
28 Reviews
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Conformity is happiness... apparently
2 January 2024
I wanted to like this movie. I loved the idea of a family trying something different. Having a nice quiet holiday to reconnect with each other and also save a bit of money. I can kind of relate and was excited to watch a christmas movie aimed at the introverts of the world who just want to be left alone.

The neighbours reactions were over the top and aggressive. I was hoping this was for dramatic effect and the moral of the movie would be that they decided to skip the excessive spending every year as they had fun being different. But nope, they decide to conform and celebrate Christmas like they always have to keep their 23 year old daughter happy. Sigh.

Turned off the movie after the phone call so can't speak for the rest of the movie but I assume all the neighbours helped and it was a happy fun Christmas because they conformed and gave into the bullies demands.
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Invasion: Home Invasion (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
So bad I spent the whole episode reading reviews
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was so boring and like all the other reviews said. It was too dark. Hope you have black out blinds if you plan on watching this during the day.

Starts with the horrible mother remembering she has children when she sees a pack of gummy worms. Manages to work out where she is and where she needs to go without a map or a phone or even street signs.

Comes across a horrible scene of dead soldiers. And even though I am not a doctor I still would have checked if anyone was alive and closed their eyes. But nope, she just tries to steal the car, which she appears to stall and then cannot restart.

She magically finds the house in the middle of the forest. Finds her annoying family in the loft and for some reason is incapable of being quiet. I was rooting for the aliens at this point, hoping they would be killed off and we finally see the alien.

So they all make loads of noise, decide to wander around the house whispering to each other then escape in a car. Oh and they magically have some dragon glass from GoT which kills a monster. Handy!!

Then we get to watch what seems like a 5 minute scene of her driving away while the radio shouts out random county names. Bizarre episode and I only half watched it and still found it dull!
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Nice change of pace
29 August 2023
I loved this episode but I can very much understand why most Witcher fans didn't like it.

I am very partial to a strong female lead left to survive alone, depending on her skills for survival and animals for company. It felt very "valley of the horses" to me which is one of my favourite books.

The acting was amazing and that horse was so well trained. I feel like the episode progressed the story without lots of twists and turns. Sometimes I get lost in all of the character and place names and have no idea what's going on. I guess the books help with that but it was nice to have one episode with minimal cast, no places to keep track of or multiple stories unfolding at once.

But like I said I think most Witcher fans love all the characters and places, and I do too. If every episode was like this one it would be a boring show but once in a while, especially if you are binge watching the show it's nice to have a change of pace.

This episode will be a love or hate it. It is very much a change from what we have seen in the past seasons, especially as the last few episodes have also had minimal sets and tangents.
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The Witcher: The Art of the Illusion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Same scenes over and over
29 August 2023
Honestly I hated the time jumping. It wasn't fun watching the same scenes with a few extra lines each time. Super boring episode. The costumes and sets were fantastic though. Yennifers dress was beautiful and the quilted jackets were fitted to perfection. I did get some laughs from garalt trying not to stare at everyone busts lol.

I honestly would have preferred more scenes with the smaller characters, get a bit of back story on them and where they have been while we have been following the 3 main characters this season.

I guess they wanted to have a whole episode just for the battle, so as a means to an end this episode gets a 3.
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Outlander: The Happiest Place on Earth (2023)
Season 7, Episode 2
Much better than episode one
23 June 2023
I nearly didn't watch this one but glad it did. It was lovely. Everything you expect from outlander. Reminiscing about the future, time travel, explosions, heart felt moments and happy families.

Plus we got a hook at the end which makes me want to tune in next week.

If I had to criticise one thing it would be the bit about malva and her brother. I may have to go back and rewatch last season based on this revelation. Without giving any spoilers she was apparently totally misunderstood and was being manipulated into everything she did. I am not sure I buy this based on what I recall of her actions, she seemed to have a thing for Jamie and to hate Claire, even when she was alone. Again maybe I am misremembering as it has been ages since season 6.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
A movie to watch once, when nothing else is on
18 June 2023
It was alright. The acting was fantastic, the costumes and sets were also brilliant. It was a little slow, I think if the cut 20-30 mins it would get a 7 or an 8.

