
19 Reviews
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15 February 2017
While the first movie was bad in my opinion ... the second was worse! It was too abrupt and key scenes were removed from the movie ... this made watching the movie extremely ridiculous ... considering the sequences looked abrupt and meaningless ... while I am not a fan of the FSOG series ... making a movie from a book is tricky and this was a mega fail! Don't waste your money going to the theater for this .. there was no head and tail for most scenes! For example: The Helicopter Crash, Ana's Yes, Reunion, etc. Just about everything looked like scenes were chopped and put together for two hours but don't make any sense!
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A Disappointment!
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie felt more like a filler or a prequel for the Justice League, without substance or anything worthy that gives credence to the hype that was created. The movie felt rushed and it was difficult to follow a lot of scenes and how things were done and why! A waste of time and complete disappointment :(

Batman was extremely bitter and wanted vengeance on Superman, which disappeared in no time once Martha's name was mentioned! I understand the connection but doesn't make sense to forget everything in a jiffy, does it?

I don't understand why Superwoman had to come from nowhere suddenly except to lay down the foundation for the sequel ... and even then, nothing good comes out of it as Superman is shown as dead after the final fight! Yep, there are rumbles later that hint he will come back ...

I expected more than this, I guess!
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Pisasu (2014)
A different Perspective!
3 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I will not say I enjoyed the movie ... it was a different attempt at a horror movie, based on forgiveness and love and that, Ghosts need not be threatening always ... However, the plot is weak and the narration fails to hold one's attention to the end. Not scary ... not convincing either! It is not a bad movie, but different.

However, they failed to establish why the Ghost came to the hero's house or what it wanted ... to the end ... there was no reason to haunt and then just burn itself once the hero identified he was the killer!

The director has done his best to make audience feel for the ghost more ... and his attempt was a brave one. For a bala movie, I expected more than this!
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One of the first movies that drove me to Theater!!! Worthy Watch!!!
30 November 2014
I am not someone who went to there before this movie ... most of the movies were seen when they premiered on TV .... but the poster really intrigued me and my hubby was surprised when I asked ... can we go to the there to watch this!!! I must say I absolutely cherished the movie and loved every minute of it ... except for a few glitches ... it was a good movie ... The effects were good and I did not have the heart to leave the there when the movie was over ... waiting for the sequel and needless to say, will go to the there for it ... though the movie promotes violence and how men kill other species and torment them in their quest ... it also shows their vulnerability and how they do it out of fear too! Though this isn't going to change the way we are .. refreshing to see a movie with changes!!
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Aaaah (2014)
Wanna Kill Time? This is the Movie to Watch!!
29 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lot of hype ahead of the movie ... really increased everyone's anticipation .. the ever delaying release put off many ... the turnout was comparatively less for any horror movie ... everyone was irritated and frustrated with the movie makers for such a stupid movie!! The best part is - a kid was crying stating the movie is bad and I want to go home now!!!

The concept is new for Tamil movies ... but the film fails miserably ... it is good that there's only one song ... But, the film does not have enough time for five different stories ... so nothing is covered adequately ... the scary figures come and go randomly ... and everything happens in a matter of few seconds!

Ship - just one hair raising moment ... then it just falls flat and they're out of it .. I don't understand how the plastic knife was used to kill as there's no explanation on how the knife changed or if at all it did ... Hospital - Before anything is shown, it is over ... Desert - there's no explanation on why the friend went behind the ghost! Remote ATM - Why should the ghost kill the security instead of going behind his killers? Does not make sense! Finally, everyone die in the highway ... And there's no explanation on why a ghostly figure knocked the door of the villain and killed him ...

If you don't have anything else better to do ... go for this movie ... otherwise, save your time and money!! The hype created just made the movie fall more flat in my opinion ... Throughout ...looks like the movie relies on the sound effect for creating a scary effect than showing any real horror!!
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Interstellar (2014)
A very Intensive Movie ~ Must Watch!
13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you are someone who goes to a movie for relaxation or some fun, this isn't your type of movie. It is a very intense and emotional roller-coaster ride. It has lovingly captured the emotions of a father, his move for his kids and his interest (he did not love farming, loved exploring) and the emotions and vulnerability of human beings ...

He really loves his daughter and decides to go, to create a better world for them, without telling them - responsibility ... he struggles to come to terms with the reality that he might or not be able to see her or his mission not solving the purpose at all - finding an alternative for his loved ones ... and others ...

