
53 Reviews
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30 March 2024
This has to be in my top 3 of greatest movies I've ever seen. The casting was spot on, and everyone was believable in their role; and even the small bit of overacting from Butler was bearable. An The length of the movie did not seem to matter.... because at the end I wanted even more.

This film evoked so many emotions, and I was fully and completely immersed in this world; and rallied, celebrated, and empathized with its people right along with them. And that is the mark of brilliant filmmaking, when you can draw the audience so far in... even to the smallest details, is amazing. I highly recommend watching it. Don't get hung up on the imperfections, because no movie is perfect, but this one is as close as it gets!
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The Lie (2018)
Take it for what it is
9 March 2024
So after reading the other reviews, I felt compelled to leave my own review. This movie really was not that bad. The twist at the end caught me off guard, since I was fully invested in the storyline. It wasn't perfect, but what movie is. It is entertainment, and thankfully not real life. So just watch it, and enjoy it, and let it take you for the suspenseful, crazy, unbelievable ride that it is.

P. S: the ones complaining and criticizing the movie, are probably the ones that have something silly & negative to say about EVERY movie; because they are never happy and they take a movie at face value, rather than just enjoying it for what it is.
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Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer (2023 TV Special)
A complete miss
31 December 2023
Full of silly outdated jokes about race, handicapped people, woman, and gay people. I mean he does say during the show that he is a lazy comedian, and based on the sorry jokes, he wasn't lying.

Such a complete disappointment, he has had better specials and shows in the past; that were not only hilarious, but compelling and thought provoking.

Not sure what happened, but it seemed as though he was performing the show like he was scared of backlash or cancellation.

All I'm saying is, if you're going to do a thing, do it right, do it well, and do it with excellence. He skated by with a few chuckles and applause, because he's Dave Chappelle....
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Very compelling
13 October 2023
Not just your ordinary alien was fun, with some jump scares, revelations, and it really gives you a lot to mull over .....quite thought provoking. It was interesting seeing it from the perspective of the invaders, and not so much from that of the human---which happens in so many other alien movies. I will be honest, for the first 15 mins, I thought it was the same ole thing, like so many other movies before; but it was surprisingly good, and I would definitely recommend this as one of the movies that you should give it a chance and see it through to the end. It would be great to see a part 2!
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Fast X (2023)
Mamoa all the way!!!
11 September 2023
Mamoa carried this film like a pro. Loved it anytime he was on screen.... Entertaining, dark, and such a good villain! Of course the movie was filled with over-the-top moments, and shockingly, they all involved Vin Diesel's character... surprise, surprise.... Btw getting beyond old following that same theme.

What added to it, were moments with Charlize Theron's and Statham's characters....that you could look forward to. Even the brief time that Helen Mirren was on screen was such a treat. Other than that, it's the same ole humor, banter,.... Blah blah blah.

Looking forward to the sequel, and as long as Mamoa will be in it that should save the movie from being a total dud!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Held my attention....
31 July 2023
Not going to jump on the band wagon, and say that this film was exceptional, brilliant etc... . But I will say that it was interesting to see what went into building the atomic bomb seeing it from a different perspective... (as they have been many movies about the Manhattan Project). The actors, the script, the pace was great; however, the only negative I have for this movie is it could have done without the sex scenes. I am not a prude in any way, but these scenes were totally useless, and had no real bearing on the story telling.... In all honesty, it really seemed like just gratuitous sex to just tick a box for an r-rated movie. But it truly could have done without them. Other than that I thought it was a really good movie.
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The Mother (2023)
Haters gonna hate
13 May 2023
This really wasn't a bad movie at all. It was full of action, they were even a couple parts that brought me to tears. I found it to be very entertaining, and I took it for what it was. No comparisons.

Honestly, there are very few movies like this so that is why I found it enjoyable.

Some of these people criticizing need to give credit where credit is due!

