
53 Reviews
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The First Is Decent
27 March 2024
The first episode of perry mason is i beleive based off the case of the restless red head the perry mason novel by earl stanley gardner. It is a decent first episode with a decent reveal of the killer. But in the cast pf charectors in this particular story other charectors with stronger motives against the victim might have made a more interesting reveal. I did find the killers break down in court quite funny at one point though. Funny acting.

If your interested to know a full spoiler review you may find it on my utube channel. Luke's video game lets plays. It was decent for a first one but i would have preferred one of the stronger motives. Regular cast does a good job. Raynond burr is on screen the majority of the time. I think his screen time gets cut back to more formulatic scenes over the years, with the majority of the first half of the episode focusing on the guest star that will come to need mason's defense. But with raymond burr still being the star of course. I imagine the cut back of scenes must have been to not over work raymond burr who must have been exuasted from the work load. Granted this episode is just as much formulatic and procedural as the later episodes, just with more raymond burr.

And with that i conclude my thoughts on the case of the restless redhead. Case one is closed.
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Hostel (2005)
Not for me
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Im not a big horror fan but i do movie reviews on utube and so i give all genres a chance. I like the monster ones, the ghost or jump scare in tge dark ghost types but tend to not care for the gore fest types. This movie is about needless evil and inflicting pain and suffering on people, torturing them, this movies only thing it has going for it was there was a survivior who got a little revenge. This is a one and done for me.

Okay apparrently my review isnt long enough how many ways can i say this movie is horrible? I watched the directors other more recent movie thanksgiving which was a slasher and had what youd expect and a few over the top things that go to far but it was at least also a good mystery movie.

But this hostel movie is pointless suffering. No good.
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Billions: Admirals Fund (2023)
Season 7, Episode 12
Feeling bad for Mike prince?
29 October 2023
Bobby axelrod was always the main charector on this show to me. Then Damien Louis stepped away from the show. The only reason the other actor who plays mike prince became a co star was because Damien Louis stepped away from the show. He comes back for the final season and I see another reviewer talk about how they feel sorry for Mike prince and never mentions Bobby exelrod once even though him and Chuck basically are the show from the beginning. And Mike prince was only temporary upgraded to main charector to fill the space but they brought Damien Louis back for a reason because he is billions. Mike prince is not.
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The Blacklist: Konets (2021)
Season 8, Episode 22
Should have been the series finale.
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This finale have quite a few good moments. There was a good amount of reddington in this one and liz. Megan boone leaves the show after the end of this season. This episode probably has the most amount of time red and liz spent on screen together in a very long time. A really funny scene involving helium and balloons. Reds illness is still very much there in this episode, before mysteriously being forgotten by the writers and not brought up again until the series finale. Reds identity is seemingly answered in the last two episodes of this season. And the answer seemingly hinted at is that red was actually once Katarina rostova liz's mom. But went through a sex change to become the criminal Raymond reddington. But this is by no means confirmed beyond a doubt and never will be. I don't care anyway because to me he is Raymond reddington no matter what.

Now that the series finale has actually aired two years after this episode i think it's safe to say the last two seasons didn't need to happen and shouldn't have happened.

With a few changes to the script this would have made a great season finale, not only that, it should have been the series finale. Megan boone left. The show had always been about red and liz. It should have ended here.
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The story is good. But Albert Finny's performance ruins the movie for me
11 July 2023
This is based off the novel by Agatha cristie and the mystery is good and really well told with an iconic ending you don't really see comming. An ending that was in the book and they didn't change.

My problem with this movie is Albert Finny's performance ad poirot. Especially in the long scene where he is explaining who the murderer is and how he figured it out. Peter ustinov does this way better in death on the Nile.

