
29 Reviews
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No Smoking (2007)
Too self indulgent...
7 August 2022
The main issue is the lack of empathy you feel for K. I don't even think it's the acting, it's the directing and writing. His wife also feels like a novice actress who won't be important, while she somewhat is. It's a nice fresh film, you can't really tell what's gonna happen next and the experimental side of it is worth the watch, even if that was not always not amazingly done. But to engage audiences it's probably better to make them care about the fate of the most important person in the movie, and K is not human enough for 90% of the movie for us to do so. Not a waste but seemed like too much energy was focused on trying too hard to be innovative.
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Yet another pretentious and overrated SLB movie
19 June 2022
Nothing new or refreshing. The silly and unnecessarily complicated CGI, the weird camera work moving forwards or backwards without rhyme or reason, scenes where there is nothing center framed so it's hard to know what you're supposed to be watching, basically everything you see in every SLB movie repeated once again, making the movie look often times a bit juvenile. The music manages to break the rhythm of the story every single time. Even the way the characters "in love" interact is very similar to previous movies. The story is interesting and some scenes are well acted, spoiled by the attempt to make them over the top. There was no need for it, if instead of looks SLB focused on the stories and the acting, his work would be more memorable.
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Love Sonia (2018)
Tell us what we already knew
15 May 2022
I'm not one to say the story in a movie is as important as how you tell it, but in this case, it makes sense. This movie tells a story we already know and pretend not to so we can go on about our lives without thinking about the millions of girls and women suffering. Every actor involved did a great job, you truly see how Sonia is little by little diminishing and how she would have ended up. I almost wish they didn't make her part of the 1% but rather of the majority so to raise awareness about prostitution. I find it really important they made sure they showed you need a large number of people - including the police - to be complicit for this to be possible. At the same time, it just goes to show how horrible and greedy humans can be.
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It's not an art film...
9 May 2022
I see some comments that seem to expect something different but this movie feels like it's supposed to be a "regular" rom-com. There are other movies on the subject of lesbianism that treat it with more depth and show more internal struggles, it's unfair to rate this one with a low score because it didn't show something the way you expected to. That being said, Sonam is still not a great actress and it does make the viewer not feel a connection with her caracter, hindering the story. It's far from amazing as a film but I applaud the attempt to put LGBTQ+ stories in the mainstream cinema.
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October (II) (2018)
1 May 2022
I think some people are confusing this movie with a big box office wannabe. The pace follows the journey Varun's caracter is going through. So it's not about action scenes or breaking into songs. He seems to be coming to terms with himself ; you see how at the end he's no longer a hot head. There is a reason for this, and it's one of the things this movie shows. It's not a romantic love story. He matures and one of the reasons is the accident. Lovely acting by most of the cast, and good direction because even though you can't really say Dan is right by becoming almost obsessed with a woman he barely knew, it never feels creepy. So easy to watch, it's slow but you don't feel the time pass because the actors are so good so you do connect emotionally.
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Sensitive direction
1 May 2022
This was a gem. PZ is great, you can see how well directed she was. This movie is brilliant and heart-breaking. It's sad and lonely, and very real when it comes to the struggles of immigration. It's all that hope and possibilities that soon come shattering down in a definitive way. A difficult movie that was just really well made.
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Uyare (2019)
Nice with potential
1 May 2022
I liked the flashback style. I think the main caracter lacked a little strength, as if she could be more of a demanding presence on-screen. Not a bad actress but you don't see a lot of difference when she tries to cover her face. Even when she delivers some "truthers" to Tovino, feels almost like she's unsure of herself. I think a little anger could have helped. The direction was correct, nothing too out of the ordinary but I'd say better do a simple decent job than go over the top and mess everything up. I miss her friend towards the end, I feel almost like they were unsure of what to do with that caracter after Parvathy becomes an air hostess. I would say with a little more life, it could be an amazing film. But def worth watching once.
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24 April 2022
The portrait of first love here is quite good, the hopes and expectations that come with it, the almost obsessive need to be with the other person.. it's "immature" love, well crafted. I've seen some people questioning Rumi for being divided at first right after the marriage, but that's actually a pretty realistic description of an intense relationship : feelings do not end from one day to the next. She likes her husband but it's too close to her previous partner. She needs time. I agree the word fyaar was overused, ended up a little childish within the plot. I also wish they had a better reason for Robbie to wanna marry Rumi, I thought that was a bit flimsy. But the pacing of the directing really managed to follow the state of mind of the relationships, which is why it changes throughout the movie. Good songs.
