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Brilliant first half
15 June 2024
I love the Hunger Game films. They are superb and especially due to having Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen. It took me a while to watch this one knowing she was not in it. This film started off so well. Showing the origin of the games. Some quite brutal scenes and very well done. The second half of this film just changed tempo. There was for me far too much emphasis on the character Lucy Gray and her singing. Rachel Zeglar is stunning and has a really beautiful voice. But there was just too much. I know the story is from a book but the second half could have been done so much better. It seemed to lose it's way.
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Ripley (2024– )
A work of art.
9 June 2024
Watching this was for me like drinking an expensive bottle of fine Italian red wine. Sheer absolute pleasure. The cinematography was stunning. Beautiful shots of Italy. I think I can see why they filmed it in black and white. There are no colours to distract your eye from the wonderful visuals. The casting is brilliant and the acting superb especially from the very talented Andrew Scott. I expect great things from Eliot Sumner. It plays with your emotions. I went from really disliking Ripley to admiring him in a way at the end. Which I felt really bad about. This is a brilliant work of art and I will definitely watch it again.
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13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've just rewatched the three originals finishing with "Return of the Jedi". I thought Mark Hamill was amazing in this. He looked so handsome in his black outfit and played the part of a Jedi knight superbly. He definitely stole it for me. I know the Ewok's are a bit like Marmite. You either love them or you hate them. I've never really been a fan. (Apart from the baby one is soo cute) This film has major events happening. The death of Yoda, Darth Vader and Palpatine. The fall of the Empire. Maybe you need the Ewok's to add some humour to the darkness. Whatever people think they are part of Star Wars history. I have definitely fallen in love with Mark Hamill all over again. The scene with him, Darth Vader and Palpatine is one of the best scenes in the whole of Star Wars.
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The Lodge (2019)
3 January 2024
I paused it a few times which isn't a good thing when watching a movie. It's one of those movies which are a slow burn. The ones that leave you afterwards, reflecting on what you just watched, chilled to the bone. In fact the more you think about it afterwards the scarier it becomes. I can honestly say I nearly baled out but it's definitely worth watching till the end. I writing this before going to sleep hoping I can sleep as it was quite disturbing. I think these kind of movies which don't have loads of things to make you jump get bad reviews. It's a good movie with good acting especially from the young actors.
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Wonka (2023)
19 December 2023
I've just come home from watching Wonka at the cinema. Bit of an emotional wreck. Such a lovely film.

I've always loved the Gene Wilder version since a child. There are so many nods to that version. Timothee Chalamet is a young Gene Wilder. But a softer version. He has the same magic and charm as Gene Wilder.

I spent a lot of the movie with tears rolling down my face. Especially when Timothee sings "Pure Imagination".

There are some amazing scenes. Especially when they are dancing over the rooftops of London.

Hugh Grant is just so brilliant and funny as an Oompa Loompa.

This film just blew me away.

It is utter movie magic.

It has everything. A heart warming, tear jerking, show stopping, pure imagination, whale of a ride.
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Infinite (2021)
7 October 2023
We really enjoyed this. A good Saturday movie with snacks. Great car chases. Some stunning locations. It's a cross between Bond and The Bourne identity with elements of The Matrix. Also a bit Highlander. What I really liked and maybe why some people gave it a low rating is it is quite a simple plot. It didn't hurt my head and make me think what the hell is going on like some movies. In fact the storyline is quite original and clever. There are some good fight scenes. The only thing I would say is maybe it needed a bit more character development. But probably not enough time to fit it all in. It could have made a great mini series.
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Ghosts (2021– )
22 September 2023
I'm a great fan of the British version "Ghosts" It's one of my favourite programmes. After wondering for a while whether I should give the American version a go, I gave in and I am so glad I did. It's so well done.

There are different ghost characters and some with a different spin on the originals. It's really funny, clever and sometimes a bit naughty.

I don't think the two versions should be compared as they are different but equally as good. I've been binge watching it.

I think the chemistry between the cast is very good. Great casting.

It has the same feel as the British one in that the relationship between the ghosts, Samantha and Jay comes across as more like a family and it's just lovely to watch.
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Absolutely wonderful
10 August 2023
What a joy to watch. Everything about this is first class from the minute it starts to the end. Beautifully filmed with a lot of scenes utterly breathtaking. Such a emotional and complex story. I have the book but haven't read it yet. I was debating whether to read it and then watch the series. I chose to watch the series first. The casting is superb. I hope to see Frank Dillane in more productions as he is brilliant in this. As are the rest of the cast. Claire Danes and Tom Hiddleston are great together. This is a gentle paced story set in the late 1800's. It mentions a few historical facts like an earthquake in Colchester that I didn't know about. I absolutely loved it and look forward to reading the book.
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Utterly brilliant
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this a higher rating I really would.