The first things I'd cut would be the opening and end scenes. I have no idea why they were included, such a strange way to start a movie: "here is the set and behind the scenes" and ACTION.

I quite liked the end, I was certain they were somehow playing a trick on the muse because she was English and I am glad that's not how it went down.

But once the mystery is solved there is no reason to watch again. The story only made me curious, I had no other feelings, I didn't laugh or cry at any point. Just wanted to know how/if she was doing it. Now I do so it's a movie I shall forget once I post this review.
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Outlander: A Life Well Lost (2023)
Season 7, Episode 1
Tied up last season
16 June 2023
So the episode ties up everything that happened last season. We found out who killed the lass and her baby.

Not much else happened to be honest. Have no idea what is going to happen in this season but I assume more American history.

I am only watching in the hopes they go back to Scotland. I was so happy to have a wonderful tv show about Scottish culture and time travel, it's not the show it once was and I am not a fan of it anymore.

The costumes are meh, time travel isn't happening anymore, it's hardly even mentioned. Please go back to Scotland. I know they following the books but do a spin off or something. Lots of people say "nothing was happening in Scotland then", which is just daft. How disrespectful to anyone living during that time in Scotland to say their lives were of no significance. I am sure there were robberies, murders, flu outbreaks, innovations or even more magic, maybe even a back story of the stones and their origins, which would make the show interesting but it's just easier to write about American history during that period, like it was the only thing happening in the world.

Some of us loved the show for the love story, the culture and a little mystery, with the promise of a little magic. The battles and wars were background stories. Little tidbits of history to make the story seem like it could really be happening. Let poor Jamie and Claire have a break from all this conflict and misery. The show needs more happiness and humour.
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Only Mine (2019 TV Movie)
Not great. Ok background movie
12 May 2023
As the other reviews say the acting is bad but you can't fully blame the actors. The script and direction is clearly lacking too.

It's the little details that make it feel incomplete and fake. How can 2 high schools kids run a diner? No managers or other staff? No one in the town thinks is odd for a teenager to be dating a cop clearly in his 30s? The age difference is very obvious and it is implied that the girl has had unpleasant relationships in the past so you would like to think her mother and friends would be more protective.

I will finish but only because I am a little bored and the movie isn't that long.
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Suspicion: Unmasked (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Terrible ending, made me hate the show
29 April 2023
I feel like they wrote the show without an ending in mind and just threw this together last minute. I honestly think it would have been better to have no closure at all, just kill everyone and we are left with a mystery. Honestly would have been better than the unrealistic mental ending that they came up with.

I just have no words for how utterly disappointed I am with this last episode. I feel guilty for recommending this show to my friends and will be immediately taking the recommendation back.

Have shows learnt nothing from Lost and Game of Thrones. The ending is the most important part of a show. A bad ending will mean your show is never rewatched. Get the ending right and your show will love forever.
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Not hilarious but entertaining
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As comedy goes this show isn't going to make you laugh out loud or recount funny parts with your friends but it passes the time and generally you feel pleasant after each episode.

I like all the characters except the comedian chick. I really enjoyed her story on the unwanted attention from the comedy head. It was handled well and it was nice seeing the same thing happen to 2 different girls and their different reactions to it. The thing I didn't like was how she handled what she felt was an unfriendly club for woman by starting a club where men were banned. Fighting inequality with inequality seems stupid to me.

There are also a lot of racist comments. I wish American tv shows would learn that any nasty comment about a persons skin colour is not ok, regardless of what colour their skin is. And that you cannot judge someone's nationality by their skin colour.

But if you can get past those things or are not offended by them then it's a good show but not sure I will continue with it.
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Little Women (2019)
Only watch if you already know the story
3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have not read the book so the fact this version is more like the book is lost on me. For that reason I also feel I am not the target audience for this movie.

Like other reviews, the plot jumps around in time frames rather than the linear style in the 1994 adaption. If I had not seen the 1994 version I would have been very lost as to what was going on and who everyone was. If you have never heard of little women before this movie will be very confusing.

