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Hannibal: Primavera (2015)
Season 3, Episode 2
impressed, that's the word, impressed.
12 June 2015
I don't know what to say, I don't know if it is the psychological depth of the scenes, the slow motion, the incredible dialogue or something else

but Im frankly terrified at some point after the first few minutes when Will started talking about Hannibal, because his level of understanding the thoughts of him is strange but while impressivethen, Abigail filling me with hope and with all these nostalgic feelings, the researcher began to refer to Hannibal as "the monster".. it's interesting, but disgusting in the sense that probably he is right,next the scene in the church with the body, I'm sure stepped back as much as I could in my room, this is something that could easily be within one of the best horror movies as one of its most dense in meaning and shocking scenes, all references to God, Hannibal and his obsession for detail, looking sweet,innocent and artistic while He draws, Will smiling, then Will saying to the commendatore that he didn't know if he wants to catch Hannibal, but then Hannibal was watching him from a distance, that just broke my heart in a very strange way, I don't know, I was so scared in the last scene, there was much suspense, the inspector behind Will,Will looking for Hannibal,that just pushed me a little more on the edge of panic, I was really crying, and I don't know, if it's because I was so scared or that I was happy? I could not even decide, I was very confused when the inspector say Will that he was dead, it was like if all space is suddenly closed, and no one could just breathe until the precise moment that Will say "I forgive you" and it was like, I woke up from a nightmare

really amazing chapter, caught me in every single second

---------------- Well now that I'm more calm,

I imagine that people who are not very happy with this episode, are not very accustomed to scenes like this, and indeed are more akin to the action scenes, or police wefts

in my case I like horror, psychology and mystery, so much as I like the action scenes, Im more fascinated for complex scenes that play with your emotions and mind, cause are interesting

so I think that those who have felt this different or "outside reality" should watch the episode again, give it another try, and try to understand it better, the episode has so many details that I'm sure it will only get more and more interesting
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Supernatural: Angel Heart (2015)
Season 10, Episode 20
This Is.
4 May 2015
10x20 has to be one of my 5 favorite chapters in all seasons I loved the improvement of the relationship o Claire Novak to Castiel, the fact that she was interested in being a hunter and improve shes relationship with Dean in that regard, that showed another side of Dean, which I did not think he would have, you could say "the paternal side of Dean" ?? That was great, he could really be a great father, despite Sam, the truth is that Dean regarding Sam has always been much more like a protective brother than a father and Sam is someone who repeatedly need to be saved, instead Claire is young enough to be a daughter and much stronger in character than it was the little Sammy, especially the attitude, she is like a mini Dean, it was very fun to watch, they really look like a strange family, I think shes character is great, other think in particular that I liked was the gift that Castiel gave to her, That made me laugh so hard, although the whole chapter was pretty emotional, very worrisome in some ways and kind of sad too, in the end I left a good feeling, just as she said, the goodbyes are not forever, right?

excellent chapter, with an interesting mix of events and feelings, hope the next will be as good as this
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
3 May 2015
I know he is not a protagonist, but why exactly he is not yet? he is great and lovely at the same time

I like much more than sam,at least we don't have to rescue him every two chapters! as sam! why sam always has to be saved? It is very stressful, he is a big boy already , it is not he ??

castiel at least can handle on your own.

anyway, I have great expectations for what I still have to see

I'm just starting the season 10, first 3 chapters and already miss castiel, why? because he is not doing nothing but walking with a girl, away from the central action.
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