
2 Reviews
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DriverX (2017)
Enjoy the ride!
20 August 2018
Unexpectedly worthwhile film detailing the strengths and strains in a modern-day marriage in a major American city. Patrick Fabian, a favorite from "Better Call Saul" plays Leonard, whose joy in life and his work was the record store he owned for so many years that he feels like he doesn't know how to do anything else. He decides to take a job driving for a new service, and in the course of that, learns more about his city and its inhabitants than maybe he really cares to know. However, he gets into a groove with the job and, though his wife seems to want more, he IS making progress...and friends! Both the lead roles here are extremely nuanced and amazing to watch this husband and wife navigate a difficult time. Funny, touching, an exploration of modern-day life and its joys and obstacles.
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Great overall entertainment
30 August 2015
I hope everyone goes out to see this film when it opens in late September. We were lucky enough to see it in our film club a few weeks ago and it rated the highest of any film we've seen! It's one of those stories anyone can relate to, but its about a young Indian man trying to find his soul mate, who decides to give "arranged marriage, Indian-style" a try. It mostly shows how much alike we all are and the film is hugely funny! There was a Q&A session afterwards with the whole family on Skype and it was nearly as good as the film! The parents are hilarious!! The film was made by their son and his sister, so was a family project and began as footage from a family vacation. What they did with that is amazing! Please go see this and take your family and be prepared for lots of fun!!
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