
52 Reviews
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Breaking Bad: Fly (2010)
Season 3, Episode 10
Shouldn't be less than 9
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The only episode where Jesse actually gets to talk to Walt in a human way happens here.

Walt gets a big head injury/cuncussion. It is both Halarious and Horrible!

Either way they both get the last laugh and become like partners finally.

I would rate this one as:

1. Final Episode 2. Ozymandias 3. Full Measure 4. Fly(This One!) 5. Pilot Episode.

The show was so very shocking out of the gate that it got sindicated.

It is kind of surprising after the end of s1e3... That was very unnerving and really showed who Walter White really is.

For better or worse is up the the viewer.

My goodness it still wants more characters?
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The Expanse: Hard Vacuum (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
Not getting all the negative reviews
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am godsmacked by the negative reviews regarding the Naomi character. She is driven purely by survival to protect her most loved people.

This episode has all of the thrill of previous eps, plus it feels very human.

I for one like the drama with her, plus Drummer who has and will always be a great character in this series.

Naomi may have actually turned the tide in this terrorist war with her sacrificial efforts! I mean heck, she could have just blown up the ship, but instead decided to succumb to horrible radiation poisoning instead to save her old ship and family.

A great episode in a series which seems to be losing its way.
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One of the last
17 June 2023
This is one of the last good episodes in 'The Simpsons' franchise.

It was absolutely top notch from season 3-10, then started to dwindle in season 11, though this is one of the better episodes before its demise.

And by demise obviously I don't mean the show itself, as it survived long past its expiry date. I mean the demise of any original material.

As you trudge through the barely watchable seasons 11-13 there are a few diamonds in the rough, but after that it is just a consistent formula of repeated jokes and almost always a musical interlude.

It really is a shame that they continued to make terrible episodes constantly after ones such as this, but I get it, it has made them a bunch of money.

Too bad, since it could have gone down in history as possibly the greatest sit-com ever made if they had known how to handle the show better.
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Hollywood drivel
7 June 2023
A man called Otto is not a bad movie. It is just a poor attempt at making what should be a good movie.

It is essentially a PG version of Gran Turino(which is an excellent movie btw). It is an extremely formulaic film which has all of the check boxes filled. Nothing original here folks!

The PC agenda is also a bit of an overreach here and is pretty much jammed down your throat for no clear reason whatsoever.

I am quite shocked that a superstar like Tom Hanks ever signed on for this uninspiring piece of cinema.

One other complaint is that it dragged on much longer than it should have. Basically it is no rollercoaster ride, just a very slow moving ferris wheel.

Do us all a favor and don't give your money to support this kind of quasi-art.
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For All Mankind: The Grey (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
A bit of a save from the first 2/3 of the season
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well I really have to say that as a whole season 2 was a gigantic disappointment from the excellent first season. If I was to rate season 2 ignoring the last 3 episodes I would have to give it a 4 or 5 out of 10. 2/3 of season 2 was like watching a bad soap opera and almost none of the content presented furthered the bulk of the story to any degree whatsoever.

That said this episode really was very well done and possibly the best episode of the series thus far. The whole thing was on the edge of your seat tense with a very beautiful ending, not to mention the exciting look into the future of the series taking place partly on Mars.

I just wish that they hadn't killed off the two most likeable characters in the show, since there are so many who I have 0 emotional attachment to. That said their deaths were very heroic and meaningful.

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Pearl (2022)
It got me in the end
22 November 2022
This was an great madness movie.

I cannot review this movie if I have to write 600 characters without doing a synop, which I will never do on a video review. IMDB is messing it up big time whit that.

I want a good video review to talk about how great this or that is and the overall quality, not have a summary of a movie. That is so boring and useless, and it can ruin the experience if you happen to read the review before seeing the movie.

Pearl was a slow crawl movie but it was absolutely wonderfully done. The acting was immaculate and the settings were simple and effective.

Was getting kind of sick of it towards the end, but it ends great for a horror flick.

P. S. If you are in doubt about how horrific the movie really is just watch the end credits.
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Triangle (2009)
2 September 2022
I am baffled at all the great reviews this film has received on IMDB. It is almost as if these people were watching a completely different movie.

The premise is pretty good as is the directing. Unfortunately the story kind of drags on after a while and this is probably mostly thanks to the female lead.

Jess is a deeply unlikeable character who seems to have zero common sense and constantly has her mouth open like a mentally challenged person.