Please don't get me wrong, I rated it an 8, because of course it was a little predictable; which was to be expected by the title and the synopsis. The acting wasn't terrible, and her character was believable.

I am not a Jennifer Lopez superfan or anything, but it really wasn't that bad.
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Will Trent (2023– )
More, More, More! Please!
11 January 2023
I cannot get enough of this show! I love the characters, the dialogue, the humor and I especially love that the characters are so beautifully, and interestingly flawed! All the feels when watching this, because you can identify with the characters on the show!

It's smart, funny, touching, and even suspenseful at brief moments. The music alone in certain scenes is its own character in the show.

There are very few TV shows that leave you wanting so much more. I hope it never loses it's momentum and that special something that continuously draws you in. Hate having to wait a week for the next episode, but I e realized that it is so worth it!
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Pressure Cooker (2023– )
Not about talent, but about sympathy votes
7 January 2023
This show was not about innovation and cooking talent, it was literally a popularity contest. I was so disappointed with this because it started to get frustrating due to the way the eliminations were structured. If you're going to have a competition, at least let it be fair.

The chef that ended up being the runner-up was completely robbed. From the start they were strong, they did not form deceitful alliances, and they surely did not shed a bunch of tears to get sympathy votes. It really was a complete waste of time especially for those watching, and for those who were on the show to compete based on their talent as a chef!
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First Love (I) (2022)
Realistic love story
25 December 2022
This was a story about true love through the eyes of normal people. No frills, no fluff, no ridiculous outlandish gestures or circumstance.

It was a love story of not only the young couple, but of the parents as well.... It felt realistic, like this is the "ordinary person's" love story.... It felt believable.

If you are a true romantic, and believe in love, it really is worth the watch.

I think we have gotten so accustomed to these over the top, unrealistic love stories, that we forget that the average Joe & Jane, who are not well off, millionaires, or overly successful professionals meet and fall in love too!

This movie is simple, it's pure and a ticks a lot of the boxes for the hopeless romantic in us.

Watch it, and remember that love can be simple, easy and survivable through the trials/setbacks that come!
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Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
Get new hosts & judges
5 December 2022
This is such a good show, but it is made worse by the hosts and the judges. Completely cringy at times, and totally uncomfortable moments in the exchanges between the hosts and contestants. The jokes fall flat, the little quips are so awkward, they should be left out. The contestants were so amazing, but there were moments where they seemed over the judges. This is one show that I would love to see the judges walk that walk because they come across overly critical and extremely condescending, it was hard to listen to their critique at times. If Netflix decides to bring this show back... Please, please for the love of God replace the judges and hosts with people with personalities, humor, and grace.
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The Northman (2022)
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can't get back those two hours and seventeen minutes! If you like lots of yelling, and grunting this will be the perfect flick for you.

I was extremely disappointed by the story line, and ....Why would you kill off two of the best actors early on in the movie?

The fact that Nicole Kidman did not age even though she has a full grown adult son, bothered me to the core. Anya Taylor-Joy was brilliant as always.... She is impressive to watch..

It lacked so much and it could've been a thousand times better if it had a better story line... The ending was pretty much predictable, and that was a serious let down.
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Firestarter (2022)
How did they get it so wrong?
25 September 2022
They had one job, and they could not even get it right. I had high hopes for this film, but the original was so much better than this remake....and that doesn't happen often.

It was utterly disappointing, they could have done so much with this movie with all of the modern special effects at their disposal. The storyline was horrible and the acting was mediocre... Such a shame....a truly wasted opportunity

All they literally had to do was follow the script from the original movie, and they would have had a good movie; certainly not this lack-luster nonsense I wasted an hour and forty minutes on.
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6 August 2022
Great acting, very well done. It held my attention every single step of the way...Hats off to all involved because they truly did this harrowing, yet hopeful story justice.
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Morbius (2022)
Watch it for yourself... Don't believe negative reviews
4 July 2022
Took a chance and watched it with zero expectations or comparisons, and it was surprisingly good! I enjoyed the action, the visual effects and the most important thing is that Leto did not suck! He is Morbius, and was made for this role... He was believable and drew me in. Smith was also excellent and made me love and hate him at the same time.