He comes across as selfish at times, but he isn't ... which is proved with the fact that he decided to go at a very critical point ... when his presence would have been the most important for him and his kids ... He rebukes Brand about her love and how it is driving her, as much as it drives him, but yet, he decides to go after fulfilling what he has to ... not quitting midway! Besides, Brand clearly accepted her decision was an emotional one ...

he final scenes could have been better ... like daughter introducing her family and a glimpse of the son - after all, he was talking more regularly to him ... and deserves a HUG for his trust ... for years ... Cooper returning to bring Brand was a nice gesture .. though there weren't any reason to suggest a romantic involvement for that ... as the movie did not depict one at all ...

The only reason to laugh during the movie was TARS ... besides, it was an interesting and intensive movie ... It is a great watch for sci-fi lovers .. over all. T
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The Possession (I) (2012)
9 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A movie every kid must watch! Shows how parents go to any extent for their kids ... It is important to teach kids NOT to have imaginary friends ... it could be a very real problem ... The movie itself was taken very well and kept one's attention for most part ... However, a few questions linger ...

1. How can the box make moves like sounds ... attacking people ... even before it was opened?? After all, the demon was supposedly sealed???

2. Why did the priest die at the end?? When the demon was contained and ONLY opening the box was a problem ... how can the chain reaction start again? I don't see any reason for this ... beyond the movie makers idea to make a sequel!
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The Rite (2011)
Good One!
9 November 2014
The movie starts slow ... but picks pace ... it is a movie for those who don't believe in God ... to understand things from their perspective ... I loved the movie and how it dealt with questions that modern youth are bound to ask... it would have better if these questions are addressed in more detail .. but actions speak louder than words ... Some things aren't explained clearly ... particularly why the father had to get possessed ... however, the hero rose up to the occasion as always :). This movie reinstates the importance of God and how devil works in cunning ways, even today ... when most think it is a myth! However, am not sure why they had to kill the girl ... and why they were not able to exorcise her!
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Could have Been Better!
9 November 2014
The Pastor took a different view to a serious problem .... but when he realised the seriousness it was already over .. Shows how important the role of a Pastor is .. It is important to understand Church and Pastors are there to guide and help us, but it is our duty to be watchful and know the rotten eggs out there! Just because your Pastor says something that is not right, you don't need to follow it ... Anyone can be corrupt in the end days and this movie is a very raw and straightforward testimony for that brutal fact! Many think getting inside a church is the end of a problem related to the dark force, the solution is within ... Faith! Not outside ... find it and fight it with Him (God) by your side!
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Not a Worthy Watch!
9 November 2014
The ending was a bummer, especially since the girl was so interested in fighting off and leading a normal life .... after all, committing suicide is wrong ... not being killed ... she could have rather saved her soul than giving up and embracing evil!! A VERY wrong message sent to youngsters out there ... it is IMPORTANT to understand there's nothing that God can't do .. we just choose not to LET HIM! She had a choice ... she just chose to go to the devil ... Be warned and stay away from giving in to such beliefs ... Demon is and was NEVER powerful than God ... Stay steadfast in faith and don't fall his deception! God is there for us always and died for us ... he is ready to do everything to save us ... Just Pray and Trust Him.
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Funny Movie for Kids
24 October 2014
Just an imaginary island created for kids and aimed at kids ... The entire story is loosely written and poorly executed .... the animals weren't scary for most part including the supposedly Rex! It looked more funny than creepy!

However, kids might love the movie and enjoy it .... however, the acting should have been a LOT MORE better ... there are many kids who are longing for a chance to act in movies and would have done a much better job ... can't complain as the creatures are imaginary and could have been difficult to emote without seeing stuff ...

Even trained and established actors agree it is draining to act in horror and sci-fi since they have to imagine and emote accordingly .... kids can't be blamed much ... Looked funny and did not evoke attention for most part.
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Godzilla (2014)
Don't Spend for the Theater!
24 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a spin-off and is NOT directly related to the original Godzilla movie ... that aside ... The movie by itself wasn't very interesting or tightly woven ... Though the title is Godzilla, you hardly see it for a few minutes in the movie ... The movie was dominated by the flying, so-called scary but funny looking large mosquito or grasshopper like creatures! Except for the graphics .. nothing watchable and poor acting makes the movie a sloppy tale. There's no concrete storyline, loosely written storyline and while they predict the monsters are meeting for breeding, looked like it was already having eggs ... NOT sure how! Not sure why those monsters would die with Godzilla's atomic breadth, when it is feeding on nuclear energy all along! Anyways, if you are not looking for a soulful movie and just some action and nice 3D effects, this is your movie!
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Want to Kill Some Time? Go Watch This Movie!
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get this straight - there's nothing Christian / Biblical about this movie ... or the concept behind it. However, if you want something based on the Bible .. this is possibly a movie like that .. at least that's what they claim.

