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Barnaby Jones: A Gold Record for Murder (1974)
Season 2, Episode 18
Jethro Tull
15 October 2019
Jethro Tull lyrics, and the 1st "Tin Man" rates this episode a solid 8. When suddenly I realized that, "I had the whole damn thing all wrong". Because they were using "Tull" I had rated it at a 6 rather than the usual 4 at the beginning until Buddy played a couple of chords, and sung the lyrics, "Packed me off to Sunday school"...
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Theresa San-Nicholas spoiler
10 February 2017
My wife rented this video from the bait shop next to the motel. She said, "most of the videos were porn - flicks, and "Justin to Kelly" was the only thing the store had that looked good". Chick - flick, or porn? A ... I would have chose "Just Doin Kelly" instead I think. Anyway I've been wondering for years where Harley dropped that chick hitchhiker off. I had been meaning to find out. Proves the old saying is true that "they will let anyone become a cop." Glad to check that one off of my bucket list. Oh yea, what did I think of the movie? I must have dozed off after the "officer Cutter" scene. Though I liked "Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man"; seen it many times on satellite in 25 years as a matter of fact. Furthermore Tom Sizemore, Alec, Billy, and Daniel's big brother were actually plausible villains in that Don Johnson / Mickey Rourke likewise plausible "reluctant, but worthy tandem heroes" flick. Moreover HD & the MM is a hell of a lot better movie than this J to K stinker; I seen enough of the latter to rate it a 3 rather than 1 because to be fair I failed at staying awake; so that much I can tell you. Otherwise i'll have to ask my wife, and get back to you for a "Justin to Kelly" review. Better yet don't even waist your time just checkout the aforementioned Johnson, Rourke, Sizemore, and Baldwin flick instead. Or porn; heck any porn rates at least a 5 by default. Anyways, hope I didn't in any way spoil anybody's lifelong "Carmen Sandiego" / "Waldo" hunting - sojourn for nameless "femmes of the silver - screen." ."
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