
26 Reviews
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The Great: The Devil's Lunch (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Why? Was puberty so unsatisfying you needed to live vicariously?
22 June 2023
This show just went down 8 full "points" in my estimation. It is much too clever to rely on such ridiculous sexual references. Just really REALLY over the top. Like it was written by frustrated adolescent middle school boys. So sad, to watch a series demean itself so completely. It's not like it hadn't been widely inappropriate in the past, it has. This just sunk to such a new level of hedonistic and, again, ridiculousness, that it was painful to watch. Hasn't "Hollywood" gotten the memo yet? Clever and innovative always succeeds, shock value always fails because, again, middle school fantasies are for middle school.
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Stop at Season 3
26 May 2023
So incredibly sad. It was a great series...and then. I'd imagine that it must have gotten new writers after season 2. However, by season 4 it was unmistakable that the writing had been completely taken over by the generation that has no appreciation for the time period they are representing and believes that the F word can replace a more useful part of speech-noun, verb or adjective. So Now? Absolutely ridiculously campy and over the top. I have to believe that Shalhoub had to grit his teeth to be part of this caricature. The sets, costumes , and again, over the top design of each scene cannot compensate for how far Maisel has fallen from the fresh fun of its start. Sorry millennials, gen Z or whoever is responsible for ruining a good thing.. You f'd up.
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C.B. Strike (2017– )
Not all that mysterious...
27 August 2022
Wanted to like this all together. I'm not sure if the casting for Strike is on point, but I'm getting used to it. Watched the first three episodes We will see if the chemistry between him and Robin improves. However I had figured out who did it by the end of the first episode. Maybe not the WHY, but definitely the Who. Kind of disappointing really. Love a mystery, but maybe I've watched too many. I'll try the next batch. We will see. Based in the review scoring, I'm going to see if it improves. This definitely has 600 characters I think I should count to 600 so that they will think that I have 600 but I know I have 600 so why do I have to keep adding to this just because I cut and paste my review into the box.
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Billions: Hindenburg (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
"Old white people hate when they can't preserve their history"
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? That's the line that was spoken when a white billionaire was trying to "help" a community to get his own way. Why would the producers of this show, who all happened to be white by the way, and the white main characters continue to go along with the sabotage of culture that comes with vilifying your own? What is wrong with them? Can you think of any nation that hates itself as much as Americans seem too? I can't.
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Billions: Hostis Humani Generis (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Please stop-
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Producers, Taylor was right. Forcing your views on someone else and then shaming you if you don't agree isn't leadership, it's extortion. Don't you see the irony in that? But. That line wasn't enough to balance this virtue-signaling film disguised as entertainment in order for us to actually want to watch it. The cops was the last straw. So much has changed since hating the cops was popular #2020. Now crime is rampant and it turns out that we need them, especially in the hood. But since no one on the show actually lives there or even remembers what it's like there, all they're doing is embarrass themselves and continue to glorify a criminal as a hero to justify vilifying the police we need with demands for defunding them. I think "Government sanction killers" was the direct quote.
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Billions: Lyin' Eyes (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
What a crock
20 August 2022
This is the most ridiculous pseudo altruistic drivel I've ever watched. Billions used to be a prizefighter story. Now it sounds like a bunch of entitled Karens spouting one-liners from old movies that only the over 60's remember while still trying to be relevant by name dropping AOC like it's what the "cool kids" do. Please. All aging billionaires do not try assuage their guilt, and the ones that do are usually the biggest hypocrites of all. Gates and Soros included. These producers/writers have bought into their own brand of BS. It's depressing as hell.
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Peaky Blinders: Gold (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
This season? Is this veiled woke?
18 July 2022
We've Vern waiting for this season to get better. Now in episode 3 as Arthur backs down and gets all weepy? Seriously? What the AF? I'm sitting here watching the rest and I'm reviewing it, that should tell you just how frustrating and really "interesting" it is. Highly and not at all respectively. I'm just about ready to quit. So sad. Another series bites the dust.