I thought this such a brilliant show. From the moment it starts to the end. The music and paintings moving at the beginning are mesmerising. You don't realise until the end the significance of the paintings. There are quite a few things I didn't realise at first which is what I really liked about this. It's very cleverly done. Tim Holland is fantastic. He was also the executive producer. He deserves an Oscar for this. I read it actually broke him and he had a year off after. I'm not surprised. The way he shifted into each character was acting at it's best. Amanda Seyfried is brilliant as are the rest of the cast. It's tackling quite a sensitive topic concerning mental health. Split personality disorder is a topic not spoken about much. I think there is still a lot of stigma around mental health sometimes. The way they portrayed his condition was really well done. I think this is a programme ahead of it's time. I've read a lot of negative comments and I just think some people find the topic unsettling.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Such a fun film
26 July 2023
I love this film. It's so what we need right now. A bright and happy movie that makes you smile.

The way people have embraced it is amazing. People dressing up to go and see it. It's so cleverly done. Margo Robbie is stunning and brilliant as Barbie. Ryan Gosling was the right pick for Ken. He has that cheeky charm and vulnerability down to a tee. He is such a great performer and dancer. If you ever had a Barbie this will bring back memories. It's got it's political undertones and it's trying to get a message across. But it's a film I think will be doing the rounds for a long time with the likes of Mamma Mia.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
14 July 2023
This is such a cleverly written story. Proving that anyone is capable of murder in the right circumstances. It really messes with your head. It's a hard watch as it really makes you ask what you would do in the same situation. The cast is superb. David Tennant is brilliant as the Vicar. Stanley Tucci is also chillingly brilliant. His character and the guy in the cell next to him could be the next new detective team. I'd love to see another series. Dolly Wells deserves an Oscar for her performance. This is scary in the way that it shows how something can escalate and get out of hand so quickly. The comedy element for me made it all the more chilling.
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Come Home (2018)
13 July 2023
Christopher Eccleston in my opinion is one of our finest actors. He is in very good company in this mini series as the acting from the rest of the cast is superb. The children are utterly brilliant as is Paula Malcomson. It is such a raw and tragic story of the collapse of a relationship and a marriage. It shows how things can escalate by making a few bad decisions. The brilliance here is it shows faults on both sides. It also shows the impact a break up has on the children really well. I binged watched it in one sitting. It stayed with me for days after. The BBC are really the best at mini dramas.
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The Idol (2023)
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wish people would watch a whole series before commenting. This series was getting bad reviews after one episode. I watched it all. I found it stylist, clever and sometimes shocking. Lily-Rose Depp was just mesmerising. Beautiful and stylish. The Weeknd was really good. The thing I took away was this. Don't underestimate people.

Lily-Rose Depp's character seemed vulnerable and damaged. She was playing everyone all along to get where she wanted to go. It showed how ruthless people can be to get what they want. If people don't get the hairbrush reference were you really watching it. It meant she had been playing him all along.

This deserves better reviews then it received. I can see Lily-Rose Depp doing great things just like her parents.
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Really creepy
29 June 2023
Sarah Snook is marvellous. Such a great actor. She has such emotional range. She was brilliant in Jessabelle. That film scared the hell out of me. This film just got more chilling the more I watched. What a brilliant actor the little girl is in this. The two of them carry this movie. It's one that will stay with me. It's films like this that show you don't need special effects to make a scary movie. In fact I found everything about this film creepy. Even the house location. It's a really clever movie. In fact there is so much you can miss the first time i'll probably watch it again. I'd really like to see Sarah Snook in more programmes and films.
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Fasten your seatbelts. It's a bumpy ride.
28 June 2023
What a great movie. They have kept it to the style of the other movies. Fast paced and action packed. Harrison Ford although now grey has still got it. I loved the story. I was so relieved as being an Indie fan it was a worry that it wouldn't be as good. Definitely worth seeing at the pictures. There are some real brilliant bits to this movie. It's quite emotional watching it. I don't want Indie getting old but he isn't immortal. We have all been on the journey with him. There is only one Indie and that's Harrison Ford. Phoebe Waller Bridge is very good. Very talented woman. Great seeing Toby Jones in this. One of my faves. As is Antonio Banderas.
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The Sister (2020)
17 May 2023
I enjoyed this series. It was very creepy. I don't agree with some of the comments that it was bad acting. I thought they were all very good. The lead man was supposed to be an emotional wreck as he was living with the guilt of it all.

