
38 Reviews
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Belle looking for love.
16 November 2021
From the beginning, this short reveal his funny and human side.

The hand drawn animation is spectacular at some moments. It reminded me of the Thief and the Cobbler, and I was right. Real artist have their touch and never fail on their work.

If you liked the cited movie (from the animator of "who framed roger rabbit"), this short will please you.
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a frightfull beauty
14 November 2021
Wow. I'm here to pay my homage to the author of this incredibly well-done short.

The scenes and colors are fantastic. The heavy dramatic feeling is sometimes unbearable, but at the same time, it's a great enjoyable tale.

How couldn't more people know this short? That's a shame really.
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L'eau de rose (2005)
A goosd start...
14 November 2021 go check on another short of the same author: "la révolutions des crabes" (the crabes revolution).

Avoid this one and see the later. It has an original art ant it's hilarious, unlike this movie.
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Walt Disney and other big industries, take some lessons.
11 November 2021
This Enormous animation on the tragedy of Man on our western society is refined by an excellent eastern European narration. It starts on premise of Man (in a religious way) till near future, always putting the dilemmas on how to create/live in a society as an human being... The imagery and narration are really strong, you have to be prepared to read a lot, since the subtitles will fly. It reminds me a lot of russian literature, seeking the true self of the human.

It would be a 10 stars if the movie had been finished. Indeed, the production lasted more than 20 years due to a lack of budgets and the grandiosity of this animation. Even if the whole movie is excellently crafted with surreal and creative art, sometimes the frames are too few. Don't worry, it doesn't get the experience down.
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The Apostle (2012)
It deserves more awareness
10 November 2021
It's a really well done stop-motion animation happening in Galicia, a region of Spain.

The puppets are great, dark and artistic. The whole scenes and landscapes reflects perfectly the region and the atmosphere of terror. It reminds me of some Tim Burton classics. It just should be a little longer with a prolonged end.

If you're a fan of stop-motion animation, turned to adults, I strongly recommend seeing this one.
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A dystopian original movie about how strange can be humans'relationship
7 November 2021
A dystopian original indie movie lets you follow the agoraphobic life of Thomas.

This movie is about humans' relationship lost in a future that is surely going to happen, where big corporations and private health assurances take care and control of your daily life.

People will always seek happiness, even in strange ways like in this incredible (not perfect at all) movie.
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Creepy wolf wants to knock at your door
6 November 2021
You know jaw-dropping is supposed to be an expression... For me it was literal during the whole movie!

I've never seen this kind of stop-motion. The images plus the sound adjust perfectly to the horror and weirdness of this german fairy tales.

It's not perfect on storytelling, but it deserves its 5 stars for me! Just bravo to the team for their work. Amateur of creativity, you have to see this animation!
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How to make war 101
6 November 2021
This movie is so innocent and funny! The main actors are really comedians of their time: simple, hilarious yet charismatic. No one and nothing here is to take seriously (as too many Hollywood or narcissist comedians and actors of today). The theme is dark and the french way of dealing with it is extremely delightful: laugh and gratitude instead of suffering and despair. Some French people learned from the stupid thing that is war and that it is a game of corrupt governments, so they try to live as fully as possible. Fortunately, most of French care about their country and didn't fall on treason of joining the dictatorship of Vichy Government, as an hilarious scene in the movie shows.

By my review, you'll already guess there's a lot of chilchés: french are simple, revolutionaries and fight enjoying life as the Germans just follow orders. But stereotypes are always based on some truth.

Of course, this whole description is about movie. A lot of good soldiers died in both parts, in vain, just for the vanity of their highest superior who always survive. May they rest in peace.
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Saint Maud (2019)
A little boring, but it will haunt you days after
2 November 2021
Most of the movie is drama, not horror. But when the horror part hits, it hits hard. It's a little boring due to its slow pace but it will haunt you days after.
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Vibroboy (1994)
Another cult Movie/short of Jan Kounen!
31 October 2021
Another cult Movie/short of Jan Kounen!

A must see for any fan of art strange cinema. It's an over the top short, very fast pace, creative with an extraordinary cinematography. The 3 actors are unbelievably good and committed.

Be warned, it's as weird as it can get.
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Blood Fest (2018)
Reaaly frustrated with all those fakes reviews here
31 October 2021
This movie is just a huge waste of money... No horror fan will appreciate and forget about the comedy part. All was so dull, I can't understand how people are paid for "creating" such things. Even the actors were really bad. The only part of the movie good enough was the visuals in some scenes.

There's no way anyone could review this movie in a good way, it's frustrating to see imdb full of fakers.
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Ghost World (2001)
Too much "fake" (maybe) reviewers paising on Scarlett Johannsen! The rest is fantastic.
15 October 2021
A really nice drama/comedy if you endure the first 15 minutes, where two highschool girls are unbearable.

