
40 Reviews
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The Shift (II) (2023)
Good but could have been better
2 December 2023
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I'm a believer and I liked the premise of staying faithful no matter what, but just like others have said, the sci-fi/multiverse part of the story could have been better explained like why was the Benefactor and his shifter minions shifting people in the first place? Since this is a fantasy why not come up with some reason such as God and Satan are competing for souls, but there are strict rules, neither can force a human to choose to worship them; and that every person has a version of themselves in the different multiverses but there is only one who is the true person and in order for Satan to "win" the soul ie the true person, he has to win all the versions of each individual concluding with the true soul; and Satan uses the shifting universes with his minions to help to deceive each of the true soul's other versions of self throughout the multiverses. And this would explain why the Benefactor is so desperately trying to deceive the final Kevin because if he can win the final true soul, that soul belongs to him forever. And because there are so many multiverses Satan needs the help so he has his secrect agents to get close to the marks to help with the deceiving, explaining the Gabriel character.

I don't think they need to explain the shifting technology, so it's super advanced technology, if we suspend belief for the beaming up in Star Trek we can do the same for this movie.
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10 March 2023
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Why do they keep remaking the first movie? There are over 12+ books in the Left Behind series why not continue the series? Why keep remaking the 1st movie, and badly? The version with Nicholas Cage- terrible. Now this one with Kevin Sorbo terrible- terrible acting, terrible character presentation, terrible story line, terrible changes to the source material, boring. This movie made the mistake of telling instead of showing. No character development and not showing the events before the rapture, the reactions of the characters Ray and Chloe didn't make any sense and there was no sense of how grieved they were to lose Irene and Raymie was properly portrayed by the actors. The Buck actor's portrayal was just annoying. I was just annoyed throughout watching the movie. The Kirk Cameron 2000 version may not be perfect, but it is a thousand times better than any of these versions.
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From ashes to beauty
11 April 2021
Well done production of a very heartbreaking truth of the wickedness that permeates the human race. God bless all those who help these women and men. But what is sad this kind of evil will continue until Jesus returns.
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Songbird (II) (2020)
Writers are just lazy now
12 December 2020
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What could have been a heartbreaking, interesting, action packed dystopian movie with a real back drop of the covid virus, instead it turns out to be a boring romance with just a little science in the background. I knew this was a stinker when I didn't care one iota when the grandmother died. The plot could have been more interesting if Sara would have been taken to a q zone and and then Nico could team up with rebels to break her out. Another thing is it is supposed to be a broken down society but the setting has manicured lawns, super clean streets I was thinking, "man, even though it's armageddon, gardner's, lawn people, and street cleaners, are still working." More development on the villain would have helped, his speech about thinking he is a god because he is immune was stupid as far as motivation. It was understood what nico and sara wanted. But why the villain did what he did was unclear. The side stories didn't add much to the plot either. I didn't care about the sickly little girl character. Overall this was just a waste of time and money.
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So sad
21 November 2020
The previews made it seem like this was going to be a good movie, boy was I wrong. This is the worst film in the franchise. Boring dialog, boring scenes. Stupid pacing, players doing stupid things. Poor timing of scenes. Stupid musdled plot. The villain had zero presence, was not scary or intimidating at all, did not have the charisma of the actor who played Lucian in the other movies. Oh, did I say this movie is so boring. Did not care one iota about any of the characters. There are long periods between action scenes and the action was subpar. In some of the gun scenes I was like "They can't hit anyone waving a machine gun in close proximity? " there just was zero but in as far as the motivations for the villain.
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Fright Night (2011)
19 October 2020
It is so obvious, this is another crappy, stupid, remake. Why can't they just come up with their own new ideas. Just dumb, uninteresting, boring actors, stupid plot. Just no, no, no, a thousand no's.
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Why won't they read the Bible
25 April 2020
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This is a perfect example of false advertising, they should have named it something else. There are so many terrible things about this movie. One, To give a person's name as the title of the movie would indicate it would about that person's life, not just a moment in their life. Two, they present Paul as some weak, confused person, not the powerful guy who wasnt afraid to confront anyone and He had rock solid faith in Christ, not at all portrayed in this poor excuse of movie. There is nothing in the Bible about Paul being tortured by his past. This is a waste of time and money. Just read the Bible for the true story of Paul the Apostle of Christ.