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Tevar (2015)
Come to the 21st century, please.
24 April 2022
The movie starts with the big sin of box-office hits wannabe : they think just because two people are attractive they'll have on screen chemistry. This movie proves them wrong. Arjun seems to be forever stuck in an immature caracter that thinks he's really hot but we are not allowed to be annoyed at him cuz deep down he means well. Maybe at the beginning of his career it worked but he's too old for that now. He should really start trying to act at this point of his life. Sonakshi is just what you expect : emotional delivery similar of that of a statue. The songs are not only bad, but the timing is simply wrong every single time. It's actually quite an achievement to be that bad at directing. The action scenes are far too long, and the romance between the main duo feels unbelievable because there aren't moments when they actually talk and grow close. No time for that since we have to see Arjun trying to fight 85 people while Sonakshi stands still at the background during 90% of the movie. The plot is something a 14 yo could come up with, nothing new or interesting. Surprised so many people read the script and went on to aprove it, it's a dull story told a million times already, filled with 19th century old fashioned values.
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U Me Aur Hum (2008)
It's bad, y'all
16 April 2022
Ajay is the most robotic, untalented actor I've seen. The camera angles... it feels like a first art student project, immature and often times cringe inducing. Why so many incredibly close close-ups? The tilted angles are pointless. As if bad directing wasn't enough, the writing makes everything worse. The jokes are all bad, I'm wondering how many people have read the script. Surely someone realised how bad it was, so I can only assume the main writer wouldn't accept the constructive criticism. There are numerous crass jokes that went uncensored, but then someone's behind gets the full blur treatment. I don't get it. And the songs aren't good either, so there aren't decent tunes to save it.
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A bad movie that didn't age well...
2 March 2022
So I decided to rewatch the series and for some reason, I didn't remember this one being so bad. But it is. Everything feels rushed and emotionless. This film would have benefited from having two parts. Emma Watson was clearly poorly directed because instead of getting better as an actor, she got worse in this one. Ron is reduced to a silly comic relief, the outsiders, like Fleur and Krum, are just there, barely have any developments and you couldn't care less about them. The bad acting when CD died was painfully long to watch, the most believable was CD playing dead. Dumbledore has some obvious anger management issues. The quiddich world cup part was so lame, if they were going to do it like that, they could have left it out and explained it through a conversation. Snape forcing Harry and Ron to look at their books, for exemple, was really juvenile and a scene wasted. Could have focused more on Ron and Hermione, his reaction, something, because if I hadn't read the books, I would not understand that he was jealous, since their interaction in this movie basically doesn't exist. They are almost acquaintances. Tons of scenes make no sense, like Cho acting like she really likes Harry but five minutes later she is the most important thing for Diggory? Wut? Hermione to Krum? They barely spoke, there was no evidence of their relationship other than a commentary "That's why you spend so much time in the library". Seriously, bad script, bad direction, bad acting... too bad they can't redo it.
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I would give it another star if the budget wasn't so high
1 September 2020
I can't say anything that hasn't been said already but I need to share my indignation. First: the comments saying Zack Snyder would have made a better movie have to come from people who never watched one of his crappy productions. He is REALLY BAD, I am sure this movie would suck even worse if he hand't left. He is the king of apathy. The CGI is... not good. Not just superman (didn't know about the moustache but makes perfect sense now) but the landscape, the fight scenes... I mean, are we sure this is the finished version? And sure, the visual is bad, but it's ten times worse because they let a 12 y/o write the script. That's the only explanation for the "jokes", the dialogues that were supposed to be impactful but were just cringe... and that random family nobody cares about because they were never introduced so why bother making a scene saving these random people? Make them a part of the story, guardians of the place where the villain was supposed to connect the boxes, I don't know, do something! Also, they could have just left out the overexplaining. Did it really make a difference that rope WW has makes people tell the truth? Not for this movie. Do we really need to show and explain a million times aquaman has some water related powers? It's just constantly underestimating the viewer, it's horrible. I completely disagree with people saying the acting was good. Even Ezra wasn't great (I know he is good but the material he had to work with...) but GG gets away by being gorgeous even though she is almost a robot when it comes to acting. More than the robot guy! And Affleck? The expression "looks like he's smelling a fart" comes to mind. The main issue here comes down to poor writing. This movie is considerably darker than some other superhero ones, we get introduced to a villain that kills many amazons and that should be felt. Even Diana barely cares. It's the perfect intro to an emotionally stunted script. The last point is: why bring back the dead? You loose all the emotional impact of characters dying if you start introducing the resuscitation card. Why not just seriously mame him in the last movie? Now nobody will ever care as much if a main character dies. Honestly, it's like the writer never went to a writing 101 class. The amount of hospitals and schools that could have been built with this budget... it's just obscene. Waste of money.