If you are going to do flashbacks you need to make obvious changes to the actors or the scenes so we know how far back we have gone or if we have jumped forward. At least put a date stamp on the screen.

I am only an hour in and they have remarked on Beth's being sick a few times but they have yet to show how Beth got sick, which I think it the cornerstone of her characters story.

I feel detached from all the characters and actually felt none of them were likeable. In the 1994 version we see the whole families kindness and joy in the scene with the breakfast. In this version the mother asks them to sacrifice, to which they all grumble. Also one of the only storylines we see with Meg if of her buying fabric she cannot afford and being awful to her husband about being poor. Made her a not very likeable character.

Honestly this movie has put me off reading the book if this is how the characters really are and the 1994 version deserves more credit for how they adapted it.
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Frozen Planet II (2022–2023)
Beautiful cinematography and editing but the hood ends there
13 November 2022
Well if I could sum up this series in one word it would be GRIM.

I don't know if the intention was shock and awe but I am not enjoying this series like I did the last one. The camera work and editing is beautiful but the theme seems to be "how animals die" rather than "how animals survive" in the frozen parts of the world. There is a lot of blood and violence, which is natural and I have no problem with them including but it needs to be balanced with some happiness too. Adding in more scenes of birth and play would make it a better and more enjoyable show.

And of course all the preaching about the environment gets old after a few episodes too.
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Frozen Planet II: Frozen Peaks (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Not for the faint hearted
10 October 2022
Well if I could sum up this series in one word it would be GRIM.

I don't know if the intention was shock and awe but I am not enjoying this series like I did the last one. The camera work is beautiful but the theme seems to be "how animals die" rather than "how animals survive" in the frozen parts of the world. There is a lot of blood and violence, which is natural and I have no problem with them including but it needs to be balanced with some happiness too. Adding in more scenes of birth and play would make it a better and more enjoyable show.

And of course all the preaching about the environment gets old after a few episodes too.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Musical with terrible music
11 May 2022
I honestly wanted to like this. It is happy and bubbly but honestly I turned it off because of the terrible music. The lyrics don't match the tone of the music, I felt like she was singing a powerful ballad and the background music was from a spa or yoga video.

I'd never heard of the actor playing Cinderella but she cannot carry a tune and I winced a few times during her numbers.

I am all for silly and light hearted movies but this one is a no for me because of the music.
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Ambulance (2022)
Skip it.
22 April 2022
Like all other review the camera work is terrible. Constant spinning and close shots. Looks like it was shot with phones and drones.

The dialogue is terrible, no one is likeable and the plot just makes no sense. They rob the bank in the first act and the rest of the movie is just a car chase.
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Entertaining but won't watch again
4 August 2021
I thought it was good. Chloe moretz is amazing considering the set she was working with and the lack of real co stars.

All the bad reviews talk about the story being far fetched and that physics goes out the window. Erm... it's a movie about gremlins!!! I think people watched this expecting a world war 2 movie not a sci-fi film. Which could be the trailers fault and I get their disappointment but for a sci-fi flick it's good.

There were parts that had me on the edge of my seat, you got suspense, mystery and monsters. Great fighting scenes in the air and on land plus a great chick power moment at the end.

I however don't think this is a movie I will watch over and over. Once you know the plot twists and turns I'm not sure you would get much enjoyment on a second watch. But each to their own.
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Mulan (2020)
More Marvel than Mulan!!
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I turned this off after 10 minutes the first time I watched it, once I realised they made it a supernatural movie.

I tried it again, going in knowing to expect a supernatural rather than legendary story. The start was bad, the middle training bit was good. The end was terrible.

I was surprised that the 1998 version was more "feminist" than this modern version. I liked that Mulan was just a normal girl, it makes her bravery that much stronger and I also loved that with practice and determination she became just as strong and skilled as the men. So much so they didn't even notice she was anything different. I thought that was the whole point of the mulan legend!!

In this version she is a witch with "crouching tiger, hidden dragon" like skills and that is what makes her excel during the training. Also annoyed they gave the bad guy a female partner. So old fashioned that if the main character is female than the foe must be female too.

