
13 Reviews
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This Is England '90: Winter (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
Milky is a Coward
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to Milky in the original film was awful. It should never happen to anyone. But to do what he's now done to Combo is cowardly. Combo redeemed himself over and over again, starting when he and Shaun took Milky to the hospital after the initial assault, and leading up to doing time for Lol, and starting his new life helping out those who needed it. I could have understood if Milky had done something himself, but to get his family to do the dirty work is nothing short of cowardly.

I've really enjoyed this series, although I was very late to the party. It was funny, sad, infuriating and depressing all at the same time. A bit like the English summer of four seasons in one day. Just sad it's all over.
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17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because the external locations were filmed in and around Folkestone, where I live. The primary school location is a mere 100 yards from my front door.

I found it all rather cliched and pretty obvious as to who the "baddie" was. I had him figured out when he faked those tears over the footage of his dead wife. Plus he was creepy as hell, even more so than husband #1.

Some of the dialogue was pretty awful too. One scene the police woman asks Beth whether another character said anything to her before he died. Why did the police woman ask that when both women weres present at said character's death. There were other examples, but after watching the whole thing, those have mercifully erased themselves from my brain.

Fun game to play though.....count how many times the police sidekick chap sucks his breath in over his teeth, like a plumber just before he tells you the job's going to cost more than your mortgage.

Having said that I did like the ending. Wife gets shot of both husbands and gets to live in the nice old house by herself.

Basically, it's alright if you want a simple mystery to solve without having to tax yourself too much.
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Seagull (2019)
Finally found this film
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a native Folkestonian, I remember seeing this being filmed back in 2016 (it actually just popped up on my Facebook memories this morning). I'd never found anywhere to view it until today, 7 years later, on a US only streaming site, where I needed a VPN to view it.

Quite why this film has been hidden away from UK viewers I've no idea. Had I not been from the town it was filmed in I never would have known of its existence. What is the point of making a movie if you don't let anyone see it?

The film is good, and dark, and it kept me interested throughout. It does not go in for any explanations however, leaving the viewer to decide for themselves what caused the lives of Janet, her daughters Violet and Rose, granddaughter Lily (Rose's daughter), and partner Jeff to pan out the way they did.

My conclusions were that unbeknownst to Janet & Violet, Jeff was the father of Lily, not the step-grandfather. Violet even accused her sister of sleeping with her (Violet's boyfriend, Conor). Jeff tried to do away with Rose by forcing her to write a goodbye letter to her mother and have her leave the baby with himself and Janet to raise. Then he is shown throwing her off a cliff, which she somehow survives. When Rose returns, after living in a tent on the beach for 8 years, along with her Predator-esque "shoulder demon" (at least that's how I saw him), all sorts of chaos kicks off, and even a massive human poo is left on the roof of Jeff's car!

Rose eventually gets her revenge, or so we assume when we see her drugging her mother, sister and Jeff. She drags Jeff into the kitchen were she undoes his trousers and takes a big knife to his man parts before dialling 999 and leaving the house. You don't see the chopping off, nor the aftermath as the films ends with the sound of distant sirens and Rose seemingly returning to the beach.
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Mr. Sloane (2014)
One series just wasn't enough
19 May 2022
I found this show quite by accident. I was looking to see what other work Brendan Patricks had done other than being Evelyn Napier in Downton Abbey, and found Mr Sloane. The rest of the cast implied it was going to be a good watch, and I wasn't disappointed. What I am disappointed in is that only one series was made.
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Peaky Blinders: The Road to Hell (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
The finale had better be decent
6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So far series 6 has been rather slow and not very interesting. I can't believe what they've done to Arthur. He has become a shadow of the incredible character we had at the start. Is he going to spend the entire six episodes rolling about on the floor doped to the eyeballs?

The American is dreadful. Michael's ghastly wife looks like a silly anime character with those eyes that are too big for her face.

The music is absolutely hideous, and way too loud. I have to keep turning the sound down every time the next screeching female starts howling her way through some horrible song. As for that godawful version of Red Right Hand at the end of Ep 5, what a racket.

The show is missing Helen McCrory so much.

I do love Sir Oswald. I know I shouldn't and he does sometimes make my skin crawl, but Sam Claflin is so attractive and so good at that upper class accent that I often forget he's one of the resident baddies.

I only have the finale left to watch now having watched the first five today. I really hope that it doesn't disappoint.

One thing that is interesting after reading other reviews on here is the seeming lack of knowledge some viewers seem to have of the real life characters from the era. Apparently, some viewers don't realise that Diana Mitford is not fictional. One review on here actually referred to her as "the Nazi groupie". Yes, her character is irritating as hell, but she does have good reason for being in the show, as she was Mosley's second wife. They married in Berlin in 1936, the wedding held at the home of Joseph Goebbels, and Hitler was a guest. It's also worth reading up on the Mitford family. All the daughters had interesting lives, and were the IT girls of the 30s. They also had very differing views. Diana's views, which were mirrored by her sister, Unity, couldn't have been more different to Jessica.
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Cadence (1990)
A Blast From The Past
23 February 2022
The last time I watched this movie I was 19yrs old and a massive Charlie Sheen fan. Today I'm 51, and I have been pleasantly surprised at how this film has stood the test of time. It is still worth watching, and not only for those of us who had the hots for Charlie!
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16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe how dreadful this show is. I'm only part way through the first episode and I'm cringing. It's horrifyingly bad. I'm gonna see Big die and I'm done.
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Starts great, but.....
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 gets a solid 9/10. It's so good. The second season drops to an 8, but season 3 is pushing it at a 5/10. It's not as funny. The parents moving in together is silly. As for Shy Baldwin.....could a man and an entertaininer be more bland? He's no Nat Cole, that's for sure. I'm continuing to watch as I'm pretty invested at this point. On the plus side, the show still looks beautiful.
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18 December 2020
I would have much rather seen a proper biopic of Ma Rainey than this movie version of a play where, with the exception of one chap banging on and on about his shoes, very little actually happens.
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Stan & Ollie (2018)
Coogan and Hardy
21 November 2020
Cannot understand the praise for Coogan. He looked and sounded like Coogan. He always does. How anyone can think that awful "blocked up nasal passages" voice of his can sound like any other person is beyond me. Totally ruined the whole thing for me.
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Paranormal (2020)
I was enjoying this until......
21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Episode Four and the killing of a raped girl by her father simply because she had been raped. It sickens me that people of this culture think that is ok, and clearly they do because there is no attempt to show it as what it is. Murder. This shows stops for me, right here.
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Bird Box (2018)
Pretty good
25 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie. It kept me from looking at my phone for two hours. What I don't understand is the griping from reviewers here that nothing was explained. Why do you need it explained? The characters don't know what the presence is, so why should we? The characters don't know why it happened, so why should we? Ignore the 5 star and under reviews and give the film a chance.
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The Windsors (2016– )
This monarchist loves The Windsors
25 November 2018
Not sure where the idea came from that monarchists would be offended by this show. I'm certainly not. It's funny. Just like Spitting Image was funny. The Yorks are my favourites, especially Fergie with her "freckly bangers".
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