Nicholas Cage has a reputation and this movie probably kills it! Went to this movie in one hope - it would be watchable ... cuz he chose it ... but looks like just another Hollywood dud!

Anyways ... there could be a lot of things done better in this movie ... it was plain and simple ... but it is OK ... if it will help build your trust on God ... but don't fall for the idea that a secret rapture is imminent. IT IS NOT!

The bonding between father and daughter was shown well .... the mother's struggles ... the family bonding and they struggling to stay together or look like it .. is all captured well ....

Could have been a lot better than this!
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Mama (I) (2013)
Spine Chilling Experience
15 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A good watch. The effects were superb for most part ... a few shots were creepy and out of place ... but who expects a ghost to be logical ... hey ;)

Few things were confusing ... I don't understand why will the little one not believe her sister over the strange figure ... if they could see nothing in that dark house ... why not in the bright house they were moved in to? The girls acted well ...

The MAMA was terrifying in a few areas ... the final scene was sad and touching ... the sister though understood the problem ... couldn't save the little one .. everything was convincing for most.

If you are expecting a thrilling horror movie ... without the gory idiotic scenes that are often portrayed in second class horrors ... this movie is just what you are looking for.
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The Conjuring (2013)
14 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie for me wasn't scary for most part .. but kept me hooked to it ... throughout. It is probably based on true events and I wonder what would have happened had the family not understood the seriousness. It was scary in a few places like when the witch possess the mother, the hide and clap scene in the basement, etc.

It is important to tell kids NOT to have imaginary friends and friends who are not visible to others ... this is a real threat many don't understand ... kids are vulnerable and are targeted often ...

The kids in the movie looked cute and were attached to each other ... the sister trying to help the sleepwalking sister was heart warming ... and a few family scenes were great.

However, I advice anyone intending to watch the movie ... not to ... I sense a very negative presence in the house after watching the movie and would not recommend it for anyone who can't sense such things and take measures to protect themselves!! I deleted the files from the system and intend to call someone to pray!
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Annabelle (I) (2014)
Good, But Could've Been a LOT Better!
10 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Annabelle could have been a lot better! Truly, it did not live up to the hype or its sequel "Conjuring" .... It was scary in a few places like when pregnant Mia was dragged, the little girl turning into a scary possessed lady, the appearance of the black demon from the ceiling, etc.

But for most part, the movie was fairly slow and also, it wasn't really scary. Also the lift scene and the basement scene could've been a LOT better. The doll did NOT do anything for most part of the movie and was just lying ... or was still ...for WHAT?

It did not move places much nor do anything ... But it is a good watch ... just not scary enough ...

Also, most horror movies give an impression that nothing much can be done ... it is NOT TRUE ... when right help is sought .. it can be taken care of is the message that should be sent my opinion ...
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Aranmanai (2014)
Not Worth Your Time!
1 October 2014
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Seriously ... the hype built for this movie and it turned out to be a dead rubber! A mix masala of different movies and tamil masala is all this film is about! There's really nothing new or amazing or a different plot .. it is same old wine in a new bottle. Save your time and choose another movie instead! Comedies aren't nice either ... they could have done a better job, seriously!! Comedy horror is nice and there are many good horror movies one can think about ... but this one just wasn't up to the hype created! Can watch with family and if you don't have any other movie to go to, then it is OK! Otherwise, just wait till they telecast this on TV! It wouldn't be long.
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Interesting Watch!
30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Want a fun-filled thrilling ride? This is an interesting watch! The cop discussions are funny and interesting. Makes light of a few tense situations and keeps the audience at the edge of their seats. Few areas are confusing and not explained clearly like why the possession is done or motive or backdrop, etc. The guilt of the cop and handling it is quite different. Exorcism could have been better - I don't understand how he remembers what he did when he was not possessed left us wondering... The movie was scary in a few areas and few areas weren't self- explanatory. Also the priest explaining why the cop was able to see a few things could have been more detailed - like what's the gift, how to use it and how he can channel it or how he might succumb to it. Otherwise ... good watch! If you like horror movies, Deliver us from Evil is a must watch!
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Could've Been Better!
30 September 2014
Love Scarlett Johnson? You have to watch this movie! The opening scene of how she's forced to deliver a package against her will isn't convincing enough. Also, after she evolves she going on a rampage on innocent people is uncalled for! Rather, she could have just focused on killing off the bad guys and moving further. Also, the scenes where she talks to the professor to discuss her powers ... while may be needed ... boring for the common man. However, it is just a movie with a fictional base, we can't look for logic. It is an interesting way to kill some time. If you are behind sci-fi movies, you might find this interesting. Some say this movie is based on an experiment ... could be or needn't be ... However, the ending was very simple and killed the thrilling ride!
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