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Geo-Disaster (2017 Video)
31 August 2019
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It's been a while since I reviewed a movie, I was just bored and came across this, thought would just watch this as it looked entertaining...boy should I have looked at the reviews, this movie is so stupid. The acting was atrocious, the actors did stupid things, acted stupidly, said stupid things. So many plot holes, so many beyond belief scenarios, it's sad when you want the kids to die because of their stupid whining.
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The next Madea movie needs to be a funeral
24 November 2017
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The walking dead, it, this "new" installment in the Tyler Perry franchise is just word, dumb. No other word, stupid. No another word asinine. Another word ridiculous. Another two words NOT FUNNY at all. Disgusting, nauseating, I need a thesaurus for more synonyms to describe my utter disdain for this poor excuse for a comedy. Nothing funny what so ever. The same, tired, stupid attempts at jokes. Just a show case of the wicked society we live in. This is not for God's people to spend a single time on. Nor waste anytime watching, as we All will have to give an account for everything we have done on this earth.
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Beyond Excellent Movie/Documentary
16 November 2017
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God be praised, This is one the BEST movie/documentary to attempt to showcase what Genesis says when God created the earth and everything in it. The special effects are awesome. The creatures, the earth being formed from nothing, everything was great. The effects were great. The commentary from all the scientists and others were all on point, it is ludicrous to believe in evolution, it takes absolutely more faith to believe in the lie of evolution. You have willfully ignorant the facts. This world and everything in did not come from some 'big bang'. Space dust did not evolve into the millions of different species, land/sky, planets, stars, galaxies, sun/moon, extremely complex organisms, all the processes on earth, etc. God is very real, and All powerful and Jesus Christ is Lord or Lords. People get caught up on the racial debate, twists of God's word. We all come from Adam and Eve. There is a reason mankind has the exact same problems we have had since the beginning of time. It's called sin, and sin is real, and sin can only be conquered through Jesus Christ. Until Jesus returns, there will not no peace. All that mankind will have is continued pain and suffering because men reject the truth and instead embrace lies. Sin will continue to abound more and more, but thanks be to God, His grace will abound too. God bless these film makers and everyone who had a hand in making this wonderful movie. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD.
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Why can't we get good Christian movies
6 November 2017
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I really wanted to like this movie. I like to support Christian movies. But there is one word that came to mind while watching this movie was "cheesy". The acting was not all that good. I like talking about God, Christ all The time, but in this movie it was just strange. The MMA angle was weird. The MMA wasn't really that big part of the movie. It doesn't help that you don't like the main character.
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Loved it
11 September 2017
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Movie is great, it takes more faith to be an atheist. The movie was great. It really showed the real emotions and the journey from disbelieving to faith in Jesus Christ. A line in the movie is true, some just don't want to know the truth even though the truth is right there in their face. It is ridiculous to believe that the world and everything came from nothing.
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Why, Why, Why
10 August 2017
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First off I an African-American female and I don't agree with the choice of Idris Elba in the lead role as the gunslinger. I have read the entire tower series since the very first book came out years ago and always imagined the gunslinger as a Clint Eastwood look alike, and this movie is just a slap in the face of all fans of the series. Why do they do Stephen King's books like this? The series has so much it is impossible to show it in one movie like this. Why did they bother calling it the Dark Tower. All they did was take a few names and then pieced together a story completely void off any real tension, any real sense of adventure, and completely butchered the story line. With the technology we have today they could have made an epic movie series like the Harry Potter movies, studios should know by now that if a movie series is good, people will watch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ever many movies it takes to really tell the story. I understand that you can't include everything from the books, but to give this crap the name of the dark tower to trick fans of the book series to watch is atrocious. The dark tower is an epic story spanning hundreds of years across different dimensions and different times in history. All the build up to finding the actual tower is full of all kinds of awesome stories that would have made great long movie series. This was just a lazy attempt to cash in on another well know series. I really can't stand Hollywood. That is why I don't go to the movies anymore, why pay someone to waste hours of my life I can't get back. Hollywood puts out this stupid stuff because people watch it. As long as people still go and by tickets stupid movies like this will continue to be made. If you are fan of the series DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE or least wait until it comes on free TV, but don't pay 1 cent to watch this poor excuse for a movie.
