
2 Reviews
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K-12 (2019)
Not what I was expecting but really good any, Alice in wonderlandish
1 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Being a 39 yr old male who doesn't listen to pop music of any kind, I'd never heard of M.M. before but I must say she's pretty amazing. Lyrically she has one hell of a potty mouth but its appropriate. I was super skeptical and the only reason I even gave it a chance is because it somehow fell into the horror genre. It's more like a redux of Alice in wonderland with lots & lots of cursing. I've never watched a musical before either but somehow it just worked? I'm still a bit befuddled by it all and at the same time it all makes sense, which makes no sense. I saw a 2 min interview on IMDB did with her about the movie, she seemed interesting so I figured that I'd give the movie 5 minutes to catch my interest & if not then I'd bail. Well M.M. pulled off one hell of a super long music video & bravo on writing, directing,acting, costumes, singing and everything else that she did herself. She has one hell of an imagination. While I'd never buy any of her albums, I'd definitely watch another movie. Even if it had mostly singing in it as long as it was just as strangely bewildering as this film was I'm in. It sorta reminds me of another artist who took painful childhood memories and shaped hem into their future in music and then made a movie. Strangely enough her initials M & M sound the same as his name but he spells it Eminem.
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If you liked Hell House 1&2...then 3 is your happy ending, well sorta
22 September 2019
If you like Hell House 1 & 2 then you'll like this one too. It starts off a bit slow but once things get going, it's an extension of H.H. 1 & 2 and it gives some closure to 1&2 with a final ending and it's not the kind you might get a massage parlor.
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