
1 Review
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This is a terrible movie.
11 September 2014
Wow. I don't get to see movies THIS bad very often.

There's a huge trend right now for horrible movies that are bad for the sake of bad. See "Sharknado", and it's like. And those movies are infinitely better than this thing.

Right from the start, the dialogue is usually not even audible over the background music or sound effects... or when the characters aren't near the camera. Clearly recorded directly on the camera rather than looped or using booms or anything. It's just as well, though, since the acting is terrible and dialogue is delivered terribly.

The SFX are... you know, just about anyone can do decent SFX at home now. These still fall short. Other than screen overlays, nothing looks decent. The fake CGI blood spatter is bad enough, but the cheap painted on non-CGI blood? There's no excuse for that. Karo syrup and food colouring works better.

Oh, and hand-to-hand fight sequences... please. At least pretend your punch is actually connecting.

Which brings me to the plot, and the point where I admit that I couldn't make it past 40 minutes into this thing. 40 minutes of bad audio, bad dialogue, bad acting, bad SFX and a plot that you pretty much feel that you've already seen hundreds of times. No thanks.

I posted this review despite not seeing the entire movie because I noticed there are some positive, highly rated reviews for this movie. And claims that they are fake. I don't think they're fake, I think they were posted by people who are happy to watch, and enjoy, horrible movies. People, there is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED to put up with movies like this! There are GOOD movies out there. Hell, there are bad movies out there that are still better than this. You guys are just encouraging the trend of below-mediocrity, and I for one would really appreciate it if you stopped.
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