
12 Reviews
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Night Teeth (2021)
24 October 2021
Appropriate that the "hero" is a rapper. The idea of wealth and power makes him sellout his fellow humans quite easily, with the exception of his step brother. The only actor in the movie is the British dude. Debbie Ryan's hot but she's a bad actress.
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Eat Locals (2017)
Some funny set pieces and the vampires win
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I just don't see a bunch of posh serial killers getting away in the end as all that funny or cute. It kind of goes in line with this sort of "cool people are the only ones that count" that vibes through movies these days. Vampire movies have plenty of this, but you see it in many action films where citizens get slaughtered but the only person we should worry about is the "hero". That being said, there are a few funny scenes, plenty of action and considering the low budget, it's impressive that this was pulled off. Of course, without Amazon and VOD this movie may $16,503 which seems about right....
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6 Underground (2019)
I like action, but this is garbage
22 December 2019
10 minutes in, turned it off. This is one of those movies where we are supposed to believe that the characters are "important" and innocent bystanders are killed in droves so they can battle on for whatever the CIA considers freedom.
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The final straw for Shaw Brothers, at least for me
3 June 2013
I remember watching this in Chinatown when it came out, back in 1980 (at least in the US) and it was one of the last Shaw brothers movies I made a trek over the bay bridge to see. Unlike many reviewers, I never liked 5 Venoms. Sorry, but walking on walls and the ceiling is just not my idea of kung fu. The was even worse, with silly acrobatics and flips just killed it for me. I was a fan of Fu Sheng, Ti Lung and Chen Kuan Tai, who all seemed to have some omph behind their kung fu (possibly because the all were from schools that sparred) but the venoms struck me as all show. Anyway, Jackie Chan made Young Master, and that was it. Golden Harvest had won, after all. I know the Shaw's tried to crank them out for a few more years, but movies like this were what killed them.
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Dull fights, disjointed plot
19 February 2011
There is an art to fight choreography, and this movies fights are technically "clean" but lack drama and build up. This movie is an example of why Shaw's popularity fell and golden harvest rose. As the years went on, there was a focus on a sort of Chinese opera style of dance acrobatics and the fights lost the umph of earlier movies such a Heroes Two and Shaolin Martial Arts. Also, the plot is a disjointed mess, and despite the fact that it has a "ton of stars" they are given very little to do. They are better films in the same genre, so I would give this one a pass. You would be better off seeking out Avenging Eagle, Shaolin Temple or Disciples of Shaolin. I read somewhere that Disciples was Fu Sheng's favorite film. Another worthy flick is 5 shaolin masters.
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You could do a lot worse
21 August 2007
Despite the fact that there really aren't the major set piece fights of the Shaolin movies, this is one of the better Shaw bros flicks. It actually has a point, that can be related to even to this day, of workers being exploited by an unfeeling boss. The owner of the factory the hero works in cares more for his fighting insects than the hero. As the story plays out, however unintentional, we see the Manchu villain cares more for his thugs then the heroes employer cares about his workers. Another good reason to see this particular movie is that it was the late Fu Sheng's favorite role/character. Virtually forgotten, at the time in Hong Kong, Fu Sheng was the biggest star in action movies going. Anyway, for $ 7.99, the VCD or DVD is well worth the price to get a glimpse of the HK James Dean at his best, at least in the acting department. For cool fights, though, you may want to see out "5 shaolin master", "ShaoLin Temple" or "Heroes Two".
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Heroes Two (1974)
The flick that started it all...
21 August 2007
I have to disagree with the above poster. This is the first of the Hung Gar movies, the flick was a big hit, and helped change how fight scenes were directed in Hong Kong. Before this film, with the exception of Bruce Lee, who was very athletic, most action films were either wanna be Bruce Lee clones- Bruce Liang, Li, Le, etc, with some occasional guys with good kicks etc, or clumsy Gang style knife fights- "Duel" "Vengeance" "Boxer from Shantung". The stars would throw flailing punches and kicks, and some how, with out any kind of skill, defeat an army of guys. Instead of trying to get a guy to look like a JKD stylist (i.e. combining boxing and Karate, not kung fu) they scrapped it for this much more classical style of fighting. Highly choreographed and unrealistic, at least it looked good. It's a movie, it's supposed to look good. As far as the "5 venoms" movies go, that was actually more of a Western Cult movie. At the time that came out, Jackie Chan was starting to break box office records, and the Shaw Brothers were getting beaten out by Golden Harvest and the TV serials.
