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Until Death (2007)
A film that impress!
27 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Though packaged and marketed as just another schlocky direct-to-video actioner, Until Death slowly reveals itself to be a much more low-key (and distinctly slow-paced) affair - with star Jean-Claude Van Damme tackling a character that's a far cry from those he's portrayed in the past.

Van Damme stars as Anthony Stowe, a dirty, almost ridiculously grizzled cop who is uniformly loathed by everybody around him (that he spends his off hours having rough sex with prostitutes and getting high probably has something to do with this). Left for dead by his villainous ex-partner (Stephen Rea's Gabriel Callaghan), Stowe instead falls into a coma and awakens months later with a thirst for revenge.

Director Simon Fellows generally does a nice job of playing up the more dramatic elements within Dan Harris and James Portolese's screenplay, though there's little doubt that the film's overlong running time is occasionally just a little too pronounced (Stowe's post-coma recovery, for example, seems to go on forever). The inclusion of a few genuinely thrilling action sequences certainly goes a long way towards keeping things interesting, however, with a prolonged shootout within a diner an obvious highlight.
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Snakes on a Train (2006 Video)
Awesome trash!!!!!!!
19 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The tagline on the box hails, "100 TRAPPED PASSENGERS... 3,000 VENOMOUS VIPERS!" You almost have to admire that degree of "no chance in hell we're ever going to deliver on this promise" bullshit. I could admire The Asylum's hucksterism more so if they made movies that, well, you know, were good or, at the very least, worth a damn. Haha, and it's what I like about theses movies. They are garbage. You put them in a toilet and then you flush. It worth the price if you are a fan of cheesy movies. It may become a cult classic among many fans. The gore scenes are effectives, there's not much I can say, it's a Z flick that parody the new movie with Samuel L. Jackson, hell, it may be better so who knows!
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Slashers (2001 Video)
$la$her$ review
13 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Blair Witch project meets The Running man meets Rope. This movie is actually better than it sounds. I absolutely loved this one! From a ridiculous budget, the director manages to pull out something original an which is not looking like crap. Hell, he even managed to make it look like it's shot in one single take. Rope, from Hitchcock is a classic known for this, but here we're not talking going back and forth between 2 rooms, but running through numerous rooms, avoiding numerous obstacles and all. Purely insane. And the whole thing is filmed in a most realistic way, a bit like Blairwitch, only you don't have to suffer the major camera shaking this time.

Perhaps not as atmospheric as it could have been with a higher budget, still the suspense works very well and the characters are solid. If course it's cheesy by moments, but that's to be expected with that kind of movie, especially since the whole thing takes place on a TV set, where contestants are subject to any type of behavior and emotions, they're not supposed to look like actors. But the actors here impersonate that feeling of amateur-ness very well. You can't help but find Chainsaw Charlie (Neil Napier) sympathetic. Hear him talking about his kids and wife, "I'm just doing my job here".. Unfortunately, the villains are not all equally good, for example the preacher man (played again by Neil Napier) seemed a bit weak to me, but at least he doesn't get much air time.

The script is well done, and it contains a few interesting twists that will keep you guessing for the ending.. Some situations are pure genius. For example, during the commercial breaks, the contestants and slashers must stop what they're doing and hold still, whatever position they might be in. Which leads to some absolutely delicious twisted humorous situations.

The gore scenes are quite funny as well, though I would have expected more of them, perhaps with more participants and/or more slashers, but i guess the budgets wouldn't allow it.

Overall, it's a well done satire both of human society and other movies, well worth watching. Next time you wanna watch a horror movie, rent this instead of XYZ sequel from some famous overkilled franchise
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Laughing at most reviewers (Read before giving this movie a 1/10)
22 November 2005
This movie ranks as one of my favorite films I have ever seen. I have watched the film over 7 times over the past month and have still enjoyed the work. Reason? People keep viewing this film as a serious VidGame-to-film adaptation. It isn't. This film has a creative license, which has it's own storyline, with a few "game" ideas thrown in. This film isn't supposed to be a serious action flick. It's a light-hearted action spoof, which is meant to entertain.

I disagree with 99% of all reviews i have read all around the internet, in which to say that this movie doesn't suck. People just can't see it for what it really is - a spoof, not unlike Hot-Shots (albeit, not so obvious).

Raul Julia is the best, and from what i feel, the Bison I'd imagine to be. Mad, self-opinionated, and damn sure of himself. So sure that he can still joke.

People need to stop viewing this film as a straight forward VidGame-to-film adaptation. This is a film, with Street Fighter characters and a couple of Street Fighter backgrounds. I could guarantee that if all the characters were given different names, people would be complaining that "it was a street fighter ripoff".

