
32 Reviews
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Sugar (2024– )
What a twist!
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The dialogue is crap. The characters are one dimensional. Imagine watching a show for so long and when the twist comes along it makes you feel and think nothing. How did Colin Farrel agree to this, I will never understand. Everything seems so low grade and trite. This show has no pull. It's pushed by a series of clichés. There is nothing captivating or original about it. The twist of "omg he is an alien" makes you wonder if the writers came up with that just so they could have a seemingly original show to pitch. I want to ask those that gave this a high rating what they truly loved about the show because it isn't exciting at all. Maybe they just loved the car.
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Honeymoonish (2024)
Unoriginal except for one thing...
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline is unoriginal. You might have seen it in many different films. Two people are brought together becomes of circumstance, and they seek each other to get back at someone. The female character's boyfriend marries a woman behind her back, so she declares that she is open to marry anyone. The male character is pressured into marriage by his father and if he does not fulfil those demands he will be disinherited and forbidden from making any changes to the company. Their bestfriends happen to be married to each other, so they link them up.

There is nothing original in this story except for one aspect and it is the fact that the two main characters, that do not know each other well, are likely milk-siblings which is a forbidden marriage in Islam. This is incest-adjacent and quite repulsive even if it is presented in this whimsical manner.
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Nighty Night: Episode #2.4 (2005)
Season 2, Episode 4
9 October 2023
I've been watching this show over the past few days and to be honest I didn't know that BBC could be so crass. What did me in and really angered me is the scene where a grown woman tries to seduce a 12 year old boy. She dances provocatively in front of a child. Now you might say that this is just acting, but lets not forget that this is all being done in the presence of an actual child. She even went as far as to send her inept helper to sit nude in the the boy's room. So a full grown woman is sitting cross-legged facing a little boy. We don't see her front of course, because that's too much for TV but who gets to see her full frontal display of nudity? That poor child. This is one of the most disgusting things I have seen on television and i do not see the humor in it at all.
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Disquiet (2023)
18 July 2023
The premise is as basic as could be. Man gets into an accident and suddenly wakes up in a dimly-lit hospital confused out of his mind as he pulls out various tubes that were attached to his body, include a feeding tube.

I wish there was one good thing about this movie, but there's nothing. The dialogue is bad. The random Nurse Ratchet-type nurse was comically hilarious. I do not even know how movies like these keep being made if the dialogue is poor and the plot and ending is predictable. The whole point of a movie is to keep someone entertained. Even poorly-made ones make up for it through unintentional laughs. This had nothing. It was a complete disappointing time wasting mess.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Phantasms (1993)
Season 7, Episode 6
Another Data dream episode!
11 July 2023
Ugh, I just can't help it. I love all Data-centric episodes. I also love any TV show that does an episode dedicated to dreams, dream infiltration, nightmares and such. I fell in love with this episode the moment it began. This is the second Data-dream episode I have seen. The first dream episode was the best part of that Klingon/Romulan one and I was so disappointed when it got cut short. I am glad that we got to see an entire episode dedicated to Data's new ventures, even if it's to the world of dreaming. Maybe this dream episode will help Data ascend and somehow evolve to develop feelings. I am not done watching, and I wanted to review before I forget. Haha.
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10 March 2023
Another brilliant work from an uncorrupt mind! Only a man with a pair of whatchmacallits as twisted as this can produce such masterful work. The special effects are sublime and captivating. The story speaks of one's innermost turmoil. The pair of twins known as Cade and Cale. One's an evil genius and the other is a pale stale vegetable. The two brothers cross path again. If you haven't watched the first movie featuring the twisted twins, then I suggest you watch it before and after watching this movie. The two have superpowers that they had inherited through some genetic memory from their ancestor "Altair In La Ahad"
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South Side (2019–2022)
Great show from the get go
9 December 2022
If you don't love the show from the first episode, then maybe it's not for you, but I highly doubt anyone will dislike it. All the people I have introduced this show to fell in love with it too. I think it's absolutely hilarious and one of the rare comedy shows being produced right now that are actually funny. The jokes are quick and witty and you may miss them if you don't really pay attention. It's very reminiscent of Detroiters, which is another light hearted comedy that doesn't take itself very seriously. I love that every individual character is fleshed out with their personality quirks. I think people from Chicago would love the reference to their city.
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Bad Trip (2021)
One of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time
13 October 2022
I don't really care that much for crude humor, filth or nudity but that's Eric Andre for ya. If you're used to The Eric Andre Show on Adult Swim then this movie won't come as a suprise to you. The prank bits remind me of the Eric on the Street skits. I love this movie. I laughed out loud in so many parts. The unsuspecting people are the funniest part of it. The main two guys were fantastic. Tiffany Haddish shone in this movie. I really loved her character as Lil' Rel's sister who is out for revenge. Michaela Conlin's ability to maintain a straight face through it all is commendable. Watch this movie alone or with other adults since this is definitely NSFW or for kids.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
I am on episode 2 and....
5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is an absolute joke. Why is the vicar going through lengths to protect a p*do, and yet imprisons an innocent woman in his cellar? All he had to do was tell her the truth, that the flash drive did not belong to his son. It's absolutely sick. "I am vicar". Okay, and? That does not explain his irrational behavior.