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Four Riders (1972)
Gloomy, early 70's Gun Fu movie
15 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this as a young kid, twice, actually. 4 deserters from the Taiwanese army run afoul of gangsters in Korea during the war. Fairly bleak stuff, climaxed by a huge fight, and for some reason, they use a winchester in the final battle. Everyone dies. I mean everyone.The fights are of the sloppy, "wai yah!" screaming type, such as found in Duel (Duel of the Iron Fist), "Man of Iron" and the "Boxer From Shantung". I gave it a slightly higher rating, as it seemed like it was well acted- I was 14, so who knows? You can really see why they shifted to the more elaborate fight style of the Shaolin/Hung Gar films when you watch this. Without the elaborately choroegraphy, several of these guys look really sloppy. Nothing to search out, but worth a watch.
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Low budget Shaw "Humor"
15 August 2007
Tried to get through the dubbed version, so it's a little unfair, but this is a lame, slapstick attempt at humor, that looked like they cranked it out in between other, better films. "You guys still got your outfits on from Shaolin Avengers? Come over and film this-". Movies like this are what really hurt Shaw Brothers and let Golden Harvest eat there lunch, in the long run. At one time, Shaw brothers would film actors in two or three movies in one day, as they constantly cranked out movies. Some were great, for what they were, but others, such as this, really look like an after thought. One of the reasons is that they wanted to save time, so if you were made up for a period movie, you may be doing two different flicks in one day.
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Good, But not as good as the other Shao Lin films to follow
11 April 2007
This was a huge deal in the SF Bay Area, back in a time when there was no Jet Li or Chow Yung Fat, yet it was still reviewed in the hip weekly papers and Chronicle. This film, along with Heroes Two and Shao Lin Martial Arts almost brought some critical respect for the Genre when it seemed all but dead after Bruce Lee died. Sadly, it didn't take off, and Chang Cheh cranked out as many stiffs as he did Masterpieces. Hell, he wasn't making movies for western audiences, anyway.I just remember how stunned the theater owners were when all these white hippie intellectual couples showed up at the Great Star theater in droves to see this flick. The one thing that is lacking is in the fighting scenes you never see the Tiger Crane fist technique, only punches and palm strikes. They must have realized that something was missing, because every Fu Sheng Shao Lin movie, and damn near every movie about Shaolin, had the tiger Crane moves after this. Just so you know, there were actually 5 systems out of the temple that survived the burning, but you would never know it from these flicks.
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Kind of ridiculous, but entertaining
19 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this one as a little kid. Basically, the kung fu guys go to destroy a Japanese battle ship and all die, except the pretty boy star, who, as I recall, knew very little martial arts. The story is told in flashback fashion, as the pretty boy recalls what happened to his friends. Chang Cheh used to crank these flicks out all the time- every now and then, he'd hit pay dirt, but this really wasn't one of them. The fights were cool, but it all is kind of ridiculous. All the guys that knew kung fu, died glorious deaths- blew themselves up,etc. Kind of a downer, really. You could do worse, but I would not go scouring the internet to find a copy, or anything. Ther are much better Shaw brothers flicks out there.
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Poseidon (2006)
Cruel and Elitist
12 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's been said before, but this movie just irks me- I just couldn't believe how cold hearted and sterile this film is. Josh Lucas needs to stick to being Arm Candy in chick flicks, Emmy Rossum is just an vile brat in the movie and Dreyfus looks likie he is on major Tranquilizers. The ethnic/low class characters are wiped out, pretty easily, reassuring rich young WASP's that gay or straight, they are meant to survive, even in the most clinch situations. Kurt Russell has done plenty of these kind of films, so I'm not surprised by his bottom fishing. Hey, he's got to keep up that lifestyle. Everyone in the film looks like, "oh dead people- the poor saps, well, that's what you get for working in the engine room. Has anyone seen my Grey Puopon?" Yeccch.
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