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A Little Daytime Drama (2021 TV Movie)
snooze fest alert
9 September 2022
I have liked Ryan Paevey in almost everything he does, so of course I watched A Little Daytime Drama' through to the end because of him.

As for Jen Lilley she was completely miscast.. With her wishy-washy cute little girl acting she was not believable as the head-writer for a soap opera.. Frankly I really no strong feelings about her one way or the other..,She is nor one of thoses actresses that I would always make it a point to watch. Like Candace Cameron or Jill Wagner.

There are some Hallmark actors that I make it a point to always watch because they are consistantly good and their movies are always good: like the afore-mentioned Candace and Jill and Michael Rady, Nikki DeLoach, Tyler Hynes, Victor Webster, Luke McFarlane, Bethany Joy Lenz, Lacey Chabert, Andrew Walker, Brennen Penny, Barbara Niven, Susan Hogan, Brennan Elliott and Jesse Schram.

'A Little Daytime Drama' was typical Hallmark formula without the snowball fight.

Since the mass exodus Hallmark has been struggling, and A Little Daytime Drama' did not help.

After reading the lack-luster basic plot of 'A Little Daytime Drama' , my reaction was, well maybe, with Ryan Paevey and Linda Dano, I thought 'A Little Daytime Drama't iwas worth a try. This goes on my Boy Was I Wrong list.

There have been worse Hallmark movies in the last couple of years, but not very many. 'A Little Daytime Drama' missed the boat on so many levels.

'A Little Daytime Drama' could have been a decent movie based on the premise but the writers failed to deliver

I suppose it is worth watching if you want to keep up with your "I have watched every Hallmark Movie ever made list". But ' A Little Daytime Drama' is certainly not one I would add to my home Hallmark movie library. But be prepared it was basically a snooze fest.

The acting was stiff and wooden, There was no chemistry between Ryan Paevey and Jen Lilley. Their former relationship waspretty much ignored and not very well explained and their reconnection at the end was hurried and not well written. I felt like I was watchcing two friends but nothing more than that. I was thinking why did they break up and why did they get back together.

I felt like someone was marking time saying "come on people, we have to step this up, we only have 84 minutes to tell this story."

There were some good elements in ' A Little Daytime Drama' but they were few and far between and completely overshadowed by the bad moments..

As a production 'A Little Daytime Drama' was as usual very well executed and Hallmark did their usual great job with the photography

The music was overpowering as usual, drowning out much of the dialogue. Ok, hallmark I know your music guys are proud of their music. But the music is meant to inhance the story not drown it out.

As for the end, well, there was that guy marking time again, saying come on people let's wrap this up.

They wrapped it all up in a pretty bow and said Ta-da here it is.

My advice 'A Little Daytime Drama' is ok for the whole family, if they can sty awake.
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Reunited at Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
I didn't like it
23 August 2022
I'm the lone negative review, and I'm OK with that. It gets a 3 only because I adore Nikki DeLoach

The cast was great.

It was the plot that bugged me.

He proposes and her whole family pops out yelling congratulations, she hadn't even said yes yet. Great way to put the pressure on. Then they keep bringing up the future wedding, when are you having the wedding, where are you having the wedding. Let's all call your family together so we can share the good news. Come on get in the family christmas photo.

Pressure, pressure, pressure. They just got engaged for heaven's sake, give them time to take a breath. I would have run screaming out of the room.

My advice: Oh, whatever.
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Dating the Delaneys (2022 TV Movie)
Fun movie
22 August 2022
Rachel Boston and Paul Campbell were great and seemed to really enjoy being together. There was real chemistry there. Although the un-funny puns got old after a while. Enough is enough already.

Zoe Christie as Emma, looked WAY to old to be a teenager with a crush. She just couldn't pull off playing a 16 year old. Frankly she looked closer to a 30 something. It spoiled the whole teenage Delaney dating part of the storyline. And sitting and staring ALL the time at the guy you have a crush on was just creeoy. I didn't blame the guy for ignoring her.

My advice: great family flilm, not Shakespeare, but entertaining.
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A Tail of Love (2022 TV Movie)
Heartwarming movie
17 August 2022
This was a wonderful movie. One of the best Hallmark movies of the year. Good job, Hallmark, lets have more like this.

Does anyone besides me see a big resemblance between Brittnay Bristow and Cindy Busby?

