
2 Reviews
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Like an "Adult" movie, without the adult bits.
5 March 2015
Honestly, I try to give films a chance and an open mind. I'm really not picky and have a great collection of cheesy TV disaster movies.

But when I go to watch a disaster movie, it's because I assume the disaster happens in the film, not the the film itself is the disaster. It really is that bad! I gave this 1 star because A: some of the actors did make quite a good effort in places, and B: I can't give it zero stars, so I had to find something to justify one star.

The 2nd star is for how real some of the stuff looked. Specifically, the boobs. Oh, and a fair few pretty ladies that they belonged to. Probably the only thing that I could entice people with to watch this to the end.

If you don't like pretty girls, (some with glasses, great!), or boobs, you have absolutely no reason to watch this. In fact, if you bought this, or just watched it by accident, or were forced to watch it, I would see if there is a clause in your life insurance that allows you to claim for the hour and a half of your life that you will never get back.
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Well *I* liked it!
28 February 2015
This film was exactly what it was meant to be.

It's not about rape, porn, or violence.

Just a story about two opposites being attracted to each other and trying to make it work. As far as film adaptations from books go, I thought it was done quite well in the limited time of a film.

Fascinating, erotic, sad, quirky.

It has a bit of everything really, but not quite enough of any of it. As if a whole series has been condensed into one episode. Although hopefully, if the other books make it to film, the story won't seem as incomplete.

You either "get it" or you won't. In which case you probably won't like the film.
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