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Loved it
28 July 2017
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This animated story of the birth, and death of our Lord and Savior Jesus was a wonderful surprise. With all of the crappy movies today, it was refreshing to watch a unique take on the life of Jesus. It was entertaining and had surprisingly good moments throughout the movie. I laughed, I cried, I got annoyed at the rooster character. I experienced a range of emotions watching this movie. The truth of the Gospel shined through even though this was animated. The fact that it was animated did not matter. The powerful and life changing message came through loud and clear. Jesus Christ SAVES! It was refreshing to actually like a movie and not turn it off because of the utter stupidity.
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A movie plot written by chimpanzees
4 July 2017
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Within the very first minutes I knew this was going to be a stinker. This movie is not consistent. It's like watching a movie that has huge parts cut out and other movier parts were cut out and the different parts to different movies were mixed together. Gone are logical story lines. Gone is characters you actually care about. It says A LOT when you actually want the kids do die for being so stupid. This movie is schizophrenic. The pieces don't meld together at all. It's funny, not in a good way, how the movie with the transformer name has very little transformer action. All the robots do is sit around talking. There is way too much down time. There are too many boring slow parts. You could put paper bags over the heads of every actor and it would not effect the movie at all. Don't waste your money going to the theater to see this turkey. If you must see it save your money and wait for it to come to Red Box.
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The Mummy (2017)
4 July 2017
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Don't believe the high scores. This "new" take on the mummy character was terrible. It was so boring. The plot just flopped along in a very predictable and boring way. The humor was stupid, it completely took away any seriousness or fear from the movie. There was nothing scary about this movie. Everyone is doing stupid things. The cheap effects take away from the movie. You don't care about anyone in the movie. It was like a bad parody of much better movies. Like, the dead friend who is cursed and comes back to Tom Cruise'So character to taunt him. The same scenario from The American Werewolf in London. The mummy scenes the sand storm turning into the shape of the mummy's mouth. The same scene from previous mummy movie. I agree that choosing Tom Cruise for the role he played was wrong. I never thought he was the character, I kept thinking how terrible Tom Cruise is acting. The story line with Dr.Jekle and Mr.Hyde was dumb. It was boring. And the monster effects were sorry. Not a good movie. Don't waste your time. It would be better to watch the old versions.
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The dumbest scientists ever
27 May 2017
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Nothing about this movie makes any sense even for a fantasy movie. They do one stupid thing after another. Not realistic or logical. The characters do so many stupid things it completely ruins the movie. They land on a foreign planet in the middle of space and it just happens to have breathable air. Then they explore planet with no protective gear. It's an alien planet, there is absolutely no telling what kind of disease, microbes, creatures that are on the world. If I see a big bug I'm finding the nearest object to kill it. The stupid girl who gets locked in with the infected guy just sits there watching the alien grown. She is in a medical lab, why in Hades did she not find something to start bashing that alien while it was still just developing! Then other stupid scientists are poking alien pods and get infected. I could not stand it anymore, the plot, the screen writing, everything was stupid. Why do we continue to get these asinine movies. Can we please get a movie that isn't ridiculous. It's so bad you can't watch it just to be entertained, when you just want everyone to die for being so stupid, you know it's a terrible movie. Don't waste your time.
