
74 Reviews
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Why did I bother. You can't see anything!
3 May 2024
I am so sick of movies being filmed so dark that you can't even see what's going on! I realize this is a vampire movie and they probably wanted it to look ominous and moody but come on. If I can't pick up half of what's going on due to the darkness, why should I waste my time? Yes, I did plow all the way through it but I need to learn my lesson and when a movie starts out so dark like this they usually don't change. I keep encountering this more and more. I beg of movie producers to please stop this nonsense. I see I'm not the only one to comment on this in the reviews.

I probably would've enjoyed it more and given it more stars if I could've actually seen what the heck was on the screen!
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Suspicion (1941)
12 February 2024
I had to literally stop this multiple times and take a day or two between restarting. I've never watched a movie in my life where the female main character was such a wimp. It was incredibly insulting to women. I wanted to slap her. I can only blame Alfred Hitchcock for this mess. It makes you wonder if he hated women.

I like to watch movies from the 40s and yes, sometimes the women were portrayed as idiots but this one takes the cake. I can't believe she won an Academy award for this mess.

If you want to watch a simpering woman debasing herself for her husband through almost the entire movie, this might be just the one for you.
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Sweaty Kyle Chandler
31 December 2023
I wish someone could explain to me that no matter where they are on the planet, Kyle Chandler's character is always sweaty. He's in the Antarctic and his face is a sweaty mess. Absolutely ridiculous.

This has some top name actors but honestly, it's boring as heck. This movie was made in 2019 but I have to say, the CGI was pretty bad and that was only five years ago at the time of this review.

I have now reached the portion of my review where IMDB makes you reach a certain amount of characters. Consequently, I'm just going to ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble and ramble.
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Enjoyed it until the end
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slow moving and a very quiet movie. That's fine with me because any time a movie is labeled as action I avoid them like the plague because that usually means car chases and guns. The young lady who played Cait was perfectly cast. Everyone did a fine job of acting to be honest.

Then there's the ending. I would've rated this much, much higher if it wasn't one of those stupid endings that leaves you wondering how it ends. I am sick to death of those endings. I want closure! No clue if she had to go back to that dreadful house or if she was lucky enough to leave with the couple that she spent the summer with. Incredibly frustrating!
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Four hours of my life wasted
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe I spent four hours watching this only to have absolutely no conclusion whatsoever.

For starters, they could've crammed all of this into one hour. An absolute exercise in frustration on my part. I know it's not a one hour TV drama but come on, why did you waste all of our time to not find one answer in four hours?

Why did they interview all of these family members that they thought might be related to the murders only to find out they weren't? Filler and nothing more.

To meet IMDB's character limit, you can ignore the rest of what I'm going to type now. Xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.
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The Mustang (2019)
I really enjoyed it except for one thing...
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie a lot. I'm not one for action movies with loud thunderous cars and guns going off. This is slow paced and moving. As usual, Bruce Dern did an outstanding job. I was not familiar with the main character but I think he did a really good job portraying his character.

There's only one thing that I found kind of unbelievable. At the end, why didn't Bruce Dern's character just let that horse go? I believe he put Roman in danger by dropping the hint for him to do it. Roman could have been shot! I guess that wouldn't add nearly as much drama though. It is a movie after all.
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Collide (II) (2022)
So sick of jerky handheld cameras!
30 December 2022
I so wanted to like this movie. I love Jim Gaffigan and I wanted to see him in a more serious role versus stand-up comedy. I don't know who's idea it was to ever think that jerky handheld cameras was edgy. It is annoying as all get out. This nonsense needs to stop. Rather than focusing on the characters in the story line, I was completely distracted throughout the whole movie by this herky jerky movements.

So now I'm at the end of my review but thanks to this stupid, stupid, stupid requirement of 600 characters I'm now going to just ramble on and on which is an utter waste of my time and you the readers.

You can stop reading now.
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Yellowstone: One Hundred Years Is Nothing (2022)
Season 5, Episode 1
As a Montanan , I have some opinions
16 November 2022
The theme depicted of the resentment to outside rich people using Montana as a playground is spot on. The current Montana governor is not even a Montanan. He could learn a lot from John Dutton's attitude. I have seen my home state changing in a way that most Montanans are not happy about, just like the show.

Taylor does a pretty good job of getting things right but there are some that drive me crazy. Nobody in Montana pronounces coyote KY-Ote-E. It's pronounced KY-Ote. Yes, I know the original is more accurate but that's still not the way Montanan's say it.

I always laugh when they are hopping around from town to town that they mention. Montana is the fourth largest state in the union. You don't just hop in the car and leave the Paradise Valley and drive to Helena.

Another thing is, having been raised on a ranch, no rancher ever has pickups as pristinely clean as depicted on the show. A true working ranch has dirt and grit all over their trucks. It might seem small to some people but again, it's just one thing that is not a true depiction.

I know Beth is a heroine to some but I'm finding her meanness towards Jamie tiresome. She is nasty to literally everyone except her dad and Rip.

As someone else mentioned, another thing that drives me crazy is it is snowy and cold in November, which this month represents considering they just had an election. Believe me, it is not always blue skies and warm in Montana. As much money as they have for a budget, obviously, they could at least do some shooting in the winter to make it more realistic.

What is up with requiring so many characters to write a review? Now I'm forced to just ramble so I can meet the required character limit.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Lord help me, I paid for this
25 October 2022
I love you Stephen King, but curse you for recommending this movie. I'm not really sure I have one single positive thing to say about it. And you, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, our wonderful Negan from The Walking Dead, what were you thinking signing on to this crap?

