
1 Review
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The Last Road (2012)
the last road
27 February 2015
If you are looking for strange as well as unique then you have come to the right place,the last road is on its own,there are plenty of twists and turns that i never saw coming,it is for me the epitome of what a cult movie is supposed to be if that was the direction it was meant to go that is.I thought the performances were outstanding especially the lead actor Aaron long who played toby,expressed so many different emotions allegedly it was his first film,if so then he has a fine career ahead of him.Others i liked wwas the man in the shed,The old dude richardson and the driver of the car,think her name in the film was Edith if i remember right.tHE last road isn't clichéd and is done in a very clever way,that culminates in the perfect ending well that's what i thought anyway,pulling on the heart strings,if you haven't seen it yet you will see what im getting at.Along with this the photography in certain scenes were chilling,the negatives for me that it could of been a bit more clearer in what its trying to say and could of been a bit more lighter in places,also didn't get enough of the story behind the girl who couldn't talk and larks as to why they were also in purgatory? If your looking for an easy watch then the last road will probably not cater to you,its a film that falls into the select audience category. If you like your weird and wonderful then the last road is for you without a doubt.
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