
2 Reviews
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Interesting premise, very bland film. Waste of time.
21 November 2016
I watched the move yesterday at the Mar del Plata 31º int film festival. As a thriller & horror lover I thought this would be something I could enjoy... but I was wrong.

The movie has potential, it's nice to see a fresh subject matter and original premise however it didn't deliver due to the bland acting, un-relatable characters, uninspiring dialog, the lack of tension (which it's vital to be a thriller), the lack of unsettling imaginary (to at least make the "scary" parts somehow eerie)

The plot is original, yes, but it doesn't know where it wants to go. Some of the plot points where interesting but didn't go nowhere; the insipid characters didn't make you invested enough on them either.

While I don't mind slow pace, this film was dragging & seemed rather incoherent. At the same time, some resolutions seemed rushed. The ending was trying to leave some sort of "shock" or "surprise" to the public but instead bring a sight of relieve because the movie was finally over.

The photography isn't particularly remarkable either. It's very forgettable over all & I regret wasting my time on it, I should have trust my instinct and leave the theater when I was 30 min in.
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I would recommend to any indie enthusiast.
4 January 2016
I get to see this movie in a film festival, thinking it was a horror movie. To my surprise it wasn't even the kinda movie I would usually got to see, despite that I still enjoyed it. My boyfriend loved , thought and that's the reason I'm recommending this.

It's a drama that revolves around relationships and a mystery, with some light hints of dark (for lack of a better word)humor. Quite captivating.

I don't want to give away the plot, since the less you know the more entertaining it is. You need to be a little open minded, since implies a taboo subject. All I can say it's that's indeed a original history, which I think they could have exploit a little bit more.

If you like really fast paced, it's not your type of film. But it does flows organically, isn't boring nor feels particularly slow/dense at any point.

The acting was good most of the time, and if the protagonists would've been a bit better, this movie would be excellent. After all, the history relies in you believing and empathizing with them.

It's an indie drama worth watching if you're looking for something fresh and interesting. And also... you may wanna stay a bit after the credits.
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