All in all quite a disappointment. If it wasn't pretending to be mulan I might have enjoyed it more but like I said, the whole moral of the legend is lost in the remake.

Highly recommend the 1998 animation or the 2009 live action Chinese version.
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Grey's Anatomy: Sign O' the Times (2021)
Season 17, Episode 12
I am 4 minutes in and won't watch any more
15 May 2021
I could already tell a few minutes in this was going to be another political episode. I am not American and don't follow politics or the news anymore so was baffled by what protests they were talking about. Thought I would check the reviews on the episode, as predicted it's political agenda.

Don't they realise that if they keep making episodes "modern" it actually dates the show and alienates international viewers. Will anyone want to rewatch this season/buy the dvd, watch reruns on tv? Hell no.

Will someone watching this in a year, 10 years know what is going on? This is a fantasy reality please stop trying to act like greys anatomy takes place in the real world!!
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Grey's Anatomy: Breathe (2021)
Season 17, Episode 10
We need better doctors
8 May 2021
Honestly don't understand the drama in this one. We have had episodes with fires, power cuts and shooters. Why is the lack of a ventilator such a crisis. Didn't Alex and all the parents act as ventilators in the PICU in an episode when they lost powers and the back up batteries died? Why can't they do that now?

The doctors that are left are just boring and prefer to complain instead of problem solve.
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Grey's Anatomy: In My Life (2021)
Season 17, Episode 9
Waste of time
8 May 2021
I skipped most of this episode hoping some other plot line was maybe hidden within the episode. It isn't. It is only flashbacks about teddy and her boring love life. Skip it if you haven't already based on the other reviews. Honestly is any character in this show inspiring or aspirational anymore. Tired of seeing broken people 24/7. I want to be inspired not pulled down by other peoples problems!!
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Hilarious and light hearted
8 May 2021
Loved it. Made me laugh out loud quite a few times. It's a daft movie which will leave you happy at the end. What more can you ask for.
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Grey's Anatomy: No Time for Despair (2020)
Season 17, Episode 6
Agree with all other reviews
23 January 2021
Depressing and not entertaining. No story again just COVID and more racism pushing political opinions. Honestly none of the characters are likeable anymore. I am almost hoping Meredith dies so the show will end before they ruin it so much I won't even want to rewatch earlier seasons as I know how far it falls.
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Grey's Anatomy: Fight the Power (2020)
Season 17, Episode 5
Not a show for escaping life
13 December 2020
Another episode about COVID with what felt like no actual storyline. It would be lovely if they could have made this season less depressing, I feel like this is all too on the nose to actually be enjoyable to watch, might as well just watch the news. Not enjoying this season, also getting sick of the constant race references.
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All hype and no facts
16 September 2020
I really tried with this but after 3 episodes I felt I learnt nothing and things I thought sounded interesting realised were false after minimal research of my own. I also felt they rushed the actual origin or the story. The language episode skips over hieroglyphs and spends most of the episode talking about the America civil war, which is way to modern to be in a show about ancient history. To top it of the presenter is terrible. He wants to try getting a job as a voice over for ice road truckers!
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No storyline, not even pretty to watch
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I always loved Star Wars for the music and beautifully crafted scenes and sets. Whether it be from 1977 to 2015 Star Wars was always a beautiful movie. I felt this movie lacked beauty which is so odd for a Disney movie as well, the costumes were all just repeats of what we had already seen and I felt all sets were recycled as well. I have just watched all 9 movies in a row and felt such lack lustre with this last one I had to pause and check reviews to see if it was just me. The story doesn't exist and we see no emotional connection with any character. I liked the idea that anyone can be a powerful Jedi with belief and hard work, regardless of being a slave or a scrapper. It was nice to see a main character for once not needing a massively complex back story and their future being defined by their parents. Finally pulling away from the mommy and daddy issues and being about the family and destiny you make for yourself. Nope, this movie back tracks all of that and everything that is special and powerful about Rey is because she was born with it. What kind of message is that for people?!?!? There is no hope for the galaxy now if Jedis are literally a dying breed. Good luck Rey, looks like you will be starting a nursery of jedis instead of a temple!!
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