Actually that is pretty insulting to mentally challenged people, my apologies.

Anyhow, please save yourself from wasting an hour and a half of your life and watch something else.
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Hands down the best movie of 2022 so far
12 August 2022
There have been a few really good movies this year, however, this is by far the best of them thus far.

The first Top Gun will always be near and dear to my heart, but this is an entire step above that wonderful film.

Very well thought out story and some of the most amazing visuals/effects of any movie movie made since the film industry was born. There is very little to criticize in this masterpiece.

Have fun watching!
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The Batman (2022)
What on earth did I just watch
5 July 2022
Or should I say what did I just waste my time on?

This is not a superhero movie. Heck it could barely even be called a detective movie. It is just a long hard slog towards the end with not very much in terms of surprise value.

The whole thing felt hollow and the scenes were all too dark(I don't mean atmosphere, I mean poorly lit).

I wish that they would just call it quits with this one and start anew with a whole new writing/directing/acting staff because this was some grade A garbage.

Thanks for ruining my favorite superhero guys!
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Star Trek: Voyager: The Q and the Grey (1996)
Season 3, Episode 11
it is a bit much.q
4 April 2022
Q is a bit much here, but Katherine Mulgrew does a fantastic job keeping this episode together.

Q is pretty weak ass on this ep, but he does a good job.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: First Flight (2003)
Season 2, Episode 24
This is a really wonderful episode.
4 April 2022
Scott Bakula does a really hammy captain for most of the series, but this is the tipping point where he becomes awesome at being Jonathan Archer.

This is the best acting he has done since Quantum Leap. And he carries it on until the conclusion of the series.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: In a Mirror, Darkly (2005)
Season 4, Episode 18
Review for both episodes... Excellent!
25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This marks a great number of star trek journeys into the mirror Universe.

I actually really liked it. Most of the characters are the same aside from the captain and a few security officers.

They really offered it up as a pretty hostile and rutheless Empire of the Federation.

I love that the Vulcans are a people who are offering real resistance to these horrible bastards. They are almost as bad as the Borg in the way that they are portraid.

I think the episode would have been better served by having a few of the members of the crew transported like in the first one, but maybe that would have been derivative?

Either way it turned out to be a really entertaining 2 episodes in a tv series that actually became really good after a couple of sub par seasons.

Honestly I think it could have been better than DS9 (Aside from a few bits it really isn't any better than the others.) Plenty of good episodes, but plenty of bad as well... Good thing there were more good ones than bad for TNG!
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Cobra Kai: December 19 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
Excellent Season Wrap!
27 February 2022
This episode was solid in so many ways. Great acting, great story, great fights!

I would have given it a 10 except they played that awful cover of a classic Phil Collins song at the end. If they would have played the original an easy 10 right there.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Great period piece
3 February 2022
This film is amazing in that it really, truly puts you into the setting at the time.

Noble women are traded as commodities for diplomacy, noble men are constantly ready and going to war. The peasants are poor and are just pawns on the chess board.

All of the main characters in the movie are played with absolute shine as the pieces OS that they were back then. Honor and pride are not the same thing in a world mixed with lies and politics(very similar to now in some ways).

In the end things culminate in a great battle that is not necessarily good vs evil, but just plain old human desire for conflict to solve problems which are really beyond solving as the mistakes have already been made.

8 for realism and more importantly attention to problems which are actually still existent in modern society.

I hope you enjoy it to(btw - def not for kids).
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Eternals (2021)
Watch if you are bored
26 January 2022
First off, this movie could have been chopped down by one hour. The character development clearly doesn't work as I was left feeling nothing for any of the characters as they came into danger.

It has some pretty locales and the monsters are pretty interesting to look at.

The only thing that I really liked was the soundtrack.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
Wonderful Special
23 October 2021
I find Dave Chappelle to be such a thoughtful caring human being and it really shines in this special.

Thank you Mr. Chappelle for all of your incredible work and I hope that you vacation from performing will be a good one.

Cheers bro and look forward to seeing you in the future.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Darmok (1991)
Season 5, Episode 2
Pretty good rendition of Enemy Mine
20 October 2021
Though this episode is clearly based on the story for the movie Enemy Mine there is no writing credit given which is kind of a disappointment.