After that, The story and human relationship start to appear. You also understand that it's only Scarlett Johannsen that is boring as hell. Some praise her acting, but don't be fooled, she's just dull, and her role t in the movie doesn't help at all. I will not spoiled the movie, so I will just say that the real main actress Thora Birch is great, so interesting and actually so full of life. She's lost in this world because she doesn't accept to be formatted and want to enjoy passion. That's not an easy task, but she tries.

Steve Buscemi is excellent as usual in an almost as interesting role as Thora Birch, and he's not the only one.

You will feel more than you'll laugh.

A last comment, this movie made me discover an hell of a music, Devil got my Woman by Skip James.

Thanks a lot for that and for the movie of course.
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You will feel it...
15 October 2021
Be careful, some real life places, people and murders are not as beautiful as your neighborhood or Hollywood movies.

This movie is hard to watch, but not in the sense of franchising like Saw, where they show everything. Actors are fantastic in their role. Big up for the Make up artists!

It could be a cult movie with a little more editing maybe.
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Tank Girl (1995)
Could be very good
13 October 2021
It could be very enjoyable....but fails on many levels , mainly editing, despite a lot of good things (evil corporation and even more evil McDowell, creativity and crazy comic drawn moments). I do like comics and surrealism, but the main actress is too cringy for me and the "man-kangurus" were too childish in comparison with the rest of the movie.

If you like the main actress and the genre, you'll surely like the movie.
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See it, maybe you'll enjoy it more than me.
13 October 2021
It's a kind of movie that I can't say I enjoyed it a lot, but I recommend it anyway.

There's a lot of great things in it: the cast and their acting, the director, Natasha Lyonne delivers a sensational role, real human life with real struggles and battles without embellishing it, boobs, family union above all, society problems tackled without judgement, boobs.

There's something missing for me, the editing maybe or maybe it's because I've seen it just now instead of 1998, but I repeat: I recommend it.
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Lady Dynamite (2016–2017)
1st season is a wonderfull ride on surrealist humor. Run away from 2nd season.
10 October 2021
It's difficult to rate shows like this because it followed a tendency that so many other shows have done, but quicker than other ever.

Season 1 and 2 are completely different. The 1st is completely mad and Maria, the main actress, stays on the border of "cringiness". It tackles some subjects caricaturing them with an open mind and never entering the "I'm offended by what you say" zone. Fun is the main motor of this season.

Now, season 2 is exactly the opposite... No more fun, cringy a lot, don't touch sensitive subjects, surreal is gone!

So, another show bite the dust, but I recommend you strongly to watch season 1, if you bear Maria.
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Black-ish (2014–2022)
Good satire, despite a very weak female cast, that drops off completely
16 September 2021
This show is mainly based on two things: racism (in a funny way) and family.

The first season was kind of refreshing and dare to go on the racism field in a funny way. Unfortunately, they've lost their boldness with time and I don't even understand why they kept the show going as a "comedy".

Finally, but certainly mainly, I find that the female characters are utterly overacting and unfunny (except for the oldest daughter, that doesn't even try to be funny). Rainbow, the ugly wife they tried so hard to make us believe she's hot, has absolutely nothing to bring to a comedy, she's just cringe and only love to brag about the fact she's a Doctor. They killed the show since the first episode. The guys however are as racist but in a dumb and very funny way.

Avoid this show absolutely. If you like black satire and empowerment, take a look at the Boondocks for example.
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Radius (2017)
Good concept... Not a good movie
30 March 2021
This movie could have given me a good moment but it has too many problems. Some low budget movies can be saved by good acting, like Uncanny for example, but is not appreciable at all here. The main actor is the kind you see in cliché horror movies: an alpha male who seems to have so much certitudes without questioning things; others have to obey to him. They tried to make him non linear by adding some human feelings badly expressed. The main reason of the premise of the movie is not explained, but a little twist at the end gives you some pleasure. I will not spoil more.