If I had streamed this on a service that was free, I would still feel robbed but no, I paid $5.99 plus tax to watch this on Amazon prime. That's not a lot of money but I still feel robbed.

This new stupid format on IMDb is requiring me to have 600 characters. I'm not sure why because you can sum movies up in a couple of sentences but here I am, rambling, just to meet the criteria. OK, I'm at the minimum. So here you go...
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See for Me (2021)
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm telling you. Whoever thought this was a good idea should have their head examined. The whole movie is ludicrous. I kept rooting against the main character because she was so annoying. Rude, nasty, a thief. I could go on and on.

Did they really expect us to care about her when she treated her mother awfully, it was revealed that she steals things from the homes that she's watching to resell them, and she was nasty when she called for help on that app.

To add insult to injury, Kim Coates has top billing in this movie. He does not even appear in the film until the last 13 minutes. I can't believe he even signed up for this garbage. He was so good on Sons of Anarchy. If you want to see an excellent movie with a blind woman in it, I recommend the classic "Wait Until Dark". It blows this piece of trash out of the water.
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The Requin (2022)
Career killer for Alicia Silverstone
2 June 2022
I don't think this poor gal is ever going to get another acting job as long as she lives. I couldn't even believe it was her on my screen. The stupidity, the incessant screaming, the idiotic decisions, etc. Honestly, I'm embarrassed for her.
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Water (I) (2019)
Fernando Lamas must be rolling over in his grave
27 May 2022
For those of you who don't know who Fernando Lamas is, he's the father of Lorenzo and was a very famous actor.

I just finished watching this garbage (May 2022). Lorenzo must've been so embarrassed by this that he paid someone off because nowhere is the listing under IMDb is his name or the character he played listed. I can see why. I'll never understand why trash like this actually gets bankrolled and made.
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Wired Shut (2021)
Have you ever tried to talk with your jaw clenched?
20 March 2022
Well I have and let me tell you, it's not that hard. They act like this guy had his vocal cords cut. Good premise but ridiculous to make it sound like he's a mute.
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Oy vay.
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never seen so many characters acting so stupid and making the wrong turn over and over. The only exception was the son. The rest of them were downright stupid. I kept hoping some beast would eat the father. No wonder foreign countries think Americans are so stupid.
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The Canyon (2009)
14 January 2022
I live in Arizona. This movie tries to pass off locations in Utah as the Grand Canyon. Despite that distraction, the script was just plain stupid. Yvonne Strahovski is a very good actress but just no. I would definitely pass on this one.
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Monolith (2016)
8 January 2022
What has it been? 30 or 40 years since flight attendants weren't referred to as a "stewardess"? This movie was made in 2016. Shame, shame, shame. I gutted my way through this piece of garbage but that within the first five minutes should've tipped me off.
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Pointless trash
3 January 2022
I'm going to stop paying attention to reviews and ratings. How this rates so high is a mystery. It is absolutely boring pointless trash. It starts nowhere and goes nowhere. Do yourself a favor and do not waste your time. I've streamed movies with ratings of 3 to 5 that were far superior than this piece of junk.
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Buried (2010)
Not for anyone who suffers from claustrophobia
29 November 2021
I do and this was absolute torture for me to watch. I did make it all the way through though because I tried to get beyond that. I like Ryan Reynolds and I think this story was well told but again, it's not for the faint of heart if you suffer from confined spaces.
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Mute (II) (2018)
Too stupid, too ridiculous, too long
16 October 2021
I'm always up for a good sci-fi but good Lord, this thing was painful. There wasn't one likable character in the whole movie except maybe the little daughter. I can't believe I forced myself to watch to the end but I don't like to leave reviews unless I actually finish a movie/series. I absolutely hated it.
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In the Earth (2021)
Don't watch this if you have epilepsy
5 October 2021
I'm not kidding. I swear the whole last half of the movie was full of strobe lights and psychedelic nonsense on your screen. I had to turn away and I don't even have epilepsy. What a colossal waste of time.
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Heart of Fear (2006 Video)
Incredibly bad
3 October 2021
The actors in this movie look like they went straight from a high school play into a B grade movie. The sound is horrible, the script is horrible and worst of all is the male detective. He comes across like a complete joke. I never leave a review unless I watch the whole thing and boy, I wish I had that time back.
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The Guilty (2021)
1 October 2021
I watched the original and marked my calendar to watch this version because it would be an English. I have to say, I found it extremely boring. Very disappointed.
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Good lord
23 September 2021
I streamed this on Peacock because I noticed that a actor, Wes Ramsey, was in it. He is solely the reason that I stopped watching General Hospital because he's such a pathetic actor who loves to crow about the fact that he went to Juilliard acting school (i'm sure they are embarrassed). This movie proves me right. He's not the only one though, absolutely horrific acting by everyone involved. I gutted it out until the end because I don't like to leave reviews unless I've actually seen the whole movie. Just simply horrific.
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The Vault (2021)
Some people just can't be pleased
23 September 2021
I have watched a ton of movies since Covid began. I would say I've seen more bad ones than good. This one had a couple of issues for me but overall, I found it very engaging and I enjoyed it. I get tired of people complaining about the dumbest things. Just watch it and try to enjoy it for what it is.
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Dustin must have needed a paycheck
13 September 2021
I've seen some real stinkers but this one takes the cake. I can't believe I spent over two hours watching this garbage. As soon as it was over, I will never give it another thought. Please don't torture yourself like I did.
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