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Undisputed 4: Boyka (2016 Video)
27 April 2017
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Awesome, movie, great action, loved the story and background. The actor who plays Boyka is just great. Wonderful fight scenes, this is what great action scenes are supposed to be. No holds barred. Punch s kicks brutal. Just what is needed no panzy ass boring scenes. Loved every scene. Can't wait to see another one. Love the franchise. Keep them coming.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
23 April 2017
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Why in the h.e. double hockey sticks does this have an eight score on IMDb??? Those positive reviews must be fakes or people were paid to give this a good rating. You would have to be lobotomized to the I'll no this was a good movie. It was a good waste of time that you can't get back. The number of stupid, dumb, pointless movies is beyond astounding. There is no more common sense. No more logical plots. No more satisfying endings. No more cleverly done scripts. I swear they must have a team of monkeys, no I don't want to insult monkeys, I don't understand how we can continue to get such crappy movies. Boring, moronic, boring, stupid, oh did I mention BORRRRINGGG!! The music keeps you keyed up with the expectation of something BIG happening. BUT NOTHING EVER HAPPENS!!! The aliens we're boring. They didn't do any thing but look like giant squids. The breakdown of society, who cares. The fact that the aliens ship defies physics, why would they think human weapons would do anything? The plot 'twist' was so idiotic. I don't recommend this movie. I feel stupid because my husband came in near the beginning of the movie and said "Don't watch this movie, it's boring." I stupidly replied, "I might as well see it to end." There is no end. Nothing is clear. Nothing makes any sense. Characters doing stupid things that defy logic. The fact that I watched this for free does not appease me. I have lost valuable time watching this asinine movie.
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What is this?
20 April 2017
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What do you get when you have a bunch of actors, loud sound effects, dumb nonsensical plot line, unfunny jokes, over the top bad acting, ridiculous unrealistic action scenes...You get the latest fast and furious movie. There is no reason this movie should have been made other than to make money off of mindless people. I am so glad I didn't pay to see this. The terrorist role played by Charlize was boring, why did she want to destroy the world? Through out this movie I kept asking myself, "Why?" Another common thought was, "this is stupid". If you have a brain with common sense, don't waste the time you can't get back watching this "movie".
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Allegiant (2016)
Another ridiculous movie
26 January 2017
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I am trying to keep from falling asleep from this boring, stupid, stupid, did I say stupid movie. Asinine, ridiculous, this movie could be renamed, "How to bore your audience to death" or "Movie for braindead corpses". I feel stupid for watching this so called 'movie'. And I am watching it for free and I still want my money back. Terrorist groups don't need any old torture devices, they can use this movie. Bad acting, check. Stupid plot line, check. Very big, gigantic plot holes that make absolutely no sense, check. You don't care if everyone in the movie does a horrible, painful death, check. Through out the movie you will roll your eyes, sigh heavenly, saying things like "Why are they doing that?" and "That makes no sense.", check. †**Spoilers, you knew the one chick was going to die when they got on top of the wall. No bullets hit Tris or Four although they were being shot at at close range and with machine guns, and they didn't get shot as they climbed up the wall. Despite the land outside the wall being completely jacked up from nuclear war, the land is completely toxic, yet people are able to survive on the fridges in tents!!!Where were they getting food and water!!! These people are supposedly exposed to all kinds of toxic fumes, toxic land but they all look normal!!!? Oh, but the Genetic Manipulation place was able to survive the nuclear fall out and create a grass growing (again ON WHAT IF THE WHOLE WORLD IIS A NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST!!!) And the motivations for the characters, stupid, stupid, stupid. David, who you KNEW and the new section were evil. Absolutely nothing shocking. You knew who was going to die, you knew who was evil. And why did Four go back to Chicago? And how did he survive walking through the nuclear wasteland with no issues!! We are living in the last days, common sense is out, insane people rule the world and make the movies. Finding an actual good these days is like trying to find the holy Grail or a needle in a haystack.
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The Call Up (2016)
Another stinker
24 January 2017
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You know it is a bad sign when you start hoping the characters in the movie will just die already. Like others have said the concept was good but the execution was terrible. First off the acting was atrocious. And the stereotypes were so obvious and boring. Me and my husband both said the black guy was going to die first. It was like they followed the formula "how-to-make a bad movie". It is boring. The set pieces were same. The 'action' was so boring I kept fighting falling asleep. I kept rolling my eyes through out the movie. It is not good when writer's make the characters do stupid things. Stupid stupid stupid movie. Don't waste your time on this movie. It is so ridiculous. You don't care about anyone. You hope they all die because they have been so stupid.
