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What If... the Holidays Turned Heroic: A Christmas Adventure
26 December 2023
This Christmas episode of "What If..." truly stands out as a highlight of season 2, offering an engaging plot brimming with very well-crafted action sequences. The narrative unfolds with a festive spirit that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish, making it an exemplary installment in the series. It's a well-balanced mix of humor, action and the classic "What If..." inventiveness. Overall, this episode is a delightful treat for fans and encapsulating all the wonder and joy of Christmas while maintaining the creative standards of storytelling and character development expected from the show.
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Titans: Titans Forever (2023)
Season 4, Episode 12
The end of a show that could have been much more
12 May 2023
Mixed emotions. It's the end of the journey.

That's the first thing I have to say to describe this final episode.

If i look back, and I say It was worth it?

At times yes, and a lot. The show had great moments.

But I also have the feeling that the show could have been much more. Great characters and costumes. The script had ups and downs and there will be the key to everything.

The final season gifted us with just a few great moments. I would have wanted more of those moments.

But let's rescue the great episodes of the previous seasons, to say that it was worth getting here.

Thanks for everything Titans!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
What we have waited for years is here.
19 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Mandalorian is an excellent Show and has had a brilliant season finale. Since the arrival of the X-Wing, the episode reaches another dimension. From that point we see the version of Luke Skywalker that we have waited for years. A Jedi Master with great control of strength and agility in the fight. And the moment Luke shows his face, we see Mark Hamill again. At that moment the series touches our heart. The farewell between Grogu and Din Djarin is a huge emotional moment.

Thanks The Mandalorian. Thanks Luke Skywalker.

We have been waiting for you for decades.
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Intense, dramatic and shocking
17 October 2020
An episode that grows between drama, love and evocation.

The intensity of pain and suffering can be felt on our own skin.

All the shadows come to us and suffering is inevitable.

Narrated and interpreted in an extraordinary way it is the best episode of the show.
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Black Mirror: White Christmas (2014)
Season 2, Episode 4
The best episode so far
5 October 2020
If searching for the concept of blowing your mind, it should be linked to this episode. It is the purest essence of Black Mirror.

This is a story that leaves you thinking deeply about how we behave and how our own essential is, beyond technology.

Who are we? What are we? Are we copies of ourselves? What would our behavior be in that case?

All those questions (and more) will be bouncing around in our heads after this episode.
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Stargirl: Brainwave Jr. (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Intense and shocking
23 July 2020
Maybe best episode of the season. Love story, very good action, revelations, and intense family ties.

The climax of the episode is intense, emotional and shocking.

I hope the season continues to grow like this.
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Dark: Das Paradies (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Beautiful ending full of light and darkness
2 July 2020
Wow. A final that leaves us feeling of peace and sadness. An episode full of sensations and revelations, in which we can feel love and light in the dark. The dark series has ended. And I can say that it is one of the best TV shows of all time.
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Dark: Zwischen der Zeit (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
All chess pieces located
2 July 2020
It is an emotional episode. The characters face their destiny. And in many cases it is a dark fate. A chapter full of answers. We went a long way to get here and now we understand much more. But there is still a sea to know. For its power it could work as an ending. But there are still questions to answer.
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Dark: Licht und Schatten (2020)
Season 3, Episode 6
Pain and tears
1 July 2020
The pain grow across the episode, across the characters. Tears covers every little shadow. The lights are gone. Now everything is dark, in every shade.
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Dark: Leben und Tod (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
Powerful and shocking episode
30 June 2020
Just Wow! I am shocked This is dark in its full splendor of darkness.

This episode immerses us in the maximum degree of darkness of the characters and how they got there.

A chapter with unexpected twists that leave us full of darkness...
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Dark: Deja-vu (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Another dark world
28 June 2020
The promise of the previous season finale was manifested in a new dark world. As real and dark as the first. It immerses us in a new season that promises to take our breath away. With Deajav-vu we already saw everything. It opens the door to a final season that promises to impact us.
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Another change in the timeline (and cast)
13 March 2020
I love Terminator & Terminator II and this movie is not bad. This film brings a big change in the story (again) and in the cast (except for the eternal Arnold).

However, the plot maintains the idea of avoiding the rise of artificial intelligence and survive.

The story has twists and turns and good action.
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Funny Episode
12 March 2020
I must say that Damien Darhk is not my favorite character, but in this episode he works very well.

I really liked the sense of humor in this episode. It has the touch of the Leyends. But it also incorporates interesting things.

This is the Way
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The Flash: Death of the Speed Force (2020)
Season 6, Episode 14
Very good episode. The season continues to increase its level
12 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wally's return has been very good news for the show. A more mature and mystical Wally.

The death of the force of speed confronts Barry and Wally. But then they go back to that relationship that binds them together.

The return of Eobard Thawne in the body of Nash Wells and the confrontation with Cisco is great.

The end of the episode leaves us with many roads open. Will they create a new force of speed? What happened to Camilla? Will Eobard Thawne get his revenge?

