
11 Reviews
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Better Call Saul: Marco (2015)
Season 1, Episode 10
Ten hours of near perfect television in the first season of Better Call Saul.
7 April 2015
Gilligan and Gould do it again!

Well, the first season of Better Call Saul has come to a conclusion. It feels like just yesterday was ten weeks ago when I was eagerly anticipating the two night series premiere that awaited me and millions of other Breaking Bad fans, as well as people who didn't watch BB. Two and a half months have passed in a split second.

This episode, directed by one of the main men Peter Gould, was almost definitely my favourite installment of this excellent series so far. And I think I've said this before in one of my other BCS episode reviews, but just because I don't give it a 10/10 stars rating, doesn't mean it isn't a damn near perfect episode. For example, Breaking Bad was one of the best shows I've ever watched but I only gave a 10/10 rating for one of them, and it was the finale.

Nearly everything was spot on in 'Marco.' The cinematography was stunning as usual, which you can only expect from the team that brought you BB. Screenplay - as usual - top notch. The music was first-rate as always, from the original score to 'Smoke on the Water' playing near the end, all the pieces were placed in the episode at the exact right time to perfection. One of the best thing about 'Marco' was the acting. Some of the best performances I've seen from the main cast were displayed today, as well as outstanding performances from not-so-regular cast members. Everyone represented their characters wonderfully and portrayed the personalities of them extremely well

So, thanks Gilligan, Gould and the crew for filling the Breaking Bad hole that has been left unoccupied for the last year-and-a-bit. You sent off the show for the first season stunningly with a great cliffhanger, and I - as well as millions of other fans - will be awaiting season 2 eagerly, and we will likely not be disappointed when it finally arrives.

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Better Call Saul: Pimento (2015)
Season 1, Episode 9
One of the best and most important episodes yet!!
1 April 2015
Another Monday, Better Call Saul delivers one hell of a show! All the things that made Breaking Bad an amazing show were in this episode. From the screenplay to the cinematography, it was just all so good.

I'm going to keep this short, because if I ramble on and on I will likely spoil something. Frankly this was just a great episode, carrying on from a great cliffhanger, and setting up another one at the end. There were outstanding subplots going on throughout the episode with some excellent new actors as well as Better Call Saul 'veterans,' if you can call them that already (Jimmy, Chuck, Howard, etc).

Anyway, watch this episode as soon as you can if you haven't already. Another stunning installment from Gilligan, Gould and company, and most definitely not the last.
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Better Call Saul: RICO (2015)
Season 1, Episode 8
Exceptional installment, looking good for the McGill brothers!
24 March 2015
I feel stupid for saying this every Monday when I write my review, but this was an exceptional episode, once again. I likely won't give out a 10/10 for an episode anytime soon, because I think you should always save your 10 for a really special thing. I loved all of Breaking Bad, but I only gave 10/10 for one episode - the finale. What I'm trying to say is that just because I haven't given it a perfect rating doesn't mean it isn't a damn near perfect episode.

Man, was this a great hour of television. The music, cinematography, acting, mood, atmosphere, just everything was spot on. An especially great performance this week from Chuck (Michael McKean), and as usual all around good acting from the rest of the regulars, as well as a few new characters.

Thanks Gilligan, Gould, the cast and crew for another excellent hour of TV, you have successfully filled the Breaking Bad hole that has been left vacant for the past year and a bit.
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Better Call Saul: Bingo (2015)
Season 1, Episode 7
Remarkably good episode as expected
18 March 2015
It's that time of the week again. Better Call Saul time! And as always, Gilligan, Gould, and the crew put together yet another excellent episode. How they do it is beyond me, but every week when Monday rolls around I am thoroughly entertained the whole way through the hour.

I won't spoil anything, but one of the sequences of scenes in this episode is just damn outstanding. You'll know it once you see it. The music, cinematography, and overall vibe of it is truly exceptional.

Thanks once again for putting on a hell of a show for me and millions of others yet again this Monday. Can't wait for next week, and man will it be painful waiting for season two.
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Better Call Saul: Five-O (2015)
Season 1, Episode 6
Good episode that highlights Jonathan Banks' acting skill very well
11 March 2015
This episode isn't based around the main protagonist Jimmy McGill (or Saul Goodman). The first five were all about him, but he's had his spotlight and it's time for Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks) to have his.

This episode focuses on Mike's back story and personal life, rather than sitting on the surface like every previous installment. It reminds me a lot of the pilot, Uno, in which we learned a lot about Jimmy not through action packed things, but through a lot of dialogue. It may sound boring, but it keeps your attention just as much as an action packed episode would.

Can't wait for the next episode, it's really getting into it, and the remaining episodes are sure to be exceptional.
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Better Call Saul: Alpine Shepherd Boy (2015)
Season 1, Episode 5
Mid-season, not one bad episode yet
3 March 2015
Well, we are currently half way through the first ever season of one of the most anticipated television shows of the century so far, Better Call Saul. And I can say without a shadow of a doubt I've been completely satisfied with the first five episodes. In fact, my expectations have been blown out of the water.