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Mawlana (2016)
pretty good
1 September 2020
I have watched better Egyptian movies, no doubt, but this one is not bad at all. The acting is the strong point because I feel at times there are abrupt changes in the mood of the characters or story and is the acting that carries the movie. I also feel like they gave the first part of the story a motive for the tension between the main couple but it got lost somehow. I never understood the wife very much, her character needs serious developing, she kind of just floats around, I can never tell if she is a nice person or not, what is she besides a mother. It's such a shame because it would maybe add the next layer of complexity this film needed to be great. Still, worth a watch to understand the conflicts of such a complicated subject.
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Decor (2014)
weird acting choice
27 August 2020
So I was pretty captivated by the story, but the acting is so odd that you just know something is up from the get go, so the ending is not really surprising. The thing is I can't tell whether this was intentional or not. I can see a big difference between the main character, who unfortunately looks like had one too many botox injections since she is pretty expressionless, and the rest of the cast; while they act a bit strange, I think it's more a way to represent their separation from Maha, who seems to have some mental struggles going. But the actor who plays her has very little "weight", it's almost as if I spent the entirety of the movie waiting for her to come alive and yet she never does. I was so intrigued I even searched for some videos of her and it just feels she is always like that. Apart from that, it's a super nice film, I was pleasantly surprised by the theme, and the fact that it was black and white made sense, it didn't feel pretentious at all.
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Diamond Dust (2018)
A pleasent surprise
23 August 2020
As someone who is not very familiar with Egyptian cinema, I went into the screening not knowing what to expect, but what a nice surprise! Great plot, great acting, good pace, and such a great way to question our perceptions of morality. I saw a comment saying the story in the 50s is oversimplified but to me that story was just an excuse; the real issue was where is the line that separates right from wrong? I doubt anyone watching it who wasn't familiar with the historical parts. like myself, can just do some research to understand it better. It's worth a watch and you barely notice it runs on the long side.
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Betaal (2020– )
Could be better but it's sure not one star
15 August 2020
I am a big VKS fan, I love the guy (though I think he dropped the Singh nowadays) so I might be biased. The concept is good, a pretty obvious critique with who the supernatural beings are, but it's a tv show, not a history thesis. I actually liked him and the two female co-stars, I found them not over the top and I assume it's hard to act in this types of horror shows. What would be an appropriated reaction to supernatural scary stuff? It's hard to say. I think it needed to be a bit less "in your face" to be actually scary, and to me this is where it went wrong. It became a little childish as a story, and the conclusion was odd. They didn't make it enough of a redemption to the main character, so you don't really relate to him and don't care for his fate, which is not bad acting so much as bad writing, the real culprit here. There are some basics to storytelling and they didn't bother to look into those, and it's not the first time RCE produces stuff that is clearly expensive but sadly also clearly needs better writing. At the end of the day, most people keep watching a show for the characters, they are engaged, but we don't have enough development here for that to happen (same issue with Bard of Blood). I do believe that to make a bang in the international market, you need to step it up. If you see the non-american shows that made it big, the main characters were always flawed but really likeable. Casa de Papel, Narcos, etc. are examples. Also, your characters need to be a bit smart. The way to protect the house was so silly and obviously temporary, they gave us many elements but the conclusion was basically "just blow everything up". Well, why introduce a super ancient book and make a whole mystery out of it if the information there was so obvious? Why introduce a character with severe burn scars to not approach it properly? It's just too many elements that never get enough attention to look purposeful, feels like it was rushed. I have seem many worse things, and I gave it an extra star because I see a lot of potential out of the story.
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The X-Files: Salvage (2001)
Season 8, Episode 9
Another "cool idea" Jeffrey Bell couldn't make work
13 July 2020
So, right from the start, you notice this is a Bell episode. I think another comment talked about this. With the happy exception of "Goldberg Variation", all of his episodes are bellow average or just average (Rain King). Scully is a good example: she has very bizarre lines and behaviour. I think it makes total sense that she became open minded not only because of all she saw, but because this is what makes the possibility of Mulder being alive a very real one. So I buy that. But how she goes about it is just... odd. It feels almost silly. I didn't mind much the T2 reference, this metal going nuts can belong in the X-files universe, if done well. But I fear RP's character here is made less likeable than necessary, his emotional range goes from angry to concerned to angry again during a good chunk of the season. Also, I notice that most episodes that turn out on the crappy side are episodes with bad guest stars; not that they are bad actors and actresses, but bad characters. You don't feel anything, you don't care, which is terrible. Do they live? Get arrested? Die? I can barely remember five seconds after this episode is done. It suffices to compare it with the great "Redrum", where you are with Martin till the end, hoping he didn't kill his wife (although the moral lesson was unnecessary). Lastly, there isn't much here to advance anything in terms of plot or personal relationship between Scully and Doggett. One of the weakest episodes of the show so far.