Either way it is quite a good episode, though not quite as good as the movie it was based off of.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
I feel bad for Russell Crow
16 October 2021
This is a really bad movie, just avoid it, don't watch. It is a pos. Very predictable and the acting is really terrible as well.

The story is as convoluted as the ocean is saline.
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Prison Break: Phaecia (2017)
Season 5, Episode 6
Man oh man this is getting rediculous
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off why did they keep letting cyclops get away when they had him dead to rights and new darned right that he was very dangerous?

Secondly, as somebody else mentioned why in the hell would they leave all those guns behind along the way when they were in so very much danger. Fighting terrorists with your fists? Do they think they are the incredible hulk?!

Thirdly why didn't Michael get the heck away from cyclops after taking out his other eye? Is he really that stupid as to think the guy wasn't dangerous anymore? Also how the heck did Cyclops manage to poison him with the anti-freeze? Was it through the little cut he gave him to his abdomen? I'm not a doctor but I am pretty sure that is not how you would poison a person with anti-freeze.

The writers have clearly given up, and it seems to kind of show on the faces of the actors, they clearly don't look like they are very invested in their respective parts for this season.

I certainly hope they don't try resuscitating this series once more after this one... It is already dead.
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Prison Break: The Sunshine State (2008)
Season 4, Episode 16
Not terribly good
4 October 2021
If the writers goal was to be unpredictable then mission accomplished. If their goal was to make any sense whatsoever they failed miserably.

Another gripe I have is that somehow during and after brain surgery somehow Michael magically gained some form of esp and now knows what is on Scylla!? Wtf is that all about!?

It seems pretty clear that the writers were without any solid framework to follow and the producers were just milking this thing for all it was worth.

Very disappointing indeed.
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Prison Break: Five the Hard Way (2008)
Season 4, Episode 7
Pretty good ep in the middle of a pretty dry season
4 October 2021
In this one some pretty interesting stuff happens with T-Bag. Also half the team goes to Vegas. Both plotlines actually have some pretty humorous results which is pretty unexpected in such a dark television series.
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Candyman (2021)
Lacks the visceral impact of the first
28 September 2021
I am thinking that this is another movie where hollywood toned it back in order to cater to the Chinese markets.

In this case I suppose it is fine. The first one was so brutal as to really make you horrified. I guess horror movies aren't really geared towards horror anymore.

The cast did a pretty good job, and the story seemed to follow the legend, but some of the storyline points seemed a bit rushed and/or under developed.

Overall it was a horror movie worth a watch if you like the Candyman character(one of the most scary of them all). Just don't expect anything that trumps the original.

A mediocre sequel at best.
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Furious 7 (2015)
Mindless entertainment
25 September 2021
Highly entertaining movie, just make sure to forget about physics or anything close to reality and you'll like it.

Some of the dialog is total nonsense and as with most of the franchise the music is absolutely god awful(except for the tribute to Paul), but there are some really amazing stunts and the story is pretty out of this world.

I would highly recommend to any action movie aficionado.
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The Office: Finale (2013)
Season 9, Episode 23
All Emotional
6 September 2021
This show has been a fantastic comedic experience all the way through.

I don't understand why so many people are giving this episode a perfect 10, it isn't really very funny. It is nice and warmhearted which is nice, but the jokes are either very flat or just non-existent.

I would have given it a lower rating but it does tie things up fairly well so we aren't left wondering 'what happened to so-and-so?'.

Either way I dunno, it seems kind of silly that people get all blubbery and sappy over something that should be making your clutch your sides with laughter instead.

Certainly not the best episode.
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The Office: Livin' the Dream (2013)
Season 9, Episode 21
Extraordinary expose!
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This one is really one of the great office episodes. Of course as everyone has stated b4 episodes without Michael Scott are not really quite the same this one is like a culmination of all the great work the supporting cast has put together all in one in one excellent smorgasbord of entertainment.

With Dwight finally getting his BB in Karate it seems that his self confidence has finally broken a barrier and he no longer needs to prove anything to anyone and he can finally acknowledge everything that Pam and Jim have done for him and he doesn't mind them. After that he finally gets his dream job as manager thanks to Jim and he actually starts treating everybody with some modicum of respect which is touching.

It is nice to see Dwights transformation so close to the end of the series as he cannot always be the 'bad guy'.

So much else happens in this episode but I will leave it to the rest of you wonderful watchers to see it.

Seriously it is all pretty darned good if a little unbelievable(and that is why I subtract 1 point from perfect).

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