
14 Reviews
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Go Girls (2009– )
Decent Entry From Rachel Lang's Work
15 May 2021
This is the second entry I have seen from Rachel Lang (who appears to be the front runner in NZ television) after Outrageous Fortune (a show i happen to like) but this wasn't nearly as good. The characters were fine for the most part asides from the main lead Kevin, he was very whiney and entitled and the series had some cliche and stereotypical stereotypes (and a few questionable relationships). The soundtrack of this series is pretty solid in its own right (using local NZ music) Overall a decent show.
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Being Mary Jane (2013–2019)
A Solid Character Study
29 April 2021
Just finished this show. While it wasn't the greatest show I have ever seen it was a pretty solid drama with a flawed, complex lead character. I can see that the main character is polarizing, not everyone will like her but I thought she was good character wise and Gabrielle Union gave a good performance as the titular lead. I would recommend this show just be prepared to deal with a main character who you might get annoyed with.
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Weeds (2005–2012)
Enjoyable First Season, Meh follow ups
12 September 2020
Surprisingly i liked Season 1, it had several funny jokes and a good story with a good plot twist near the end but after that that arc goes in a weird direction and after that i didn't care for the rest of the show. Which is disappointing cause i liked Season 1
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The Shield (2002–2008)
A well executed show that fizzles out as it goes on
1 October 2019
I just finished this show. I started Sons Of Anarchy so i wanted to go and watch some other FX Shows and this was the first drama from FX. It was solidly done with some great characters and actors (CCH Pounder is a powerhouse actress) and had some really good episodes. However in Season 4 it starts to fizzle, it's starts out alright then it gets really good but then goes back to being alright. I also did not like the direction they took with a certain character that appears in Season 4, he was an interesting character and i was disappointed to see him fizzle out. I also did not like how they handled a certain character, this characters storyline was problematic in my opinion and this character ends up being completely sidelined. While still a good show overall it's last few seasons aren't as good as the first three
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Blackstone (2009–2015)
A good watch
25 April 2018
I started watching this show after I saw it in the see also section of the Redfern Now wikipedia page saying it deals with similar issues, although this show does differ from Redfern Now (as Redfern Now is a contemporary show while Blackstone is a crime drama with political intrigue)

While the pilot starts very shoddy and shaky, it overall gets better. I was invested in the story and the characters. I cared about what happened to them, Season 1 was full of tension and stakes, having me in the edge of my seat.

Although the show is flawed, like I said earlier the pilot starts very shaky, the character introductions are mediocre at best (I even had hard time keeping track of them) but when it got to a certain point, it got me invested. But other problems include times when the story hints and suggests things that could be interesting to see them play out, but there never bought up again. Also if you can't handle frustrating plotlines, proceed with caution as this does have quite a bit (Although mostly in earlier seasons). Season 3 is what I proceed to be the weakest seasons in my opinion, the story lines in this season I just didn't care for, all the other seasons (while good in their own right) just weren't necessarily as good as the first season. I won't discuss the other issues since there spoilers.