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Don't be fooled by all the positive reviews
8 January 2017
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I have just accepted the death of actual good movies. When I say good, I am talking about good plot, good effects, good acting. Today we get movies that are usually missing one, two, or all three qualities. Dr.Strange the movie has good effects, but the plot, the acting are atrocious. The preview of this movie made this movie like it was going to be awesome. The reviews on IMDb made it seem like this was a good movie. I am so glad, so glad that I did not waste my hard earned cash on going to the theater to see this. I was actually going to see the 3D version. So glad I did not.I accept that the movie makers today make movies to today's foolish, no common sense, no critical thinking, just want to be fed mindless, thoughtless, movies with lots of explosions, loud side effects. The loud sound and other effects is just used to distract the actual thinking movie goer and trick those with a brain to think it is actually a good movie. Dr. Strange tries to trick you into thinking it is a good movie, it fails. It's really hard to put into words. First off, the cartoon version was WAY better. The cartoon version really showed Dr.strange's struggle, he had to trek through the mountains to get to the hidden temple. In the movie he just walks up to a building in the city. The pacing is terrible. The jokes were terrible and took away any seriousness of the plot. So the student who turned to the dark side wants to end the world, who cares. The screen writing/story line makes you not care.At the end of the movie it just felt 'hoky'. I kept thinking of the movie Inception, that is not a good thing. These days finding a good movie is like finding the 'holy grail'.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
Jason "Boring"
7 January 2017
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Lots of boring talking, driving, more talking, sitting, more talking. Stupid dialog. Did I mention this movie is boring. The nonstop music score I guess is supposed to create 'tension' and 'suspense' but instead it was really really annoying. The first chase scene was so boring I kept wishing they would crash already. What's happening in this movie, what is the plot, who cares. Jason Bourne, the invincible fighter with memory issues and there is some big secret that no one cares about. And how stupid the CIA is portrayed in this movie. The characters just standing around saying stupid things. The play by play directions "He's going left, he's going right, bravo 2....."more annoying music, I'm getting a headache, now my husband has fallen asleep. So glad I did not go see this in theaters. I am mad I watched it for free.
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Spectral (2016)
Don't be fooled by all the positive reviews
22 December 2016
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Wow, the words that come to mind when I think about this movie are, "hoodwinked", "bamboozled", "misled", "deceived", "fooled", "set up", "used". I have to give it to them, they get you hooked line and sinker like a fish gets caught by eating the worm with the hook in it, but just the fish, when you watch this movie, you get thrown down into a dirty bucket to be eaten. The only reason I gave this three stars is because it starts out looking like an actual good and interesting movie. Like other reviewers have said, they do have good effects, the actors looked and played their parts and it really looks like it goings to be a good movie. Oh, how disappointing. It's like when you know you have over eaten and your feel like puking. My head is hurting writing this review as I think about how stupid it was. Don't watch this if you have any ounce of a thinking brain. One can suspend their belief with a good story line, like Star Trek, but this movie will insult your intelligence if you have any.You know it's a bad sign when you don't even bat an eye when one of the little kids is killed. A few plot holes can for given but when the whole second half and end of the movie becomes just nothing but plot holes it no longer is entertaining what so ever. My eye balls are hurting from rolling them so much. There are just TOO many characters doing too many stupid things. And there are way to many stupid contrivances. The soldiers kept shooing even though their bullets just went through the ghost thingys. And when the team first interactions with the the spectures and they saw that shooting them did absolutely nothing, the stupid CIA lady who was completely unnecessary, says stupid things telling them to stay and 'collect' something, collect what stupid, the things are 'invisible'!!!! You will be screaming at the TV or what ever you are watching the movie on. Yes this movie is a rip off of every other scifi/monster movie done before it. You are interested in the beginning, wondering what the spectral's are, but your interest gets quickly replaced with severe annoyance. How did a little 6 year old girl drag her over a hundred pounds father up the stairs and then put him on a table???? Why did the 'rescue' team NOT know that shooting them was pointless, that you needed to use iron????The scientist guy creating the 'super' weapons was just outrageously unbelievable.if you are brain dead you can enjoy this movie.
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