Overall, this movie is not bad, but certainly not good. Try other great Indie or low budget movies that are much more interesting instead of this one.
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Mulan (2020)
Disney kneeling on chinese comunist party...for money again
15 September 2020
How can I say it... Disney died a long time ago, when they start only caring about money. It's such a disappointment for this firm that made our youth so happy and colorful. They got rid off their best artist, best workers, etc just to please their shareholders and completely abandon their loyal viewers... They fix almost all their resources on fraudulent marketing now, because manipulation works. Their last movies are just....bad, lazy and deceitful. Mulan follows this rule, trying to milk the cash cow again releasing a movie totally different from the original, but kept the title just to fill cinemas. Original characters are gone, best stories, best human moments and jokes are gone, everything is gone and they replace it with something without any soul. Is it to please Chinese Government? This is the last Disney shamefully abuse me!
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Permalink (2016)
Big iphone Ad...When money talks louder than talent
3 September 2020
The crew of this movie was wonderful when they didn't have mainstream success. They were original and hilarious. See Babysitting. Since then, apart from the movie "Nicky Larson" that was great but maybe mainly because of the nostalgia, they just do movies after movies trying to get the art they once had. It happens when genuine people get rich too quick I guess... Now they just want to show off, invite the most inexpensive and once famous guys in their movie to do as mainstream industry does and lost almost all their genuine comedy talent (a lot of scenes describe that, but one in the first part of the movie resume everything: the main actor and director dance with ridiculous glasses in an old music miming slapstick comedy, but showing every muscle he can...). If they could show more iphones on the first plan, I'm sure they would. Finally, Almost all jokes are recycled... Don't get me wrong, there is moment where you're gonna laugh, mainly if you've never seen one of their movies. For me, the crew lost themselves on too much champagne. I rate it 5 because I'm confident that if you don't know the crew, you will enjoy this title more than me.
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Babysitting 2 (2015)
Once great, now they care only about the money
3 September 2020
The first Babysitting was really good: a lot of genuine and loud laugh, great and unique story, great humanity, no one taking themselves seriously, etc... The perfect french comedy of the old times with a new and young approach.... Take all that, put the opposite words and you have the description of babysitting 2... This one was for sure approached by big producers who just care about their money, or simply the actors lost their magic in their champagne... Don't worry, you'll have some laugh sometimes, but mostly cringe moments if you've seen the first Movie. Shame on everyone who ripped off the once great Babysitting.
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Midsommar (2019)
I hate you Ari Aster!
17 August 2020
I was in shock when I finish the first movie of Ari Aster, Heridetary. It immediately got in the front of my top horror movie list and it felt so good to see that genius people still know how to reinvent horror movies and reach the top as "the exorcist" did at his time. Midsommar is in from another genre, nonetheless Ari Aster create another masterpiece! Bravo to him and his team! I hate Midsommar since the beginning, in a good way of course. It doesn't happen much but everything is made with an incredible intensity and will makes you uncomfortable. Art and camera work are so nicely done and participate perfectly in putting you in an absurd contrast. Please be warned that this movie is really intense, slow paced and don't treat you well at all! You know what is going to happen, but you will be shocked anyway, that's how good this movie is made. Don't expect jump scares or free gore, or nothing free at all. All parts have meaning. It's all very human and avant-garde, as the Swedish are, but in the worst possible way.
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American Big Studios and the art of milking once good franchise
15 August 2020
I'm quite fed up to be deluded by american studios that spend huge amount of money on marketing and false reviews... This movie has nothing good except the great animation. I'm quite sure that the artist were underpaid, as usual. It surfs as usual on our nostalgie and love for the once great game. The characters are boring and so caricatural. The story is inexistant, or should I said, always the same. The fast pace of this movie is certainly done to spend the lesser money possible and it ruined any scene. Maybe it's good for the "new generation" that have an attention span of 3 seconds. Yes, there is some good violence and fatalities scenes, thanks to the good animators, but it looks like Warner Bros add them one after another just....because it's Mortal Kombat. As usual, big american studio never stay on a position, they try to reach the larger audience possible. They must put stupid one liners, "good looking" caracters, army things, the most caricatural caracters to avoid sending money on building a real story, etc. I would grade this piece of crap a 2 or 3, but I put it a 5 for the work of the animators, the only real artist here. Most of the reviews must be fake, or they are from people who never played the dark Mortal Kombat and for sure, from people who never saw the great animation from Japan, Europe, etc. Don't fall on the Warner Bros marketing trap as I did.
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White as Snow (2019)
Great Tale and excellent actors...Wasted
12 June 2020
Everybody knows the tale, and some writer have made wonderful work with it: Some innovative, some sweet, some captivating... This version has nothing to bring to us. There are formidable actors like Vincent Macaigne, Benoît Poelvoorde (this two reach are the only good work about the movie) and Isabelle Huppert (she couldn't do much I think since her role is without any emotion or extravagance), and the director fault in creating something. The only thing that kept me seeing the movie till the end is the actress Lou de Laâge, not for her work that was poorly executed (maybe because of the director, I don't know), but because of her naked (I'm a simple man) and to see if she had sex with all the "seven dwarves". It's not the best compliment we can do to an actress or a movie... She's beautiful but never expressed the "purity" that everyone talks about on the movie. The sex scenes are there without bringing any intensity or something new to the plot or characters. It could have so much passion, emotions, etc, but nothing there... This movie could be great on so many levels, it fails on everything unfortunately.
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Thank Samuel Benchetrit!
30 May 2020
Despite this movie last 1h40, it ends so quickly... I would like to follow this tenderness limbo so much more... I read the books "Chroniques de l'Asphalte", and the style and truthness of simple people is all here in this movie. I think the stories are quite different, so I really hope Samuel does another "sequel", like he did with his books. Hollywood usually bet on extraordinary people, Samuel bet on real ones, simple moments where the true magic of life appear. Too many people, me included, forget what is love, human and share themselves instead of copying others. Suburbs are beautiful, that's the part the director choose to screen, and I can't express my admiration enough! Thanks also to the whole team, the actors who were great for accomplishing such a "normal" and tender movie! Be aware that there is no exaggeration, pretension or stereotypes in it, only some strange events that participate in the magic of life.
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