The only reason I gave it a 9 instead of 10 is the basic plot. Every state in the country has Adverse Possession Laws. For instance in Arkansas if a squatter continuously occupies the property for 7 years and pays property taxes, by Adverse Possession the property is theirs. In this case Lily and her husband built on the land, maintained and made improvements to the property for 25 years and must have paid property taxes or state would have taken action well before 25 years. This possibly would have satisfied the strictist Adverse Possession Laws. Any competent lawyer should have looked into Adverse Possession.

Ok, got that off my chest. I loved the movie.

The leads have great chemistry, the supporting cast was great. The dogs were great.

My advice: great family film, this is a must watch movie.
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Romance to the Rescue (2022 TV Movie)
Hallmark get your act together
15 August 2022
I rated this movie 4. That's 2 for Marcus Rosner and 2 for the dog.

I have seen Marcus in many movies and he always delivers, good actor, good leading man.

As for Andrea Brooks, to my knowledge I have not seen her in anything. I found her character to be very annoying. Too perky and juvenile for words, giggle giggle. But she fits in with the rest of the cast, they act like they are in junior highschool, giggle giggle.

Lame script, lame acting, lame ending. Marcus was great, Nova the dog was great. But they could not carry the film alone. I look forward to seeing them in other movies.

I watched the whole painful minute of this film reluctantly.

But Hallmark is going to have to drastically improve their scripts to make up for the mass exodus, and this film is not going to help.

My advice: suitable family film, but don't insult your children's intelligence by making them watch this.

Give it a miss.
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Hidden Gems (2022 TV Movie)
poor plot ok actors
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Does anyone but me think that wearing a priceless heirloom ring while doing yoga on a surfboard in the bay is incredibly stupid. Also the diver- leading man goes from surly and uncooperative to friendly and open for anything If Hallmark hopes to overcome the mass exodus of stars, they are gonna have to come up with movies that are not this stupid.

No offense to the actors, they were all great and did a good job.

They were in Hawaii for her sisters wedding, hence the all girl yoga routine n surfboards. She dives everyday with Jack looking for the ring. Now the wedding is over and they are on the way home and her sister plays the bride card and makes her turn off her phone. A beachcomber finds the ring , gaets it appraised and goes to the hotel, shows them the ring, they try to call Addy because the ring is found, but, her phone is off, thanks sis. Meanwhile Addy makes her family leave her at a Marine Biology research center to accept the job the direcotor offered her. Meanwhile again, Jack uses his life savings to buy the ring from the beachcomber. Lame, lame ending.

The movie was entertainig, But most of the plot hinges on the lost ring and the budding romance between Addy and Jack.

My advice, watch it, it's not bad. Family friendly.
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Love at Sea (2018 TV Movie)
Complete waste of time
5 August 2022
I know they are a married couple and I really hoped for chemistry. But alas, I was destined to be disappointed.

This is the first movie I have seen them in, they were really bad.

And what a truly stupid movie. Situations were contrived and really stupid.

Rarely do I find a movie that makes me want to scream "I want my 84 minutes back".

My advice: pass on this one.
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My Grown-Up Christmas List (2022 TV Movie)
Bah, humbug!
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just between you and me, this movie was annoying in the extreme. If thie is what Hallmark is offering us, in the wake of the mass exodus of many of their biggest stars, the Christmas season does not look promising.

The cast was fine, the leads had great chemistry (they should, they are a real life couple). No quarrels with any of the supporting cast.

Many problems of the military aspect and continuity.

1. Hair too long.

2. outside in uniform without his cover.

3. Facial hair - the best friend of the groom, it was not even nicely groomed, it was scruffy.

4. Civilian plates on military vehicles.

5. He hears that a helicopter is missing with his best friend aboard and BAM, he's there the next day. Because in the entire United States army there was no one closer who could rescue the men on the helicopter. LIke maybe a team of Army Rangers or something.

6. One phone call gets her to the "super secret training base, somewhere in eastern Europe. Wow, can you say Security breach. Because her grandfather the gooms parents and a whole bunch of others were there for the wedding.. Hope no one had a camera on that "super secret training base, somewhere in eastern Europe. Which is cllearly not so secret anymore.

I am sure I missed many more, but I am not military and not a military expert. But come on, watch NCIS and you know that in uniform you wear your cover outside.

Other stuff.