Albert Finny is loud, abrasive and annoying, especially at the end of the movie explaining the murder. He just didn't work for me at all. I wish ustinov had been cast in this movie to begin with.
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Gunsmoke: Word of Honor (1955)
Season 1, Episode 3
Good doc episode
3 November 2022
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There weren't to many doc-centric episodes in the first season of gunsmoke although I'm sure he appeared in most of them. But not many where he was the main focus. This is the first of them and it's a good one. Doc gives his word of honor when he is called to help save a dying man. He says that he will not tell anyone about the men he saw. Doc and Matt come up with a plan and the men come to dodge and a conclusion is arrived at quickly. No drawn out shootout as is the case with many season 1 episodes. Notably most of the action is near the end of the 39 episode first season. No doubt the shows probably weren't aired in the order they were filmed so I'm guessing they wanted to put the episodes with the most action at the end. Anyway a good episode.
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Gunsmoke: Doc's Revenge (1956)
Season 1, Episode 29
Doc doesn't have a strong enough reason
3 November 2022
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Doc sees someone he used to know and says he's going to kill him. Long story short the man is shot but not by doc but the killer tries to blame doc. This is gotten out of easily since the bullet doesnt match docs gun. The man doesn't die the shooter is revealed to be his own brother. Terrible disgusting charector, much worse than the very person doc wanted to shoot. Ironic. I guess why this episode doesnt work for me even though I like doc-centric episodes is that doc's motive for wanting to kill a man in this episode is weak and it makes him look bad. The doc episodes word of honor and the pest hole in season 1 are much better.
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The Blacklist: The Skinner (No. 45) (2021)
Season 9, Episode 1
A Choppy Mess
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind Liz being gone, I really don't care. The 7 rating is becuase this premiere was a Choppy Mess. Reddington takes over 10 minutes to appear (the first time in a premier ever). And reddington has always appeared in the first scene of every season, until now. But after red appears thats where the choppy Mess comes in. James spaders scenes are choppy and make no sense like so much confetti. You have no sense of the sequence of events for reddington at all.

And like I said mostly the task force. James spaders choppy confusing scenes add up to 12 minutes 2 seconds. Least screen time for him in a premier. I hope that's not what I can expect moving forward in season 9, given that Liz is gone. They need to lean on spader much more.

As for story Reddington doesn't want to come back. We can't have that arc go on to long. Cooper watching over Agnes. Cooper scenes are good with red. Aram working on some invention, we shall see where that goes. Park is married. Ressler let himself go, has a beard and messy hair, working on cars, and is probably a drunk, not over Liz's death. The case of the week story did not develop enough.

Last but not least Dembe is an FBI agent, interesting, considering he was a criminal, this is weird. Why don't red and dembe no longer speak? I think there is more to this. The FBI would not make a criminal an FBI special agent. I suspect a twist. Dembe was always an FBI agent, but undercover in reds empire. And I beleive this is why they are no longer together as a team. Time will tell if I'm right.

And yes my overall thought on this premiere was that it was a Choppy Mess. Sorry writers, you missed the mark on this one.
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The Blacklist: Ivan Stepanov (No. 5) (2021)
Season 8, Episode 17
So it was good I hear.
16 May 2021
They aren't getting rid of Elizabeth lol. I don't like the current story arc with her, but If your expecting Elizabeth to die or leave the show your an idiot.
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The Blacklist: Anne (2021)
Season 8, Episode 13
A quiet visit. Indeed
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably a top 10 episodes of the blacklist contender. This is a side to reddington we have never really seen. We have seen a bit, last season with Cassandra. With madeline pratt and Joseohine in season 3.

But I think this is the most we have ever seen with this side of reddington. I think as he's getting older and maybe he is sick, he is longing for a normal life. And that desire catches up with him in this episode, and he realizes he can't have a normal life.

I found it very interesting that red says to dembe that when he is with Ann he doesn't feel like raymond reddington, the most wanted fugitive. He becomes someone else.

And at the end he drives back to Ann. His judgment is clouded. Maybe this has something to do with his illness. And he goes back to discover liz with a gun on Ann. Liz has returned, even though they didn't show her face, you know it's her becuase Red says Elizabeth.

So I hope they fix their broken relationship.

There have only been a few episodes that were all reddington all the way through. Cape may. Cornelius Ruck. A few others like smokey putnum had a lot of red.

This is by far the best completely Red centric episode of the entire series.
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I haven't seen this yet but I'll say 8 out of 10
3 April 2021
One reviewer says chris meloni returning to law and order is offensive and gross. I'm not sure why??? Not sure what's offensive and gross about an actor returning to a successful tv franchise that he was on for 12 years.

Another reviewer critisised his appearance. Said he looked awful and said they hoped he wasn't abusing the bottle. Hmmm. You do realize he is 60 years old right???? Give the guy a break.

As for the show I'm sure it will be good. Maybe with more action then the usual law and order maybe, since it's focused on organized crime. I'm not sure how long is can go on for. Maybe 10 seasons. I can't see a 70 year old or older detective stabler. And I don't think they should continue the show if he decides to leave after maybe 10 seasons or however long is lasts. He's done that before.