Overall, while flawed, Blackstone is an enjoyable show. I would highly recommend it (especially if you liked the comic Scalped, since it is similar)
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Dead Set (2008)
Fine, But Disappointing
5 March 2018
The reason I checked this out was the man who created it (Charlie Brooker) also created Black Mirror, an anthology series I really enjoy, and to be honest, I was kinda disappointed. Now I isn't the worst series I've ever seen, it's actually pretty decent (the I episode being Episode 2) I didn't care about the majority of the characters, the only one I remotely cared about was Kelly. The first episode spent a little too much time on the reality show, to the point where I felt like it was bogged down by it, now while there were a couple sequences that were thrilling, but one of the worst things of the series is whenever there's an action scene (or any intense scenes there is) the camera shakes so much that I'm more distracted than in the edge of my seat (there was even shaky cam when a zombie was just simply in a pool) and the characters didn't receive much development. So overall, if you're looking for a fun, entertaining zombie series, I would say give it a go, but don't expect too much
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Solid Adaptation of The Book
20 August 2017
So i read the book Everything, Everything back around when the film came out, I was enjoying it until a certain plot twist that just ruined the story, but I still wanted to check this out, and it did deliver a bit. The performances were all solid, and the soundtrack was fun to listen to, however they added in some sequences were when the two main characters were texting, the female would imagine they were actually talking in person, which just came off as jarring, while its not the best book to film Adaptation I've seen, it was still a decently made film
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Zoo: No Place Like Home (2017)
Season 3, Episode 1
Season 3 is off to a terrible start
30 June 2017
Well, this has been one of the most disappointing season premieres of this year (in my opinion) so far, first off we're not given any explanation on why some of the characters are in a certain place, there just there for no reason. They also took a bit of a cop out with a certain character. Also to note a some of the acting wasn't that good, Kristen Connolly (who isn't a bad actress) and Gracie Dzienney, I felt like there performances in this episode were kinda bland,and there's a twist near the end if the episode involving a certain characters child which was Kinda Predictable and opens up a HUGE plothole and its so ridiculous that it seems like its from a Soap Opera, I'm hoping it improves from here on and the director was just a shitty director
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Cleverman (2016–2017)
An Enjoyable Series
17 February 2017
This is an very enjoyable television show, the acting is good, and there is some dialogue that is great, but it isn't anything special, I can see that this series is divisive, apparently there the show is trying to commentate on the political climate in Australia, however I'm not from there, so I'm bot gonna comment, however I have read both reviews (both positive and negative) and I can get some points on the portrayal of racism and xenophobia being black and white, and the reason why the people who are against the "hairies" are discriminating against them for no particular reason, but overall, this is a quite enjoyable series
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Aftermath (2016)
It's Not Great, But I Don't Hate It
20 December 2016
OK, with the season finale just airing, here's my review, it will probably contain a few mild spoilers, OK, so, it's not great television by any standards, but I don't hate it either, although it is pretty flawed, like a few characters dying, that I felt like I was supposed to care about, but ain't cause they weren't properly introduced or some pretty stupid decision making, and some things left unexplained and some pretty ridiculous things, but I find it to just be okay. Not I wouldn't care if it got cancelled or renewed, cause the acting is mediocre, bit it's Syfy, course its gonna have some cheesy acting and some things that don't make sense, but overall, its just okay
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Exactly what i callex it to be
23 October 2016
Since Gimple is still show runner, and the leaks, I called that I would not really care, and its exactly what I called, I did not care about what was going on in the episode, I no longer care for any of the characters, or what's going on in general, it'll probably be like Scream Queens (which I only watch to fill up an hour on my Tuesdays), its just that after that god awful finale, I lost a lot of faith, hope and respect for this show, and that whole dragging out of who was killed shows nor of how Gimple doesn't respect the fans or the source material, and it was also predictable, cause it was leaked a billion times before, huh, how disappointing
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Frustrating Characters
11 October 2016
Note: I've only seen the first season on seven episodes of the second season and Warning: Will contain mild spoilers OK, so I decided to check this out cause it is fairly popular and I ended up overall disliking, my main issue is the characters, my god, these are the most frustrating characters I've ever seen, now this could be Intentional, but that doesn't negate my opinion, cause all they do is constantly make stupid decisions, lie, cheat on their spouse, f@ck up someone's life or kill somebody, ugh, they go on my nerves so bad, along with overwhelming melodrama, if you love it that's fine, but personally, I really didn't like it
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Timeless (2016–2018)
It's Decent
8 October 2016
I wasn't planning on watching this, but Aria from BookGeekMovieFreak and Heather if Bookable (both YouTube channels) said she was gonna watch it, its decent, it was fine, but there were some inconsistencies awkward scenes (aka Wyatt trying to save that woman or when Rufus was telling that one guy about the future), but there were pros, like, I did laugh when Lucy said "were from General Hospital" since I like reference humor, the pilot was overall decent, I'm kinda debating if I'm gonna continue or not, but I'll give it a shot, since another new show called Aftermath is not really impressing me that much, so ill give it a shot.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
Already one of my favorites
3 January 2016
I've so far streamed the first two on and I really like it, the plot is interesting, My favorite character is Jonah, Garret is really funny, I do like Amy, but i like Jonah better than her, Cheyenne is also another one of my favorites, Dina is kinda creepy though, i don't care for Glenn or Nico, I do like this show, i this already in my top 100. The other ones are The Walking Dead, Falling Skies, The 100, Under The Dome, Z Nation, The Last Ship, Fear The Walking Dead, Between, Zoo and Scream Queens, Looks like now I'll be tuning into NBC on Monday nights and a least I have a decent comedy to pass Mondays. And that's what I think of this show
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