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The X-Files: First Person Shooter (2000)
Season 7, Episode 13
I think I see what they were trying to do but it failed
8 July 2020
I didn't see the director's commentary on this particular episode, but I can see how this could sound like a good idea. I think they didn't know where to put humour and where to make it serious to make the episode work either. It seems like they were ridiculing a typical male behaviour, making fun of men basically, but the techno part is so very weak, it's hard to overlook it; it kinda ruins it. I didn't expect better from Gibson, really, he is a bit overrated. Then you have zero likeable guest stars, another problem. The look of the game itself... pretty bad. Also, why Jade kills the first guys almost instantly but toys around with Mulder? And when the door opened for Scully, Mulder could have easily left the game with her and we wouldn't have to witness the ultimate cringe-fest that followed that. The dialogue is bad throughout but the last minute voice over? Gawd. I do believe the AI theme could have generated an amazing episode. Shame.
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The X-Files: X-Cops (2000)
Season 7, Episode 12
The crossover you needed
8 July 2020
This is a great episode, the ideia, the acting... I think it shows how X-files would sound "in the real world", and I'm here for it. I don't find it ridicules the show at all, I think it's closer to a real investigation and shows the frustration and difficulties it involves. GIllian is brilliant, and the guy who plays Deputy Wetzel is really good. It's refreshing to see the use of a shaky camera that makes sense. Nowadays it has become a way to shoot bad action scenes and hide the fact that they are awful. Here, there is a purpose for it, it would be weird if otherwise. I wish Skinner was part of this episode. The X-files has a stern feel to it, to its characters, that the absurdity of having them thrown into the real world is hilarious. I think it just goes to show how versatile shows that have stand alone episodes can be.
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The X-Files: The Unnatural (1999)
Season 6, Episode 19
Good fun and great guest stars
6 July 2020
I think this is one of those episodes where you depend entirely on finding the right person to play the part. They just hit the nail on the head with Exley, this guy is so charismatic, I was hooked. Of course, baseball is the most north-american sport to have ever been invented, so I can't say I relate to it, but I can get over that, for the most part. It's a nice change of pace from the usual stories, and I can see why some people have an issue with it, but to me, this was always the best part of the show: you can have funny episodes, you can have dramatic ones, action packed ones, I mean, it's not always taking itself seriously. Some plot holes are there, but it's nothing too bad in this type of stand alone episode. I just have a bit of an issue because the show is so white, and this episode kind of tries to be all like "we are not racists" but, after mister x died, there were zero black recurring stars (Kersh had a minuscule part, it doesn't count). I could never get over the fact that CCH Pounder never had another appearance, she was amazing and totally deserved it, and would be an awesome addition to the show's more suspenseful episodes. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I didn't buy the trying to be "we are all inclusive" when the show was, unfortunately, not.
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The Protector: Episode #3.7 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
5 July 2020
LOL. That's it, the review is right there. I can't get over the fake 'tache. Also, I'm still wondering why is a loyal a loyal? There is no difference between a loyal and a random Joe. Tattoo a key on Joe's chest, bam, got yourself a brand new loyal. Wouldn't it make sense that they remain loyal even after the Vizier's coup? A loyal is just someone who knows what's happening. Great. I know giving them actual powers would be too much, but at least the power to remain loyal would be nice. Also, the nonsensical change of heart from Hakan left me going... say wuuuut? Not even he is loyal to the task anymore. The show ended its own premisse if you think about it. It was my masochist side that kept me watching all the cringe and silliness this season brought with it. I wish he had just drowned and ended this show's misery right there. Apparently, another set of bad writing and questionable action scenes is on its way in the form a fourth season. I now watch this as a comedy through and through. I secretly hope they have now a flashforward where Hakan wears a silver outfit and has green hair and uses a flying skateboard to try (not too hard) to save Istanbul while acting totally immature and forgetting his duty every time a pretty woman crosses his path. You know, just so the character stays consistent(ly dumb).
