
13 Reviews
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
NOT FUNNY but sad and not in a good way
29 January 2021
Just because this woman faced a breakup in real life does not mean that she she start a show with no script whatsoever. Why on earth is she talking to the camera all the time? i guess its because the show has no plot nor script. PLEASE CANCEL IT before it tarnishes the memory of Amy Farafowler.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
1/10 direction no premise
29 January 2021
This show makes no sense. The characters are patchy and seem like coming up with lines as they go along. Its not even silly. And watch out for the BIG BLACK. I cant comprehend wtf is that.
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grief gets heavier if you carry it for too long
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A man tries to get over the loss of his family. Slow paced minimum dialogue (added to the feel of the movie) basically going nowhere just like the rider. Soundtrack is reminiscent of Lord Huron and goes well with the pace of the movie. Just a correction, singly beautiful women dont approach strange raggady men in the middle of nowhere to lend a helping hand. happened twice in the movie. Thats not real life.
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7 June 2020
Moe like a waste of time...better movies are mae by people on their mobile phones these days...the days od creativity are over....unbalanced characters...making no sense....just pretending to be someone so important amidst something WASTE OF TIME
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the world is what you believe it to be
23 June 2019
I believe in LOVE. Its a simple tale of people falling in love with each other at first sight because of spell put on a small village somewhere in the mountains in Italy. Amidst the storm of films being made about the cruel realit of life we forget that all these hardships are our own self created and in the name of being individuals of modern rational minset, nonsense like LOVE has no place in relationships and its all about give and take. This film made me breathe easy and restored my dwindling faith in love i.e., its ok to fall in love, confess it to the one and try to win their heart o matter what. Definately not in the race for an oscar due to over simplicity of plot yet some scenes made my heart fill with joy. The female lead is a spellbinding beauty. Only for the romantics.
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unnecessary hyped portryal of Pakistani society
28 May 2019
The director is living in the fantsay world while being high on the dose of local dramas. An unrealistic potryal of ral life event that totally ruins the exerience. A documentary would have justified the tale. I belong to that country and it surely doesnt happen the way its portrayed in this so called film. Its a dissappointing reminder to the reality that talent has nothing to do with creativity. Any tom dick and harry belonging to a so called artistic family can pick up a camera and shoot something. DISSAPPOINTING
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Paddleton (2019)
knot in my throat...
28 May 2019
Its just gets going right from the start and I didnt even ralize it was over. The obvious kept drawing near and i felt a knot in my throat till it was here. Maybe it doesnt get real than this. A realistic to the point story about relationship and life.
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Great scenery, no story
21 May 2019
Besides the great outdoor shooting, there is nothing more in this flick. As a comedy title it sure did miss several marls that called for a comic relief. A few bland comic situations were Ok yet one was relatively innappropriate, no matter how liberal we become as a society somethings remain innappropriate when a child is in the equation. Boring and yes there is Josh Brolin in it for no reason.
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21 May 2019
The outdoors life. Living in nature. Made me miss the northern areas of my country. A subtle experience without twists, a story of an experience, unusual bond, and a lesson on how to live in nature i.e., you never kill a wolf its badluck and wolves hate the smell of tabacco. A good soothing film for a quite afternoon. Devery Jacobs is lovely.
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Bardo Blues (2017)
18 May 2019
Running from past and searching for a future where the truth lies in the present. A subjective interpretation of existence, life and death in a prepetual motion, repeating themselves one after the other culminates down to the one moment. The moment of realization. The film captures the struggle of a young writer, an addict, trying to escape by searching for his mother in a far away place.
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Stories telling at its finest
17 May 2019
In this day and age people need stories to engage them and yet make them aware how the world actually works. This film is well paced and a few familiar faces and just enough dialogues to keep it moving forward. A movie does not need CGI and gravity defying stunts to be interesting, it can simply have a PLOT. This movie has it.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
predictive yet interesting
16 May 2019
Christina Applegte is a great actress. How she keeps you watching this show single handidly is amazing. I guess that is the plot of the show. I find the dialogue delivery with subltle comedy among the characters continuous till the last moment. James Marsden has come a long way. A fresh perspective on relationships is a Godsend. Yes you can sleep with people and not make a big deal about it. A bit predictive plot but fun enough to keep you glued till the end.
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Stillwater (II) (2018)
ups and downs and UP
16 May 2019
The movie starts out Ok but slips up now and then and just when I was about to stop watching something happens and that kept up till the END which i for sure did not see coming as the bitching among characters completely threw me off. worth a watch with friends.
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