts out with this so called horrible virus pandemic spreading all over Europe but England is the only quarantined. And the virus is so horribly deadly that people with the virus are shot on sight. Yet who ever wrote this mess of a movies knows nothing of viral containment. The army searching people for infection before getting on board a plane only had their uniforms, gloves and a gas mask. For a touch based virus, that was stupid. There was several ways they could have been touched and infected. The character were all horrible people. The pace went to dead slow to complete stop. And let's talk about the horrible virus that makes them get the infected shot on sight of the slightest infection. The cover implies some kind of zombie virus, which is a lie. All the virus does is call massive amounts of swelling of the face. That's it. I'm not kidding, that's it. They're not undead, they're not going insane or cannibalistic, just face swelling. That's it, the world's afraid of super mumps. The only monster here is that the uninfected are killing sick people for looking slightly unpleasant. There was no indication that virus even kills on it's own. The effects are horrible, the make up effects would get someone kicked off of "Face-Off". The CG was all kinds of amateur. They used the same cockpit for a jet as well as a so called prop job. Those two types of planes would have totally different looking windows and controls. Not to mention, they added props to a private jet in one bad CG scene. This is all kinds of wrong and the UK should be embarrassed to have made this dog-pile in an age when adverts have quality CG.
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Los inocentes (2013)
Don't we make enough crap without importing it?
27 October 2015
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The story is basic, prank gone bad. But the realism is a complete unseen in this movie. The killer had a nail gun with way too big of nail to fit in the gun and no compressor to fire it. So, this woman was able to get a hold of a futuristic nail gun that doesn't require a compressor, a bone saw, a Black Mamba who she was able to train, somehow get killer bees to swarm on cue to sting making a certain blood pattern on the window, laughing gas.

The premise is that her son was killed by being lured to the area of the hot waters and the water was hot, the metal of the room became lethal. But the cutout burned up due to the excessive heat, how would she know. Not to to mention no court in any country would fail to to convict them of manslaughter. The deaths are unrealistic, the fact they ripped off the first Friday THE 13TH movie, then half way through it turns into BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

Lastly, the last survivor gets a nail in her arm but was able to get the nail gun away from her only to be shot by Police who never announced himself or ordered her to drop the weapon, I don't know how things are done in Spain, but I know that's not how we do it in American.
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Blair CRAP project
3 November 2007
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Here's the truth about the "Blair Witch", it's not real! All the hype had me believing that it was a real documentary they found in the woods. That's the only reason why anyone went to see this pile of steaming crap is they convinced us all it was real. This is a good example on how good marketing can make a bad movie a hit even when it doesn't deserve to be. I mean no wonder all those Blair Witch parodies came out so soon after the original, it deserved to be ridiculed, it was that bad. Nothing happens, 90 minutes or whatever the length is of nothing. By the half way point I was almost asleep. By the way, lame twist at the end also. There is no Blair Witch ghost, it's an escaped mental patient who murders them all. That's it. It's not scary, I've read scarier fairy tales then this way. Don't waste your time on the BLAIR CRAP PROJECT! I give it the Turkey!
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House of Wax (2005)
Not as good as Vincent Price's classic, but still good
22 September 2007
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Okay, here's the low down on HOUSE OF WAX. I am a big fan of the classic HOUSE OF WAX as some of you may already know. But I am not that disappointed with this remake. I got to admit I was stunned when the house of wax was a house of wax, literally. I feel that was the most unique aspect of this otherwise formula slasher movie. There was some aspects I saw coming a mile away and other aspects that surprised me. This pales to the VINCENT PRICE classic, but it is unique enough in story and character develop to stand out on it's own. The new house of wax is a scary and gore masterpiece of modern story telling and I am happy for once to say I'm not sorry they made this movie. 8 STARS.
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What? I'm sorry what?
22 September 2007
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I really did enjoy the movie, the acting, the characters and the monsters were all cool, but what the Hell was King thinking when he wrote this? You can't go back in time because monsters eat the past, how insane is that. I'm not an expert on Einstein's theory of relativity but I'm pretty sure there's nothing about monsters eating the past. Plus could the Bronson Pinchot be any more of a jerk? Tell me, I don't think he could have. But the story makes a nice fairy tale but it has no basses in fact and it's not crazy it's not possible to time travel but his theory just doesn't add up. But it does make a fun watch and earned 7 STARS.
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Skarecrow (2004)
Dark Crap 3 - When will the pain stop!
22 September 2007
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As you may remember I have seem all three of the trilogy of trash and the first movie is the only one even remotely close to be watchable. Part two was low grade sewage and this installment is slightly better then two, but still one steaming pile of something I removed from my backyard last Monday. The premise doesn't make sense, why did the moonshiners murder that poor old lady and even in 1921 I think someone would notice a bunch of oily guys where a sweet little old lady once lived. Second, that scarecrow is pathetic compared to how cool they looked in the first movie. It's just old clothes and a burlap sack. Let's face it, the series is garbage and should be forgotten about. THE NOOSE!
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Powerful adaptation that stays fateful to the original
15 September 2007
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Now this is a good adaptation of the original manga and anime, the Producers of Daredevil and Super Mario Bros. can learn something by watching it. It stays fateful to the story without changing any major plot points or characters. I do wish they had the scene where Ken powers up which destroys his shirt and the seven scars glow. But that is really minor compared to the whole movie. They also didn't have the guy that had the energy strings that sliced people like ham. That was cool. Again a minor complaint. This is an exciting and entertaining live action American version and I think fans of the anime will enjoy this.
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Could have been better
15 September 2007
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Now I am not the biggest fan of the first Amityville Horror movie, even though it was based on a true story I felt it dragged on. But this prequel really drags on and the Sonny character must have had pudding for brains to allow himself to be used like that. He must have had issues to begin with not to fight the evil impulses and to commit the crime without even flinching. But since they did mention this in the first movie I guess it had to happen and the events had to transpire the way they did. But the crime is only the beginning as they try to save Sonny's soul from damnation. Which means another forty or so minutes. I guess it could have been better but I can tell you it could have been allot better as well. SO my verdict on the second Amityville movie is 7 STARS.
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