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The Protector: Episode #3.1 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
I want to love this but they just make it sooo hard
5 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, this show is the best example of a missed opportunity. Could have been amazing. Really. Started off just okay, I let the plot holes slide because Istanbul is so beautiful and Faysal is so great. Well, turns out, he is the one saving grace of this show. Zeynep has yet to learn how to hold a gun, after 3 whole seasons!, and all the growth that the previous season could have brought to the main characters is ignored. They decide to not show the beginning of the "disease", which is a poor poor decision imo. Hakan going bananas while Zeynep is recovering and everyone is slowly dying in Istanbul... could be a set up for a great plot. But no. We have this instead. The oracle is only there to make Zeynep act like a child instead of having an actual conversation with Hakan about what their relationship means for the greater task they have been given. I think is like a test for the shippers but it's now just idiotic. Weren't they meant for each other, as implied numerous times last season with the whole magic property comes back kiss, loyals and protectors being naturally attracted to each other and so on? And it gets worse. Zeynep invades a fortress so easily makes it seem it's a kindergarten, the bad guys place Zeynep with Nisan instead of separately even though it's a big ass construction and there is certainly room elsewhere, then Hakan just manages to get them out of there so quickly I was almost hoping against hope they would not make it so painfully obvious that Nisan is the other immortal. Not so spoiler alert: she is. It was all a set up. If you hear carefully, she even mutters "This is a poorly constructed set up". I swear. Sad day for writers who actually think about the plot. The rest of the season probably has better ratings because, in comparison to this hot mess, it can't be worse. But stay tuned, super fake cartoon moustache, people acting dumb, emotional immaturity, bipolar like behaviour, obvious plot twists that aren't plot twists because they announce them so much it's like watching the show backwards, loyals that are clearly there to be expendable, and all the ridiculous things we have seen in the previous season will make a come back in this one.
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The X-Files: Three of a Kind (1999)
Season 6, Episode 20
Could do with a better story, still great
5 July 2020
So I have a feeling this episode was a test for the spin off that happened a bit later. This is a great episode, and I like the camera work very much. I wish they did something different with the story though, as I feel the Modeski plot was not very fresh. I also kinda wish Byers had been drugged, just to see his uptight character have a funny moment too. For characters that appear so much, I always felt like they deserved a better development. There is this glimpse of Byers' love life but that's it. It's almost like their lives only happens when we see them. They made a great effort with other characters, for example, in the awesome Skinner centric episodes that show us more of his private life. Every episode that was Skinner centred was amazing and engaging; so yeah, they could be more creative with the Lone gunmen.
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Had potential
3 May 2020
But that's it. A bizarre choice for a tough guy (TH? Really?) paired with a bland female he had little chemistry with, surrounded by completely forgettable characters and a SLJ just not even pretending to try. If that's not enough, this movie belittles its audience's intelligence, overexplaining every single thing. Can we guess a person developing some pictures is a photographer? No, we also need a long close-up of their camera. Can we guess by the Vietnam comments, the clothes, the technology and everything else we are in the 70s? No, we are also bombarded with 70s music and a super close-up of a magazine cover where we can read "1973" for five minutes, just in case we miss it. We also have the obvious afterthought in the form of a black and an asian characters, clearly there to add "diversity" because someone probably pointed out at the last minute this movie had almost none of that. To add insult to injury, the character development department was on vacation for this one. Everyone is as deep as a petri dish. Sad production.
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Not as great as I hoped, but still pretty good
16 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I was influenced by the glowing reviews, but I had so many issues with the main couple, who imo, had little chemistry (and an awkward age difference) that all their scenes were hard to enjoy. The woman was not a super strong screen presence when compared to the other actors and actresses. Also, I never got used to this over romanticizing where a couple who barely said a word to each other is madly in love. And why every man loves that insipid girl? Years pass, again, barely a word to each other and yet the main male characters are ALL pining for her. I was yawning, such a waste of time that could be spent developing other characters and side stories. There was an obvious pair with Dong-Mae and Hina, they built the tension superbly and gave hints, had good chemistry, and I thought at least when she died he was gonna realise that the one person he actually talks to and he actually know is Hina, they were in love all along. But no. Visually, some shots seemed more pretentious and dragged than necessary. Of course this is a pretty decent show (with a lame title), and has more complexity and great acting than the average netflix production nowadays. I would definitely recommend to western audiences who are not yet used to watching kdramas. And I gave an extra star for the female characters, who in general had more courage and attitude than some of the men.Also, the guy who plays Dong-mae is obscenely good. He looks like a 16 yo irl, I would have never recognised him.
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