Take my advice - give the film a go, and view it as a spoof. Something just to laugh at, and not taken seriously. Once you master that, you may begin to see why i love this film so much
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The Fog (1980)
John forgot to do was inject a story of some semblance and weight!
13 November 2005
First, The movie begins with John Houseman telling a campfire story to a group of kids. His tale is of a ship known as the Elizabeth Dane that shipwrecked in the town of Antonio Bay 100 years earlier. Apparently, there were lepers aboard and they were lured away by the townsfolk, causing them to crash the ship among some rocks. This was not enough for the townsfolk - they stole all the gold on board. Now it is 100 years later and something wicked this way comes. An illuminated fog bank moves in to the town that causes glass breakage, car alarms to go off, gas stations to malfunction, TV sets to turn on by themselves - in short, hysteria has moved in to the town. Nothing is explained and the next day, life moves on. Only the night before, the local priest (Hal Holbrook) finds his grandfather's journal behind a broken rock formation in his church! A local worker (Tom Atkins) picks up a wandering girl (Jamie Lee Curtis) and suddenly their car windows break! And the local deejay (Adrienne Barbeau), who works at a radio station in the lighthouse, stars seeing a fog bank settling in and then disappearing! Her son finds a coin that turns into a wooden block with a written warning! I was definitely compelled by the first half-hour of "The Fog." But then it is all much ado about nothing. We discover there are ghosts that travel by fog and they were the lepers that were killed a century earlier. Their purpose is to kill the descendants of the town's founding fathers, the ones who stole the gold, yet they randomly kill unrelated citizens of Antonio Bay. And most of the movie centers on that endlessly glowing, rolling fog bank, and watching people prepare for the inevitable. And we get to hear Jamie Lee Curtis scream once, thanks to one of the oldest clichés in the book - a corpse toppling over from nowhere! There are the customary unseen loud knocks on wooden doors! And we get endless scenes of Adrienne Barbeau staring out into the horizon from her lighthouse, watching the fog getting closer and closer. Boo! And Janet Leigh is on hand as the mayor of the town, along with cast members from Carpenter's "Halloween" such as Nancy Loomis as Leigh's secretary/aide and Charles Cyphers as a lonely meteorologist. These actors flow in and out of the narrative without a registering an ounce of personality. Looks to me like everyone is in a foggy state of mind.

Following the coattails of "Halloween," writer-director John Carpenter delivered an atmospheric ghost story called "The Fog." What he forgot to do was inject a story of some semblance and weight. It is a ghost story all right, largely transparent.

"The Fog" has all the hallmarks for a frightening ghost story, but none of the soul or the spirit. I barely cared about any of the paper-thin characters, and when Jamie Lee Curtis can't even keep me awake in a John Carpenter film, you know you're in trouble.
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WWE the Great American Bash (2005 TV Special)
Good Pay-Per-View!!
25 July 2005
The bash of last night was a very good pay-per-view! It's not Ring of Honor or TNA... but it was fairly done by the WWE Management, many will complains about the endings but the wrestling was very good!!

MNM vs. Heidenreich & Animal Good opener with some strong words at the end by Animal! Rating: 7/10

Christian vs. Booker T. Awesome match from start to beginning, the ending surprise me as it was a sick sick finisher by Booker T! Rating: 8,5/10

United States Title: Orlando Jordan vs. Chris Benoit A bit disappointed by the ending but Benoit was on fire and prove why he's championship material, he should feud for the World Title again. Rating: 8/10

#1 Contenders Match: Muhammad Hassan w/Daivari vs. Undertaker Good squash, Hassan is really bland and stinks as a character but the match was good thanks to The Undertaker. Rating: 8/10

Mexicools vs. Blue World Order Look to the entrance of blue world order, people were going nuts, it was so funny, the match was cool and entertaining, a bit fast thought. Rating: 7/10

Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero Match of the night, I can't get enough of theses 2 wrestler, they know each others well and the drama of the match add a lot! Rating: 9/10

Bra & Panties Match: Torrie Wilson vs. Melina with Candice Michelle as Referee Melina have talent, Torrie is still pretty bland in the ring and you got Candice as the hot chick referee for this match! A entertaining match with a good crowd. unpredictable (finally) Rating: 7/10

World Title: Batista vs. JBL BORING match, this match kill a great night of wrestling, Batista was really bad in that match and JBL try to carry him to a good match but was unable, still, the end was interesting with a Batista on freaking fire! Rating: 3/10

So bottom line, if you skip the main event, a very good night of wrestling, buy the DVD when it comes out!!
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