This show gets him back in law and order. So it should be his show all the way to it's conclusion. Becuase that seldom happens with law and order with the exception of oliva benson.
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The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen (No. 1) (2021)
Season 8, Episode 4
Remember season 3? I do. Best season. Guess the writers found out what worked and decided to go in the opposite direction.
30 January 2021
Seriously this show used to be so good now I just can't wait for it to end. They are making reddington look weak and stupid, which we know he is not. Not enough of spader in this episode. He's the stop billed cast member and star, falling just short of 15 minutes in the episode out of 42 minutes. Not enough for an episode where the number 1 blavklister is revealed. Seriously how many hours does james spader spend on set and how many days ? You have james spader and everybody is annoyed with liz. Put the focus on red. The writers are out if touch with the audience. Look at the ratings and reviews for this episode alone. You know an example of good blacklist? Season 5 episode 1 smokey putnum Spader and boone are co stars right? Have the charectors work together! No scenes with them at all. Just a phone call. Imagine if the x files had only one scene with it's co stars in every episode. This show is old and tired and the writers are completly clueless about what entertains the audience or what we want to see I didn't think this episode was terrible Ive just had it. The writers have forgotten what made this show work. It's always been about the relationship between red and liz. Keeping them apart last season (very few scenes per episode) and now having them on opposite sides us only making it worse. The show is mostly no longer enjoyable. It has become a chore to watch I changed my rating to 1 out of 10. Why? Becuase I don't think it's just becuase people are annoyed with liz. The show has dragged on to long with no answers. And is no longer good. And I know they won't give us the answers until the end. The show is no longer good. In fact at this moment I might go as far as to say it's bad. Don't wait til the end to give answers, becuase by then maybe nobody will care anymore. This has to stop now.
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Walker: Pilot (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not sure if this will be an action show
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched the pilot and it was mostly charector driven with a lot of diolouge. I was sure this was going to be an action show, but judging by the first episode and it's 30 second action sequence I'm not so sure. Not much time is actually spent on the case. Strange considering that I think part of the main story is that walker finds it hard to find time for his family. There were someone interesting things. Walker is obsessed with his wife's murder and that things don't add up still after 11 months. Even though he apparently already got a confession from someone. And walker was on a case that took him away for a while, that got complicated and he doesn't want to talk about it. That was interesting. His brother is gay I think?. Don't really have a problem with that, just so many shows feel like they need to do that now. Mostly I think they need to incorporate more action into the show. I don't consider it an action show with one 30 second action sequence. Overall the show being about family is great. But this is a reboot of walker texas ranger. If you don't want to have martial arts fine but you need action. Also one more thing. Not even a hint of a southern accent for MANY of the main charectors.
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It's about time
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think the show dropped In quality at the start of season 3. I think it reached the point of needing a change badly by season 5. Season 5 is i think the worst season. Entire storylines all season that don't even involve the main charector, Da Vinci. Da Vinci is on every episode but that's not enough. This episode in season 6 is the best episode in a long time. This is basically a Da Vinci episode and it's about time. Nicolas Campbell gets about 26 minutes on screen, more than half the episode. The rest of the episode is Leo and Rose on a different case, but that's okay since it felt balanced with Da Vinci getting most of the screen time. That's the way it's supposed to be, the show is called Da Vinci's inquest after all. And there are a few scenes with Leary and Kosmo. The biggest thing about this episode is Da Vinci FINALLY meets Brian Curtis, and it's about time! Brian Curtis is basically the big bad of the show. First appeared in season 5 and Da Vinci never met him that whole season. I was thinking it would be a storyline that would never involve the main charector, like a few others have been. Im glad I was wrong. Da Vinci finally meets him in this episode and they actually have quite a few scenes together. Interesting to see if Da Vinci not being a cop is able to get to Brian like are other hero's haven't been able to. Now that he has met Brian I have no doubt Da Vinci will finally play a big role in this storyline. Brian was messing with things Da Vinci was trying to get done, so I should have known eventually they would meet. Just the way the show had been going I wasn't sure. Now hopefully the show can keep this up and go back to the quality of episodes from seasons 1 and 2.
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Da Vinci's Inquest: This Shit Is Evil (2000)
Season 3, Episode 6
I think there is a problem with the actors not getting along otherwise the stories were good
21 November 2020
I think Donnelly rhodes and Ian Tracey aren't getting along with nicholas chsmbell or maybe he's not getting along with them... Or both. I noticed a strange lack of scenes in season 3 in which da vinci is in the same scene with Mick and leo. In this particular episode I can remember only one scene where da vinci was with them. And in the scene they don't say a damn thing to each other and Nicholas Campbell gives them a strange look, just a look, no hi no nothing, then scratches his forehead, then gives them the same strange look again. Then he looks away again. After that Mick and leo just walk right out of the scene. And you don't see da vinci with them again after that. Very strange. The episode itself did have good stories though
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Da Vinci's Inquest (1998–2006)
Really Wanted This To Be A 10 out of 10
21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first two seasons of this show are amazing. After that I felt like something changed. It was very noticeable to me the lack of frequency of scenes between nicholas campbell, Donnelly rhodes and Ian Tracey after season 2. It was like they were keeping the actors apart on purpose. I thought it was strange that they shared no scenes together in the first episode of season 3. But when they did in the next episode I thought it was fixed and maybe it was the first episode and there was just scedualing conflicts getting the actors together. But throuhout season 3 I continued to notice the same problem and I started windering if there was a problem with the actors not wanting to work with each other. So they just had to do separate stories. I did notice two scenes where I think I noticed real friction between the actors in the few scenes they were in together. One is when the charectirs meet at a body. Leo played by Donnelly roads asks da vinci (nicholas campbell) if it's looking like a homicide. Nicholas campbell proceeds to turn away from rhodes and deliver his line without even looking at him. Maybe nothing but noticing that there were very few scenes with these three actors in season 3 does make me wonder if there was a problem with the actors. It wasn't until it's backwards day when the problem seemed to be fixed. Ironically the best episode of the whole show in a not so good season. Chris haddock the creator of the show actually directed the episode himself. Which makes me think this was a case of the creator himself stepping in to try to solve a problem with his actors by making them work together for one special episode and it was indeed special but to late in season 3 to save it overall.