1. In 2 years nobody aged.

2. In 2 years nobodies hair grew or hair stylle changed.

3. The crocheting lady could tell he was military, because of his posture. Never mind the too long hair.

4. They met and fell in love without a single date. Most of their relationship was facetime. Ok, maybe.

5. The story really dragged, I was tempted to turn it off multiple times, but I kept thinking it has to get better..One more thnig to put on my boy was I wrong list.. Overall it was an ok movie, good for families. Ok but weak storyline.

My advice it's worth watching.
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The Christmas Calendar (2017 TV Movie)
Worth a watch
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, Brendan, terrible french accent.

First of all, Brebdan, terrible french accent. And not necessary to the plot, I would have liked it better if he was just from New York or someplace. I liked them together, they made a cute couple.

I could have rated this movie higher but I took off points for errors and continuity. Some glaring examples 1. He is giving out samples on the street, she starts to cross the street to confront him and she is nearly hit by a car, screeching tires, blaring car horn and ....nobody on the street even turned to look.

2. He thinks she stole his reciope using gold leaf and she denies it, they argue and he stalks out , she follows and they argue in the street. Then, without resolving things, they are bowling together, seemingly very friendly.

3. Chuck tells them that Adele made him break into Emily's Bakery and ....... nothing happens, they just drop the issue. No explanation about why what he was supposed to do when he got into the bakery. Some type of sabotage I presume.

4. Her deceased grandmother keeps turning up in scenes, ringing a bell for donatons and no one can see her except this 1 little girl. And this was totally underplayed, and probably missed by many viewers. It should have been clearer or left out entirely.. Or would that have made it too Twilight Zoney.

Writing errors? Editing errors? I don't know but someone sure dropped the ball.

My advice: Iit is a pleasant little movie despite it's problems. Good for the whole family. It is worth watching.
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Sweet Pecan Summer (2021 TV Movie)
So so movie
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, Aunt Carol's voice was annoying in the extreme and it only got worse when she giggled like a pre teen..

The leads were OK, not much chemistry, but what the heck, it had a happy ending.

J. P. And his friend Chris had a great relationship, it felt like they had been friends for years.

The community support when Pecan Hill was faced with loosing a major part of their season's crop was heartenng.

And the whole family turning up for Aunt Carol's last harvest was great.

I would have liked more see more of Amanda and her friend starting their own company and developing thier produst line.

Good clean family film.

My advice - go for it, it's a decent movie, telling a semi interesting story.
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Season for Love (2018 TV Movie)
anything with Marc Blucas and Autumn Reeser - t's sure to be good
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved Marc Blucas since his Buffy days and Autumn since I saw her in Bramble House Christmas.

That being said, most health inspectors.would never allow a dust covered CD player in a restaurant kitchien, nothing can damage a restaurant more than to fail a health inspection. Also the entire scene with the dusty CD player was pointless, added nothing to the plot. I did wonder about the cleanliness of the restaurant however.

One last thing that bothered me, The celebrity chef was supposed to compete against the contestants for the $25,000 prize money, how is this fair. He did not have to qualify to be eligible. Not a realistic storyline.

Also, how old was Rosie, she looked like a preteen, would they had Pin the tail on the cow at her birthday party, seemed like too youngan activity for her. Just saying.

I did enjoy this movie: Marc and Autumn had chemistry and the supporting cast was great. Anything with either of these two is bound to be good.

No surprises, we all knew that Corey and Tyler would end up together.. Ok, that's a spoiler, but we all expected that.

It was a nice change from movies with vindictive ex's or preditory females trying to trap a wealthy, attractive professional chef husband.

Great film for the whole family.

My advice: Try it, you'll like it.
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Roadhouse Romance (2021 TV Movie)
Tyler Hynes, 'nuf said
8 December 2021
As usual Tyler Hynes was spectacular, I'm a big fan. I saw great chemistry between him and Lauren Alaina. I will buy anything with Tyler Hynes in it, he is an incredible actor.

So far Tyler has done 3 movie with country singers, "It's Christmas Eve" with LeAnn Rimes was great, chemistry wise and plot wise. I have watched this numerous times.

"The Mistletoe Secret " with Kellie Pickler was terrible, the girl can't act and can barely sing. Tyler Hynes and Christopher Russell both tried but even their combined talent could not save this movie. It is the only Tyler Hynes movie that I have not been able to re-watch. Sorry, I strayed off topic.

The plot was fresh and interesting. In spite of several small military glitches, for instance, not removing your cover when you go inside, ponytail hanging down her back, both big no no's. But I loved her line "I'm combat trained, I don't need to poison you with barbecue sauce to kill you." And Grandpa Tucker's country witticisms were classic.