It's a slow burn which I think a lot of people struggle with these days. Marvel and DC films have helped with that. Continual adrenaline rush. So anything remotely needing some thought is given a 1 rating. I've read some really scathing reviews about this series and I don't think it deserves it. It creeped me out when I watched the last episode and felt quite scared. That's what you want from a series.
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Didn't enjoy
15 May 2023
What happened. Absolutely loved the first two Guardians films. They had the feeling that they were all a family with some great humour entwined. This was like watching a horror movie. I had my eyes shut through a lot of it. I don't like animal experiments at the best of times. I know it was Rockets story but did they have to make it so horrendous. It was mainly loud explosions and the characters shouting at each other. They kicked the whatever out of the mixed tape and music. What made it worse was our Odean cinema had the sound way too loud my ears were ringing afterwards. The other two movies had me laughing, crying and wanting more. This one I wanted to walk out of half way through. It seems to have become like a lot of the other Marvel movies. Just action and adrenaline and not much else.
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Alba (2021)
13 May 2023
This really explores the reality of rape. How destructive it is. When I first started watching it I wondered how it could be 13 episodes. It unravels into quite a disturbing and horrific story. How the rich think they can get away with anything. How power and money corrupt. How if you persevere you can overcome wrongdoing. I was an emotional wreck after the final episode. Great performances from a young cast especially the actor who played Alba. She deserves an award. Such emotional depth. All the characters seemed to play around with your emotions. Especially the policeman. I struggled how to feel about him. Loved that about this series. I don't think it was too long as in some comments. I think it's a slow burn that heats up the more it goes on. Brilliant.
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Pistol (2022)
Buzzing with energy
24 April 2023
Thomas brode-Sangster is exceedingly good. It's a great cast. Maisie Williams as Jordan getting on the train in her plastic see through top was brilliant. The real news articles intertwined with the style of filming really captured the tone. I feel we could do with something now to blow all the music out of the water. I was only 12 when God save the Queen came out. I remember being scared of seeing them on the news. Watching this I can see why they took off. It's a shame Sid Vicious became part of the band. Also sad that John Lydon didn't participate in the making of this. It showed him though as being intelligent and serious about the band. Also that he loves his Mum. I learned a lot of things I didn't know. I loved it.
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Get out your hankies.
23 April 2023
What can I say. We have just finished watching this wonderful film and we are emotional wrecks. Tom Hanks is incredible in every film I've seen him in. He is beyond brilliant in this. From the little looks he does that make you laugh to the heart break he so cleverly portrays.

This film has so much emotional depth to it and it touches on so many traumatic issues.

Watching Tom Hanks always gives me a feeling like I've eaten a lovely apple pie. Happy and content with a lovely warm glow. I still feel like that but I've also cried a bucket load of tears. The rest of the cast are great. Especially his lovely neighbour Marisol.

It's wonderful seeing Tom Hanks son playing a younger version of his character.

Another great movie by an acting legend. Thank you Tom Hanks.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Great ride
20 April 2023
Myself and my husband binged watched this series while on holiday. We both loved it. The two leads are amazing and go so well together. The rest of the cast are really good too so great casting. Especially the two assassins. Spent some time shouting at the TV. It reminded me of the film The Bourne Identity. There are a couple of small plot holes but I think the rest of it makes up for it. It's fast paced and full of excitement and action. So pleased to read there might be a second season.

For me I would have liked better music to go with it.

I can't believe the really bad reviews. It seems like so many other shows it has lovers and haters.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
13 April 2023
This series blew me away. It has everything. Murder and intrigue set in beautiful locations. At the heart of it is the relationship between the two women. It has emotional moments and lots of funny moments. The cast are all brilliant. Including the two young sons who in some ways stole the show. The differences between the two leads played by Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini are so cleverly done. The two of them are incredible. James Marsden is absolutely brilliant in this. Why hasn't he been in more. I'm lost as to what to watch next as how do you top that. It will stay with me for a long time.
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The Libertine (2004)
Johnny Depp at his best
10 April 2023
I've watched this film quite a few times now. Johnny Depp is brilliant in it. Unfortunately it has certain similarities to Johnny Depp's life. The demon drink and how destructive it can be. The brilliant Earl of Rochester and his sad demise.

The most poignant and heart breaking scene is right at the end. When Johnny Depp as the Earl of Rochester looks at the screen and asks the audience " Do you love me now. Do you love me now?" It has a fantastic cast including Rosemund Pike, John Malkovich and Samantha Morton.

It's a tragic tale and has some brutal scenes of the Earl of Rochester and his ailments. It's also a great film and definitely worth a watch.
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Great adaption
3 April 2023
This adaption seems to have ruffled lots of feathers. There have been so many versions of this brilliant novel. We are only two episodes down so far. I personally think it's brilliant. Great acting by all the cast. Darker and more gritty then other adaptions. But that was life in Dickens times. Ashley Thomas is fantastic as Jaggers. I think people need to stick with it before putting their judgements on it and watch it to the end. Who knows if even Dickens himself might have given it his approval. It's always refreshing to see another persons spin on a well covered story. I really like Stephen Knight and hope the scathing reviews don't upset him and everyone involved.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Loved it
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this series. I thought being of the older generation I was down with the kids. I read a review that said it's not aimed at youngsters. I think it can be for any age.

The stunning cast they put together are all superb. It's hard to have a favourite.

I would have liked to have seen more of Mark McKenna (Simon). I was hoping he wasn't really dead and it was him doing it all. The story line did keep me guessing.

I think it lost it a bit in season two though.

I would have liked to have seen another season. Another good series lost on it's prime.

The topic of fluid gender and gay men was really well done. Particularly Jess Mcleods character Janae explaining how she/he feels. One day female the next male. How we should all be free to be who we are. Best description I've seen on TV.

If I really had to pick two that really stood out. It would be Karim Diane and Melissa Collazo. These two really wore the best clothes.
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