Anyway the other scene I noticed something wrong with the actors Campbell, Rhodes and Tracey is when Da vinci meets them at the beginning of an episode.

And get this. Rhodes and Tracey are sort of just standing out if frame but a few times Nicholas Campbell just turns and gives them a look and then one more and I'm not sure what to make of that. The actors literally don't say anything to each other in this scene and you don't see Campbell with Rhodes and Tracey after that at all. What was the look campbell gave? Im not sure to me maybe confusion or nervousness or just not wanting to be near them or something. This was not the charectors I am sure. It was not acting This was the actor, campbell giving a strange look to them twice. And the fact that there is absolutely no diolouge. Da vinci doesn't speak to them and they don't speak to him and he just gives them a look which I'm certain was the actor breaking charector in the scene. I definatky got the feeling there was a problem with the actors after that scene.

This is a review in progress. I have many more thoughts.

To be clear I was saying that they seemed to be keeping Nicholas Campbell apart from Ian Tracey and Donnelly rhodes a lot. Tracy and Rhodes seem fine, mostly working together with the absense of Da Vinci, and Da Vinci has a seperate story.

If you go and watch the first two seasons and then watch the others its noticable how da Vinci is rarely ever with Leo and Mick in the same scene. But in the first few seasons he has plenty of scenes with them.

Not so much afterwards. So there are often seperate stories in an episode, keeping charectors apart, so it feels like two different shows that don't blend together, seperated. Like law and order.