Tyler Hynes always turns in a stellar performance and Lauren Alaina was a nice surprise, beautiful singing voice and great acting job for a first time actress, she is definitely a talent to watch.

The acting on the part of the supporting cast was really great. Loved the budding romance between Aunt Willa and Dan the agent. Also, Rowdy in particular turned in a spot on performance in his interpretation of George Jones, the dog.

Good family film.

My advice: Watch this movie.
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Eight Gifts of Hanukkah (2021 TV Movie)
OK movie
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't see any real chemistry between Jake Epstein and Inbar Lavi, but they both did an adequate job.

Plot: Only a causal; connection Hanukkah, I was hoping for more about Hanukkah. Sara is receiving gifts nightly from a secret admirer for Hanukkah. The gifts are clearly sent by someone who knows her well. So of course the first one she suspects is an Internet date, then a customer at her optometry business, then her ex-boyfriend who she broke up with because he always more attention to his job then he did to her. It never occurs to her that the guy who has been her brother's best friend since childhood and is always included in family events might be in the best position to know so much about her. Talk about clueless in Seattle, the Space Needle is in the opening scenes.

IMDb does not put her name 1st or second, her picture and name are halfway down the page.

But they do end up together, so I guess this is a happy ending, I just wanted more about Hanukkah and a leading lady who was not so clueless.

Adequate movie, not a waste of time, but not one I would watch again.

My advice: If you are a Hallmark Movie junkie watch it by all means. But if you are a Hallmark movie junkie, you might want to start with another movie.
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Making Spirits Bright (2021 TV Movie)
Feuding families
2 December 2021
Taylor Cole and Carlo Marks were great together, great chemistry. Usually Carlo gives me the impression that he is working a scene with his older sister, as an actor he is showing a lot more maturity now, good to see.

Just a word or two about Wade's light displays, why aren't they blowing every transformer within a 3 county area. Clearly a seizure waiting to happen. After the first two minutes this kind of display would be very annoying.

Garry Chalk as Bill Ryan, he is such a good actor, always does a stupendous job playing the Dad, happy to see him getting a little more of the action.

The family feuding got to be a little much at times, the film could have used a lot less feud and more teamwork.

My Advice: Watch the movie, it's worth it,
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A solid 9
2 December 2021
Brendan Perry and Jessy Schram, I love them both and they have great chemistry. They have never disappointed me.

Then there is Lochlyn Munro, I am used to seeing him playing almost a soap opera villain type. Normally when he enters a scene my first thought is, what sleaziness is he up to this time. But no, Lochlyn proves what a good actor he is, he played the local sheriff as a competent, caring law enforcement officer. Even after the amnesia victim leaves town, he continues to work the case. Kudos, Lochlyn, great job. Left me wishing he had more scenes.

The film moves pretty slow at times and for that reason probably not a good family film, the kiddos will loose interest pretty quickly.

My advice: watch this movie.
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The Christmas Contest (2021 TV Movie)
So disappointing
2 December 2021
I never thought I would say this about a film with Candace Cameron Bure in it, but I was disappointed, I wanted to like it, I like almost all films starring Candace. But this one tanked.

The worst part was John Brotherton, his character was narcissistic, egotistical, arrogant (with no reason to be) and self absorbed. And the complete turn around his character made was unrealistic, unmotivated, illogical and left my head spinning. No way did I believe his total change of character. He was so incredibly disgusting and gross in the beginning that his change of heart or whatever was not believable. And I really did not like the actor and there was no chemistry between him and Candace.

The constant bickering between the the two them was childish and petty. Not the way 2 adults would behave in public, This was preschool behavior and painful to watch, Candace deserved a better script and costar.

My advice: Go ahead and watch it if you are a Hallmark movie junkie like me, but don't get your hopes up.
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Autumn Dreams (2015 TV Movie)
I liked it
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Plot Childhood sweethearts elope, Her dad Steps in to annul the marriage. 18 years later both are engaged to be married to someone else. Oops!! The annulment was never finalized. Chaos ensues, but have faith, all is well in the end. Childhood Sweethearts are back together, the crops are safe and everything is rosy.

Not your average Hallmark movie.

My advice: Watch it's pretty good.
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Interesting premise
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good cast, Sam Page and Maria Thayer work well together. Good chemistry.