This episode - entitled 'Alpine Shepherd Boy' - has been one of the best so far. So many ideas have been opened up in just one hour. Every character in this week's installment were there for a reason. There was no single minute of filler. Everything needed to be there, and everything was spot on.

One of the best things about this episode was the music. It just matched up so well with every scene. We went from Breaking Bad meth- cooking montages to Better Call Saul old women eating jello montages, but somehow it's just as good. Cinematography was, as always, really good as well.

Man, when the end of this season comes the wait for season two is going to be really painful. Time has flied so fast this past month because of this show. Can't wait till next week.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Exceeds expectations, this show is awesome.
24 February 2015
I will keep this review completely spoiler-free.

So far just the first four episodes have aired (and I have wrote reviews for all of them individually) but I can already tell this is going to go down in history as one of the best TV shows of the 21st century, just like Breaking Bad did. It's been a painful year and-a-bit without BB, and finally we have something that can fill the gap, and boy does Better Call Saul do it well. With that said, do bear in mind that while this show does possess a Breaking Bad vibe, it will not bother you (if that's not what you want), and it is very much it's own thing and would most likely be successful with or without BB existing beforehand.

The acting is just top notch. Bob Odenkirk (Jimmy/Saul) pulls it off every episode with a spot on balance of comedy and solemnity. There are some first-class side characters also, such as Jonathan Banks (Mike) who hasn't really been involved too much as of yet but when he has he's been great. Michael McKean (Chuck) has been very impressive. Rhea Seehorn (Kim) is doing a splendid job of establishing herself as the main female character in the show. Patrick Fabian and Michael Mando are both very good as well.

The cinematography is just stunning so far. The show really is beautiful to look at. The lighting is always spot on. From the vibrant desert scenes in 'Mijo' to the dark, stylish shots in 'Hero', the cinematography never ceases to amaze me.

The music and original score - wow. The songs are extremely well picked, and I can see a lot of thought definitely went into the selecting of them. The original score is also excellent, and does an exceptional job of setting the atmosphere and the mood of the show, matching perfectly with the cinematography.

Overall, this show is pretty damn good so far, and I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the series. I can't wait to see what it brings us. Great job Gilligan, Gould, and the cast and crew.
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Better Call Saul: Hero (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
Once again, pretty darn good.
24 February 2015
I've been writing reviews for each episode of this show thus far and plan to do so for as many consecutive future episodes as I can, but I'm concerned I'm just going to give the same review every week, because every week this show is just really good.

I won't give away any plot details of the episode, so I will just have to try and cover as much ground as I can without spoiling anything.

As far as acting goes (this will come as no surprise), the main cast is excellent. Bob Odenkirk is, as usual, great. Many feared he wouldn't have been able to take on the character in the lead role and thought it could only work when Saul (or Jimmy), is a side character. As far as the rest go, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian and Michael McKean all stood out in this episode with very impressive performances.

The cinematography is outstanding, just like Breaking Bad's was. Same goes for the music. I really find it difficult to find much wrong with this show so far, and I think these first four episodes are probably even better than Breaking Bad's were. I can't wait for next week and the rest of the series. Thanks Gilligan and Gould!
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Better Call Saul: Nacho (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
Another great episode!
17 February 2015
The first three episodes of this series have not only met my at first extremely high expectations, but also absolutely exceeded them. I already find myself every Monday after watching an episode, immediately anticipating next week, and what surprises will no doubt be in store for the rest of the series.

Almost everything about 'Nacho' is spot on. Cinematography? Check. The amount of subtly stunning shots in this show just makes it great to look at. Music? Check. The original score as well as the carefully picked songs just add yet another great quality to the show. Acting? Of course, check. We've already established many great characters alongside the main protagonist Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk), who is of course on point as always.

Overall, to wrap it up, this show just keeps getting better, doesn't it? How it keeps me on the edge of my seat throughout all the episodes, and keeps me in strong anticipation for the next episode during the 6 day interval is beyond me. Great job.
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Better Call Saul: Uno (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
There you have it
10 February 2015
What a great pilot! This episode was exactly what I expected it to be - a development episode. It's amazing how they squeeze in so many characters in one short show and we learn so much about them.

Some people may be skeptical before going into this series thinking "Is this just going to be a copy of Breaking Bad? Is it not going to be original at all?", and I can assure those people that while it may have a slight BB vibe and feel to it, it won't bother you and it is very much it's own show so far, and is as original as any other non BB- related series.

This is an excellent re-introduction into the universe of Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, and into the life of Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the series.
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Better Call Saul: Mijo (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
Great episode, better than the pilot
9 February 2015
Better Call Saul is going to be an excellent series, and I am really looking forward to the rest of it. This episode is most of the reason why.

I don't know how they pull it off, but Better Call Saul somehow has a Breaking Bad vibe and feel to it, while also feeling like a completely new and fresh show.

Unlike the first act (which was still great), this episode spends less time developing characters, setting the scene and building the story-line, and more time jumping right into the excitement, suspense and intensity.

Overall this episode was definitely better than the first, and I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the series.

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