I started saying the first two seasons were da Vinci's inquest, and I started calling the rest was like law and coroner. Becuase sadley that's what I feel the show became in many episodes.
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Da Vinci's Inquest: A Big Enough Fan (2002)
Season 5, Episode 3
I have to disagree with the other reviewer.
20 October 2020
I have come to really hate episodes of tv shows that have two , or three stories that aren't connected to each other in 45 minutes. Can't the charectors all come together and interact!? Or can't you write two stories that turn out to be connected? Or why can't there just be one well written story that everyone works together on? There were plenty of those in the first two seasons of this show. But from season 3 on ward I feel like they changed the format. And have two or sometimes 3 stories going on at once so I can't focus and Da Vinci is only involved in one of them and is kept seperate from everthing else. I find that hard to accept becuase the show is called Da Vinci's inquest. So he should have more focus otherwise they are not writing properly to match the title of the show. I really enjoyed the first two seasons. I felt there was more of Da Vinci and he interacted with Mick and Leo much more. Also I felt they let you know more about Da Vinci in the first two seasons. You saw way more of Da Vinci's private life in the first two seasons. You saw him interact with his daughter and ex wife. You saw a few of his relationships with women They addressed his problems with alcohol and showed some AA meetings and some bar scenes. Now if you watched after season 2 and you never new any of that you probably wouldn't know that Da Vinci's an alcoholic. You would hardley see him with his daughter. He hardley talks to Mick and Leo. The show is called Da Vinci's inquest. Can't I just have one good story per episode that everybody works together on? A few of these types of episodes is fine. But not if it becomes the norm. It's to procedural and you feel so distant from the main charector. I hope the show improves in the last few seasons. And I hope Da Vinci's City Hall doesn't continue this problem.
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Da Vinci's Inquest: It's Backwards Day (2001)
Season 3, Episode 11
I just watched a masterpiece. Much better than most of the episodes in season 3.
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is perfect. It starts with Da Vinci and guest charector Zach McNab investigating a traffic accident. Da Vinci and McNab don't like each other. So there is always tension between them. This is a long continuous scene, so you really get into it. Rather then jumping from one thing to another like many of the episodes in season 3, so you feel like you can't focus on anything. This episode solves that. It's almost like fans must have been complaining. And Chris haddock listened and actually directed this episode himself, was actually involved in it. I think the change to the shows format might have had something to do with new producers. Or possibly Ian Tracey wanting more spotlight. The problem with that is you have two stories, sometimes three, that don't connect, the charectors involved in each one don't interact, and so Da Vinci is only in half or even less of the episode. Anyway, it switches to a long scene with Mick and Leo investigating a shooting of a store owner. Then it turns out da vinci is right around the block and everything is connected. The shooting and the traffic accident. So the second half of the episode there is a lot of interaction between Da Vinci, Mick and Leo. The most they have interacted the entire season, and that's really sad, since the season is almost over. It shows that ultimately there was a problem with this season. It ends with a really good scene with Da Vinci risking his life to talk to a junkie who wants to kill himself, and was involved in the shooting. The lighting and music they chose for this ending was perfect. And this is possibly the best episode I've seen of the show. Ironiclly this episode is in a season that hasn't been the greatest. So I'm assuming Chris Haddock new that and that's why we finally get this episode toward the end of the season.
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I watched this expecting a drama and that's what I got
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I won't go into to much detail but I watched for two and a half hours. At around the two hour mark I started hating the main charector. I hadnt felt any hate for the main charector before that..but if you've seen the movie you probably know what scene I'm talkimg about. And there's not many likable charectors In this movie. Eli Sunday is just as bad as daniel plainview. Daniel is the main charector. Paul Sunday appears at the begining of the movie. The twin brother of Elie played by the same actor. Paul dano. Overall Daniel Day Lewis is a great actor. And great script to suddenly make me hate the main charector very close to the end of the movie.
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The Fugitive (2020)
Hey I have a great idea. Let's make a movie split it into 14 parts of 8 minutes and call it a tv show
21 August 2020
Terrible. Shameful. This is not a tv show. I'm not really sure what this is supposed to be. An experiment? News flash. Expirement failed. Attention spans and not that short. I already don't like that we have 40 minute shows with 20 minutes of commercials. Shows used to be 50 minutes long So you go and you make a show that has 8 minute long episodes? Horrible idea
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Wallander: One Step Behind (2008)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great performance by Kenneth Branagh and I noticed something new for the first time
15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As I said this is an amazing episode. Great performance by Kenneth Branagh. Also at the end I noticed something I never noticed before. Magnoeson shoots the suspect. And wallender is hugging his daughter. When magnusson (Tom Hiddleston) walks out you can hear him vomiting off camera. I Never noticed until now. It adds more to the episode and his charector. Maybe it was the first time he killed someone. And in the next episode is the first time wallender kills someone on the job. And he doesn't take it well. Both Kurt and Magnus don't take it well. The charectors in this show are incredibly human even though they are just charectors played by actors. But really good actors.