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Probably should rate it a 5 but...
20 June 2022
I watched the whole thing in about two days. Honestly, it was way too long to cover the material it needed to cover. The acting was good, however, the characters weren't as developed as the should have been for such a long, drawn-out series. Thank God they stopped at 7 instead of trying to make it the usual 8. Andrew Garfield was very believable as Jeb, and if the real-life detective he protrayed was just as tortured, he definitely captured it. Billy Howle did a tremendous job as Allen, the husband of Brenda whom the story revolves around. Her brutal murder exposed problems associated with LDS history, and the church's cover up of members who embarrass it.
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The Staircase (2022)
We're they this unlikeable?
6 June 2022
Not sure exactly how we are supposed to feel about these people. The director certainly doesn't want you to really sympathize. And seriously, when his attorney asks him to "...bring a Bible" he retorts, "Bible? I'd rather bring a f&*%ing Qur'an". What was that for? Actual statement or just a convenient potshot at Christianity? Who knows, but I would think, faced with indictment, he'd just do whatever he was told. Truth is, it's pretty hard to find something decent to watch these days. This? Giving it a 5 because it's just a 5. Not the worst I've seen lately, but definitely a disappointment.
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Outlander: The False Bride (2018)
Season 4, Episode 3
Oh, Bri.....
9 January 2022
The character of Brianna is annoying enough, without having such a poor actress played the part. She's truly awful. Wooden at times, high-school drama at others. As someone else commented, "Poor Roger"...
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The Closer: Road Block (2011)
Season 7, Episode 14
Best episode of the series
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am definitely a "Closer" fan, surprisingly, because I'm not one for network crime series. I find them too predictable. However, The Closer was one that I continued to watch over and over. This episode is the best IMO. It shows how an affluent "alcoholic in denial" is faced with the fact that her addiction turned deadly. Hope all law enforcement handles one of their own this way if they choose to get behind the wheel under the influence. One can only hope.
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And Just Like That...: Diwali (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Each one painful in its own way
9 January 2022
The last episode was really painful. This one was painful for a whole different reason. How about Sarah Jessica Parker should never slip her hair back. It just makes the fact that she is in a mediocre reboot, just that much more hard to watch. I gave it an extra star just for the fact that there was at least a bit more realism in it. #Faceliftconversation.
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And Just Like That...: Tragically Hip (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
9 January 2022
I can't, I just can't. It's more than bad, more than disappointing, more than tragically woke, it's just painful. No direction, no real depth, and no point. Shallow people and shallow relationships at 50.
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New Amsterdam: Radical (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
I'm sad to say goodbye
9 May 2021
Like other viewers here I used to love this show. Now I'm sad because it looks like goodbye. This isn't the only show I'm leaving behind, but it is by far the most egregious of the offenders. This is why. When I watch TV, I need a respite from all the politics and division. There is more to life, and this show used to be about people struggling with illness or injury and the people who helped them. Now it preaches or scolds. I can't change the past-especially a 400-year-old past. Neither can anyone else. We can help people now in the capacity we are capable. That's what this show used to be about. Instead it's turned Max into an immature empty-headed beauty pageant contestant who thinks he can bring world peace and happiness just by appeasing. This mentality is beneath him. It's beneath all of us.
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The Resident: Moving on and Mother Hens (2021)
Season 4, Episode 4
Another show I'll probably dump
26 March 2021
I'm so over the blatant, often saccharine, political correctness. It's either that or hate mongering. I watch TV to forget how divided we've become and how one-sided people's thinking has evolved.
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Vikings: Crossings (2017)
Season 4, Episode 16
Espana raid? Deference?