Stanley Tucci's character and the way he came up with the conclusion at the end of episode 1 made absolutely no sense. It's even insulting when he says "think about it". Think about what dude, there are NO CLUES. I am watching this for a laugh. The show believes in it's own ingenuity it's absolutely ridiculous.
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Irma Vep (2022)
A tv show about movies
7 June 2022
If you're into shows were the whole premise is an actor walking around, going to movie sets and having behind the scenes interactions with cast, crew and assistants then maybe you'll like this show. The plot is not interesting and if this was happening in front of me in real life I wouldn't even look twice.
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iGilbert (2021)
Neckbeard fantasy
2 January 2022
Imagine if the pervert next door who takes pervert pictures of women, hides cameras in the bedroom and bathroom of unsuspecting women becomes the hero of a story.
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Planet Dune (2021)
Shameless rip off
29 October 2021
This one of those movies that hopes you mistakenly pick them instead of the actual movie you had in mind. This is NOT DUNE. Someone should sue these amateurs.
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Get it over with already.
13 October 2021
Smug drug addict who stole money from an old lady 15 years ago now has to repay her by killing her. How did the old lady even figure out where that other lady worked? They hadn't even seen each other in 15 years, and she spent half that time in a nursing home.

The two main characters spent one hour just going around in circles. Absolute drivel and a waste of time.
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A snoozefest
14 September 2021
Not interesting at all. Watch it only if you like the people in it.
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Too subtle. pay attention to the names
14 September 2021
This is not the kind of movie that you should be watching while you're multi-tasking. It's slow, and you will miss out on bits here and there if you don't pay attention. I read the synopsis and it kinda ruined the movie for me because i was anticipating the bigger events instead of watching the character's subtle facial cues and actions.

I read the book the very same day. The movie does a good job bringing it to life.
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A shallow slow boring story...
2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A shallow tale about what happens to a woman whose husband leaves her for a younger woman...who happens to be her niece. So, for revenge she uses her pictures to catfish the roommate of the young man she is having sexual relations with. She leads the man on for long until he is captivated and infatuated with the fake person.

I couldn't empathize with the character for was nothing but a shallow woman who was upset about the loss of her youth and good looks. There was not a second of discourse dedicated to her expressing absolute disgust about her husband cheating on her and eventually marrying her little niece that she took in after her parents' death. This is a disgusting take of incestous relationship that does not even get mentioned. Absolutely vile.
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Mr. Corman (2021)
Absolute snoozefest
27 August 2021
If you want a plotless show about straight guys being absolute dudesbros then this is the show for you.

Mr. Corman is a boring dude teacher who has nothing going on his life. He just divorced his wife and happens to share an apartment with his deadbeat dad friend who is also separated from his wife. What's the show about? Who cares! Dudes being dudes talking diddly-squat about nothing. Let's bang some chicks bruuhhh.
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My King (2021)
Watch this movie if you want to have a good laugh
20 July 2021
The shoddy editing, the overacting, and the confusing plot are just one of the few things you should be expecting when you watch this movie. I literally laughed out loud when the "billionaire" boss of the mysterious company with the dirty cramped office was having a conversation with his driver-cum-bodyguard. The driver rambled on and on and at one point he spoke in gibberish. I can't even begin to explain how unintentionally hilarious this movie is without giving away "spoilers" about how "evil" the female protaganist is.

What kind of misogynistic hell is this? The main character's fiance doesn't have a job, so what does she do? She literally gives him her entire paycheck because he's "The King" and gets to do whatever he likes with the money. Why is the movie named after him anyway?

By the way, someone's phone literally rings in the middle of the shoot and they didn't edit it out.
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United States of Al (2021–2022)
11 May 2021
Adhir Kalyan, a South African actor of Indian descent yet again plays a character similar to one he played 15 years ago on a show called "Aliens in America". What's the point of playing a stereotype, especially if they are from a culture you know nothing about and speak a language that you don't speak?

The time of ignorance is over.
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Chad: Ikrimah Breakup (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
So disappointed with this show
22 April 2021
I don't believe that a grown woman could not play a teenager. Lauren Lupkus played one very well in a sketch comedy show called The Characters on Netflix.

This show, on the other hand, is poorly written and the plot has no direction. Everyone's weird reaction to Chad could be based on the fact that he's being played by a grown woman. A woman who has had work done on her face, so she kinda sticks out.

Imagine if the twist in the end is that Chad is actually the sister of the woman playing his mother, and they let her play a kid as a way to help her live with her delusions since nothing else worked.
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Them: Day 10 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
A serious convoluted mess
11 April 2021
I am very disappointed. What is this leading to? Why is anything happening at all?
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The Call (2020)
A great movie
10 January 2021
I watched it twice because it was that good. One of the best horror/thrillers I have seen in a long time. The post credit scene shouldn't have been included. Other than that it's definitely one of the top horror movies I've ever watched.
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Black Bear (I) (2020)
Something about this type of movies
13 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I mean movies where actors play "actors" that feels so pretentious or derivative. What was the second half of the movie about anyway?
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Honey Boy (2019)
Child exploitation
9 August 2020
I don't care how much of a great actor you are, don't kiss and sexually exploit children.

I don't care if the kids are child actors and signed up for this role.

FKA TWIGS is disgusting.
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Amulet (2020)
9 August 2020 basically what all the positive reviews are saying. I've watched plenty of slowburn movies but this felt like something you put on the stove without turning it on.

The movie felt like it was going somewhere at some point, but it lost its impact a few minutes in. You may like it or you may not. Just don't listen to the comments that belittle your intelligence just because you didn't care for how the movie progressed or ended,
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