Many questions. Now the season is on its way
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Batwoman: Grinning from Ear to Ear (2020)
Season 1, Episode 14
Batwoman in love
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The episode begins by introducing us to a new villain and telling us the effects of the love story between Batwoman and Sophie. The situation between Batwoman and Sophie will be a central part of the episode. Sophie's mother also appears on the scene and the conflict is presented to us. She does not accept Sophie's choice. Thanks to Duela, Alice has her chance with Dr. Ethan Campbell. For his part, Jacob Kane faces a complex situation.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Funny movie but not better than previous stories
9 March 2020
The Toy Story movies are an excellent saga. The third part is probably one of the best animated films of all time. And maybe that's the problem for the fourth part. The ending of Toy Story 3 is perfect. It was hard to think of a sequel.

I mean, Toy Stoy 4 is a fun movie with a lot of action. There are good new characters, like Duke Caboom (Keanu Reeves). But with all the good stuff, he doesn't get the emotional level of Toy Story 3.

Woody is central to this film. But at times we miss the Woody from the previous films. Some characters, like Buzz, play a humorous role. But only at times do they get their best version.

In short: good film, excellent quality of animation, very good moments of humor, but you will miss the emotion of the previous parts.
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The Witcher: Much More (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
The roads finally come together
7 March 2020
Very good end of season. Many things are explained. Other things are pending for next season. It's a finish that gives us a good taste in the mouth. And we want to see more in the next season.

We can know the destiny of Geralt of Rivia and how it ties in with all the other characters.

Powerful end of season. With good action.
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The Irishman (2019)
Scorsese in its purest form
6 March 2020
This film is 100% Scorsese. In this film we can see all the good things about this great filmmaker. The film follows the Casino & Goodfellas line.

Robert De Niro returns to a leading role to suit him. Al Pacino and Joe Pesci get to play great roles.

The three hours of film flow very well. The plot is entertaining and introduces us to the world that Martin wants to show us.

Goodfellas is possibly Scorsese's best film in this genre. But The Irishman can be enjoyed.
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Westworld: The Bicameral Mind (2016)
Season 1, Episode 10
Powerful and poetic ending
6 March 2020
Beautiful Science fiction serie, with a great end of first season. It's been a wonderful journey from the first episode to here. Here we have witnessed the end of a wonderful symphony. Applause for Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan.

Special Mention: Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Robert Ford plays one of his best roles in his carreer. In this episode Anthony Hopkins is absolutely great.
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Her (2013)
Can you fall in love with an operating system?
5 March 2020
Her is a Beautiflul movie of love. Modern Love. Technological love. Joaquin Phoenix gives us a great performance. Scarlett Johansson shows us that she can make us fall in love just by hearing her voice. She is wonderful in this film. And she gets extraordinary connection with Phoenix.

Can you fall in love with an operating system? Yes, If she is Scarlett Johansson.
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I love this movie. One of the best 80s comedies
5 March 2020
John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd make up some of the best comic moments of the screen of the 80s. The Music in this movie es a key and is perfect for the plot. Big stars like Aretha Franklin and James Brown (and all Stars) give a special touch to the film. All the cameos are great. An Carrie Fisher plays a very different role than we know her and she does it really well.

A cult film that offers us action, adventure and great humor.

Jake and Elwood Blues are great chararacters and this movie proves it.
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Inception (2010)
After this movie your dreams won't be the same
5 March 2020
Christopher Nolan is one of the greatest directors of this century. He offers us a film that blows our minds. Inception is perfect in every way: script, actors, direction and special effects on a superlative level. The film has iconic moments for the history of science fiction cinema. It is a work that leaves the audience thinking and needing to see it again to understand each layer of what makes up the film. Magnificent, powerful and with intense action. You can't imagine anything bigger. Thank you Christopher Nolan for Inception, it's one of my favorite movies of all time.
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Jesse + Céline = Modern Love
5 March 2020
This movie is so beautiful. Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline (Julie Delpy) has a magnetic connection. The idea is simple: a man and a woman meet on a train and spend a night together, which they will never forget. The film is minimalist in concept. But the dialogues are great. The landscapes make you fall in love. They show a beautiful Europe.
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Dracula: The Dark Compass (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first two episodes were very good (the first was the best). But this episode threw everything away. The cliffhanger from the previous episode had potential. But in a few minutes everything went bad. It's a shame, a show with a lot of potential went down in the end. It's hard to understand why the writers chose this plot twist to close the story. I mean, Dracula in the present had potential but I don't think this way. I didn't like the way they treated iconic characters like Lucy. Mina and Jonathan were missing. And the essence of the Dracula we saw in the first episode vanished into a failed plot. The episode that is furthest from the book of Stoker.
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Arrow: Reset (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Arrow meets Groundhog Day
5 March 2020
The old trick of using the time loop to tell us a story. But it still works. And in this episode it works very well. The return of Quentin Lance is the key. And the redemption of Black Siren is important to leave her past behind. This episode leaves us as a lesson that it is necessary to step forward and face destiny.
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