Looking forward to a sequel!... I commend the job well done; it was entertaining!
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Give it a chance
26 June 2022
I found it to be hilarious. It made me laugh until I cried at certain points. Hart was spazy and funny as always--it's what he does best and Harrelson was scary yet comedic all at once. The action sequences were intense and they worked great against the funny moments. Really enjoyed it!
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So bad!
6 April 2022
This was tough to watch. Lots of good ideas to build off of, but none of them executed well enough to result in a cohesive movie.

The story line and pace was "yawn worthy" and not interesting enough to keep you fully engaged.

Believe me, I wanted to like this movie, but I couldn't... Even with a few, and I mean a few decent special effects does not a good movie make. This was disappointing, and in the most basic description.... I got absolutely zero chills or goosebumps from any of the action-packed sequences... No kind of emotional reaction whatsoever. Missed the mark, big-time!
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The Batman (2022)
Not bad, not great, but OK
8 March 2022
It kept my attention, pace wasn't bad for the length of the movie, but it could've been so much better. I loved that you get to see the detective side of Batman, but it lacked a certain authenticity, dare I say more intensity in the role. Very sloppy Bruce Wayne, and that I couldn't get behind; as well as how he related to Alfred.

Unsure if Pattinson is right for the role, but we'll have to wait and see if there will be a sequel. There was something about how the cowl fit, and Batman's profile that bothered me throughout the entire movie... Nothing close to the comics.
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It's seriously time to stop!
26 February 2022
These movies have gotten so much worse over the years, and it's really time to retire Madea and this type of comedy. Horrible script, dialogue so unoriginal it's painful to listen to, and not funny at all!

Please do not waste the hour and 47 mins of your life watching this tripe!
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The Ride (V) (2018)
Well done!
25 January 2022
I was deeply moved by this story. Everything was so well executed... the acting, the pace, the character development; even the moments of levity... They were all relatable and realistic. I absolutely loved this movie, and it has made it into my top 10 inspirational movies. Thank you to all involved... Well done!
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Meh!... Affleck & Lloyd were standout... Otherwise, snooze fest.
9 January 2022
Ben Affleck as the cool uncle was believable, and Christopher Lloyd as grandpa, simply great casting. Other than that, it was especially blah!... Clooney should leave well enough alone, and find another area for his energy. He's not the best actor, so it makes sense that a movie he directs is so lacking. Very disappointed!
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Eternals (2021)
Wasn't bad, but wasn't great.
16 November 2021
For a movie this length, there was so much potential and it was a bit of a letdown. Could've been better. Story was ok, visuals were good, but it lacked that extra spark that you get from other Marvel movies.... That thing that completely captivates you and leaves you wanting more; unfortunately it wasn't there in this movie, even with the end credit. If there will be a sequel, maybe they will up the ante next time around.
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Great series!
29 October 2021
This was wonderfully done, but it will definitely trigger some. Give it a chance, watch it with an open mind, and don't let the negative reviews dissuade you. It honestly shows what a lot of Americans/ppl think and act like towards others who are different due to their fear or ignorance-- which I'm sure has been witnessed by many. I'm sure as you read some of the reviews and see the ratings, the aforementioned ppl will show you who they are.
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27 October 2021
Interesting version of the sword in the stone. Ritchie did good, he kept the mystery and the magic of King Arthur, with his own brand of action, and levity added. Thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and fingers crossed for a sequel!
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Fun & action packed
26 October 2021
If you enjoyed the 1st movie, you're definitely going to enjoy this one. It makes you LOL and they really showed the relationship between Eddie & Venom in such a relatable/realistic way. Truly enjoyable, and pay no mind to the negative reviews!
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