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The Blacklist: Brothers (2020)
Season 7, Episode 17
James Spader has his name above the title for the DVDs of this show. An episode of the blacklist without him is not the blacklist
2 May 2020
What more is there to say? It's like writing Jack bauer out of an episode of 24. If I could give this episode a zero I would. It doesn't even deserve a one. This is in my bottom 50 probably right at the worst episode of all time. Terrible choice writing Red out of an episode. What were they thinking? Now this will never be forgotten and not for a good reason. I know there may be people who actually like this episode. But for me the very act of the writers writing James spader out is something I find insulting and stupid. And this is not about Spader fanatics. Some things on television just shouldn't be done. It's that simple. You don't write the main charector out of a show. If you do that's all I see . That you decided to do that. I never thought that they would do this but now they have. And if they would do it once they will do it again. Not to mention that the show itself for the most part has really started going down hill. This show is not as good as it once was. This season in particular reminds me of season 4. Some really good episodes but mostly really bad boring episodes. To be honest I have never disliked this show as much as I do right now. I'm nearing my limit and I never thought I'd say that. I'd James spader and Megan Boone are co stars why do they barley have scenes together? Why does red not get involved in the cases more? I'm going to go watch bones or the mentalist And also to the reviewer who said writing James spader out just just balanced the scales from the Agatha Christie inspired episode when he was in the whole thing... I've got something to say about that. There are many other shows out there who's stars are in almost the entire episode. You don't go long without seeing these charectors in an episode a few minutes at the most. Bones the mentalist house. These actors almost always appear in well more than half of every episode. And that doesn't mean that they are written out of other episodes to balance it. They are the main charectors and that's why they are on screen so much. And they aren't written out of episodes for that. The stars of supernatural have appeared in every episode. One season 4 episode Sam was just in it briefly but he was still in it! Some writers and creators understand you don't write the main charector out it throws things off and you never forget it. There was also the cape May episode that spader was in all of it and they didn't write him out of another episode becuase of that. Spader was originally supposed to be in this episode but they changed the script and it wasn't becuase he was in all of Cornelius Ruck. I've recorded screen time for actors in which they get over 30 minutes of screen time or almost 30 in a lot of episodes. That's almost an entire episode and like I said that doesn't mean they are written out of other ones to balance anything. Using that as an explanation to explain why spader isn't in this episode isn't valid becuase other shows show us that explanation is nonsense
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The Blacklist: Gordon Kemp (No. 158) (2020)
Season 7, Episode 15
I don't understand the bad reviews
19 April 2020
People look at this for what it is. All I saw here was a great Reddington episode. And we don't get enough of those anymore. And hating on this episode becuase Reddingon executes somebody? Seriously what show are you watching? Reddington has always done that. It's part of the show and if he stopped executing people it would be fake. That's what he does. And nobody would have a problem with it if the episode was written differently.
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Blue Bloods: Collateral Damage (2012)
Season 2, Episode 21
Good episode and to the other reviewer it's Jamie not Jimmy. Jimmy was his cover name .
14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Unless you were joking calling him Jimmy but I didn't sense a joke. His name is Jamie. But besides that the episode was good. I know Jamie is a seargent now on the show. Could the show possibly end with Jamie taking over for his father and become police commisoner? Jamie admits to Noble that he's a cop. That's he's been undercover. But noble agrees to testify agasint his family who have all been arrested. Noble's sister Bianca has already been relocated with a new identity. Nice wrap up to the story. One reviewer said the story arc was dumb. I disagree. It gave Will Estes an actual continuing story that gave him higher then usual screen time for him in some episodes at this point in the show.
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The Blacklist: Victoria Fenberg (No. 137) (2020)
Season 7, Episode 11
I expected more
21 March 2020
They said the tone would be lighter. The first 10 minutes were great. Most of the middle of the episode was really boring. It starts with a lot of reddington in the first 10 minutes so it looks like it will be that way and then reddington basically only has a few scenes in the episode until the last 10 minutes. And for some reason the episode ends with a scene with Aram and a eledy. I think it should have ended with red arriving on the island he will be on in the next episode. This just felt like set up for the next episode. Not the best mid season premiere . I hate inconsistant episodes that start out featuring Red prominantly and then don't be consistant the whole episode. This starts out looking like it's going to be like the episode smokey putnum. Greyson Blaise. Or Robert vesco Then it abruotly turns into a snooze fest Then reddington finally meets the blavklister in the last ten minutes. When he had only had a sparse two or three scenes in the middle of the episode. And that after he appeared in almost the whole beginning teaser of the episode. Please writers if your going to do that be cobsistant. It's starts out focusing completely on reddington and then drops off and becomes boring. I am trying to make a list of top 50 episodes. And also doing utube reviews. This is not a top 50 candidate And seriously only one actual scene with spader and Boone? And a phone call? What's going on? The show has been like that for a while The two "co stars" are barely in any scenes together. Some thing going on we should know about?
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