26 February 2021
The whole episode is not only historically inaccurate in timeline, but implausible that Floki would have such deference to the god of the Muslims if he is so devout. I've never understood why this culture has reverence for some religious things and not others, particularly a hatred for anything Judeo Christian in principle, not realizing that it's those very principles that began spreading value of human life, women as individuals and not chattel, mercy for enemies, caring for the disabled and weak, etc. We didn't just secularly "evolve" nor could the corrupt religious leaders of the church completely poison the message. The reviewers of Vikings are right. It starts to fall apart in the fourth season.
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Save Me (2018–2022)
Should have listened the first time...
28 November 2020
When I first looked up the reviews for the show, I recall the reviews being dismal. However, after watching Line of Duty and Dr. Foster, I came back to look at the reviews again. This time, there were more positive reviews and we decided to give it a go. Although the main characters are superb actors, nothing could save them from the ridiculous, purposeless, and circular writing. Most of the time we were lost, trying to figure out the point of the characters interactions. Given the little character development, you were left guessing on how these people related to each other-something we are still wondering for the most part. It was almost like the story, which is a missing girl, was getting lost in petty disputes and vindictive behavior. And although there were some twists in the final episode, you're baited to watch another season. Not sure that we have the strength or the inclination.
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Gold Digger (2019)
Another COVID time suck
31 October 2020
I would say absolutely don't waste your time on this drama that goes nowhere, but I heard there is a second season, so if you can get through the first one, then maybe you might care to give it go. I watched all of them and was sorry and not sure I care to see what happens next. Too slow, too tedious, builds up only to disappoint.
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Why Didn't so listen?
29 October 2020
Believe the reviews. This was an exercise in futility. A waste of excellent talent on a depressing BS story. Seriously. Cush Jumbo did her best, but there's really no big mystery here; certainly not worth three hours of agony. I know we're all dealing with Covid but find something else to watch.
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Downton Abbey (2019)
5/10 was a lame attempt. Sad really
7 July 2020
Just wasn't up to the original series. Tried too hard to reflect modern norms and values against the social norms if 1927. The writing seemed weak to me and the main story of the visit was improbable at best, ridiculous at worst. Pretty to look at and the actors did their best with the words they were given. Sad to say goodbye. Maybe they could try again?
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Billions: Beg, Bribe, Bully (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
What is Happening???
17 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We were so glad to have Billions back we binge watched the first five episodes. After the first one, we noticed it was a little off. By 5 we are like, WTH? Who is writing this now? Super disappointed. Painful to see "Axe" act like such an ass when dealing with his son's school.
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Hollywood (2020)
Totally disappointed
15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is one I really wanted to like. Right up my alley. The time period in Hollywood (where my grandma grew up and later worked for Bing Crosby) and all that goes with it. New studios. Wannabe actors from everywhere establishing residence to get their big break. A newfound diversity, uniquely found in So. California where I still live. I couldn't get through the first episode. I'm done. Too seedy. Did not care for it at all. Sexual quid pro quo, gay sex for $, manipulation. I'm done. Maybe they threw this all in for shock value to get our attention but they lost mine. If it gets better after this I will never know.
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
Too woke for me....I'm out
22 January 2020
Gave it 4 just because I'm known for being too nice. Honestly, this was just over the top, and not like the original 911. It's not quirky and balanced, it's just painful. Way too diverse to be believable in a half Pollyanna sentimentality and half in a "the world is so mean" way. It tries way too hard. I just can't.
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You lost me at the luggage counter
10 August 2019
Wanted so bad to like this but was only about 10 minutes in and cringing at the scene where Maya is looking for her her bag. Painful. Made nooooo sense. But, I kept watching. It's not getting much better and I'm on episode 3. If you don't expect much, then maybe it's for you, but I think it tries way too hard to be diverse/inclusive and becomes something it's not trying to be. An elitist farce.
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Poldark: Episode #3.9 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
What was with Ross?
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
OK most of it was fine, but the confrontation between the newly formed militia and the villagers? Painful to watch. Trite to say the least laced with PC. Hard to believe.
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