Plot, Santa's daughter comes to town to make a decision, remain at the North Pole and continue as Santa or stay in the world and allow Santa's head elf take over. But evil elf has an evil plan, trick innocent, naïve Annie into falling in love with a conman, leaving evil elf to inherit the Santa job.

But good triumphs over evil and true love will conquer all, this is a Hallmark film after all.

My advice: Good family film, will not disillusion young viewers or shatter anyone's faith in Santa. Watch it together.
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All Things Valentine (2016 TV Movie)
Not a cutsey Hallmark movie
28 November 2021
Sarah Rafferty and Sam Page were excellent and very charismatic.

Good family film. Checks all the Hallmark boxes for great holiday film. Nothing really original in the plot category, but it manages to engage the viewer . A good job was done by all.

My advice: Watch the movie, it won't disappoint.
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All Summer Long (2019 TV Movie)
good movie
28 November 2021
Good movie, good plot. Although typical Hallmark, but that's not a bad thing.

One thing I kept bumping into, Autumn Reeser looked ridiculous strutting around in the captain's uniform, no realism in her role as captain, there are some actresses who could pull off portraying a woman in a man's role, but it's not Autumn. Also there was no chemistry between Reeser and Elliottt.

In spite of the problems I noted above, great job was done by all. They managed to overcome the issues and were able to created a very watchable movie.

My advice: watch the movie, it's good family film,
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Surprise, they get married
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Chabert and Elliott are at it again.

Just when we thought it would be all sunshine and lollipops for Jenny and Brian, the cousin Jenny never knew she had shows up to collect her third of the property. Oh, alas and alack, will they have to sell the Inn? No, but it's fun to see how it all plays out. The townspeople all contribute money to help save the Inn for Jenny and Brian, but it's not nearly enough to buy out the evil money- grubbing cousin. But wait the cousin is not so evil after all, the wicked witch has a heart. All is resolved, the wedding goes on as planned. Happy ever after. Thank you Hallmark.

As usual Hallmark's perfect couple does an incredible job and they manage to create a very good movie. Kudos Chabert and Elliott.

My advice: Good family film, watch it together. It truly is worth watching.
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All of My Heart: Inn Love (2017 TV Movie)
28 November 2021
Chabert and Elliott together again.

Plot Couple renovate a house together (and yes Hallmark, we did notice that it is a different house) they almost loose the house Brian returns to Wall Street to keep them financially afloat until they can get the Inn up and running successfully. Jenny worries that Brian may be falling for the lure of Wall Street again and may be tiring of their small town/country life.

Different house, different goats, we can deal with that.

Seriously, it is a very good movie and well worth watching Chabert and Elliott always shine together, the perfect movie couple.

My advice: Good family film, watch it together.
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All of My Heart (2015 TV Movie)
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Your typical Hallmark movie, but it's made better by the pairing of Chabert and Elliott.. They manage to make what would be run of the mill Hallmark movie, set the stage, add a dash of conflict and "voila" solution, happy ever after.

Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott always consummate professionals and bring incredible energy and chemistry to every movie they make. Why else would Hallmark link them 9 times and counting.(As of 2021) They always deliver.

Plot Couple inherits a house together, CLASH! Brian, Wall Street trader, sees dollar signs and wants to sell. Jenny, wanna be chef in her own kitchen, sees her chance to open a Bed and Breakfast and be the chef she knows she can be.

Greyston Holt, as Daryl, the guy that dumps Jenny and then wants her back. Does a good job but in my mind he is being typecast as the heavy.

My advice: well worth watching. Bonus, all the movies in the trilogy are available for viewing so you don't have to wait a year for the next installment. Good family film.
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12 Men of Christmas (2009 TV Movie)
Cute movie
28 November 2021
Not a great movie, but not bad.

Entertaining, lots of hunky guys.

The plot is weak, the acting for the most part is adequate. But on the whole it is a watchable movie.

My advice: go ahead and watch it, you will enjoy it.
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A Veteran's Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Loved it
31 October 2021
Am I the only one who was bothered that when Katie brings Grace a dress for church she comes in the front door and and then they go upstairs for Grace to try it on, Then Katie goes back up stairs to exit the house. Ok, got that off my chest.

It's a great feel good movie. She was a bit over-whiney because she misses her search and rescue dog, but it made a good story. Engaging storyline.

Well worth the expenditure of 90 some minutes.

My advise - watch it, it's a good family film.
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